Boogaloo Bois: American Exceptionalism (Exceptionally Stupid)

From the BBC, “A US Air Force sergeant with links to the far-right Boogaloo Bois movement has been charged with the murder of a federal security officer in California, the FBI says. … Adherents of the loose grouping known as Boogaloo Bois, which some liken to a militia, are anti-government and often carry assault weapons.” Congratulations trump stupid America! Congratulations to the citizens of the dumbest m*****f***ing G.D. country on the face of the planet. This is what we get when morons meet the First Amendment meet the Second Amendment. Only in stupid America do we freely allow delusional f***tards to own and walk around with assault rifles because, why not? If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times: this level of abject stupidity is a cancer on society and America cannot — should not — live with such a disease invading and corrupting humanity. Oh, but who am I kidding? No one cares. More people than ever are buying guns. SCOTUS essentially thinks anyone and everyone should own whatever gun they want and be able to conceal it. Hello, f***tards! It’s all too late. Welcome to stupid America. We are in full-on reaping what we have sown mode! The stupidity is endless and pervasive and completely embodied in the election of traitor trump because, why not? Wake up f***tards of America! A minority of wackos are running and ruining the country!