Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

The Filibuster

Usually, I would say good riddance to the filibuster, but while I have read several liberal articles and heard liberal commentators claim that McConnell, the human turtle, must be scared Democrats will actually kill the filibuster, as evinced by his Senate floor speech warning of the disaster to come if Democrats succeed, I take McConnell’s threats seriously, and dumbass Democrats should too! Here’s why: Democrats are too f***ing weak! Plain and simple. Weak! Weak! Weak! Always f***ing weak. As usual, Democrats clamor about killing the filibuster without thinking through the consequences, except for those resisting the change, apparently (aka Senator Manchin). Just to be clear about my opinion, I want the filibuster killed, but — but — only if I thought dumbass Democrats knew how to wield power once it is gone. And, of course, they don’t! Once the filibuster is removed, then dumbass Democrats will fight among themselves and be unable to close ranks to muster the 50 votes required to pass even the most important and consequential legislation, e.g., voting rights (For the People Act of 2021) and extending the due date of the ERA, so it actually becomes an amendment to the Constitution. Because that’s what dumbass Democrats do — never miss a chance to f*** things up. If they want to kill the filibuster, then they must be prepared to go the whole nine yards to secure holding at least one chamber of Congress, and that starts with protecting voters’ rights at the federal and state levels. Killing the filibuster is not a one-and-done achievement! Democrats need to hold on to power, but they’re not even close to accomplishing that. Has anyone realized the only time Democrats win is when there is a disastrous RepubliKKKlan administration they need to clean up after? By their very commitment to improving the country and by their successes in doing so, they seem to get themselves voted out of office. That needs to change! People really do get sick of winning, I guess. Welcome to stupid America!

On the other hand, when RepubliKKKlans reclaim all branches of government, which is only a matter of time given America’s love of winning, then they will push through all those legislative goals McConnell warned about. In fact, he already laid out the conservative wish list during his Senate floor speech, and he will not hesitate to check off the items one by one with a grimace. One may rightly ask why didn’t McConnell kill the filibuster when traitor trump was in office and RepubliKKKlans controlled Congress? Easy answer: He didn’t (and still doesn’t) trust traitor trump not to f*** things up. Moreover, I think McConnell is laying the predicate to kill the filibuster in the future. If Democrats don’t kill it now, then when RepubliKKKlans reclaim the reigns of government McConnell will look back to the Democrats’ threat to rid the filibuster as an excuse to do so, claiming that RepubliKKKlans must kill the practice to accord “the will of the people” their legislative prerogatives, which, of course, is just the opposite of what the majority of people want, but that has never stopped RepubliKKKlans from being the tyranny of the minority ruling over the majority because of stupid America! To be sure, when it comes to conservative goals that aim to move the country backward, RepubliKKKlans vote in lockstep. And let’s be clear about something else: There are more red states than blue states, which means that the chances of the Senate being in RepubliKKKlan control is always higher. This current 50/50 split is the high watermark for Democrats in the Senate in this relentless era of RepubliKKKlan obstructionism, especially given RepubliKKKlans’ ability to fight at the state level, everywhere. They have long understood the real power is in the states, and that is where they succeed, while Democrats are still trying to figure out where the party headquarters are in a given state. It’s the blind leading the blind! Welcome to stupid America!

Conspiracies for Morons Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals Politics Purely Moronic

QAnon Is for Morons: Happy March 4!

Today is another watershed date on the calendar for the hoards of QAnon morons that define the general level of stupidity pervasive in American society. The belief is that today is the date that traitor trump will officially become president because somehow, the 20th Amendment to the Constitution really does not, nor has ever, applied since its passing. The 20th Amendment, for idiots out there that don’t understand how their own government works, is the change to the Constitution that moved inauguration day from March to January following election day, which occurs on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. In other words, election day cannot be the first day of November if it happens to be a Tuesday. But everyone knows that. Right? Ugh. Why do I bother asking stupid questions? Anyways, QAnon followers are f***tards because they just f***ing are, and I haven’t even started picking apart the contradictions in their moronic inaugural day beliefs.

