Bravo, John Nichols! Bravo!

He writes in The Nation, “Despite what Clinton and Obama say, Biden’s current list of accomplishments won’t cut it. … There’s just one problem: It doesn’t work. … The Democratic message should be blunt: If we lose Congress, Republicans will make Biden the lamest lame-duck president in history. And if we lose the statehouses, Donald Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ will be codified just in time to tip the 2024 presidential election to Trump or someone worse. Instead of a feel-good ‘touting accomplishments’ campaign, Democrats should rip into the GOP with a warning that America’s future is at stake. Because it is.”

This is excellent advice that dumbass Democrats will ignore because they’re weak and stupid. I say it almost as much as I disparage RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. The strategy Nichols proposes is straightforward. And it preys upon the one emotion that may best motivate Democratic voters: Fear. But not fear that will subdue voters as being too overwhelmed or a fear that cedes power to RepubliKKKlans. No! This needs to be proactive fear — proactive in that it motivates citizens to vote for Democrats, not just abstain or vote against them.

Unfortunately, as I have said countless times before, dumbass Democrats wrongly trust voters to “figure things out” on their own, which is why they like to talk about all their legislative accomplishments. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! If voters actually believed Democrats’ achievements to date were worth anything, then their poll numbers would not be underwater. Stop expecting a stupid electorate to suddenly recognize what Democrats have done or are trying to do with limited — yes, limited — power as being politically advantageous. Democrats keep talking about their messaging problem (failure). I say messaging their legislative success is a waste of time. The topic is too insipid for voters. Dumbass Democrats should be campaigning on a message of the utter destruction of America’s democracy if Biden is allowed to become a lame-duck president in January. Maybe the average moron voter could understand one hyper-focused message, assuming Americans still want to live in a democracy. It is undoubtedly more catchy than “we got you through the pandemic, and unemployment is low.” These are concepts and accomplishments that Americans have already flushed down their short-term memory hole. Eh, who am I kidding? Dumbass Democrats are completely feckless at playing politics and are completely unwilling to be ruthless. As Nichols said in his piece, Democrats keep playing a losing political strategy. Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!