Bravo, Mellman! Bravo!

From The Hill, “After four years of Donald Trump’s severe intellectual and emotional impairments on daily display; after the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and the beginning of a ‘racial reckoning’; after Trump fought to take health care away from millions; after majorities acknowledged Trump was a serial liar and a racist who put himself first and didn’t care about people; after impeachment, COVID-19, a quarter million dead, an economy reeling; and after a $14 billion campaign, precious little changed. A lot more people voted, but they didn’t vote very differently. Trump’s share of the popular vote actually inched up 1 point over 2016, while Joe Biden improved on Hillary Clinton’s percentage by 2.9 points, with support for third parties obviously receding. Biden’s popular vote lead increased by less than 2 points over Clinton’s, though the gains were well located, yielding an electoral vote landslide for the president-elect [emphasis added].”

Very well said and precisely what I have been saying for well over a year, except that I was less confident (had no confidence actually) that Biden votes would be “well located” enough to win the Electoral College — and technically as of this writing, Biden has not won the Electoral College yet! Thankfully, I was wrong in my prediction, but some of the essence of what I’ve been espousing is more true now than ever, namely, traitor trump is the Everyman of America and we are not getting rid of him, MAGA morons, trumpism, or the RepubliKKKlan Party. Mellman is right. Nothing’s changed and I have said that many times before just as plainly. Pundits, political analysts, dumbass Democrats, and other morons seem to think this Biden win is some vindication of trumpism. That the country dodged a bullet. That we are on our way back to “normality.” B.S.! No f***ing way! All stupid thinking all the m*****f***ing time!

Biden’s win is nothing more than a reprieve from a continuously declining trump stupid America. Sorry to say it, f***tards, but there is no way after four years of traitor trump and RepubliKKKlan appeasement that dumbass Democrat’s failure to take the U.S. Senate, make gains in the U.S. House, and win state legislative bodies indicates anything other than RepubliKKKlan’s stranglehold on society and our politics. In short, those Americans who may not have liked traitor trump all that much and may not have voted for him sure did not have any issues with propping up a party that indulged every one of his treasonous and hateful behaviors. Mark my words, morons. I think Biden is in for four years of a lame duck presidency. Traitor trump has shown RepubliKKKlans how to f*** everything up and gain approval; I have no doubt they will take it to the next level because the people have condoned RepubliKKKlan’s worst behavior by electing more to office. Welcome to stupid America! Indeed! Nothing has changed!