Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Today Is the First Day of the New SCOTUS Term

From one of my favorite commentators at The Nation, “To be clear, it’s not that every case will be decided 6-3; it’s that all the cases will be argued on conservative terms, over the issues conservatives care about, and decided based on what conservatives think they can get away with. And apparently, elected Democrats, both in Congress and the White House, are cool with that. They have accepted conservative control of the courts. The Biden administration took the energy and passion of its base for court reform and sent it off to a commission of law professors to die. Congress, instead of mitigating the worst impulses of the courts by passing legislation to protect voting rights or reproductive rights, passes nothing because the Senate clings to the filibuster. Conservatives have won their battle to control the federal judiciary. This term, the country will pay the consequences. … The refusal of Democrats to reform the court means they have given six conservative judges veto power over their entire political agenda. It’s a veto the court has already used and will continue to use. Democrats may have won the last round of elections, but conservatives are still very much in charge. This term, the Supreme Court will prove it.”

I particularly enjoy how Elie Mystal recognizes that “useless” dumbass Democrats capitulated the fight because, of course, they did. In typical Democratic fashion, they sent the matter off to a blue-ribbon panel to talk about things and decide things, only to have nothing come to fruition. So, it’s all already too late and irreversible. Roe will be struck down for all practical purposes, only to remain in name and theory, which kind of is already the situation given the Casey decision, but that becomes a more technical discussion. Gun rights will be unlimited — anyone and everyone in any state will be allowed to conceal and carry without training, license, or justification. America will immediately become more dangerous than a war zone and with a supremely stupid citizenry, what could possibly go wrong? Discrimination in the name of religious freedom will relegate members of the LGBTQ community to second-class citizens; that will be in the next term as there is no case before the court this term (so far) which will directly roll back gay rights, but trust me — RepubliKKKlans have a lawsuit brewing somewhere just for that purpose. And all these things will happen as SCOTUS enjoys the lowest approval ratings ever recorded — 40 percent. But no one cares, least of all the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Conservative justices see their dismal approval and smirk. Trust me when I say they have no problem taking away rights from women and other minorities while giving unlimited rights to gun owners — aka aggrieved white male snowflakes and their white bitch snowflakes. Don’t worry, though. Democrats will do nothing because they are weak and Democratic and Independent voters don’t care. Permanent RepubliKKKlan control is nearly complete — only two more election cycles (2022 and 2024) to go. Mark my words, f***tards! Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

I Am Only Slightly Impressed

According to Axios, “Two Ohio men were sentenced to serve 45 days in prison after prosecutors requested incarceration for the first time at sentencing hearings for Capitol rioters who took plea deals for nonviolent misdemeanors. … Federal judges have debated whether the no-prison plea deals offered to low-level Jan. 6 defendants are too lenient to deter potential future attackers. … The two steelworkers from Columbus can be heard laughing at police officers in video footage obtained by the government. Rau later entered one of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) evacuated conference rooms. … Prosecutors requested a four-month prison sentence for each.” I guess AG Garland finally got the hit? It is ridiculous that several judges had to question the sentencing recommendations of the federal government for traitor defendants before federal prosecutors began requesting jail time for said offenders. I seriously don’t give one G.D. f*** how minor the offenses associated with the terrorist attack on the Capitol are. Every misdemeanor for every criminal — first offense or not — should get at least one year of jail time! Full stop! No exceptions! I don’t care if you were one of those idiot “tourist”-types taking pictures who happened to follow the crowd into the Capitol. Any reasonable person — I know, it’s a stretch with these MAGA morons and QAnon f***tards — should have known their entry was illegal. (And I would go so far as to say those on the steps are just as criminal because they clearly breached pedestrian and police barriers.) If anything, people should be jailed for a year purely because of their stupidity! These four month recommendations are a start, but the judges really should be ignoring such recommendations and give stiffer sentences because they are right: What the federal government is doing by being weak and cutting consequence-free plea deals are encouraging future terrorists to commit treasonous acts. It’s all par for the course with dumbass Democrats. Their pusillanimous posture is completely the work of weak, weak AG Garland. Whatever! All these people will be pardoned anyway when traitor trump returns to the White House, so all this frustration is moot. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! Nothing ever changes.