There are two paradoxes at work. First, here we have a group of f***ing morons of the highest m*****f***ing order who are supposedly uber patriots that love babies, the police, the Constitution, and everything for which it stands! They followed traitor trump and stormed the Capitol and continue to believe because they are the “law and order” party; they are the “true” patriots, unless, of course, when the Constitution doesn’t suit them, namely the 20th Amendment. They love the First and Second Amendments, and the rest of the Amendments they have no idea what they are, except for the 20th. Typical! They like and want to uphold only some of the Constitution. Naturally! It’s all consistent with the same mentality akin to evil evangelicals, where people pick and choose what parts of the Bible they want to believe and enforce. It’s all the same level of stupid; there is no difference! QAnon and evangelicals — the twin American cancers.

Of course, the second contradiction in their beliefs is even more perplexing. So! If only a real president must be inaugurated in March, then what was traitor trump during his entire time in office? A fake president? I heard nothing about him secretly taking the oath of office on this day in 2017. QAnon certainly made no mention of it, nor had they any concerns about traitor trump being sworn in during a supposedly false event when Obama would have still been president — or not, according to their stupid “thinking.” Again, no mention from QAnon about Obama being illegitimate because of being sworn in on the wrong day. Of course, they claim he was illegitimate because he was born in Kenya. (Ugh! Kill me now!) It’s only now morons “think” of this alleged massive flaw in the Constitution that they so fervently claim to love and respect and blah, blah, blah. Whatever! I give up. Look, f***tards. I will say it again and again: America is lost, morons! Mark my words. This level of stupid cannot be undone — ever. The long slide to the bottom began the second traitor trump won, and it’s been downhill ever since. Dumbass Democrats are not — and will never be — strong nor ruthless enough to reverse the damage that is the Great American Stupidity that has been exacerbated, facilitated, and encouraged vis-à-vis traitor trump’s rise and hold onto political power! Welcome to stupid America, forever and always! America as we know it is ending, morons! The stupid is going to overtake this country and run it into the ground. Mark! My! Words!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Traitor [T]rump Will Get Away with It — All of It!

Look, morons! Of course, traitor trump will get away with it — with all of it. He has spent his entire life getting away with it, so all these f***tards (dumbass Democrats, never-trumpers, political commentators, and other morons) that keep telling the general public not to worry; traitor trump still faces a mountain of pending civil and criminal litigation. Oh! My! F***ing! God! What the f***! Hello, stupid, stupid people! Nothing is going to happen to traitor trump! We do not prosecute former presidents — we couldn’t even convict one for inciting insurrection. Any legal case brought against traitor trump — civil or criminal, state or federal — is going to be tied up in court for years or it will be settled out of court with a fine and no admission of guilt, just like every other legal battle traitor trump has faced. He’ll just run out the clock. Why the f*** does no one see this? My head explodes every time I hear dumbass Democrats talking about how traitor trump is done for, that he can’t escape all these legal issues, that he is damaged beyond fixing. Kill! Me! Now! Have these f***tards learned nothing in the past four, five years? Traitor trump is Teflon Don, morons. He is the comeback king! (And people who think that traitor trump is some aberration in politics that represents some outlier of American culture truly have no f***ing clue about the real level of American hatred and admiration for authoritarianism!) Mark my words, f***tards! Mark! My! Words!

The jury may still be out as to traitor trump actually running again for president — I’d say the odds are 50/50 until he can be more confident that red states intensify and improve their voter suppression efforts — but what is 100 percent certain is that nothing is going to happen to him legally — not one day in jail and not any accountability for his actions as president. Nothing! F*** me! I live in stupid hell where idiots, especially dumbass Democrats, are still expecting justice to miraculously happen without putting in any effort. Let the chips fall where they may, which will be in traitor trump’s favor or let’s wait and see. Waiting for nothing to happen! Traitor trump once declared that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it; many thought it was a preposterous statement made in jest. I, however, believed him! The man does not joke and Americans truly are that stupid and that forgiving to excuse anything he would do. We’re f***ed because RepubliKKKlans want a dictatorship and dumbass Democrats are slowly handing America over to become one. Mark my words, f***tards! Mark! My! Words! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic

F*** Dumbass Democrats!

They caved on impeachment witnesses because, of course, they did! That’s what Democrats do: Cave to RepubliKKKlans! Always, without fail. I can’t with this party anymore. I just f***ing can’t! Weak, spineless pieces of sh*t! Most of the leadership are feckless, pathetic losers. Democrats are the loser party! The stupid party! The party of getting rolled by RepubliKKKlans, so why even bother anymore if they will never stand up for justice and accountability? Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans


From Salon, “As they will show by acquitting Donald Trump and continuing their full-on embrace of American fascism and white supremacy, today’s Republican Party considers the Democrats and their voters as existential enemies. It is long past time for the Democrats to respond in kind.”

