[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Waking Up Each Day to More Moronity in the Failed State of America

According to CNN, “Two Republican members of the House of Representatives tell CNN that they expect at least 140 of their GOP colleagues in the House to vote against counting the electoral votes on January 6 when Congress is expected to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.” Of the estimated 211 RepubliKKKlans to be sworn into the 117th Congress, 140 (at least!) are expected to vote to nullify the 2020 election — just the portion of the election Democrats won mind you! That is 66 percent! Only two Senators are expected to do the same; I am certain that the number will increase. I have no doubt! Here we are f***tards of America! Sixty-six percent of elected RepubliKKKans (and that number likely extends to the broader population) simply do not want a democracy — they never have actually. The RepubliKKKlan Party has always been a party hoping for the demise of democracy and the installation of a dictator. They are inching closer and closer. America cannot survive when RepubliKKKlans constantly question democracy and elections where only they lose. It does not matter if this entire venture is seen as a “freebie” vote for RepubliKKKlans that is doomed to fail anyway. What matters is that this level of protest against the 2020 election results has gained momentum and is coming to fruition. What matters is that RepubliKKKlans persist in the delusion of a fraudulent election. What matters is that Biden is going to be perceived as an illegitimate president by the majority of RepubliKKKlans. And just to be clear, I never thought traitor trump was an illegitimate president; I accepted that America is entirely as stupid as it is to have elected the moron in the White House. The only thing Russia did by way of meddling in the 2016 election was to hold up the mirror (social media) to Americans and they fell in love with the reflection: traitor trump! Mark my words, morons. America is a f***ing failed state. Plain and simple. We live in a failed state ala the Third World! Fan-f***ing-tastic!

If I have to hear one more idiot political commentator or pundit predict that traitor trump’s influence on the RepubliKKKlan Party will eventually wane, then I’m going to go f***ing G.D. bat-sh*t-crazy. Holy-f***ing-sh*t! Five years of watching traitor trump and the RepubliKKKlan Party and people still don’t f***ing get it. People are still too stupid and too blind to see the obvious! How many f***ing times do I have to keep repeating the manifest state of America: traitor trump is the savior for which the RepubliKKKlan Party has been waiting. Traitor trump is the Everyman of America and he is the epitome of RepubliKKKlan ethos. RepubliKKKlans have never wanted a functioning democracy and they never cared about the Constitution. How long have I been saying that America was doomed the second idiots of the dumbest country on the planet elected traitor trump? Indeed, it has been a long time coming, ever since moron Bush II was elected — twice! America has a long history of electing morons in the RepubliKKKlan Party to be president because deep down inside America is a deeply, deeply — profoundly! — stupid country! Traitor trump came along to show RepubliKKKlans how to make government less functional, destroy American values and norms, and upset the world order — and by that I mean making Russia and China stronger on the world stage. All the while, traitor trump has been gaining popularity because of his disastrous “America first” policy — as if America lives in a bubble! What does one expect from a moronic president that appeals to a moronic populous that can’t see beyond their own nose? Of course, America first, America alone is such an appealingly self-destructive policy! Whatever! It is trump stupid thinking for a trump stupid populous! All f***tards at least 45 percent of the time with serendipitous election wins — Obama and Biden. This level of stupid cannot be undone. Mark my words!

It seems the only people who truly understand this permanent penchant for stupidity and dictatorship are all those RepubliKKKlans willing to jump to traitor trump’s commands by voting against democracy. Does anyone think it will stop there? Does anyone really think this is a one-off in 2021? Seriously? The RepubliKKKlan Party will continue to look more and more like MAGA moron world as they continue to gain control slowly but surely. The U.S. House is the perfect example of the turning of the party into the traitor trump party where conspiracy theories and other anti-democratic notions thrive and their propagators get elected to Congress. Senate RepubliKKKlans will eventually turn toward trumpism as the bi-yearly rotations play out. Mark my words! Those RepubliKKKlans who don’t worry about being primaried will soon rue the day that they thought there was still hope for America’s democracy, for they will be voted out of office in favor of MAGA morons. I have no doubt that traitor trump will be the kingmaker of the RepubliKKKlan Party for years to come and his children will take over when the king dies because the family has pretty much failed at everything else except politics. Politics! Where failing upward is a national sport — revered and rewarded.