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Don’t Worry — Dumbass Democrats Are Doing a Fine Job Helping RepubliKKKlans Destroy America

Don’t be fooled by all these subpoenas from the House select committee to investigate the 6 January 2021 terrorist attack on the Capitol. There are only two things to come from these subpoenas: Empty seats and assertions of the Fifth Amendment. In other words, silence! Do not think for a second any significant, germane witness is going to show up to testify. Not! Going! To! Happen! Sure, you might have a few low-level worthless errand-boys or errand-girls testify about acquiring some stupid permit to protest or organizing buses for travel, but people like Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino, Steve Bannon, Kash Patel are never going to testify, and what will dumbass Democrats do about it? Nothing. Not a f***ing thing as usual and predictably. Traitor trump and all his henchmen will get away with it. And don’t believe all these MSM pundits and commentators falling all over themselves to insist that House Democrats could hold these witnesses in contempt of Congress or engage other maneuvers to force testimony. That is never going to happen and even if the House referred criminal contempt charges to the DOJ, then weak AG Garland will not pursue those charges because — again — dumbass Democrats are weak. When is the last time someone was charged for contempt of Congress where there were meaningful consequences — jail or fine? Nearly forty years ago. So, nothing is going to happen because this is a consequence-free country. Traitors will continue to treason. RepubliKKKlans will continue to destroy America. And dumbass Democrats will continue to do nothing, except fail to govern. The only thing this select committee is going to prove is just how weak and incompetent Democrats are to protect America’s democracy and hold traitors accountable. This is only going to embarrass dumbass Democrats. Mark my words. Can’t wait for RepubliKKKlans to return to power to wage war on the rest of us as Democrats roll out the red carpet. Welcome to stupid America. I expected nothing less from a country of morons.

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Because Democrats Are Weak and Stupid

Democrats are impossibly stupid, and America is f***ed as a consequence. F***! Just another day that I have to wake up hating Democrats even more than usual because every day there is yet another obvious example of a completely weak and feckless party that is still stuck on trying to govern like it’s the 1990s. F*** me! Wake the f*** up, morons!

What is the latest mortification? AlterNet says it well, “When Joe Biden ran for president, he touted his history in the Senate and as vice president of making deals across the aisle and working with Republicans. He said that he would be able to productively cooperate with the GOP if he were elected — and that the fierce partisan divisions would cool. … But about eight months into the Biden presidency, this strategy isn’t paying dividends. Arguably, it’s been dramatically weakening the Democrats’ strategic position and backfiring on them. … But this is the reward Democrats get for trying to reach a bipartisan deal on police reform. They got no deal, wasted months of effort, and they gave their opponents an opportunity to paint them with a label they’ve desperately been trying to avoid. … And this was all entirely predictable. Scott himself was never a genuine, good-faith negotiator on criminal justice.”

Of course. Of course. Of course. There was never going to be a deal on police reform, and, of course, this was all entirely predictable. This was all just a RepubliKKKlan ploy to waste more time and more energy. Of course, these “negotiations” were always intended to crash and burn at the hands of RepubliKKKlans so they could blame dumbass Democrats and re-litigate “defund the police.” Of course, dumbass Democrats fell for it lock, stock, and barrel. Worse still is that idiot Biden expected something different from RepubliKKKlans. God-f***ing-damm*t! I’m starting to get really, really disgusted with Biden and his complete obliviousness to the threat that is traitor trump and the RepubliKKKlan Party. I’m getting sick of him talking as if there is some “normal” to which we are all going to return eventually. At this point, I genuinely have no idea what is more dangerous? Traitor trump’s shadow presidency and his daily attack on America’s democracy or Biden and his inability to understand the threat that traitor trump is inflicting by remaining out of prison. Whatever! I give up. Welcome to stupid America. Why bother anymore? It’s all stupid all the m*****f***ing time.

