Blame Putin and Russians*

Blame Putin and actual Russians for an illegal war on Ukraine, higher gas prices, higher food prices, and global instability. As if the pandemic over the last two years has not been a global burden, Putin and every Russian individual who gives Putin political life — which is basically everyone — has exacerbated world crises everywhere and at every level!

As the BBC reports, “The war has cut off supplies from the world’s biggest exporter of sunflower oil which means the costs of alternatives have also climbed. Ukraine is also a major producer of cereals such as maize and wheat which have risen sharply in price too. The UN said ‘war in the Black Sea region spread shocks through markets for staple grains and vegetable oils.’” And according to Bloomberg, “Oil prices have skyrocketed, with Brent crude approaching $120 earlier Thursday as traders shun Russian oil after Moscow invaded Ukraine. U.S. President Joe Biden is facing calls to ban Russian imports of energy but so far has not imposed full blown sanctions on oil. Currently, 66% of Russian oil is struggling to find buyers, JP Morgan analysts including Natasha Kaneva said in the note.”

Putin and Russians are creating a f***ing G.D. worldwide disaster. Thanks, a**holes, for making everyone’s lives more miserable than it has to be, especially during a pandemic, which is far from being over. Putin sucks. Russia sucks. Russians suck. They have always been our enemies — enemies to the West and enemies to democracy. They were never going to be our friends or even frenemies. The world should treat them as such. Russians had the opportunity to reshape their country after the fall of the U.S.S.R., and they chose to return to a pariah state. Time to destroy Russia and put an end to this rogue nation and its rogue culture. You can’t have an entire nation of individuals who don’t want to be a part of the world of nations be a nation. Perhaps it is time to make Russia a satellite state of the EU since they can’t seem to govern themselves without terrorizing the rest of the world! Nations come to end; history is littered with them. It is Russia’s time.

*Normally, I would find individual Russians blameless for the actions of their government, especially under a dictatorship, but I am feeling far less gracious lately.