What will dumbass Democrats do in response? Not a G.D. f***ing thing because they are among the most oblivious to the true nature of America; they think Biden’s win fixes everything while ignoring the gains RepubliKKKlans made everywhere else in the country, particularly in red states during a census year where RepubliKKKlans will redraw congressional districts to solidify their minority control over the majority for yet another decade. Texas turning blue was only ever a slim likelihood. Now it will be an impossibility! Biden may have won, but dumbass Democrats lost following the most disastrous year of a RepubliKKKlan presidency in the modern era. How the f*** is that possible?!?! Tell me! How? I can’t with the weakness of Democrats anymore. I just f***ing can’t. Welcome to trump stupid America! I live in stupid hell! Mark my words!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Yet, the Human Turtle Keeps Getting Re-elected

From CNN, “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced legislation Tuesday to combine two additional demands from President Donald Trump to an expansion of direct stimulus payments as part of the Covid-19 relief package, raising Democratic concern the pathway for expanded stimulus payments would soon be short-circuited. … While the move doesn’t guarantee McConnell will bring the bill up for a vote, it provides a substantive option should time — and the political winds — press the chamber in that direction. It’s also one that would be all but certain to fail to garner the votes for passage.”

Time after time, the human turtle McConnell finds a way to destroy (poison) legislation that works to help the average person. And time after time, he keeps getting re-elected to office. Even though he’s not liked in his own state, he keeps winning. This is why America is doomed to always be stupid because RepubliKKKlans routinely vote against their own best interests. Whatever. I’m over it! Let RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons suffer and hopefully die. I wish they would! But whatever. This is what Americans want. This is why RepubliKKKlans keep winning. This is why the RepubliKKKlan Party — a minority party — rules over the majority and the majority just rolls over and takes it because no one cares anymore. Oh, I can’t wait for dumbass Democrats to lose in Georgia because that’s what Democrats do: never miss an opportunity to lose! In fact, I think Democrats should call McConnell’s bluff. Vote for the bill. Sure, create another commission to study voter fraud that will, of course, discover no significant voter fraud swayed the election. As for the repeal of Section 230, I say yes! Internet providers and social media companies, in particular, should be held civilly liable for allowing illegal content on their sites even if generated by individual users.

In the end, Americans want the disaster that is the current state of the nation. The worst president in our history lost the 2020 election, yet RepubliKKKlans made gains everywhere else at local, state, and federal levels. So, one can only conclude that this is what Americans want — government dysfunction and a country where the minority rules over the majority. People want, I guess, this “f*** you!” nation that defines the RepubliKKKlan Party. Fan-f***ing-tastic. Americans will never learn. Stupid can’t learn good. Welcome to trump stupid America!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

When Votes Matter the Most, Morons Will Split Their Choices

I will repeat myself, again. No f***ing way Democrats win both seats. Never! Going! To! F***ing! Happen! And I will go one more prediction: voters will split their votes because they are too confused or too stupid to make up their minds. They will ease their confusion and mental suffering by either voting for one Democrat and one RepubliKKKlan or just vote in one runoff and not the other. Morons may think they are voting “strategically” when in fact it is just pure stupidity. The results of this special election in Georgia are going to be absolutely fascinating to analyze. Theoretically, if each side makes their best argument — and quite frankly the only argument that matters — namely, who controls the Senate in the first two years of the Biden administration then the number of votes should be identical for either set of Democratic and RepubliKKKlan challengers. That is to say, every person who voted for one Democrat or RepubliKKKlan would vote for the other. Then the election would only rely on which side gets out the most voters, but naturally, that won’t happen because people don’t vote strategically. They vote like morons — that’s what got traitor trump elected in the first place. Sadly, it is dumbass Democratic and progressive voters who will be unable to fall in line as RepubliKKKlans do. It never fails. Dumbass Democrats will deviate more than RepubliKKKlans and that will cost us the Senate because for the love of f***ing God all we ask for is that Democrats show the f*** up to the polls and vote for both Democratic candidates. I can’t! Eh, who cares anymore at this point? The incompetent party — RepubliKKKlans — usually wins in America! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

