Cannot Die Soon Enough!

CNN headline reads: “Rush Limbaugh says his lung cancer is terminal.” No one in this world deserves this diagnosis more than the man who has single-handedly destroyed America’s political and general civility. Full! F***ing! Stop! As far as I’m concerned his impending death is 30 years too late! Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away in my early 20s I tried listening to the Rush Limbaugh show. It only took me a month or so to determine this guy is bat-sh*t crazy, not that smart, a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, and all the other -ists. You know, basically the essence of Americans! If I remember correctly, the last “thought” I heard him utter was something along the lines of “the national debt doesn’t matter.” That’s when I turned him off. I could not take the hypocrisy anymore. As the “conservative” he claims to be he seemed not to care about the national debt when a RepubliKKKlan is president, but God forbid a Democratic president increases the national debt out of necessity versus another tax break for the rich. Whatever! I’m done with that sh*t, but, of course, that never stops his followers who are by definition the worst and dumbest people alive in America. Welcome to stupid America!