Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic

Get Ready for Religious Tyranny

From CNN, “In a 5-4 ruling, the US Supreme Court sided with religious organizations in a dispute over Covid-19 restrictions put in place by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo limiting the number of people attending religious services.” So, if a pandemic is not sufficient justification to temporarily “restrict” religious liberty in the name of society’s general health then nothing is off-limits. And the term “restrictions” is hardly apt in this case, although it seems to be the charge used by the court. Limiting capacity at church or synagogue services is hardly an imposition that somehow dissuades the faithful from their beliefs. The government is not telling what religions may or may not believe. The court criticized Cuomo’s regulation as “singl[ing] out houses of worship for especially harsh treatment” by citing that houses of worship that can accommodate up to 700 and 1000 must be restricted to 10 or 25 people depending on which level of infection zone (“orange” or “red”) such houses or worship reside. Yes, I agree this seems excessively “restrictive” and even Cuomo agreed by changing the regulation to 50 percent capacity. While Chief Justice Roberts sided with the liberal wing of the court arguing the case was now moot because Cuomo changed the policy, the conservatives rendered an opinion anyway, and therein is the real problem. What happens if churches or synagogues seek injunctive relief because 50 percent is too “restrictive” as the pandemic worsens? Why should (why would) a conservative court find 50 percent to be an acceptable — no doubt arbitrary — threshold? In short, the court has set a standard that not even public health is a defense to some, short-term “restrictions” on religious liberty. Thus, opens the flood gates where anything and everything will be permissible in the defense of religious liberty, including discrimination against anyone who is deemed the “other.”

So, I say bring it. Bring it all! Americans have been living far too long — especially dumbass Democrats — in the misguided belief that SCOTUS is not important and that our rights cannot regress. Tell that to the next gay couple — or inter-racial couple for that matter — who will be denied services in the name of religious liberty. Those same “cake” cases will resurface and win handily in this SCOTUS. It has been a long time coming. Wake up America! Get ready for all the things that will be allowed in the name of religious liberty; I only hope dumbass Democrats and progressives fight back because such arguments cut both ways. Welcome to stupid America. Every SCOTUS ruling will be downhill from here, and you did this!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Apparently, Rejoicing Is Premature

So…I firmly believed traitor trump would pull out a win because this is trump stupid America! Perhaps not as trump stupid as I thought, but there are several predictions about the election that I otherwise nailed! In no particular order, Democratic wins in Texas or Florida were, of course, a pipe dream of the highest G.D. m*****f***ing order, which further evinces that dumbass Democrats still have not f***ing clue about f***ing anything! In fact, the Biden win seems to suggest — no proves — he is the only one that knows what the f*** is going on in the country besides RepubliKKKlans. He ran on a center, center-left agenda and won; dumbass Democrats pulled too far left (or allowed themselves to be labeled as far left which is worse still) and lost House seats, although they held their own in the Senate, yet they certainly failed to regain the Senate as they had prognosticated. That was never going to happen. F*** me! Oh, by the way, Georgia wins for Democratic Senators is not going to happen, morons. Double mark my words on that! There was never going to be a Democratic blowout. Again, another pipe dream I easily predicted was never going to happen. Democrats really needed one but failed — as usual. Tom Perez needs to be fired because he failed. Full stop! If I have to hear him say that Democrats are going to take the Senate and gain seats in the House and win state legislatures one more f***ing time then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. There is no way Democrats can have someone that delusional about the facts on the ground and continue in a position of leadership. Sorry! But he needs to f***ing go! Losers do not stay in power!

What else? Oh, yes! Traitor trump increased his popular vote by four to five million people to clinch the second-highest vote total (behind Biden) in history. So, needless to say, America is still infected with nearly 72 million MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans and other various f***tards who need to be enrolled in a T4 program immediately because the incomprehensible stupidity is literally killing America. The stupid hurts! I have been saying for well over a year now that there is a hidden traitor trump voter that the opinion polls were not picking up, and the board misses by most pollsters certainly proves that is the case. People really are afraid to admit that they like traitor trump, but they are more than willing to vote for him anyway because they witnessed the last five years and decided they want more of that! OMG! I can’t with the stupid anymore. I just f***ing can’t. Why do these morons persist in living? Shouldn’t they be overdosing on heroin or losing to Russian roulette? I mean stupid is as stupid does! Thank God there are more of us than there are of them, which has always been the case. But, as I have said countless times, more often than not America is a nation where the minority ruling over the majority and the majority usually rolls over. Thank God the majority refused to roll over this time, but some did, for example, Latino men, which brings me to my next point.