The Very Rare Pocket Veto Lesson

It looks like traitor trump may be going the pocket veto (do nothing) route with the SARS 2 survival and budget legislation, which makes complete sense because it causes the most damage and cannot be overridden. It’s the perfect course of non-action for him. If he outright vetoes the bill then Congress can override his veto, but if traitor trump allows the bill to expire in the 116th Congress then the legislation dies — neither becoming law nor able to be overridden. (Normally, an unsigned bill becomes law if not for the timing of the new Congress in this instance.) It also reflects his presidency precisely as the do-nothing-until-he-has-to president. Do nothing to help Americans. Do nothing to control SARS 2. How perfect! And I’m not so sure he would be willing to sign a continuing resolution that Congress would need to pass on Monday to avert a government shutdown. Even more perfect — Biden inherits a government shutdown! But whatever! It’s all a f***ing G.D. mess and it’s chaos and it’s destructive and it’s everything his MAGA moron followers want!

Look, f***tards. I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to say it or what more manifest proof idiots of America, including dumbass Democrats, need to witness before finally understanding the moron in the White House; traitor trump only cares about destroying things. Full! F***ing! Stop! And 40 percent of Americans approve of his destruction while RepubliKKKlans cheer him for it. Traitor trump has never cared and his f***tard followers think he’s the greatest president ever because they don’t care either. They all welcome the destruction. Yet dumbass Democrats will never understand this. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons and their ilk only care about ruin and obstruction once Democrats gain the presidency. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are happy to be giving Biden the weakest and most messed-up state of the union possible as he enters office. Right on cue: RepubliKKKlans always leave the country worse off than when they took the presidency. Then Democrats take over to fix everything just in time for idiots of America to thank them by electing a RepubliKKKlan to f*** things up all over again. F*** me! Whatever! I’m over it! I can’t with the stupid! No doubt Biden will be the forgive and forget president — exactly what the country doesn’t need — as McConnell does everything in his power to make him a one-term president. Vomit! Double whatever! We deserve the weakness because that’s what Democrats are — weak! Always f***ing weak! The weakness is killing us! Welcome to stupid America!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

‘Trump’s calls to Putin may soon be revealed to Biden’s team — then what?’

Allow me to answer the question presented in the RawStory headline as forthrightly as I can: Not a G.D. thing! Nothing! Nada! Zilch! F*** all! That’s what will happen. Mark my words, f***tards. It is becoming increasingly clear that Biden will be in full-on “healing” mode instead of “accountability” mode, so as usual, traitors to the nation will get away with everything. RepubliKKKlans will be emboldened to obstruct Biden for the next four years, and Biden is just too weak to do anything about it. I’m not sure what part of RepubliKKKlan obstructionism against Democrats over the last several decades indicates to Biden that somehow he’ll be the exception. I can’t with the stupid anymore! Dumbass Democrats deserve what they get, and we got Biden. I voted for him because he was our best chance of winning, and I always knew in the back of my mind he would be weak and feckless to hold traitor trump and his administration accountable for their lawlessness, but now I’m reminded of how frustrating and painful it will be to watch RepubliKKKlans run circles around President Biden. McConnell will never say it aloud as he did with Obama, but his actions will be precisely the same to make Biden a one-term president. Yeah, Biden was correct to call himself a transition president — transition between a traitor trump “RepubliKKKlan” presidency and a more radical trumpism presidency in 2025. Instead of taking the next four years to destroy trumpism and MAGA morons, Biden will allow it to fester and grow. Traitor trump will be a shadow president constantly questioning Biden’s legitimacy, and Biden will wrongly assume Americans are smart enough to move on from traitor trump and racism and misogyny and the like. Wrong! Half this country wants chaos because this is stupid America! Welcome to trump stupid America. All stupid all the time!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Of Course, Traitor Trump Is Not Going Anywhere Least of All Jail

