
Sometimes one is trapped in a hairstylist’s seat for an hour, and the conversation veers into Stupidsville. I don’t know how this topic of discussion went off the tracks, but she recounted to me a conversation with another client who claimed that the trails left behind by planes are really “chemtrails.” Now, I’ve heard such lunacy driving to work at early, early hours of the morning on talk radio, but I have never heard someone regurgitate the same stupidity to me in person. Out of politeness, I prevented my eyes from rolling into the back of my head, fearing I would come out of there with crooked hair. (The person with the scissors and razor has all the power, mind you.) Let us be clear about something: Very hot moist exhaust expelled from a plane 5 miles up in the very, very cold air results in clouds, not a chemical attack on the citizens of America. Yet, it seems idiots persist in thinking the government (presumably, because most of these conspiracy morons see government entanglements everywhere) intends to poison Americans through some black-ops experiments. Because science is harder than believing B.S., these legends persist. Welcome to stupid America!

QAnon v. Democrat

QAnon will win because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America! J.R. Majewski, the RepubliKKKlan, versus Rep. Marcy Kaptur, the incumbent Democrat. As CNN reports, “This is the weirdness of the 2022 midterm elections: An Ohio Republican associated with the QAnon conspiracy movement — and who painted massive Donald Trump murals on his lawn and put out a crass rap song on his campaign website — will face off in November against a Democrat who could become the longest-serving woman in Capitol Hill history. Due to Ohio’s newly drawn congressional map, the race is likely to be a tossup, according to professional handicappers.”

Of course, this race is a tossup because people love the f***ing crazy, and RepubliKKKlan voters would sooner go full-on suicide vest bomber in a crowd rather than vote for a Democrat. It is particularly true for Ohio, which becomes redder with every election. So, this is where the country’s at right now, a nation intent on electing more crazy to Congress. I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to keep saying it, but a country cannot survive with this level of stupid in the population and participating in government. And I don’t want to hear about how there has always been some level of absurdity in America. Ture! But not this much bat-sh*t-crazy and not this much bat-sh*t-crazy winning elections.

Furthermore, I find it especially interesting that this QAnon candidate’s last name is Majewski. He has a conspiracy literally written in his name: MaJEWski. I thought QAnon hated the Jews because they are secretly running the world. Whatever. This guy is going to win. I can promise that right now. Mark my words. And his certain win will be another nail in America’s coffin. Welcome to stupid America. It’s going to be much dumber after the midterm elections. People just don’t f***ing get it! The end of America is coming! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Death Spiral of America: QAnon, Guns, and Idiocracy

According to a stunning article in The New York Times, “Mr. Jones said he was struck by the prevalence of QAnon’s adherents. Overlaying the share of poll respondents who expressed belief in its core principles over the country’s total population, ‘that’s more than 30 million people,’ he said. ‘Thinking about QAnon, if it were a religion, it would be as big as all white evangelical Protestants, or all white mainline Protestants,’ he added. ‘So it lines up there with a major religious group.’ He also noted the correlation between belief in QAnon’s fiction and the conviction that armed conflict would be necessary. ‘It’s one thing to say that most Americans laugh off these outlandish beliefs, but when you consider that these beliefs are linked to a kind of apocalyptic thinking and violence, then it becomes something quite different,’ he said.” Then add on top of that this: “A measure long sought by conservative activists allowing Texans to carry handguns without a license [i.e., training, background check if bought through a private transaction] is on the cusp of becoming law after the Texas Senate approved a compromise on the bill Monday, sending it to Gov. Greg Abbott. Abbott has said he would sign the permitless carry proposal into law.”

