But Will Anything Change? Doubtful!

The civil unrest and protests have been likened to those of the civil rights movement and, in particular, 1968. My question is, Will anything change? In a word: No! I’m sorry to say it, but in the end nothing will change just as the situation of the black community has not changed for the better since 1968. Call me a cynic and a skeptic. Why can’t the idiots understand that America is stuck with its original sin unless and until righteousness and freedom win the next civil war in earnest! Yes, the next civil war. Sadly, the North did not vanquish the South. Reconstruction and the idea of reconstruction was a huge f***ing mistake! What needed to happen was a great purge of all racists and white supremacists! People must realize that ever since the end of the Civil War the mentality of racism and white supremacy has been allowed to breed and flourish, and now we have traitor trump who has given permission to every yahoo to be openly racist and hateful with impunity.

There is only one way to permanently fix America’s original sin and it is not through incremental, feckless reforms and fixes that inevitably go nowhere or attenuate over time. No! This requires (demands) an entire reordering of society — this goes beyond race and includes sexism, sexual orientation bias, and the like, which are all just variations on racial discrimination. Such a reordering can only happen through another civil war. I’m sorry to say it! But next time the war must be won decisively and completely, not accomplished through some half-hearted victory whereby the South comes to revere (is allowed to revere) their loss by constructing racist monuments to traitors and the memory of slavery. Un-f***ing-believable! No! Racists and white supremacists must be vanquished completely and irreversibly! — root and stem. Some may argue racism can never be truly and completely eliminated. Fine, but racists should live in fear and shame of being outed. Instead, we live in a nation under the current political establishment that not only condones racism but encourages it!