
Salon’s Amanda Marcotte begins her brilliant article thusly, “First things first: Donald Trump is not going to ‘pivot.’ Yes, on Tuesday he stood at a podium and, in stiff and sulky fashion, said words that, as written, were relatively serious and realistic. He admitted the coronavirus pandemic will ‘get worse before it gets better.’ He also claimed that his administration is ‘developing a strategy’ to combat the pandemic, after months of foisting it off on the states and then lambasting any state that tried to take serious measures, while rewarding governors who pushed to reopen businesses and damn the consequences. He said he’d wear a mask now, after months of implying that only soy-boys and wieners wear masks. These are all words that Trump said. But they don’t mean anything. As Dan Rather sagely observed on Twitter, Trump ‘does not pivot’ and whatever temporary behavior we see on display, he will always, always, always revert to being ‘who he is, and always has been,’ which is to say a rancid monster with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Unfortunately, much of the media coverage gave an entirely different impression, presenting Trump’s performance at Tuesday’s press briefing as if it represented a real shift, and seeding the absolutely false hope that Trump might actually start doing something to fight the coronavirus, instead of acting like the coronavirus’s biggest champion.”

I love her. So few people truly understand traitor trump and are smart enough never to take his bait no matter what. Now, if only the MSM would get a clue. Ugh. So many stupid people. Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people.