Of course, RepubliKKKlans are passing a bill that the vast majority of Texans do not want, but what else is new? I say it every f***ing time: This nation is the tyranny of the minority over the majority, and no one cares. Whatever! And, of course, the reality of QAnon gaining prominence in America’s idiocracy coupled with ever-increasing lax gun laws is like the peanut butter and chocolate recipe for America’s demise. America deserves it! I have long said America is too stupid to survive, and now I am witnessing it in real (accelerated) time. One cannot possibly make up the headlines populating the pages of newspapers, newscasts, and websites, yet they are real. One may argue America has always had some level of “crazy,” and I would certainly agree. Still, this moment in history is significantly different because the QAnon kookery is the new religion, and guns are (another) epidemic in America, which is only getting worse and being facilitated by RepubliKKKlans, who are themselves being taken over by MAGA morons and QAnon. Sadly, these two facets of American culture are now primary drivers of American politics. Do you see the problem here? That is, my friends, the poison combination that is destroying America. And I am not being hyperbolic. America is too stupid to stop it. Who would have ever thought two ardent adherents of QAnon could be elected to Congress? Yet, it happened — twice! Just wait until the next Congress; there will be more. If 30 million morons (that’s 1 in 10 citizens!) believe the QAnon bat-sh*t craziness, then there is no reason that that 30 million should not be represented more fully in the next Congress, especially if f***tard RepubliKKKlan politicians run on a QAnon (or at least a not QAnon-denying) platform. This is a full-blown disease that is metastasizing and killing the nation. QAnon is not going anywhere, and people will be sorely mistaken to laugh it off as some sort of ephemeral aberration, for QAnon perfectly reflects the ethos of America’s stupidity, and now that it has reached religiosity status, America is truly, truly f***ed! Mark my words, f***tards. Stupid America loves the crazy, and they want these morons running the government! I guess people need to be entertained as America dies, and RepubliKKKlans are more than willing to oblige, knowing the re-incarnation of the nation will be for straight WASPs men only! Welcome to stupid America! Eh, I expected nothing less!

She’s a Cultist!

Directly from the Virginia “Ginni” Thomas Wikipedia page: “In the 1980s, while a congressional aide, Thomas took training with the self-awareness program Lifespring. In 1987, she related to The Washington Post that, during her training several years earlier, she had been ‘confused and troubled’ by lessons such as one where trainees were told to disrobe to bikinis and bathing suits and then ‘made fun of fat people’s bodies and ridiculed one another with sexual questions.’ After realizing that membership in her Lifespring group separated her from her family, friends, and co-workers, Thomas began what proved to be a difficult and months-long process of breaking away. At one point, she hid in another part of the U.S. to avoid a constant barrage of high-pressure phone calls from Lifespring members, who felt they had a duty to keep her in the organization. Thomas came to believe that Lifespring was a cult. After leaving the group in 1985, she sought counseling and joined the Cult Awareness Network. She became a critic of controversial religious groups, speaking on panels and organizing anti-cult workshops for congressional staffers in 1986 and 1988. In a 1991 interview, Thomas remarked, ‘I was once in a group that used mind control techniques’; and she called its members ‘pretty scary people.’”

The wife of an Associate Justice to the Supreme Court of the United States is a f***ing cultist. Full stop! Once a cultist, always a cultist. This is always true. You may have heard or seen on MSM or in some documentary “ex-cult” members from Neo-Nazi groups, QAnon, Peoples Temple, and the like discuss their transformation into cult members and their subsequent “deprogramming.” Do not believe these people are ever entirely “deprogrammed,” for they are not! There is a brain defect inherent in these people that cannot be corrected or exercised. They have a natural proclivity for crazy, just as an alcoholic is always an alcoholic and is only ever (and always) a recovering alcoholic when they’re dry. Indeed, these people bounce around from one cult fixation to another. So, a former Neo-Nazi becomes an Oath Keeper. A former Lifespring member becomes a QAnon adherent. Ginni Thomas is one such person! And she’s married to someone who, no doubt, shares her views and passes final judgment on the laws of the land. What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to stupid America. This level of stupid cannot be undone, and the damage is irreversible and complete. Oh, well!

QAnon: America’s New Religion Here to Stay

According to an excellent article in the Intelligencer, “This week brought us evidence that QAnon thought has spread further than we knew: into the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the very highest levels of the Republican Party. It is increasingly difficult to separate the movement’s demented beliefs from the ideology of the already democracy-averse GOP, its traces evident in legislation, media appearances, and leaked private communications. … The signs of the Republican slide toward full epistemic crack-up are all around us. One can see it everywhere lately, not only in the ‘why do you want to hurt children?’–type questions hurled by Republican senators at Jackson, but also in the revanchist anti-LGBTQ laws being introduced in Texas and Florida and in fearful talk of teachers’ grooming’ children on Fox News. The ginned-up moral panic, centered around the child-exploitation themes that helped give life to QAnon, is now a regular part of Republican political rhetoric. … If you had any lingering pretensions that our political elites know better than the average QAnon-pilled zombie, it’s past time to let them go. The people in charge of the Republican Party are mostly old and poorly informed operators who believe some of the most asinine theories to emerge from social-media bilge. Granting them some measure of savviness — saying that this is red meat for the Republican base, or that it keeps the checks from right-wing billionaires coming in — is to offer too much credit. More than that, it risks absolving them through some nod toward political practicalities when, mostly, this is all pretty evil and disturbing.”