Of course, as I rightly predicted, “changing demographics” is not going to save Democrats. That was made clear when Biden lost ground in Florida with the Latino male voter! Traitor trump gained and won the state by a wider margin compared to Clinton. So much for that pipe dream. Ugh! There is this cultural thing in the Latino community called machismo, and traitor trump is precisely that which Latino men respect and love. You’ll never hear pundits and commentators acknowledge it because they are oblivious to it and Latinos may not want to admit such a sexist and bigoted strain runs rampant in the Latino ethos. But it does.

Who else supported traitor trump in higher numbers? Oh, yeah! White women. So much for that white women “revolt.” Black men. Yup! Doubled in support from 2016 for whatever incomprehensible “reasoning.” Whatever! People love the hate! Plain and simple. Any excuses about the economy and taxes and America first are all lies. It’s all about the hate! Full! F***ing! Stop! All in all, traitor trump is more popular today after four years or destroying America and the disease is not going away. Welcome to stupid America. We are far from a cure!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic

Welcome to the New America! Get Ready, F***tards!

Source: TMZ

Win, lose, or draw! This is the new America, morons! Hate is on full display and militias will be freely roaming the streets because this is trump stupid America. Sadly, liberals, progressives, and dumbass Democrats are all too weak to stop the hoards of MAGA morons that are never going away. Mark my words, idiots. All of America has been infected with the MAGA moron virus. There is no cure but death — the pathogen along with the host! America was lost four years ago and we are never going to get it back! All because people wanted to “shake up Washington” and others allowed the hostile takeover because neither Clinton nor traitor trump “did it” for them enough to bother to vote! I can’t with the stupid anymore. We deserve the government and the disaster we voted for (or by not voting at all). Welcome to stupid America. Still just as dumb and doomed today as it was four years ago.

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

It’s Not Enough, Morons!

Don’t be fooled, f***tards! Do! Not! Be! Fooled! Where ever Biden is ahead in key battleground states, namely Pennsylvania, the lead over traitor trump is not enough. I’m telling you people! It is not enough! I’ve said it time and time again. Unless Biden is up in the national polls by double-digits then he wins, but that’s not the case. Ahead by high single-digits is not enough to account for the silent majority of traitor trump supporters in just enough of all the right states — and they truly exist! Mark my words! It is not enough! And all these f***ing G.D. pipe dreams from dumbass Democrats about Florida, Texas, Georgia, and the like is so f***ing infuriating. Look, f***tards! How many f***ing times do I have to say it? How many times? Changing demographics is not going to f***ing save the Democratic Party, let alone democracy. Un-f***ing-believable. Here’ a perfect case in point to prove my theory: Latinos! They are allegedly a “gettable” minority for Democrats as they increase their percentage in the population because they are a younger cohort (Millenials and Gen Z), so naturally, they should be more liberal, as the “changing demographics” theory suggests. Yet, traitor trump is doing better with Latinos than Biden, who is underperforming Hillary in 2016. As NPR notes, “The Latino vote will be key across the country, especially in tight races in places such as Arizona and Florida. This year, Latinos make up the largest nonwhite eligible voting bloc in the country, and according to polls, Torres is a part of about or over a quarter of Latinos who view this president favorably, with some polls showing Trump doing slightly better among Latinos in 2020 than he did in 2016.”

Additionally, The Atlantic sums it up well, “For 30 years, political consultants have been predicting that in the next presidential election, a growing Latino electorate in the United States will finally awaken, sway the outcome, and usher in a new era of Latino political power. And for 30 years, they have been wrong. The 2020 election may prove no different. Again and again, political analysts have underestimated the diversity among American Latinos. Key segments of the community—specifically Cubans and younger U.S.-born Mexican Americans—support the Republican Party in numbers large enough to mitigate explosive new registration numbers among more Democratic-leaning Latinos. While Donald Trump has lagged behind Joe Biden in national polls, the president is faring better than he did in 2016 among some groups of Latino voters. Surveys in Florida last month showed Trump winning an overwhelming share of the Cuban American vote. Fortunately for Biden, the Democratic nominee still has time to fine-tune his tactics.”