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

One Person Gets It: Andrew O’Hehir

I am literally going to copy-paste the entire Salon article because he nailed it, and I will add one more thought: There is no other enlightened path forward. The darkness he sees is the end of America’s democracy. He basically summed up everything I’ve been arguing, except without calling America stupid, which is perhaps the only other missing factor in his analysis. He is right that dumbass Democrats are trapped in no small part because of their own doing and ridiculously grand notions of expecting politics to be fair and the electorate to “come around” which was never going to happen by wishing and hoping for it — and Democrats will have deserved every bit of it! So, they are boxed in and all RepubliKKKlans need do is bide their time for permanent rule when they steal the next, final election in America. Pay particular attention to the emphasized paragraph below. Oh, well! The country is lost and irredeemable at this point. Welcome to stupid America!

We've got a fair number of repentant former Republicans roaming loose on the political landscape these days. They like to tell us that the onetime Party of Lincoln must be thoroughly defeated and destroyed before it can be rebuilt as a respectable, mainstream center-right organization. That's an encouraging team-building exercise, I guess — if we set aside everything about observable reality and play an extended game of Let's Pretend We're Grownups, like a bunch of eight-year-olds trying on Mom and Dad's Clinton-era wardrobe.
Even looking past the question of whether the reconstructed GOP 2.0 these folks imagine would be remotely viable (as to which: ha!), we still have the question of who's going to defeat the exceptionally nasty current version of the Republican Party, and how. These GOP apostates, it's worth noting, were totally OK with cutting taxes for the rich and running up massive deficits on endless, pointless, destructive overseas wars. They find themselves deeply shocked, however, by the party's swerve into overt racism, know-nothingism and borderline fascism, elements of the Republican coalition they believed could be kept in the basement indefinitely.
This call to arms by ex-Reaganites is presumably meant to fire up Democrats, who have been told repeatedly over the past 30 years or more that America's changing demographics were certain to deliver them a permanent majority coalition someday very, very soon. In this less-than-inspiring vision of utopia, benevolent intersectional liberals would govern wisely and forever, while Republicans would be consigned to regional, resentful rump-party status until and unless they gradually became a lot more like Democrats.
As you may have noticed, this keeps on not happening, and at this point the "emerging Democratic majority" is starting to sound like old-time Soviet dogma about true communism being just over the horizon. Yes, Democrats have won the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections — while managing to lose two of those anyway — but for a variety of reasons I don't need to rehearse here have found it impossible to hold or build congressional majorities, or to do much of anything with them when they have them.
More important than any of that, although absolutely related, is how Democrats have responded to the obvious Republican assault on democracy over the last couple of years, in the manner of a truckload of Brookings Institution scholars stuck in cold molasses, determined to consider all sides of the question fairly and not to let anyone accuse them of acting hastily. I'm not suggesting that Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer haven't expressed genuine alarm or said more or less the right things, because they have. But as you have perhaps observed, they haven't leveraged those words into action: They haven't ditched the filibuster or expanded the Supreme Court or passed any of the bills in front of them that are meant to fortify the right to vote, for the love of Jesus Christ.
This isn't a nice thing to say about a bunch of mostly sane and approximately reasonable people, but here's the truth: If you set out to design a left-center political party that was fated to surrender, little by little, to authoritarianism — because of circumstances beyond its control, because of internal indecision and ideological fuzziness, because it faced an entrenched and deranged opposition party, because of whatever — you could hardly do better than the current version of the Democratic Party. (Emphasis added.)
This raises the question of whether the Republicans are the only party that needs to be badly defeated in order to recover a sense of purpose. Don't get me wrong here: It would be far preferable if the Democrats could work out how to win power and then use it effectively. I'm not advocating voting against them out of some contrarian or puritanical impulse, and I'm not even dragging out the old Bernie vs. Hillary generational and ideological conflict for another go-round. (Of course that remains an important source of friction, but it's genuinely not the central issue right now.)