I will go one step further and say QAnon is America’s new religion, which means America is doomed, natch. Do not think for one second that QAnon is any longer fringe. With RepubliKKKlans’ recent full embrace, it is as mainstream as apple pie, just like Christianity. I will not belabor the point because the article did such an exceptional job of describing the evolving problem; suffice it to say, stupid America was made for QAnon, and QAnon was made for stupid America. So get ready when RepubliKKKlans take over the government, and QAnon becomes the new American religion imposed on the rest of us. As I have long said, America has reached the critical mass of stupidity, and the stupid will kill us all and the country.

And then we have dumbass Democrats, who may be rightly aghast and confused about the spread and persistence of QAnon. But the time for being shocked is over. It is no longer a matter of asking how people can believe such incomprehensible stupidity; now it is a matter of how many people in power will use QAnon beliefs to gain more power and destroy America. Democrats need to take the QAnon menace seriously and head-on. Yet, I fear dumbass Democrats will do what they always do: Ignore things, expecting (hoping) voters will eventually figure it out. Americans rarely “figure” things out. Ugh! Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America!

Praise Jesus! God Is Great! Hallelujah!

QAnon Retard (Dead)

From The Daily Beast, “A leading QAnon promoter who urged both her followers and strangers she passed on the street not to take the COVID vaccine died Thursday of the coronavirus, making her just the latest vaccine opponent killed by the disease. Cirsten Weldon had amassed tens of thousands of followers across right-wing social media networks by promoting the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy under the screenname ‘CirstenW.’ She was prominent enough to become a sort of QAnon interpreter for comedian conspiracy theorist Roseanne Barr, and started recording videos about QAnon with her. … ‘The vaccines kill, don’t get it!’ Weldon warned the waiting vaccine recipients in an undated video posted to one of her online accounts. ‘This is how gullible these idiots are. They’re all getting vaccine!’ [sic] … In September, a QAnon follower named Veronica Wolski became a cause celebre in QAnon circles after she was hospitalized with the coronavirus. QAnon fans besieged the hospital with phone calls demanding that Wolski receive ivermectin, the deworming drug used by some as an unproven coronavirus treatment. Wolski died of the disease later that month.”

Praise Jesus! Hallelujah! ♪ ♫ Another one bites the dust. ♩ ♪ Another one bites the dust. ♩ ♪ And another one gone and another one gone. Hey. ♪ ♫ Another two QAnon f***tards are dead! Praise Jesus. I find it especially rich that “CirstenW.” believed those who got vaccinated were “gullible” “idiots.” I keep telling you, morons! America is just too f***ing stupid. Too stupid to survive. And I mean that in the literal sense — these QAnon retards keep dying because of their own stupidity. And in the figurative sense — the country cannot endure where these f***tards are allowed to prosper and spread their stupidity to others (until they die). Oh, and don’t for one G.D. second let experts try to tell you that these conspiracy theorists are merely being led astray or have some underlying social issues that make them susceptible to such craziness. That is all psycho-babel B.S. These people are just plain stupid. I’m sorry. They were born stupid, or they were dropped on their head as a baby or something, but these people are not the victims of society. Perhaps they are victims of genetics, but not because of societal shortcomings or “the system.” Look, everyone likes to think they’re smart, but clearly, not everyone can be, or the bell curve would be nonexistent. So, it is safe to say that people self-select themselves into the group of f***tards by choosing to believe in QAnon.

