
AOC wins bingo on Twitter: “What angers me about the GOP’s attempts to turn the United States into a far-right Christian theocracy is how dishonest they are about it. At least be forthright about your desire to subvert and dismantle our democracy into a creepy theological order led by a mad king.” She nailed the essence of the RepibliKKKlan party! They want a far-right Christian theocracy led by a king. Full stop. I make no apologies or any exceptions for this broad whitewashing of a party because it’s true. Every RepubliKKKlan has at least some desire for a party that wants more of their definition of control over people and less democracy. It is by definition and the nature of conservatism that attracts and drives people who choose to be affiliated with the RepubliKKKlan party. I am tired of dumbass Democrats holding people in the RepubliKKKlan party faultless for the company with whom they choose to associate. Dumbass Democrats usually qualify their criticism of the party as people misguided with good intentions or not understanding the subtleties of democracy (e.g., the need to compromise) or the importance of having an opposition of opinions and perspectives to help govern. Once again and always, dumbass Democrats fail to understand the true objectives of RepubliKKKlans.