No truer words have ever been written, and no truer advice will be so roundly ignored! Indeed, it is long past time, yet dumbass Democrats will continue to be dumbass Democrats by routinely attempting to “unify” and “compromise” (aka give away the store) with RepubliKKKlans. Ugh! And yes! Of course, dumbass Democrats need to start responding in kind! How many f***ing times have I said this? How many f***ing times? Dumbass Democrats and those pathetic liberals need to get f***ing ruthless! F***ing G.D. ruthless, I tell you! That’s the biggest problem with the Democratic Party; they don’t have a powerful, cut-throat left wing. No! Instead, the left-most wing is filled with bleeding heart f***tard liberals who always turn the other cheek! OMG! Kill me know! F*** that! RepubliKKKlans know and understand that Democrats are weak and feckless; that is why they can take advantage of dumbass Democrats and always get away with it because we let them! Whatever! I give up. It’s just going to be four more years of RepubliKKKlans blocking Democrat’s progressive policies and thwarting the will of the majority of the people because we live under the tyranny of the RepubliKKKlan Party — the national minority party. It never fails! Welcome to stupid America! I would say rise up America but no one cares anymore! I can’t wait for nothing to change!

Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

RepubliKKKlan Party to Get More Radical and Attract More Morons

From The Hill, “The surprise retirement of Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), a high-profile moderate who is close to the Bush family and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), is the latest sign of turmoil in the Republican Party as it wrestles with its identity in the post-Trump era.” What did I say, morons? What did I say?!?! I said don’t be stupid; there is no rift in the RepubliKKKlan Party. There is no identity crisis. There is no impending schism. The RepubliKKKlan Party is not imploding. And there is no civil war within the party. RepubliKKKlans are not scared of traitor trump, nor are they running away from him. No! There is none of this B.S. Instead, the purge has begun! I was right. Portman is the first example of a post-traitor trump RepubliKKKlan purge where a non-MAGA moron Senator gives up his RepubliKKKlan seat, making way for a radical MAGA moron crazy QAnon believing Senator to take his place. Moreover, this is not an opportunity for Democrats to flip an open RepubliKKKlan seat. Mark my words, dumbass Democrats! The RepubliKKKlan Party will consolidate its popularity around conspiracy theories and white supremacists, and they will win by doing so. It is merely the 21st-century version of the Southern Strategy. Georgia’s recent Senate wins were a twin aberration created by hyper-attention on a national level. Expect more traditional races in more traditional cycles to fly under the radar and benefit the incumbent (RepubliKKKlan) party.

And I will remind readers: How many times have I said it? How many f***ing times? Traitor trump is the messiah for which the RepubliKKKlan Party has been long waiting. Traitor trump is the vileness that embodies the core ethos of the RepubliKKKlan Party, MAGA morons, QAnon, evil evangelicals, and so forth — basically 42 percent of the population. Traitor trump has shown white nationalists, racists, misogynists, jingoist, anti-Semites, homophobes, bigots, and the whole gambit how to be popular, mainstream, and wield power in ruthless, moronic, and surprisingly still effectively incompetent ways. Before traitor trump took over the party, RepubliKKKlans only dared to dream about the disaster he inflicted upon this nation. RepubliKKKlans have realized their future in traitor trump and they love it! Eh, but none of this matters because Democrats, Progressives, Independents, and even so-called moderate RepubliKKKlans far outnumber QAnon f***tards, MAGA morons, and radical RepubliKKKlans, yet the crazies are taking over the country. We’re doomed because I live in hell where people love the crazy just because their own lives must not be exciting enough, so they relish front row seats with a bucket of popcorn to witness the end of America and democracy. Because, hey, why not? No one cares, so whatever. Ugh! I give up. It’s going to get much, much worse, morons. Mark my words, f***tards! Mark! My! Words! I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats


From CNN, “News outlets are publishing more and more videos, photos and testimonials from Wednesday’s pro-Trump riot on Capitol Hill. And it’s becoming clear that as heinous as the attack looked in real time, on live TV and in our social feeds, it was even worse than we knew then. It was even more violent. It was even more treacherous. And Trump’s behavior was even more disturbing.” When it comes to media commentary, Brian Stelter is unrivaled, and he does not disappoint here. Indeed! As I see more new videos, my blood boils all over again and more intensely than the last time. Then I think holy-f***ing-sh*t this could have really gone sideways and it was a miracle of God that it did not!