If the current mishmash that is the Democratic Party simply isn't up to the task, if it's imprisoned by its donors and trapped in an old political paradigm while facing the birth of a new one, if it can't summon up the energy or determination to act decisively on behalf of supposedly shared principles, then what the hell is the point? Maybe they're the party that needs to be torn down and rebuilt, especially since the other one is an entirely lost cause.
Consider 2021 — yeah, I know you don't want to, but we don't have much choice. After the election of Joe Biden and the improbable reverse parlay of winning both Senate seats in Georgia — almost entirely thanks to the chaos-agent intervention of Donald J. Trump — liberals and progressives and normies of all descriptions exhaled audibly. We were back to "normal"! The nightmare had passed! Maybe the long-awaited Democratic majority had arrived at last, if only in ass-backward and highly precarious fashion … except nope, nobody believed that for more than a few minutes, considering that the day after the special elections in Georgia was the sixth of January.
I'm not saying that Mitch McConnell wanted to lose the Senate majority (I bet he had some choice words about Trump in private), but no one has ever accused Mitch of not knowing how to play the angles. He quickly understood how to turn the ambiguous results of 2020 to his advantage, and they were undeniably ambiguous: Democrats breezed into that election expecting big wins across the board, but instead lost most of their House majority and fell short in several prominent Senate races, failing to gain seats in Maine, Montana and North Carolina.
While regular people celebrated a victory and the supposed end of the Trump era, Democratic leaders and insiders looked ahead to the 2022 midterms and began to whimper uncontrollably. McConnell could smell the fear, to put it bluntly, and rubbed his hands with Montgomery Burns-like glee. With a 50-50 Senate and Biden's entire legislative agenda hamstrung by the filibuster and the nonsensical or corrupt Ringwraith fantasies of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, he had the Democrats trapped. They knew it and he knew it.
In a display of ruthlessness and cynicism that's impressive even by his standards, McConnell will force all 50 Democratic senators to vote on a budget and on raising the federal debt ceiling, which in quasi-normal times (and even under Trump) was done by bipartisan agreement. This will either force them to crumple and capitulate to whatever it is he wants (short version: more goodies for rich folks) or will create an invented wedge issue Mitch believes he can use to win back both houses of Congress next year. Republicans will pretend to run on fiscal responsibility but will actually run on a bunch of culture-war bullshit and promises to rig all future elections and unquestioned loyalty to a decrepit and defeated leader they all privately think is nuts. I'm sure looking forward to that, aren't you?
If Democrats lose conclusively to those people, then they deserve it. That's a dark path, perhaps darker than any of us wants to contemplate. But I think there's no avoiding this date with destiny, for the Democrats or the Trumpers or our entire so-called democratic experiment. If you see another one, light the way.
Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

RepubliKKKlans Are Economic Terrorists and Americans Love It!

From CNN, “The fight over raising the nation’s borrowing limit underscores a reality for Democrats as they are in the midst of their highest stakes moment for President Joe Biden’s sweeping legislative agenda: thrusting a potential default into the mix may have devastating consequences. … Moody’s estimates nearly 6 million jobs would be lost, the unemployment rate would spike back to nearly 9% and stock prices would plummet by one-third, wiping out about $15 trillion in household wealth. … Faith in the US debt — the linchpin of the global financial system — would be tarnished, perhaps irreversibly.” And they also report, “The House of Representatives voted to pass legislation on Tuesday to prevent a government shutdown at the end of the month and suspend the nation’s borrowing limit, setting up a showdown with Republicans who insist Democrats should act alone to stave off a looming debt crisis. The party line vote was 220-211 [of course]. The bill now faces an uphill battle in the Senate. By attaching the debt limit suspension to the must-pass funding bill, Democrats are essentially daring Republicans to vote no and spark a shutdown. It’s not yet clear what Democrats’ plan B would be if the effort to avert a shutdown and suspend the debt limit runs aground in the Senate, as it appears is on track to happen.”