This is going to be a close election and close enough for traitor trump to steal it! Mark my words. There is not going to be a landslide! When dumbass Democrats need a blowout election most, it will never happen! Democrats are not going to take back the Senate. And if, by some miracle of God, Biden wins then not having the Senate means four years of more gridlock because that’s what America does! In the age of partisanship, people still seem to think Democrats and RepubliKKKlans can (have the capacity to) work together. Morons of America seem to use the following logic when voting: “Oh, let’s split political control of the branches of government so no one party has all the power and nothing will get done!” And then Americans b*tch about how divided government doesn’t work! Ugh, I hate the stupid. It f***ing hurts! Whatever! I give up! We get the government we deserve — and traitor trump is the government stupid America deserves.

I close with the following basic truth: Given the state of the nation now, given that traitor trump has never been above water in his job approval, given traitor trump’s handling of SARS 2, given the number of people who have died from SARS 2 and did not have to die, given the rise of QAnon in the RepubliKKKlan party, given his impeachment, given that more people think the nation is going in the wrong direction, given all of his antics and behaviors, given the non-stop traitor trump reality show, given the non-stop schtick from a person in the most serious and demanding job in the world, given his abject stupidity — though I mind you he’s still slightly less stupid than the average MAGA moron thereby making him truly look like a stable genius in their eyes — given his disdain for democracy and love for dictatorships, given all these factors and many, many more I have no time to list, the race is still tight. The race is still close! How the f*** can this be? Therein lies the true essence and meaning of this race and America more generally. America is stuck on stupid and Americans are too dumb and apathetic to do anything about it. So, get ready for four more years! Welcome to trump stupid America! I give up! I can’t take the stupid anymore!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

Apples to Oranges: Traitor [T]rump Is Favored to Win

Source: FiveThirtyEight, Retrieved on 10 October 2020
Source: FiveThirtyEight, Retrieved on 10 October 2020

All things being unequal, Biden is exactly where Clinton was at this time in the 2016 race. To be precise, on 10 October 2016, Clinton was favored to win with 82.8% probability, and as of the same date four years later Biden is given 85 in 100 chances of winning. I say all things being unequal because who the f*** knows what may happen in the next three weeks. Anything — spontaneous or contrived — can alter the course of the race. I keep hearing moronic political pundits, commentators, and the MSM say that a big difference between now and then is that traitor trump has a record he’s running on, and it is a record against which voters can decide if they want to re-elect him. In short, four years ago traitor trump was the unknown maverick to “shake things up,” and today people supposedly (now) know what kind of president he has been and will continue to be. Indeed! Yet! And yet! I say it again — yet, traitor trump’s prospects of winning are no better nor worse than where he was four years ago — when he won! When! He! Won! Mark my words, morons! Get ready for four more years! I can’t with the stupid anymore! Welcome to stupid America! I live in trump stupid hell! Clearly, traitor trump has absolutely no chance of winning the popular vote, but enough Americans in all the right places love this man to get him re-elected!

Then there is this from The Hill, “Democrats are warning their voters not to become complacent as Joe Biden builds up a formidable polling lead in the race for the White House. … But Democrats are still deeply scarred from 2016, when Democrat Hillary Clinton was viewed as the heavy favorite heading into Election Day. They say that despite Biden’s polling strength, the political terrain is extremely volatile and that even small changes in their projected turnout models could produce wild swings in the Electoral College.”

Ha! Complacency is Democrats’ middle name! Democrats were complacent during Obama’s first mid-term elections where voters allowed RepubliKKKlans to take control of the House (and two years later the Senate), essentially hobbling all his future legislative and judicial efforts. And they were complacent when many stayed home during the 2016 election, allowing traitor trump to take power. In fact, I will say complacency is America’s middle name! So, yeah. I have absolutely no faith in voters, especially dumbass Democrats, to pull off a victory unless there is some miracle of God.

