Canceling the Gays Begins in Florida

From the Associated Press, “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law on Monday that forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, a policy that has drawn intense national scrutiny from critics who argue it marginalizes LGBTQ people. The legislation has pushed Florida and DeSantis, an ascending Republican and potential 2024 presidential candidate, to the forefront of the country’s culture wars. LGBTQ advocates, students, Democrats, the entertainment industry and the White House have dubbed the measure the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law.”

This day marks the beginning of the reversal of rights for the LGBTQ community. Mark my words, f***tards! Remember this day when a renewed assault on gay rights began as this new breed of law spreads across the country. Do not believe what RepubliKKKlans say; they claim the text of the law prohibits specific behavior, but in reality, it is the spirit and the intent of the law that is the danger. It relegates the LGBTQ community as something taboo, something too dangerous to be discussed and taught. The gays are too frightening to be recognized. If anyone dares to bring up the topic, then they can be sued. So, tell me then, who would dare even mention gay knowing they can be sued? I can envision a scenario playing out now: A third-grader asks her male teacher who is the picture on the desk. The teacher replies, “My husband.” Then the third-grader innocently talks about her male teacher’s husband. All of a sudden the teacher and school are being sued. The law intends to chill not only education on the matter but also speaking of it. It is the exact cancel culture that RepubliKKKlan snowflakes decry and claim as a singular grievance of theirs. That is to say, RepubliKKKlans only think they are being canceled. You people just don’t f***ing get it. You really, really don’t. These hateful laws are not conceived in some vacuum. They are precisely tailored with specific motivations and to exert maximal (ambiguous) harm on a minority group. They are dog whistles aimed to please culture warriors. While the average person may read or understand the language of the law to be “well-intended” or innocuous enough, the actual function of the law is deliberately designed to do harm to a specific group as others look away or remain obvilivous.

And don’t think for a second that such laws will stop in the schools; they are merely testing grounds for pushing the boundaries. Next, it will be to enshrine legalized discrimination in the name of religious liberty. States had tried these tactics before and failed, but it’s a new day, a new SCOTUS, and always a new battlefront in the culture war. Evil evangelicals, RepubliKKKlans, and MAGA morons always keep trying; they never stop. Gays are always the target. If this or that law doesn’t work, then they try another. If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try again. Eventually, conservatives will find the one law or the one policy that becomes the thread to unravel the whole sweater.

Moreover, forcing gays back into the closet will be accelerated when traitor trump returns to the White House and SCOTUS declares marriage inequality the law of the land. This will not be an overnight process; rather, it will be drip by drip. A threat to gay rights is a threat to everyone’s rights; RepubliKKKlans will not stop with the gays. Allies of the LGBTQ community will pivot and begin to say, “Glad it’s not me,” as they struggle with their own rights under threat — abortion, for example. Mark my words! RepibliKKKlans are winning the culture war because Democrats are weak and don’t believe the culture war is actually a thing to motivate voters. Wrong as usual! Dumbass Democrats have been asleep at the wheel believing voters will “figure it out” — it being the right thing to do or the right way to vote. News flash! Voters rarely “figure it out.” So, don’t expect Democrats (or the average voter for that matter) to help save the LGBTQ community from what is about to become open season on the gays nationwide. Gays need to start taking up arms and taking matters into their own hands, or there will be many more Matthew Wayne Shepard’s. You heard it here first! Welcome to stupid America. They’re coming for your rights next!