What does all this mean? In short, RepubliKKKlans simply do not care if they destroy America’s full faith and credit and the economy. The past four years (but really longer) have made painstakingly manifest that RepubliKKKlans would rather see America in ruins if they believe it will give them a political advantage. And RepubliKKKlans are correct in their assessment because in America’s infinite stupidity, of course, voters would blame Democrats for trying and failing to avoid debt default more so than RepubliKKKlans, who are intentionally obstructing. Whatever! I give up with the stupid!

This is the same ole, same ole where people love the stupid political party as RepubliKKKlans continue to embrace traitor trump. They! Don’t! F***ing! Care! And, apparently, Americans don’t care either; obviously, Americans want and love the carnage because this is still a country of f***tards who now think traitor trump should be given a second chance. RepubliKKKlans are still the party favored to win the House next year and retain control of the majority of state legislatures. And ruinous governors like Abbott and DeSantis will keep getting reelected because that’s what these people want — it’s what people in states like Texas and Florida love — out of control COVID, anti-masks mandates, people freezing to death as the power grid fails statewide, elimination of constitutional rights, more voter restrictions, conceal and carry without a permit and training.

Sure, dumbass Democrats often and easily evince incompetence, but their intentions mean well in the doing, whereas RepubliKKKlans literally have no problem killing their own constituents and would rather see America’s economic collapse instead of helping Democrats fix the budget and debt crisis — a debt crisis, mind you, that entails money already spent under traitor trump’s administration. Never mind that Democrats have always helped RepubliKKKlans raise the debt limit in the past. Oh, no. Never mind that! Never mind, RepubliKKKlans love to spend money, too. Oh no. Never mind that! It’s always, and only the Democrats who are seen as the drunken unfunded spenders, although RepubliKKKlans spend without paying for it, and tax cuts are not a pay-for solution. No, no. RepubliKKKlans want the dysfunction, and they love the impending crisis, hoping it leads to carnage just as they loved the disastrous reality show that was the traitor trump presidency. Yet, RepubliKKKlans keep getting reelected because this is a m*****f***ing G.D. stupid country of the highest f***ing order. Welcome to stupid America, where morons keep electing the terrorist party. And no one cares! It never ends!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Wake Up, Stupid America!

According to Mediaite, “Historian and documentary filmmaker Ken Burns said that the present day is one of the worst times in American history. … ‘It’s really serious. There are three great crises before this: the Civil War, the Depression, and World War II. This is equal to it,’ he said on Monday’s episode when asked about the direction the United States was headed. The documentarian went on to quote comments made by Abraham Lincoln during a January 1838 speech to a group in Springfield, Illinois: ‘From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we will live forever or die by suicide.’”

Being the absolute foremost expert on American history and storytelling, if Ken Burns speaks, then you should f***ing listen. Sadly, he says nothing I have not already said, if not a bit more understated through the Lincoln quote above. Namely, America is dying by our own devices. There is barely a post where I am not calling out the imminent death of America’s democracy, and I’ve been saying it for a couple of years now — and believed for years longer. It has always been evident to me. Clear as the ringing of a new bronze bell. (An alarm bell, if you will.) From the moment traitor trump won, there was no other conclusion to draw except how stupid can America be? How can a person like that run in plain sight for more than a year to be president and win? How could America look at the incomprehensible stupidity, mendacity, and vileness that is traitor trump and still vote for him? There is only one way. It’s the mirror, stupid. It’s the f***ing mirror. America looked into the traitor trump mirror and fell in love with its own image. I knew then that such a country could not survive, and America will not. Traitor trump is the disease and the symptoms. He is the cancer we openly invited into the country, and Americans will lose their democracy because of it, and people will be perfectly fine with it. When traitor trump gets reelected, it will be four years of pure vengeance across the world, especially here at home. And people will welcome it with open arms because Americans are too stupid to understand otherwise. MAGA morons, QAnon, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals are destroying America, and they will eventually murder the nation in part because weak, weak dumbass Democrats will let them. Welcome to trump stupid America. The countdown is well underway to the next Civil War. Mark my words, morons! I give up! No one cares!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Traitor [T]rump to Announce Presidential Run Once RepubliKKKlans Clinch the House in 2022