On Morning Joe, “’That’s not what they think,’ Costa added. ‘He’s not going away. There’s a growing acceptance, while he may be at Mar-A-Lago in 2021, he will not run from the scene. He may prepare to run in 2024. Even if he doesn’t, he’s going to be meddling in primary races in 2022, so many of these Republicans are operating sometimes out of loyalty, sometimes to be sharing in the theatrics of the moment and sometimes out of fear.’” I have always respected Bop Costa as a reporter because he has inside access to Congress and the White House like no other. His analysis is sober, unquestionably unbiased, and usually correct.

Of course, traitor trump is not going anywhere after he leaves office. He will be the kingmaker of a corrupt, mentally damaged, and delusional RepubliKKKlan Party, who — make absolutely no mistake — love him! And all this f***ing G.D. nonsense I keep hearing from dumbass Democrats, morons on the left, pundits, and political commentators in the MSM about traitor trump facing lawsuits and criminal investigations at the state level after he leaves office is driving me f***ing G.D. nuts. All these hopes and expectations that traitor trump or members of his crime family are going to jail is nothing but stupid think of the highest m*****f***ing G.D. order. As I said, traitor trump is not going anywhere — jail, Russia, into hiding, or otherwise. New York is not going to pursue the cases against him hard enough and long enough to jail him. Mark my words, morons. Traitor trump will tie these matters up in court for years! New York has no interest in jailing him; they just want their money, so eventually, these cases and lawsuits will get settled out of court, signaling — naturally! — that the rich and powerful will get away with it — whatever it may be — again! Traitor trump has been getting away with it all his life and this will be no different because Democrats usually fail to prosecute political bad actors to the fullest extent of the law as they should. But whatever. No one has ever accused Democrats of having a backbone! No president — current or former — is ever going to be jailed! Period! Full! F***ing! Stop! This is a consequence-free country where anything goes, especially when it comes to RepubliKKKlans. Witness four years of the traitor trump presidency. So, get ready for traitor trump to influence RepubliKKKlan politics until he dies, which, of course, is never soon enough because God loves irony! Welcome to trump stupid America! We’re not done with him yet, if ever!

Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

I Agree with Limbaugh

According to The Hill, “Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday suggested that America was headed towards the conditions that resulted in the first American Civil War on his radio show after a caller asked whether conservativism would ever dominate U.S. culture again. … ‘There cannot be a peaceful coexistence of two completely different theories of life, theories of government, theories of how we manage our affairs. We can’t be in this dire a conflict without something giving somewhere along the way.’”

For once, I am in complete agreement with Limbaugh! He is saying nothing I have not already opined. Civil war is coming and to some extent the cold war within has been raging for most of my life, ever since the evil evangelicals made the culture war front and center in American society. And it is no surprise when I say bring it! The next civil war will only start when there is a Democratic president because all these MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals certainly never have an issue when a dictator RepubliKKKlan is their president. Oh, no! They have no problems with that and Democrats would never consider secession. Democrats, being the true patriots, still try to work within the system to cope and improve the state of the union, although dumbass Democrats try just a bit too hard to be fair and just — f*** that! Be ruthless. They need to learn to dominate!

My only fear with a Democratic president presiding over the next civil war is his or her weakness. No doubt it will be a weak dumbass Democrat that will seek to overcome and heal when in fact he or she should only be considering using the full force of the military to smite and obliterate traitor (RepubliKKKlan) states. No m*****f***ing G.D reconciliation and reconstruction! When we win it will be to vanquish, dominate, and occupy! In fact, I would have no problems with death camps for rebel traitors. They can help rebuild something until they drop dead. I don’t f***ing care. Once the enemy always the enemy! All these f***tard RepubliKKKlans always seem to forget that the political power they hold is outsized; there are far more Democrats, liberals, and progressives than conservatives. Although, I will concede what the right lacks in numbers they compensate with their strength and determination. On the other hand, all the wealth resides in Democratic states, so bring it, morons! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Let the war begin and let’s f***ing cleanse this nation of the scum and disease that is MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals. It will be brother against brother, but the need for an American renewal is long overdue. Bravo, Rush! Indeed, let’s roll already. Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

I Live in Stupid Hell!

