Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! And Bingoooo!

A Salon article opens with, “As I’ve watched the Trump era unfold, I have generally assumed that most elected Republicans were just cowards who hoped the Democrats would save them from the unpleasantness of reining Trump in. They could let the Democrats get rid of Trump in 2020 and then, after the smoke had cleared and his followers had licked their wounds and moved on, they could pretend that everything that had happened was all Trump’s fault. They could then return to playing the role of moral arbiters and upright patriots, which they spent years selling to the public, and hope that nobody remembered what sniveling invertebrates they really are. It turns out they aren’t cowards at all. They are craven opportunists who have observed the way Trump has exposed the weaknesses in our system and showed them how liberating the simple act of blatant shamelessness can be. They see how easily power can be seized, and that if the opponent doesn’t have a countervailing institutional strength, there is nothing to stop them from keeping it.”

I swear to God. I should be writing political articles professionally because much of what I review mirrors my thoughts but the articles are months and years behind my own conclusions. This Salon article is a perfect case in point! Of course, anyone with a brain could see that traitor trump is the long-awaited dictator of which RepubliKKKlans have dreamed. Make no mistake, f***tards! RepubliKKKlans have always been a party of autocrats. They believe not in the principles of America! Not in individualism in the democratic sense. Not in small government as they just love to claim. Not in protecting individual rights, least of all minority rights, which of course is the entire reason for the existence of the Constitution — a document that protects the minority from tyranny by the majority. Instead, we live in the opposite world wherein the majority is at the mercy of the minority. RepubliKKKlans believe in their version of a tyrannical government, which is to reign as dictators over everyone in their conservative right-wing nutjob image. They want to rule over women’s bodies and people’s love. They would rather let people die in the name of corporate profits. They want to legalize and protect discrimination in the name of religious freedom and the First Amendment, and so on and so on. Traitor trump showed the RepubliKKKlan Party that which they only dared to imagine, but now he has shown them the way and they’re all in, without question and without hesitation.

The conventional wisdom of moronic commentators, idiot political pundits, and the lame MSM is that RepubliKKKlans fear traitor trump, which is why RepubliKKKlan politicians rarely — if ever — firmly stand up against or criticize the Moron-in-Chief. WTF! Uh, no, f***tards! RepubliKKKlans don’t fear traitor trump; they admire him. But RepubliKKKlans can’t very well come out as being full-on dictator-lovers (yet), lest they truly fire up the ire and retribution of Independents and the Democratic base at the ballot box. Never fear, though! Soon enough RepubliKKKlans will come to understand that they have nothing to fear. Independents don’t seem to care and dumbass Democrats are feckless in the best of times. There is a reason why democracies “slide” into dictatorships. It is a slow process of a dumbing down of the citizenry who don’t understand civics coupled with the emergence of the insidious Big Lie that confuses an already moronic electorate to the point where voters give up because democracy “is too hard.” When an apathetic nation stops caring about their votes then dictators and their enabling political party will slowly and subtly (and not so subtly) consolidate power that will be impossible to reverse! Mark my words, morons!

Whatever! None of this matters. Nothing matters anymore because I live in stupid hell. RepubliKKKlans don’t want to stop traitor trump and dumbass Democrats are too weak (and don’t care) to fight back. So, get ready for four more years! I live in stupid hell! All stupid, all the time! Welcome to stupid America!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

I Say Scrap the Ballots

According to Axios, “Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court ordered state officials last week to throw out mail-in ballots submitted without a required inner ‘secrecy’ envelope in November’s election, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports.” They’re called MAGA morons for a reason! I say scrap those “naked” ballots. I have no doubt that most of the naked ballots will be traitor trump votes because this is m*****f***ing G.D. trump stupid America! Naturally, MAGA morons are too stupid to follow directions, and for any dumbass Democrats that can’t follow directions then shame on them. Democrats should know better! If the Democratic Party is not out in Pennsylvania in full force educating their voter base on how to properly cast a mail-in ballot then shame on them! We deserve to lose. This is a critical election. This is not the time to be sloppy or careless. Dot those I’s and cross those T’s, without fail. Let the other side f*** things up! So, I say discard those improperly cast mail-in ballots — RepiubliKKKlan and Democratic alike!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

The Must Read Atlantic Article

Two points from the article are worth discussing. The first, “Maybe you hesitate. Is it a fact that if Trump loses, he will reject defeat, come what may? Do we know that? Technically, you feel obliged to point out, the proposition is framed in the future conditional, and prophecy is no man’s gift, and so forth. With all due respect, that is pettifoggery. We know this man. We cannot afford to pretend. … Conventional commentary [i.e., MSM] has trouble facing this issue squarely. Journalists and opinion makers feel obliged to add disclaimers when asking ‘what if’ Trump loses and refuses to concede.” Finally, one periodical that is not only willing to call out the obvious about traitor trump but also willing to call out the MSM and the like for being too stupid and feckless to do the same. In short, MSM has been giving traitor trump the benefit of the doubt and giving him a pass on virtually everything throughout his term and before — calling his pathological lies “untruths” is laughable and giving him a pass. To be sure, MSM helped to perpetuate the idiot dictator, and they will be complicit in his remaining in power. Like most of the morons in America, the MSM and “conventional commentary” are completely blind to the true nature — vileness, anti-democracy, and pure idiocracy — of traitor trump, MAGA morons, and RepubliKKKlans. Whatever! We’re f***ed. Nothing matters anymore because America is just too f***ing stupid! A country this stupid cannot (should not) be allowed to survive.

