Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! And Bingoooo!

A Salon article opens with, “As I’ve watched the Trump era unfold, I have generally assumed that most elected Republicans were just cowards who hoped the Democrats would save them from the unpleasantness of reining Trump in. They could let the Democrats get rid of Trump in 2020 and then, after the smoke had cleared and his followers had licked their wounds and moved on, they could pretend that everything that had happened was all Trump’s fault. They could then return to playing the role of moral arbiters and upright patriots, which they spent years selling to the public, and hope that nobody remembered what sniveling invertebrates they really are. It turns out they aren’t cowards at all. They are craven opportunists who have observed the way Trump has exposed the weaknesses in our system and showed them how liberating the simple act of blatant shamelessness can be. They see how easily power can be seized, and that if the opponent doesn’t have a countervailing institutional strength, there is nothing to stop them from keeping it.”

I swear to God. I should be writing political articles professionally because much of what I review mirrors my thoughts but the articles are months and years behind my own conclusions. This Salon article is a perfect case in point! Of course, anyone with a brain could see that traitor trump is the long-awaited dictator of which RepubliKKKlans have dreamed. Make no mistake, f***tards! RepubliKKKlans have always been a party of autocrats. They believe not in the principles of America! Not in individualism in the democratic sense. Not in small government as they just love to claim. Not in protecting individual rights, least of all minority rights, which of course is the entire reason for the existence of the Constitution — a document that protects the minority from tyranny by the majority. Instead, we live in the opposite world wherein the majority is at the mercy of the minority. RepubliKKKlans believe in their version of a tyrannical government, which is to reign as dictators over everyone in their conservative right-wing nutjob image. They want to rule over women’s bodies and people’s love. They would rather let people die in the name of corporate profits. They want to legalize and protect discrimination in the name of religious freedom and the First Amendment, and so on and so on. Traitor trump showed the RepubliKKKlan Party that which they only dared to imagine, but now he has shown them the way and they’re all in, without question and without hesitation.

The conventional wisdom of moronic commentators, idiot political pundits, and the lame MSM is that RepubliKKKlans fear traitor trump, which is why RepubliKKKlan politicians rarely — if ever — firmly stand up against or criticize the Moron-in-Chief. WTF! Uh, no, f***tards! RepubliKKKlans don’t fear traitor trump; they admire him. But RepubliKKKlans can’t very well come out as being full-on dictator-lovers (yet), lest they truly fire up the ire and retribution of Independents and the Democratic base at the ballot box. Never fear, though! Soon enough RepubliKKKlans will come to understand that they have nothing to fear. Independents don’t seem to care and dumbass Democrats are feckless in the best of times. There is a reason why democracies “slide” into dictatorships. It is a slow process of a dumbing down of the citizenry who don’t understand civics coupled with the emergence of the insidious Big Lie that confuses an already moronic electorate to the point where voters give up because democracy “is too hard.” When an apathetic nation stops caring about their votes then dictators and their enabling political party will slowly and subtly (and not so subtly) consolidate power that will be impossible to reverse! Mark my words, morons!

Whatever! None of this matters. Nothing matters anymore because I live in stupid hell. RepubliKKKlans don’t want to stop traitor trump and dumbass Democrats are too weak (and don’t care) to fight back. So, get ready for four more years! I live in stupid hell! All stupid, all the time! Welcome to stupid America!