According to CNN, “President Donald Trump expanded his extraordinary efforts to overturn the election Saturday, attempting to pressure Georgia’s governor to force a special session of the legislature to change the result, while using an evening rally for two GOP Senate candidates to rant about his own grievances and thrash Republican leaders who have not done his bidding. It was more evidence that the President will spend the remaining days of his presidency ignoring the deadly course of the pandemic, spreading falsehoods that amount to an attack on democracy and nursing his own grudges even if that works against the interests of his own party.” Of course, he did.

Not only is America filled with a bunch of f***tards, but it is the world’s capital of m*****f***ing G.D. whiny b*tchy grievance-driven sore losers. Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! Only in America is half the country enamored by a president that just f***ing complains and b*tches about everything, especially about how the world is so unfair to him. Boo-f***ing-hoo! Un-f***ing-believable! I thought the RepubliKKKlan Party was the party of taking personal responsibility and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps in the face of adversity. Ha! It has never been any of these things. It’s always been the party of “woe is me” and victimization. RepubliKKKlans are always the victim of apparently their own whiteness. F*** me. I can’t anymore. When Hillary lost to traitor trump, I wasn’t in denial or a sore loser nor did I claim conspiracy theories of fraud. I recognized and accepted the results of the election for precisely what it was — a country of f***ing G.D. morons of the highest m*****f***ing order elected the dumbest and most incompetent person ever to be the president because traitor trump exactly reflects the level of America’s stupidity and laziness. It was the lazy and apathetic “voter” that just couldn’t be bothered to come out for Hillary combined with the other set of morons who did vote for traitor trump that got him elected. It is a miracle of God that such apathy was not repeated in 2020. I was convinced 2016 would repeat itself. How many times must I repeat myself? At its core, America is really not smart enough for Democracy to endure, and it is amazing we’ve lasted this long! If traitor trump has taught RepubliKKKlans anything is that America’s democracy can be co-opted; traitor trump was simply too incompetent to realize the full potential of a president to kill our democracy. Trust me when I say more competent authoritarian anti-democratic RepubliKKKlans have been paying close attention. They will make sure democracy dies in the future, for they understand dumbass Democrats are feckless to stop them. Mark my words, idiots! Traitor trump led the way and primed the pump; RepubliKKKlans will follow through until the end of democracy comes to fruition.

Nonetheless, traitor trump’s ranting and rallies will not benefit dumbass Democrats in Georgia’s January runoff because no matter what the Idiot-in-Chief says, mainstream RepubliKKKlans will come out to vote while dumbass Democrats can’t be bothered to vote — God forbid! — twice in two months! Whatever! Mark my words, morons! Get ready for four years of government gridlock and traitor trump being a shadow president who will never give up the spotlight and the MSM will eagerly oblige in covering him because that’s what Americans love to see — the daily carnage and shiny object. That collective sigh of relief after Biden’s win is coming from only half the country. The other half still wants to watch the daily reality show that is traitor trump! F*** me! Welcome to stupid America. To be sure, dumber tomorrow than today!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Bravo, Mellman! Bravo!

From The Hill, “After four years of Donald Trump’s severe intellectual and emotional impairments on daily display; after the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and the beginning of a ‘racial reckoning’; after Trump fought to take health care away from millions; after majorities acknowledged Trump was a serial liar and a racist who put himself first and didn’t care about people; after impeachment, COVID-19, a quarter million dead, an economy reeling; and after a $14 billion campaign, precious little changed. A lot more people voted, but they didn’t vote very differently. Trump’s share of the popular vote actually inched up 1 point over 2016, while Joe Biden improved on Hillary Clinton’s percentage by 2.9 points, with support for third parties obviously receding. Biden’s popular vote lead increased by less than 2 points over Clinton’s, though the gains were well located, yielding an electoral vote landslide for the president-elect [emphasis added].”