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

If I Have to Hear One More F***tard Say…

If I have to hear one f***ing G.D. moronic commenter, pundit, voter, pedestrian, dumbass Democrat, or anyone else “hope” that traitor trump’s contraction of SARS 2 will cause him to take the pandemic seriously, then I am going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind! I mean I just might go postal because I can’t take the stupid anymore. If traitor trump survives SARS 2, then absolutely nothing will change. In fact, it will only make things worse. Not only will he claim lifetime immunity but he’ll also claim the mantle of Jesus Christ superstar. He rose from near death. (And evil evangelicals will believe him because that’s what a stupid country does!) Mark my words, f***tards. His recovery from this disease will be a license to further divide the country — those who were strong enough to survive and everyone else. I’ve said it before, idiots. This is at the core of MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan beliefs — SARS 2 is killing all the right people, namely minorities. It’s weeding out the weak. I cannot say it any more plainly than that. His MAGA moron and RepubiKKKlan supporters are all in with this line of thinking. Whatever! You’ll never see a mask on him again because he’s cured, setting the ultimate example for every other American moron. Of course, none of his followers will care if his recklessness kills people, and neither will he. Traitor trump is not going to see the light or become a convert on the pandemic. He will only see this as an argument of the weak versus the strong. He’s strong. He survived. Those who don’t make it were not meant to live. And people will love him more for it! Mark my words, f***tards.

WTF! The stupid never ends. Every f***ing day is just another day of Lucy and the f***ing G.D. football with people thinking something is ever going to change with traitor trump and his followers. It! Will! Never! Ever! Change! It only goes to prove the frustrating notion that people do not understand the truly vile nature of trumpism and its malignancy in America. Wake the f*** up, people! Should Biden win, don’t think trumpism will end or “just” disappear. It needs to be thoroughly exterminated. But no one understands, so it will be allowed to persist under some misguided notion of freedom of speech and religion. I can’t take the stupid anymore! Welcome to trump stupid America.

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

ACA Is the Only Move Democrats Have

For once in a century, dumbass Democrats appear to be unified in their strategy and messaging. As soon as that see you next Tuesday Amy Coney Barrett b*tch accepted traitor trump’s nomination, Democratic leadership was clear in their messaging: Your health care is in danger! It came from Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer. This, by Democrat’s standards, was a miracle of coordination and discipline in messaging, and dare I say “forceful.” So, they need to keep hitting home with this message again and again and again and again once more because it’s the only argument they have! Although, Democrats need to turn up the fear factor 1000 percent by telling people that SCOTUS will declare the ACA null and void next year when that see you next Tuesday Amy Coney Barrett b*tch is confirmed! And people will die as a result and that person could be you! F*** it! Just lie to voters! Traitor trump has been doing it to RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons to rather an impressive effect for years! Fear works more than hope, a lesson dumbass Democrats still have not learned whereas RepubliKKKlans came to power and retain power based on fear alone!

Dumbass Democrats Other RepubliKKKlans

Pack the M*****f***ing G.D. Courts!

Ugh! If I have to hear one more f***ing G.D. legal “commentator” voice caution and “concern” (ala Mitt Romney and Susan Collins level of concern) about calls to pack the courts because it may engender a tit-for-tat battle between Democrats and RepubliKKKlans whenever each regains control of Congress, then I am going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. I can’t stand this f***ing pusillanimous mindset anymore. What is most infuriating is these commentators’ justification for espousing restraint: They fear such a battle over SCOTUS will endanger the legitimacy of the Court. Hello, m*****f***ing G.D. morons of the highest m*****f***ing G.D. order! The court, with this latest nomination, has already lost its legitimacy. In fact, it’s been losing its legitimacy more and more ever since RepubliKKKlans held up Obama’s last nomination. It is clear that SCOTUS is now the legal arm of the RepubliKKKlan Party. So, its legitimacy is long gone! God-f***ing-damm*t! I can’t anymore with these f***tards and this call to err on the side of caution and not to make rash decisions in the heat of the SCOTUS battle. F*** that! We are so f***ing beyond caution and not being rash. What is even more frustrating is that dumbass Democrats — Biden! Mnuchin! — seem to be agreeing with such opinions. Un-f***inf-believable. We are so f***ing screwed! F***ing weak, stupid Democrats. It never fails!