At the head of this mob of insurrectionists were people who truly wanted to overthrow the First Article branch of government. And those “merely” following were “unwitting” enablers who by their sheer numbers and enthusiasm gave confidence and momentum to leaders to push on; one could reasonably imagine leaders may have failed in their cause if they looked behind them and saw no one following. A few dozen storming the Capitol could have never succeeded. But that was not the case. The ring leaders looked over their shoulders and saw tens of thousands following and chanting and exciting. Unwitting or not, they are all f***ing guilty just the same, without exception! They are all complicit in the murder of a USCP officer and the death of four others, including one MAGA moron who really deserved what she got, but I am more than happy to pin the death of one of their own on all of these traitors. I don’t f***ing care if these people did nothing more than stand on the ramparts and waved a [T]rump flag or wandered Statuary Hall taking pictures as if sightseeing. I don’t f***ing care how innocuous their actions or support; they are all f***ing guilty and should suffer the harshed of criminal consequence. Sadly, dumbass Democrats will be the first to call for unity, and let’s just move all, never holding anyone accountable, for Democrats are weak. That will seal the nation’s downfall because the nation cannot heal and move on until we deal with this harshly, completely, and without compassion.

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

‘Wake Up, America. This Is Who We Are.’

From Politico, “If we’re to place America’s fragile democracy on stronger ground, we must first acknowledge that for most of our national history, large pockets of the United States have been violently minoritarian — designed to empower a white minority to govern over the diverse majority. What transpired on Wednesday was both tragic and entirely in keeping with American tradition.”

Of course, this is who we are! I’ve been saying it forever. Politico got it absolutely right! And if I have to hear one more f***ing G.D. politician claim that with every tragic domestic event “this is not who we are,” then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. Why are stupid people speaking? F*** me! I feel like a f***ing broken record, repeating the same manifest truths about America. Apparently, only moron politicians — usually dumbass Democrats — are unable to look at America and see it for what it is. This is all part of the liberal mindset problem of eternal optimism. They constantly see past the vileness and ugliness of America to focus on the good. Look, morons! If one cannot see the threat right in front of them, then the threat will only grow worse. Ugh! I can’t!

Yes! This is America: Racist! Homophobic! Misogynistic! Xenophobic! Jingoistic! Moronic! Naturally, I am not saying everyone is all of these things, but enough are. In fact, probably most are not some of these things, but enough are. As I have said time and time again, at least 42 percent of this country is some or all of these things and that is enough of a minority to be a deadly majority in politics; America has hundreds of years of practice of being a nation where the minority rules over the majority. We are literally a nation of tyranny by the minority, and lookout when the minority becomes threatened! Witness the election of traitor trump. Moreover, America was founded on the ideals of religious bigotry and racism; it was founded by a religious minority group, having been purged in England, that brought their experiences with tyranny to America. Our history has been one long example whereby the founders and their successors transferred to America the means of tyranny from which they fled in England.

The country has never evolved. We are still living the consequences of the original sin of slavery. Indeed, religion was used to justify slavery and to vanquish Native Americans. We had the opportunity to purge the nation of slavery sentiments during the Civil War, but Lincoln and Johnson f***ed that up. Lincoln was wrong to even consider reconciliation before his death. Naturally, Johnson elevated reconciliation to absolution. In short, the South was physically defeated, but the ideals of white people ruling over black people and Native Americans were never conquered. There was never any attempt to overcome such sentiments. No! Instead, Confederate traitors became revered by future generations because America never really wanted to defeat slavery and all of its subsequent sins; it was only transformed to different institutions such as Jim Crow, voter suppression, and the presidency of traitor trump. As I have long said, there are only two reasons to vote for traitor trump: You are a racist or you are a moron (or mostly like both). Full stop! There is no in-between. Welcome to trump stupid America. They’re not going anywhere!

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

I’m Batting a Thousand Here!

I will be the first to admit I am wrong once again and I will never be so happy to say it. If the Georgia election results hold, then it looks like Democrats will take control of the Senate by the slimmest margin possible, and I will have to reconsider my worldview of American politics! It is an unqualified and rightly deserved set of wins for Democrats. Full stop!

