[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans


And with the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Americans will finally get the dictatorship they deserve because I live in m*****f***ing G.D. trump stupid America! Of course, I predicted this last year because it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to understand that RBG was not going to last and that Mitch McConnell, the human turtle, would do anything to cement a conservative SCOTUS for at least two generations — For! At! Least! Two! Generations! And, of course, the gravity of this moment is completely lost on progressives, liberals, and dumbass Democrats, for they are a big part of the reason why we’re in this situation in the first place; their weakness brought us to this point.

For decades RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals have been running election campaigns on the issue of the courts, biding their time until the right moment. So! Here we are: At that moment. RepubliKKKlans hold all the cards and all the power, and dumbass Democrats have absolutely no way to stop this process. I’ve already heard dumbass Democrats calling RepubliKKKlans hypocrites if they push through a vote. Oh, my f***ing God! Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! Charges of hypocrisy!?!? Yeah! I see RepubliKKKlans stopping in their tracks to avoid being called hypocrites. Kill me now! It never fails that dumbass Democrats completely underestimate and fail to understand RepubliKKKlans. Traitor trump, a president of which the majority of the population has never liked, will be allowed to change the face of SCOTUS for decades to come. Think about that! Yup! Sounds like democracy to me. How many times must I say it? The minority is tyranny over the majority. I f***ing give up with this country. Seriously! I just f***ing give up!

And right on cue, I already hear idiot pundits — Chuck Todd — suggest that RepubliKKKlans may not have the numbers to get a traitor trump nomination confirmed as if to mitigate the severity of the circumstances. And right on cue, stupid people still seem to give RepubliKKKlans some benefit of the doubt that they will do the “honorable” thing — withhold confirmation until after the next president is sworn into office! Ugh! F*** me! Are they f***ing kidding me? RepubliKKKlans will crame this nomination through, and enough RepubliKKKlan Senators will fall in line as they always do. Mark my words, morons. This is a done deal whether or not Biden — by an even greater miracle now — manages to win the election. I just can’t f***ing believe how dumbass Democrats really f***ed the SCOTUS issue going back, well, forever.

There is no one to blame but dumbass Democrats for this disaster. This is what happens when they refuse to play hardball. Salon summed it up well, “It will take a new level of hardball from Democrats, far beyond anything they have mustered thus far, to prevent a historic Supreme Court power grab that will reshape the national agenda for a generation or more, long after today’s political leaders have faded from the scene.” Yeah, never going to happen! Liberals and progressives never took SCOTUS seriously, and now there will be a branch of the government, having the final say on all future legislation, who will gladly strike down legislation whenever it advances minorities and individuals. Does anyone really think that any progressive legislation Democrats pass into law will survive review by six conservative Justices? Anyone? Seriously? Anyone? I don’t care how well crafted the legislation is or how firmly within the prerogative of the legislative branch such laws are formed, debated, and passed; conservative Justices will legislate in their own activist manner. It will no longer be three co-branches of government; it will be conservative judges saying no to all legislation that doesn’t live up to their conservative worldview all disguised in the name of the Constitution. We are entering the full-on Roland Freisler period of federal jurisprudence. I can’t! I just can’t anymore!

People have no f***ing clue — no idea, no comprehension, as usual — just how catastrophic this is for America! Roe v. Wade? Gone! Obamacare? Gone! Corporations are people? Hell, yes! And get ready for them to be able to vote, too! Gun control? Never! You get an AR-15! And you get an AR-15! And you get an AR-15! Marriage equality? Gone! Climate change issues? What climate change? Corporation versus individual? The corporation always wins. All those other unenumerated constitutional rights? All those other rights only inferred by the Constitution which a liberal Court found? Gone! Gone! Gone! With a solid majority of constitutional originalists on the Court, people will become quickly familiar with the notion that all those rights — rights they have enjoyed and taken for granted — are not actually written into the Constitution. Civil rights? Gone! Gender equality? Gone! Education equality? Gone! Discrimination? Fully constitutional now! A conservative Court will enshrine the First Amendment as reasoning for open season on discrimination of every kind, especially against the LGBTQ community. I cannot repeat the disaster this will be for America for the next thirty years! Mark my words, morons! People have been asleep at the wheel.

Forget, RIP RBG. This is the year America died, and no one cares — as usual! I’ve said it before, and I’ll repeat it: Liberals, progressives, and dumbass Democrats deserve this. I think the only way these f***tards will wake up is if they spend time — years — in the wilderness to contemplate and truly come to grips with the enemy that is conservatism. Conservatives, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals have always viewed progressives as the enemy to be vanquished, whereas dumbass Democrats have constantly worried about not offending “our” conservative “brethren.” Vomit! Moreover, progressives and liberals have always been complacent, believing the hard-fought rights of generations past were immutable! Not so much! Unfortunately, by the time dumbass Democrats gain enlightenment, there will be nothing left of our democracy. I give up! I live in stupid hell! A place that is always dumber today than the day before. This is very literally the worst thing to happen to America in my lifetime, and sadly no one cares enough to get mad as hell and do something about it — most of all, vote! Whatever! None of this matters! People! Go back to your TikTok and Facebook and Twitter because Lord knows this is the “entertain me!” nation as the world crumbles around them! Welcome to trump stupid America! Just when I thought I could not hate America more!