But Will It Work? Hell F***ing Yes!

From Salon, “How many times have we heard Trump shrieking over the brain-piercing whine of Marine One: Look at the Bidens! Look at the 30,000 emails! Look at Shifty Schiff! Look at Pelosi and the Do Nothing Democrats! Trump never mentions any actual crimes, nor does he ever announce investigations (save for one that we’ll get to presently). All he needs to do is alert his drooling disciples that someone, somewhere, did something that we should ‘look at.’ Why? Obviously because, as with his Ukraine scam, there don’t have to be real crimes involved. Trump’s strategy is all about the suggestion of wrongdoing. It’s one of the chief components of kangaroo courts, prevalent under dictatorships. No crime? No evidence? No problem.”

Of course, none of this matters because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America where facts don’t matter. It’s all about feeling and speculation, and traitor trump is the master of provoking feelings and conjuring speculation about the “other” while stupid America nods in agreement. It worked with Hillary and nothing has changed in the intervening fours years except for the daily demonstration that Americans are truly as stupid as they seem. Welcome to trump stupid America!