Black and Latino Men and Palastinian Sympathizers Are Going to Elect Traitor [T]rump

To be sure, Harris is trailing among most demographics compared to Biden in 2020, but it seems to me that Black and Latino men, with whom the force of misogyny is strong, my young padawan, will gladly risk their futures by not voting for Harris. Add to that Muslims and other Palestinian sympathizers, and you get a segment of the population that will vote against their own best interest to elect traitor trump and, in so doing, end our democracy. Furthermore, these people will get everything that befalls them in a traitor trump administration. They will deserve it, and honestly, I hope they get everything they “voted” for — in spades. Put a white nationalist in the White House. Fine! Good luck with that. Talk about giving a permission structure to those who will now feel emboldened to be a bigot and racist openly and proudly. Thank God I can fly under the radar, but when Southern Whites suddenly feel justified in their actions against Blacks and Latinos because traitor trump is president, then oh well to them. I will have no sympathy. People get the government they deserve and desire. What the f*** would these people have expected by voting for traitor trump or by sitting on the couch, doing nothing?

Let the deportations of Latinos commence! And I say Lanitos generally, not “illegals,” because these f***ards are about to find out that traitor trump and Whites make no distinction when they start rounding these people up. If you’re a natural-born or naturalized citizen, you can try to prove that after they drop you off in a foreign country. You people better get a passport and carry your papers with you everywhere you go because that’s the country you’re willingly creating by electing traitor trump.

And fine! Let the Muslim bans return. I genuinely don’t care about this policy. Although I’m against such actions because it’s un-American, if that’s what traitor trump puts in place (again, mind you f***tards), then so be it. And when traitor trump gives Bibi a blank check to do whatever he wants in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon, then, again, oh well. Don’t come running to me whining that traitor trump has been worse for Palestinians. This is not difficult to apprehend. (Well, I guess it is mentally challenging for these people to foresee the consequences of not voting for Harris.) In a race where margins will decide the winner, these voters on the margins cannot afford to waste their vote on a protest vote, yet they will. They’re going to f*** around with our democracy and find out. Again, this sh*t-for-brains country gets the government it deserves and desires. Welcome to stupid America! We’ve learned nothing.