From The Hill, “Former President Trump and his allies are expanding their political activities across the map, asserting their presence within the Republican Party as the 2022 midterm cycle kicks into high gear. Trump himself is issuing endorsements at a more rapid clip than earlier this year and is planning to barnstorm the key states of Georgia and Iowa in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, his allies are dropping millions of dollars to buoy his supported candidates in marquee races, and his affiliated consultants are airdropping into key races to boost backers and knock off incumbents viewed as disloyal.”

It is pretty clear that traitor trump is going to run for president again, provided that RepubliKKKlans retake the House in the 2022 midterm elections, which is a certainty. Traitor trump is waiting because he may need the House to override state certifications in the next presidential election. If RepubliKKKlans take the House in the 118th Congress, then it is very likely that they would also retain enough power (enough of a margin) in the 119th Congress, which is the Congress that will be in session when the next presidential election is certified, to make all the difference for traitor trump to steal the election. If you truly want to see the death of America’s democracy complete, then wait for Biden’s win in the Electoral College to be overturned by RepubliKKKlan members of Congress who will object to every state elector won by Biden. Recall that it only takes a simple majority of both the House and Senate to sustain objections to counting electoral votes. And then I guess we get into uncharted territory, but I’m sure we all know how close presidential election cases that go to SCOTUS will turn out — Bush v. Gore. This is why traitor trump is purging disloyal politicians. This is why RepubliKKKlans are changing state election laws. Get ready, people. Get ready, and don’t say I did not warn you. Democracy died the day traitor trump was elected; Biden is merely the intermission to the 2024 finale. Welcome to stupid America. No one cares! We just care about the entertainment! Lord knows that traitor trump was the biggest reality T.V. horror show no one could stop watching.

There is another viable timeline. Traitor trump may not wait until the midterm elections to announce he’s running. If indictments from New York (or elsewhere) are imminent, then he’ll use his candidacy as a shield. How can any A.G. go after a person running for president? He will claim another (continuing) political witchhunt. And I think he’ll get away with it. I believe the squishy middle of voters will think that, yeah, it’s wrong to go after someone already running for president. And dumbass Democratic prosecutors are too weak to pursue charges because they’re too afraid of appearing biased or influencing a presidential election. Although, that never stopped RepubliKKKlans and Comey regarding Clinton. It would be his 5th Avenue argument. And it will work because this is stupid, stupid America!

But wait! There is more hot off the presses. Also, from The Hill, “President Biden and former President Donald Trump are statistically tied when it comes to their favorability among U.S. voters, according to a new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll shared exclusively with The Hill on Monday. … Fifty-one percent of respondents now say Trump was a better president than Biden, while 49 percent prefer the White House’s current occupant, the poll shows. ‘The mounting issues on all fronts have led to the surprising conclusion that Trump is now seen as good a president as Biden, suggesting the honeymoon is being replaced now with buyer’s remorse,’ Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, said.” (Note that Mark Penn is a Clinton hater and probably a Biden hater as well, so take his commentary with a huge grain of salt.) Nonetheless, these poll results should be alarming for dumbass Democrats, for the interpretation of the numbers is clear: It’s six of one, half a dozen of the other. I’ve been saying it forever. Biden is coming off as weak and weaker by the month. How many f***ing times do I have to say it before people finally start to understand that Democrats are on a path to losing next year and in 2024? How many times? Look, f***tards! This is a m*****f***ing G.D. stupid country of the highest f***ing order. Voters would rather have a strong and wrong president than a weak and right one. And the polls are starting to indicate that. I just want a president that sticks it to RepubliKKKlans — hard! But that is more of a pipe dream when supporting the Democratic Party.