The second quote, “According to sources in the Republican Party at the state and national levels, the Trump campaign is discussing contingency plans to bypass election results and appoint loyal electors in battleground states where Republicans hold the legislative majority. With a justification based on claims of rampant fraud, Trump would ask state legislators to set aside the popular vote and exercise their power to choose a slate of electors directly. The longer Trump succeeds in keeping the vote count in doubt, the more pressure legislators will feel to act before the safe-harbor deadline expires.” And here is the most interesting point of all. I have said it time and time again for years. Traitor trump is going to win re-election. Full stop! Mark my words, morons. Before the pandemic, I believed that he would win outright because the economy, stupid; the same f***tards who voted for him in all the right places four years ago will do so again in all the right places (e.g., in those “blue wall” states — Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania). Now, during the pandemic, I am more convinced he will win by crook. That is, traitor trump will steal the election. Full stop! The Atlantic article demonstrates the most likely course of action beyond just sowing chaos, doubt, and mistrust. In the end, traitor trump needs at least 270 electors to win. Once the Congress of the United States certifies the electors, then the president has been officially determined. Full stop! So, how will traitor trump guarantee the minimum number of electors? Through RepubliKKKlan legislatures in blue states. In short, RepubliKKKlans will overrule the popular will of the people in those states if the election is close — and maybe if the election is not close. Don’t expect the House to stand up to illegitimate electors. That will never happen! Dumbass Democrats will help traitor trump by playing by the old rules. Democrats in the House will readily accept whatever electors states send, no matter how nakedly corrupt the process was in selecting them. Ugh! Kill me now!

Allow me to expand on this point of our “democracy,” for I think most Americans are just too f***ing stupid to understand just how removed the people are from actually electing the president. We already know — at least people better f***ing know this by now — that the president is not elected by popular vote. What may not be widely known is that the state legislatures have — have always had — the final say about what electors they send to the U.S. House for certification. And those who think that RepubliKKKlans, given the chance to steal power, will not take it are absolute f***tards of the highest f***ing order. So, what part of RepubliKKKlan’s complicity with traitor trump’s crime administration over the last four years suggests they will stand up for the principles of America this time? None! I have no doubt that RepubliKKKlan legislatures will thwart the people’s will if the election is close. How many times have they done it — or tried — in the past? Allow me to list just a few examples. Universal background check for gun purchases? This issue has eighty to ninety percent of national support, yet RepubliKKKlans always block any legislation on the matter. The ACA? RepubliKKKlans want it killed and don’t care if people die even though Obamacare is more popular now with the majority of people since its inception. The next SCOTUS term will finally kill it — get ready, morons! What else? Climate change? Yup, RepubliKKKlans don’t care what the majority thinks. They continue to deny it and roll back environmental protection regulations and legislation. The vast majority of Americans wanted to stay in the Paris Climate Agreement, but whatever! Traitor trump withdrew anyway to please the minority. Affordable drug prices? RepubliKKKlans continue to ignore it and do nothing. DACA? The majority want DACA recipients protected, but traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans will most certainly eliminate it in his second term, and SCOTUS will uphold canceling the program. And one more. Most people want the winner of the upcoming presidential election to select the next SCOTUS Justice. But whatever! RepubliKKKlans don’t care; they will ram through their next right-wing nutjob. So, those who think that traitor trump and his compliant RepubliKKKlans will not do everything to ignore the will of the people to retain power are f***ing G.D. idiots of the highest f***ing order and really should be subject to a Tiergartenstraße 4 program. And does anyone really think dumbass Democrats are up to this fight? Ha! LMFAO! I promise Biden will concede the election as traitor trump intentionally stirs up chaos because the idiot in the White House does happen to understand one thing: He has all the power, and he knows Democrats, in particular Biden, are too weak to withstand his bullying. Yeah, so Biden will concede in the midst of chaos in what will be his misguided belief of sparing America more turmoil — ala Al Gore! As usual, dumbass Democrats are simply not up to the fight! Ugh! Pathetic! I can see it all already as if in a crystal ball.

Get ready, America, for another four years, f***tards! The country is lost forever. The majority is trapped by the minority, and people are too stupid to do anything about it. “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night” (2 Peter 3:10, KJV). Too late! The thief came four years ago and stole America’s democracy. And astonishingly, no one noticed or even cared! Mark! My! Words! Morons! Welcome to trump stupid America! I give up! No one cares. Nothing matters. I live in stupid hell!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

This Is Not Straight-faced Political Jiu-Jitsu, Sadly!