Very well said and precisely what I have been saying for well over a year, except that I was less confident (had no confidence actually) that Biden votes would be “well located” enough to win the Electoral College — and technically as of this writing, Biden has not won the Electoral College yet! Thankfully, I was wrong in my prediction, but some of the essence of what I’ve been espousing is more true now than ever, namely, traitor trump is the Everyman of America and we are not getting rid of him, MAGA morons, trumpism, or the RepubliKKKlan Party. Mellman is right. Nothing’s changed and I have said that many times before just as plainly. Pundits, political analysts, dumbass Democrats, and other morons seem to think this Biden win is some vindication of trumpism. That the country dodged a bullet. That we are on our way back to “normality.” B.S.! No f***ing way! All stupid thinking all the m*****f***ing time!

Biden’s win is nothing more than a reprieve from a continuously declining trump stupid America. Sorry to say it, f***tards, but there is no way after four years of traitor trump and RepubliKKKlan appeasement that dumbass Democrat’s failure to take the U.S. Senate, make gains in the U.S. House, and win state legislative bodies indicates anything other than RepubliKKKlan’s stranglehold on society and our politics. In short, those Americans who may not have liked traitor trump all that much and may not have voted for him sure did not have any issues with propping up a party that indulged every one of his treasonous and hateful behaviors. Mark my words, morons. I think Biden is in for four years of a lame duck presidency. Traitor trump has shown RepubliKKKlans how to f*** everything up and gain approval; I have no doubt they will take it to the next level because the people have condoned RepubliKKKlan’s worst behavior by electing more to office. Welcome to stupid America! Indeed! Nothing has changed!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

I’m Regretting My Vote for Biden Already — F*** Me!

From Salon, “Unfortunately, Biden is living up to every stereotype of the quisling Democrat and taking this advice seriously. Reports suggest that in the interest of national ‘unity,’ Biden is discouraging the idea of prosecuting Trump. … This pattern — Republicans screw everything up and are allowed to get away with it in the name of ‘unity,’ and take that as permission to go even further the next time — has been playing out since Richard Nixon first snagged his post-Watergate pardon. … Of course not. And that’s the problem we’re facing. The ‘unity’ isn’t unity at all. It’s a fake unity in which one side — the side that did not cause the damage wrought by Trump or Bush or Reagan or Nixon — does all the work, while the other side keeps looking for new opportunities to cause trouble. If anything, conservatives grows ever bolder in their corruption, realizing they will never face consequences for their actions, and in fact can count on the left to clean up all their messes for them.”

The article goes on to prove the point by quoting Jonathan Mahler, “When President George H.W. Bush pardoned six Reagan White House officials who were involved in the Iran-contra affair, he warned of ‘a profoundly troubling development in the political and legal climate of our country: the criminalization of policy differences.’ Bush was sparing members of his own party. President Obama created what is perhaps an even more relevant precedent for Biden by choosing not to prosecute members of the George W. Bush administration who had authorized the unlawful torture of detainees; his nominee for attorney general, Eric Holder, used the very same phrase — the criminalization of policy differences — when the issue came up during a 2009 congressional hearing.”

Well-versed arguments like the above infuriate me all over again, and right on cue, Biden has been signaling his pusillanimous intentions to place unity over accountability. As usual, dumbass Democrats can’t chew gum and walk at the same time. Moreover, dumbass Democrats are too short-sighted to understand that another RepubliKKKlan administration that goes unpunished only encourages and emboldens the next criminal RepubliKKKlan administration and strengthens the resistance of the RepubliKKKlan Senate and soon to be RepubliKKKlan House (in two years). Whatever! I give up! Democrats come into office to clean up the f***ing mess left behind by RepubliKKKlans only to have voters kick them out of office once they put the economy back on track because you know — the RepubliKKKlans are “good for the economy,” nevermind that’s always Democrats that have to fix things. Welcome to stupid America! And I thought I would have little to write about with a traitor trump loss. The stupid is endless and everywhere! Democrats are weak, and that’s why they may have won the presidency but lost everywhere else — at the federal, state, and local levels. It never f***ing fails. Never! One step forward, two steps back.