There are legitimate and sensible reasons to pack the courts. (I must admit these are not my ideas. See the brilliant writings of Elie Mystal.) First, it is a completely rightful function of Congress to expand the courts, just as it was legitimate for RepubliKKKlans to hold up Obama’s last pick — as distasteful as it was. I am so in favor of what is good for the goose is good for the gander! Second, expanding (or reducing) the size of SCOTUS is not novel; it has occurred many times in the nation’s history. There is precedent. In fact, I say expand the SCOTUS to an absurd number such as 21, 23, or 25. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has 29 judges. Why should SCOTUS, which is at the apex of the federal judicial system and without a doubt the most important court in the land, be limited to and rely on such a few number of legal opinions when upholding or striking down laws? Which brings me to my next point, which again I am borrowing from someone else. Third, the more Justices on SCOTUS then the less influence (power) any one Justice has to reshape the jurisprudence direction of the country. People already argue — RepubliKKKlans in particular but only when the argument suits them, of course — that SCOTUS has too much power. I say dilute their power by increasing the number of Justices so that no one person can f*** over the rest of the nation. If Democrats want to increase the number of Justices to 21 and then if RepubliKKKlans come to power and want to add another 6, 8, or 10, so f***ing be it! Of course, dumbass Democrats really should be trying to guarantee that at the very least they never lose the majority in the Senate. F*** the House! Just don’t lose the Senate, ever! The Senate can really f*** over a sitting president, while the House just thinks they can. But that is a pipe dream. Last, the backlog of federal cases is rediculous and the number of important cases that are not taken up on appeal is equally appalling. Justice delayed is just denied. So, pack the m*****f***ing G.D. courts at all levels and allow litigants to receive justice in months, not years. Maybe SCOTUS can grant certiorari and hear cases year-around instead of taking the Summer off.

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

SCOTUS and the ACA: You Did This!

I am speculating here, for I have not read nor researched the ACA lawsuit that is about to come before the High Court because in my mind there is only one question — above and beyond the legal arguments and issues of jurisprudence — and that question is this: Are there one or two Justices really willing to tip the scales of justice to take away health care — outright — from tens of millions of citizens and take away affordable health care from a hundred million people with pre-existing conditions? Is a single person or two people really about to do this? Is he or she willing to return America to a pre-ACA world where insurance companies will place spending limits and lifetime spending caps on people’s lives? What Justice will declare a law unconstitutional that has such high approval among the people? Who wants to be that Justice? The answer would seem obvious, and one may be forgiven for holding out hope. I mean two conservative Justices actually found discrimination protections for the LGBTQ community in the workplace in the Civil Rights Act. Shockingly! But that was the old SCOTUS. Now we have a new SCOTUS. Not knowing the actual questions at law, my guess is the decision will hinge on the doctrine of severability. And let’s face it: If Justices truly wanted to preserve any given law then they would find the legal reasoning to justify their decisions to do so. Conservative Justices seem less committed to the application of a consistent legal philosophy as they are committed to arriving at a pre-determined outcome.

The short answer is hell f***ing yes! Make no mistake about it! The majority of the court desires to strike down the ACA in the middle of a pandemic nonetheless. Roberts is most certainly going to be a vote with the liberal wing, but that is no longer enough. Thomas and Alito are no votes because they have ruled as such on ACA cases before, which leaves the others as unknowns on this matter. Do not think for a second any one of these individuals would not be willing to condemn people to death by taking away health care and by allowing insurance companies to walk away from individuals’ treatments because it costs too much. I have no doubt that these Justices won’t care that people with pre-existing conditions can be barred from coverage or priced out of the market. As an aside, just wait until all these people who survived SARS 2 — even those who never had symptoms — develop all kinds of health issues in the future and insurance companies start denying them coverage because they had SARS 2. Since we don’t know the long-term prognosis of SARS 2 survivors, there could be an entire cohort of millions of people that insurance companies refuse to cover, claiming they have a pre-existing condition. Nobody knows what happens to survivors over the long term. What if this is a virus that lies dormant in the heart or brain or spinal cord for years before it manifests itself in a far more serious and deadly resurgence. We have no f***ing clue! What a disaster that will be.