Instead, we have Biden, a weak leader of his party, let alone the nation. For months now, under Biden’s aegis, Democrats have done very little, and there is daily evidence that the party cannot coalesce behind meaningful legislation on the most pressing issues of the day: voting rights, women’s rights, climate change, infrastructure, you name it. It’s been eight months of stalemate and power struggles within the Democratic Party as RepubliKKKlans stand by, ready to pick up the pieces of dumbass Democrats’ incompetent governance. Democrats call these impasses and internal fights part of the sausage-making of a democracy. No! It’s how a party loses elections because they evince fecklessness. Mark my words, morons. Given four years of traitor trump’s presidency and the incompetence of Democrats under Biden’s leadership, the majority of people are beginning to reconsider giving the traitor another chance. And one wonders how that can be? OMG! I give up! Only in trump stupid America. Un-f***ing-believable! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t. This country is so f***ed!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

SCOTUS — Founding Fathers of Theocracy U.S.A.

There are several recent articles on SCOTUS worth commentary, all of which are perfect reminders that elections have consequences, but no one cares.

Solan writes, “But today, this bold pillar [speratation of church and state] of American democracy is rotting fast. It is under attack by theocrats, especially those who sit on our Supreme Court. Their recent ruling making it nearly illegal for a woman to get an abortion in Texas is the latest terrifying case in point. … [T]he problem isn’t religion, per se. Rather, it is the kind of religion at play. The kind that a majority of our Supreme Court embraces: a crusading, activist, theocratic religious fundamentalism that prioritizes fealty to a particular conservative interpretation of God’s supposed will over the democratically-sustained rights of American citizens. It’s the lethal mix of religion and politics that our founders sought to restrain. It’s Christian nationalism. … But when [judges] impose that faith on all of us, the wall of separation between church and state is truly undermined. Texans’ rights to bodily autonomy is but the most recent casualty. With this court, it won’t be the last.”

From Politico, “And while the chief justice hasn’t fully lost his hold on the court, what comes next is quickly coming into view. The post-Roberts Court is likely to be unfettered by legalistic norms and eager to advance changes to the law that both embed conservative policy goals and tilt the election system toward the GOP. It’s a combination that poses a real threat to American democracy.”

And then from The Hill, “The Supreme Court’s job approval has sunk to an all-time low, according to new polling taken after the court declined to block a deeply divisive Texas law banning most abortions. Only 37 percent of registered voters said they approve of the court’s handling of its job, with 50 percent expressing disapproval in a survey released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University, which has tracked the Supreme Court’s job approval since 2004.”

What does all this mean? The last pillar — the allegedly impartial pillar — of America’s democracy that literally has the final judgment on all things within the borders of the nation is just another branch — powerful beyond reproach — of the RepubliKKKlan Party, and, like the RepubliKKKlan Party, the vast majority of Americans distrust the venerable legal institution, but fear not — no one cares, least of all SCOTUS! Whatever! If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times: America died the day it elected traitor trump. Everything — everything — since that point stems from the cancer Americans brought upon themselves. SCOTUS is merely the metastasis that ensures the cancer cannot be treated, let alone cured. Elections have consequences, but people are too stupid to understand that, in particular, dumbass Democrats, who think elections only matter every four years when voting for president. So, America’s democracy will die to the applause of the minority, and then comes the rise of American theocracy to the disgust of the majority, but it will all be too late, and no one will care. Welcome to stupid America. Elections have consequences, and the consequences haven’t even begun to be fully realized (or imagined). Get ready, morons! Get ready!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