Thankfully, Biden can now get the cabinet he wants and deserves, which better include a vindictive AG that will hunt down the traitor trump family and all of his enablers and put them in jail. (I’m dreaming.) The big question, of course, is what will Democrats do with their new-found power? Ram through liberal judges? Doubtful! Hope a conservative SCOTUS Justice dies or pressure an elder liberal SCOTUS Justice to retire (Breyer!) on 21 January 2021? Nope! (As an aside, these wins reinforce that Justice Barrett is completely illegitimate! She and all of her opinions are null and void in my mind!) Will the Senate investigate traitor trump and his traitor Senator supporters? Nah! If there is one thing of which I am most certain is that Democrats will squander what little power they have because RepubliKKKlans can still obstruct legislation; the filibuster is not going anywhere, so it only takes one Senator to kill a bill. This is where the faultlines of the Democratic Party will cripple their efforts and Biden’s agenda. Governing Democrats has always been like herding cats, whereas governing RepubliKKKlans has been like wielding a battering ram. When will Democrats learn?

One last thing, Stacey Abrams needs to take over the entire Democratic Party re-election apparatus. Whatever the party has been doing outside of Georgia has been wrong! Oh, and dumbass Democrats better f***ing put together and f***ing pass a new national voting rights act! I swear to f***ing God! If they won’t/can’t do anything else, then at the very least they need to make new law around fair and free elections, especially where RepubliKKKlans win now focus on preventing people from voting in red states more than ever!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Don’t Worry About the Latest Traitor [T]rump Tape: It Changes Nothing and No One Cares, Least of All RepubliKKKlans!

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! More proof that traitor trump is still trying to steal the 2020 election while the death count from SARS 2 climbs daily by thousands! Not to mention at length the disasterous vacination rollout. Did I not say it was only going to get worse? Did I not! (And we’re not done yet!) Here we are with a recording of traitor trump basically extorting the Georgia Secretary of State to “find” votes to reverse the election because of conspiracy theories and lies, but what the f*** else is new? Nothing. A trump stupid America proves itself! RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons believe him and they are in lockstep while dumbass Democrats roll their eyes and say something weak about an assault on democracy. They’re just counting down the days. Ugh! What the f***?!?!

Democrats should be up in arms and I swear to f***ing God they should be starting impeachment hearings. F*** it! If this is how RepubliKKKlans want to play by plotting to reverse Biden’s win, then Democrats should be rushing through articles of impeachment. They should give new articles of impeachment the same level of consideration and seriousness RepubliKKKlans gave to traitor trump’s impeachment trial. In that manner, the House could make him the only president to be twice impeached in a matter of days. But Democrats are weak and feckless, never thinking about how to destroy traitor trump. Whatever! Dumbass Democrats are just as much of a loser at times as traitor trump. But I digress.

Back to no one cares, least of all RepubliKKKlans. That 140 Representatives and 12 Senators who have said they will support stealing the 2020 election from Biden will not be moved. In fact, despite the revelations of the traitor trump audio recording, I predict the moron in the White House will pick up even more support because this is f***ing G.D. trump stupid America! And as I have said countless times before, this level of stupid cannot be undone. Moreover, no one cares at this point. Americans should be outraged, but people just don’t care; they are stuck on “Biden will fix everything” mode, so who cares if traitor trump burns down the house on the way out. Hello, f***tards! Traitor trump is successfully destroying Biden’s presidency before it’s even commenced. Traitor trump is destroying Biden’s legitimacy. This is the real harm, but people are just too stupid to understand the true level of destruction. This is not about “crazy uncle” traitor trump spewing his usual conspiracy theories and lies while being a sore loser. This is about 72 million people believing traitor trump as the leadership and representatives of the RepubuliKKKlan Party condone his behavior and his words. Each day is just more confirmation that traitor trump has total control over the RepubliKKKlan Party and its future. And those people who think the RepubliKKKlan Party is in its death throes or about to split are f***tards of the highest f***ing G.D. order! Just like everything and everyone else in traitor trump’s world, they all bend to his will eventually. Those who don’t conform will be purged (Hello, Lincoln Project), so this is really the beginning of the great RepubliKKKlan Party purge where those on the outs (Hello, Lincoln Project) will be voted out of office and go nowhere (Hello, Lincoln Project), especially to a new conservative party. In the end, traitor trump will get away with everything during his presidency just like everything else in his life! Welcome to stupid America!