I have no doubt! These immoral Justices will rest assured at night (and within their legal arguments) despite striking down the ACA, for they will argue that Congress is free to craft new, better legislation to replace that which SCOTUS voided. I’ve read such arguments in conservative opinions before — Congress can and should improve a law that SCOTUS finds unconstitutional. But, of course, Congress has the votes to tackle health care legislation again! Not! It is a non-starter given the dysfunctional state of Congress, but the Justices will already understand this, and they still won’t care. Just as Pontius Pilate condemned Jesus to death as he washed his hands, SCOTUS will do the same to tens of millions of people without blinking twice while at the same time telling Congress it’s their fault if they’re unable or unwilling to fix the law. Nevermind the track record of Congress having tried (and failed) countless times over the last ten years to strike down the ACA. In other words, the people elected politicians time and time again that have continued to uphold the law; the people have spoken through their representatives, and they believe Obamacare, on the whole, is just as they want it! Not to mention that SCOTUS has upheld the ACA twice previously. So, are Justices really willing to overturn the will of the people this time, with a third bite at the apple? Again, I say hell f***ing yes, without a doubt! Get ready for more chaos! This is the new America and people at worst love it or at best ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. America is the land of always going backward! We are an anti-progressive nation!

Yet, this is the country we deserve. This is the idiocracy for which Americans voted. This is what the people wanted, so now they’ve got it. This is the new world that dumbass Democrats, moronic voters, and an apathetic country has brought upon itself. America is the nation of unfocused, unconcerned, and unaware idiots that don’t pay attention until it’s too late. Then everyone looks around at each other wondering what the f*** happened? You happened! Just remember that you did this to yourself! You wanted traitor trump to shake things up! You thought traitor trump would run the country like a business where for some unknown reason you morons think the government is supposed to be run like a profiting enterprise. The government’s function is to govern, not make a f***ing profit, f***tards! No matter what RepubliKKKlan morons like to tell people, the skillsets for running a business and administrating a government of, for, and by the people are completely different; in fact, the mindsets are not only different, but they are incompatible! But whatever! I give up! You’re the one who thought a failed businessman and reality TV personality, who has no experience in government, would be capable of running the greatest democracy in the world. He’s running America right into the ground just like his other businesses. Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t anymore with the utter stupidity that conjures such “logic” to inform people to vote for traitor trump once and again. So, the next time you wonder why things are getting worse in America, look in the f***ing mirror! You did this! Good luck, f***tards! Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s the mirror, stupid! The stupid hurts and it’s turned deadly!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Praise Jesus! Kill Them All!

From The Hill, “A white supremacist was killed during a shootout with deputies in Templeton, Calif., this week, according to officials.” Great! Kill! Them! All! White supremacists do not deserve to live anywhere and at any time for any reason. They only deserve a bullet in the head! Full! F***ing! Stop! I’m so f***ing over it! I’m over being nice! I’m over the proverbial “turn the other cheek.” I’m over trying to see the other side from their point of view. I’m over Michelle Obama’s “when they go low, we go high” G.D. f***ing B.S. (God love her, but honestly.) I’m over civil disobedience and passive resistance. I’m over being part of the majority that is ruled over by the tyrannical minority. I’m over a country of morons who just don’t care anymore. I’m over all of it! Today, I’m in a let-the-blood-run-in-the-streets mood. I’ve said it countless times: The civil war began the minute traitor trump was elected, so let’s just get on with it. Let the fighting begin already. Let the killing begin! The country is long overdue for a great cleansing.

Arm up liberals and progressives and dumbass Democrats and Independents! Arm up, now! There are more of us than there are of them, though the right is armed to the teeth. But last I checked, one can only shoot one gun (competently) at a time, so all these Second Amendment retards that love their sacred gun collections are meaningless if they can only use one at a time. Moreover, fear not that these same morons will serve as some kind of free arsenal for the unarmed right-wing masses because all these f***tards run in the same circles, and each is already armed to the teeth. So, the armed right-wing nutjobs are not going to expand an unarmed populous into an overwhelming right-wing militia suddenly. Last, once these RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are killed, then their arsenals become ours. Maybe I should be thanking these idiots ahead of time for arming up the actual majority of people: us!