The stupid in this country is so deep and pervasive that it can never be undone. Seriously! These stories are the exact reason I created this blog and why I will never run out of stories on which to comment. So, keep dying AQnon retards, please! I know there are plenty of you out there. Welcome to stupid America! So stupid it hurts. *long sigh*

Rittenhouse: America’s Future

Source: U.S. News

From The Guardian, “A month after his acquittal on murder charges, Kyle Rittenhouse was given a standing ovation at a conservative conference in Phoenix on Monday night, as panelists discussed events in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 2020, when the teen shot three men. The event, called AmericaFest, was held by Turning Point USA, a young conservatives group. As Rittenhouse took the stage, thousands of cheering fans chanted his name, along with his own theme song, adapted from his name. Hosts asked if any women in the crowd wanted to go on a date with Rittenhouse, prompting loud cheers. One audience member held a ‘Kiss me’ sign, according to one spectator. Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, praised Rittenhouse, telling him: ‘You’re a hero to millions, it’s an honor to be able to have you.’”

America’s Yutes: ABC10

This is America’s future, morons! Dumbass Democrats need to wake the f*** up to the threat of conservatism! RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals are building up an army nation, f***tards. Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross! How many f***ing times do I need to scream the obvious, yet it falls on deaf ears, and these images project onto blind eyes. Look, morons! Sure! There are many examples in America’s past demonstrating a radicalized segment of society that has come to nothing. Indeed, the German-American Bund was literally Nazism rooted in America. Of course, the Bund was a fringe party and was only 25,000-member strong. Today, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon, RepubliKKKlans, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, et al. are no longer fringe; they are mainstream, and they wholely comprise one political party in a two-party system. These f***tards are a significant percentage of America — no longer wackos on the periphery of humanity. They are a rising minority, and the youth are embracing the violence, and the terror, as the pictures above evince. And do not think these are just stupid immature children. No, they are the offspring of parents who are themselves bigots. This entire mindset breeds like roaches.

While conservatives understand their future by embracing this faction of the population through events like those attended by Rittenhouse, the liberal side of the political spectrum does nothing except appeal to people’s better nature. OMG! We are so f***ed! We cannot meet this threat with “kindness” and “understanding.” The danger is real and can only be countered with the same kind of opposing radical force. This will not just go away, nor will the movement fizzle out. For years it has only been getting worse. I have said before that America is headed for a new civil war. The problem is that the conservatives are already at war, and they are building infrastructure (state laws), recruiting people (especially youth), and stockpiling weapons (weapons) as if the war has already been engaged and they are losing. Progressives, on the other hand, are still picking flowers and hoping. Ugh! Oh, well. I’ve read this history many times before, and I know how it ends — the fall of a nation! Welcome to stupid America!

America Is Doomed Because of Its Stupidity!

I can’t with the m*****f***ing G.D. stupid anymore. If I’ve said once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: America died the day traitor trump was elected. The level of trump stupid in America cannot be undone! It’s all stupid all the time. People looked in the traitor trump mirror and fell in love with the reflection: stupid, racist, bigoted, white supremacists, homophobic, and so on and so forth. Every “-ist” under the Sun. The sustaining power of the Arizona election “audit” scam is proof that America is permanently stupid and the level of idiocracy cannot be undone or reversed. It is permanent brain damage. Witness this from a Washington Post article, “The increasingly vocal protests seven months after Trump lost the White House show how deeply the former president has undermined confidence in the nation’s elections, an attack he began early in the 2020 campaign as state and local officials expanded mail voting in response to the coronavirus pandemic. … Calls for audits spread. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, said in an interview Wednesday that the push for audits in her state and across the country is nothing short of an assault on democracy.” And last, “Election officials said the possibility of more audits also raises concerns about the security of their equipment in future elections if they are turned over to private companies without federal accreditation, as has happened in Arizona.” I mean one cannot possibly invent a bigger sh*tshow where election equipment finds its way into RepubliKKKlan conspiracy-theory-promoting private third-party entities. At that point, elections are over and America’s democracy has already died. The good news? No one cares! Clearly, no one cares. The Big Lie is sustaining, spreading, and gaining steam. And no one cares. Every election that RepubliKKKlans lose going forward will be contested; RepubliKKKlans will never accept another Democratic victory, and no one cares, especially dumbass Democrats, who constantly wrongly believe voters are smarter than that. No, no! Voters are stupid and as long as people keep hearing and repeating the Big Lie, then the more they will come to believe it, leaving Democrats — shockingly — bewildered by how such a state of beliefs had come to pass. Welcome to stupid America. Democrats are behind the eight ball already (still) and they are clueless to the evil and danger of all this election trutherism. Go figure! Once again, dumbass Democrats are going to be shocked — shocked, I tell you! — when they start losing to conspiracy theory MAGA morons. Mark my words, f***tards!

