Call Me Skeptical

According to Politico, “Voters are now evenly split [43%-43%] on whether Congress should begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, a marked increase in support for impeachment, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.” According to the Business Insider, “Most Americans in a new Insider poll supported launching an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, but they worried about the repercussions.” And from NPR, “Americans are split, 49%-46%, on whether they approve of Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into President Trump, and independents at this point are not on board, a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll finds.” To be clear on this last quote: 49% approve of an impeachment inquiry. Also, note that these polls were taken before the whistleblower complaint was released and before the acting DNI testified before Congress. Clearly, this is a big movement against traitor trump even before all the latest revelations, but I fear (sadly) it is not enough — it will never be enough!

This is why I think it — all of it, all of this — will never be enough. Another tidbit from NPR describes, “Americans are also split on whether the impeachment inquiry is a serious matter (50%) or just politics (48%) and whether it’s worth going through with if the Senate doesn’t convict and Trump gets to stay in office. By a 2-point margin, 49%-47%, they say it’s not worth it.” Therein lies the rub! The seriousness (or lack thereof) with which the public considers impeachment (given recent revelations) is shameful and just re-enforces my pessimism that people simply don’t care, nor do they understand how the government and the Constitution should work. To be sure, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons will never ditch traitor trump. I’ve said it before, but he could quite literally shoot someone on 5th Avenue in the back, nonetheless, and his supporters will blame the victim, claiming it was traitor trump acting in self-defense. It is precisely this “he can do no wrong” mentality that is troubling and inexorable. I used to be one of that 47% who thought impeachment is not worth it because the Senate would never convict, and I still firmly believe RepubliKKKlans will not remove him from office. Yet, I have changed my mind about proceeding with impeachment, and I realized that traitor trump was going to win in 2020 — ironically — that changed my attitude. At this point, Democrats have nothing to lose, and they really do need to preserve the rule of law for posterity.

Dare I say, and I’ll say it again for the hundredth time: in the end, come November 2020, all traitor trump needs to accomplish is getting the right number of votes in the right states. I doubt impeachment (especially impeachment survived) will hinder morons from voting for four more years of traitor trump. Mark my words! Welcome to trump stupid America!