MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Trumpcare: Brilliant, Idiots!

From Axios, “Do a quick search for health insurance, and you’ll find plenty of ads for ‘Trumpcare’ plans that cost $59 or less per month. But there’s a catch: Trumpcare doesn’t exist, and many of these advertised plans offer bare-bones coverage. … For people who buy health insurance on their own instead of receiving it through an employer, searching for a plan is already challenging. And deceptive marketing only makes it harder, especially when these plans will leave consumers on the hook for potentially ruinous medical bills.” Excellent! My dearest hope is that these people are traitor trump supporters that will go bankrupt and die! This is precisely the type of malicious insurance fraud that the ACA eliminated until, of course, traitor trump changed the insurance market to once again allow insurance policies that offer coverage below the minimum standards of the ACA. So, I couldn’t be happier that f***tards are stupid enough to buy Trumpcare that will probably kill or bankrupt them.

Witness also in the Axios article, “One family who recently bought a short-term plan through Health Insurance Innovations, a platform that has used fraudulent brokers, was on the hook for more than $244,000 in medical bills even though they thought they were protected, Bloomberg reported.” I wish journalists would ask the subjects of these stories if they voted for traitor trump or not because it really is critical to the issue, especially in this situation. I am so f***in g sick of Democrats always getting the blame when things go wrong with their well-intended policies, but when RepubliKKKlans are at fault then it’s silence. And I’m sick of morons not being called out for the consequences of their own stupidity. These people would have never been allowed to buy such junk policies if the ACA were still fully intact. Yet, it is a RepubliKKKlan president who changed insurance rules to legally offer them. This is one example that so directly and clearly evinces that elections f***ing matter! So, congrat-f***ing-lations to these morons! RepubliKKKlans opened the door and these MAGA morons (I have to assume) walked right through it.

We have returned to the insurance days of ten years ago when people were able to buy junk policies, but this is what the morons of the country wanted when they elected traitor trump who was going to repeal Obamacare! I love they are using Trumpcare as bait because it is precisely a con man’s tactic that reflects the con man sitting in the White House! Welcome to trump stupid America where I’m all for scams that kill MAGA morons sooner rather than later for their stupidity — and hopefully before they can vote again.