Biden’s Slide in the Polls Worsens — Predictably

According to Quinnipiac polling, “Americans’ views have dimmed on the way President Joe Biden is handling his job as president, with 42 percent approving and 50 percent disapproving, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll of adults released today. This is the first time Biden’s job approval has dropped into negative territory since taking office. In early August, 46 percent of Americans approved and 43 percent disapproved of the way Biden was handling his job. … More than half of Americans, 54 – 41 percent, say they approve of President Biden’s decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Nearly 7 in 10 Americans, 69 – 24 percent, say it was the right thing to do to end the war in Afghanistan. However, Americans give Biden a negative 31 – 65 percent score for the way he handled withdrawing all U.S. troops from Afghanistan. More than 6 in 10 Americans, 62 – 28 percent, say they think American troops will have to return to Afghanistan to fight terrorism.” Of course, he was going to take a hit with the Afghanistan debacle despite American’s schizophrenia on the issue as the all-over-the-board polling numbers above evince. As the results indicate: Yes, we should have gotten out of Afghanistan; no, we don’t like the way Biden ended the war; yes, it was time to end the war; no, leaving was wrong because we’ll just have to go back to fight terrorism. Ugh! Unbelievable. If you ever want to understand the stupidity and confusion of Americans, then just ask them related questions and watch them give contradictory answers. Just as an FYI, one cannot advocate ending a war in Afghanistan that will, at the same time, mean having to go back. The logical conclusion would be not to end the war in the first place and answer questions consistent with that belief. As I unreservedly stated before, leaving Afghanistan was clearly the wrong decision. It was wrong for traitor trump to “negotiate” the withdrawal and wrong for Biden not to reverse traitor trump’s decision. But I digress.

My greater point is that the results of this survey show Biden polling poorly on almost all other aspects of his governing — COVID, the economy, foreign policy, climate change, etc. It is not for a lack of his trying. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: Biden is weak. Weak! Weak! Weak! F***ing weak! And after eight months in office people are starting to see that more acutely. His ideals and motivations are not the problems; rather, his problem is his failure to use the necessary and required force to get sh*t done. He is relying upon traditional channels, customs, and the good nature of people — especially the “loyal” opposition party — to help him govern. OMG! F***ing kill me now with this batsh*t craziness. We are so beyond that. Because of his timidity, nothing is getting done, and people are frustrated by it. Nothing is getting done in Congress. Nothing is getting done with holding politicians, traitor trump, and the insurrectionists accountable under the law. Nothing is getting done with protecting voting rights. Nothing is getting done with the unvaccinated, except incremental demands. All because he keeps expecting people to do — want to do — the right thing on their own. Wrong! He needs to start knocking heads and laying down the law instead of giving motivating speeches asking people to be responsible citizens or hoping politicians to work together or expecting the law to work its insufferably lengthy course — the perfect tactic for criminals to run out the clock! We’re starting to see Biden as more “oh, grandpa” and less warrior for democracy. I knew he would be weak when I voted for him, but he was the only viable candidate to counter traitor trump in the 2020 election. Unfortunately, now we are stuck with him and he is performing as expected: An institutionalist at a time when our democracy is in perpetual peril and the remedy must be a ruthless iconoclast, not the same ole, same ole. The anti-traitor trump is not a return to “normal.” No! it must be an overcorrection, particularly in the realm of the law. And trust me when I say dumbass Democrats seem to have no problem with hastening the demise of Biden’s agenda while Biden appears feckless and unconcerned by it all. He needs to get his f***ing party in order instead of letting them undermine his priorities as leadership claims it will all get done — somehow — after months and months of going round and round. Welcome to stupid America! We get the government we deserve, which is about to be an autocracy.