God! I Wish I Had Started This Site Four Years Ago

Susan Del Percio writes on NBC News, “As impossible as this may seem, the GOP has not hit rock bottom — not even close. The party does not want to leave Donald Trump and Trumpism behind; it would rather knock the stuffing out of true conservatives like Utah Sen. Mitt Romney and Cheney. I hear a lot of people discussing the emergence of a ‘new wing’ of the Republican Party. But that’s not going to happen. The Cheneys and Romneys of the party will be long gone by the time the Republican Party turns itself around. Until then, the GOP will continue to nominate the most extreme representatives. Perhaps, eventually, such extremism will knock state and local leaders out of power. But when? It will be a long and ugly time for the party. We thought Trump was the worst. But it turns out the worst is yet to come.” Another RepubliKKKlan strategist, Sophia Nelson, writes in a U.S.A. Today opinion piece, “Trump won the 2020 election. Joe Biden is not president. Kamala Harris is missing in action on the border crisis. America has no racial baggage. Sixteen nineteen did not happen – slavery needs to be gotten over. American history started in 1776. Jim Crow is over. We had a Black president. The police are victims of antifa and Black Lives Matter. The libs are going to take your steaks, your hamburgers, Mr. Potato Head – and turn America into Venezuela.”

These sentiments echo what I have been saying privately ever since traitor trump was elected. I have said this before and I will say it again: America is first and foremost misogynistic, then racist, and then homophobic, in that order. (It’s the culture war, stupid. Always has been. And now it is conspiracy theories on top of it.) When it comes to purging Liz Cheney, the RepubliKKKlan party is showing its misogyny in spades. (Replacing an outspoken woman who speaks truth to power with another woman who is expected to toe the big line message and shut up otherwise is misogyny. Make no mistake, morons.) It’s the misogyny that killed Hillary Clinton’s election. “But her emails” was just the right excuse to vote against here while hiding one’s hatred for strong women in power. Moreover, people voted for Biden, not Harris. And I guess I must repeat myself by saying not all or even most of America is misogynistic, racist, and homophobic, but enough are these things, especially in parts of the country that count politically. So, once again I must repeat: It really is a political minority (RepubliKKKlans) that hold more power than their numbers should dictate, and it doesn’t help dumbass Democrats are weak and feckless to counter RepubliKKKlans. Have you ever noticed RepubliKKKlans generally retain power longer and dumbass Democrats tend to lose it?

The last point is this: The RepubliKKKlan Party and America’s democracy died the day traitor trump won. I had foreseen it then and I see it continuing now because America is just too f***ing stupid and apathetic to do anything about it. Traitor trump is the mirror and his supporters are the reflection and the people love how they look. The RepubliKKKlan Party is now the party of traitor trump; it was on the very day he won. No one else saw it, but I did. These never-trumpers and other ex-RepubliKKKlans who seem to finally be coming to terms with the realization that the RepubliKKKlan Party has long since given up on trying to turn some “corner” away from traitor trump are a day late and a dollar short — and morons to boot! And just to remind the f***tards out there: Biden’s win was luck! Pure luck! I said it before and I guess I have to keep saying it. Biden’s popular vote win in key swing states in 2020 was less — I repeat less — than the popular vote in key swing states that traitor trump won by in 2016. That 77,000 vote margin that gave traitor trump the presidency is more than the margin that put Biden in office, so this country is not even close to repudiating traitor trump. But don’t worry, idiots! States are fixing (i.e., rigging) their election processes to make sure Democrats can’t win again. Then add redistricting on top of that. The big question is will traitor trump run again? To that, I say absolutely! I said before traitor trump is not going anywhere and he is not. He is not going to jail and he won’t even face justice because dumbass Democrats are weak. So m*****f***ing G.D. weak! No state nor the DOJ is going to prosecute him. They should be indicting traitor trump for everything he did in the last four years, but they won’t, thereby clearing the way for him to run again, and the RepubliKKKlan will endorse him wholeheartedly. Welcome to stupid America! Indeed, Del Percio was right: It’s about to get much, much worse! (And no one cares!)