From Politico, “Politically, Biden is probably wise to cast himself as the one person trying to de-escalate the tit-for-tat over parliamentary procedure and dramatic institutional reform of the Supreme Court. The Biden campaign does not want McConnell to be able to use reform to cast Biden as radical on these issues.” I would like to think that Biden is conducting straight-faced political Jiu-Jitsu, that he is merely telling those in the political center what they want to hear, namely, he will return the country to political normality by not threatening to pack SCOTUS with liberal Justices. Then, if he should win and should Democrats take back the Senate, Biden pulls out all the stops and packs all the courts. But who am I kidding?!?! I can tell already that Biden will be one of the weakest presidents we’ve ever had, should he win. Mark my words, morons!

Honestly, at this point, Americans need to lose their health care. I think it is the only way to truly energize the left and the center. So much complacency has brought us to this point. Not enough people have died yet. Clearly, not enough fellow countrymen have died from SARS 2 to get people woke. Sorry, but traitor trump with a 43 percent job approval as he mismanages the pandemic is not a woke country! After a decade of health care security, maybe people need to have it taken away, and then we can return to the pre-ACA era where people die and go bankrupt because of their medical expenses. Maybe then, people will finally get woke. (I doubt it!) Not just woke, but revolutionary woke. (I doubt it!) Maybe when enough people have died then people will begin to understand that America is the land of minority tyranny where the citizens just take it, year after year. (I doubt it!) Whatever! Who am I kidding? I get myself all worked up to be optimistic, but none of this matters anymore. Moronic and apathetic Americans allowed conservatives to take hold of the country and we are never going to get it back, especially with the current breed of dumbass Democrats leading the party! Mark my words, f***tards! I’ve said it countless times before: America was lost the day traitor trump won the election, but no one has realized it yet, except me! Oh, well. Nothing to see here people! Go back to your TikTok and Facebook and Twitter! Welcome to trump stupid America! Get ready for four more years!

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Perhaps He’s Right

From RawStory, “‘This is not wishful thinking on my part at all. this is just politics 101,’ he added. ‘I actually tweeted the night of RGB death, hey, you know what, pray for her family, okay, and save your hot takes because they’re all wrong. This is a nightmare for Republicans, and as somebody said on Twitter, I’m quoting them, not me. Donald Trump’s just too dumb politically to figure that out right now.’” Yeah, he’s probably right. This is probably one fight vulnerable RepubliKKKlans don’t want and it will probably secure lean Democratic Senate seats in those states that are currently held by RepubliKKKlans. Yes, Scarborough may be right, but in the end so what? RepubliKKKlans don’t care. If getting another right-wing nut-job Justice on SCOTUS means RepubliKKKlans lose the Senate in the short run, then so be it! It’s not like dumbass Democrats are going to undo SCOTUS because they are weak and feckless f***tards. Idiot Biden has already signaled that he wants to return to business as usual if he gets elected, which would not include packing the courts! So, whatever! Welcome to stupid America. Nothing matters anymore! America deserves the stupidity it gets and it’s all stupid all the f***ing time!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Hey, Biden! Go F*** Yourself!

I am about to lose my f***ing G.D. mind! A Politico headline said it best: “Liberals want blood. Joe Biden is sticking with bipartisanship.” And the byline reads, “The Democratic nominee shrugged off calls within his party to embrace the kind of pure power tactics Republicans are adopting.” Fan-f***ing-tastic! I’m already regretting having to vote for Biden in November. It’s becoming quite clear that a Biden administration will not be correcting the wrongs of the traitor trump administration. He’s just going to tell everybody to live with it (e.g., SCOTUS), and let’s return to “normal.” Well, f*** you, Biden! F*** your B.S. “follow your conscience” entreaty to RepubliKKKlans. God-f***ing-d*mmit! Just more f***ing dumbass Democrat weakness! Another f***ing demonstration that dumbass Democrats have no f***ing understanding of RepubliKKKlans. So, RepubliKKKlans come to power, destroy everything, every norm, and every tradition and all Democrats want to do is conduct business as usual. Biden is going to be the “let’s just all get along” president! F*** me! I’m done!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans


And with the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Americans will finally get the dictatorship they deserve because I live in m*****f***ing G.D. trump stupid America! Of course, I predicted this last year because it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to understand that RBG was not going to last and that Mitch McConnell, the human turtle, would do anything to cement a conservative SCOTUS for at least two generations — For! At! Least! Two! Generations! And, of course, the gravity of this moment is completely lost on progressives, liberals, and dumbass Democrats, for they are a big part of the reason why we’re in this situation in the first place; their weakness brought us to this point.

For decades RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals have been running election campaigns on the issue of the courts, biding their time until the right moment. So! Here we are: At that moment. RepubliKKKlans hold all the cards and all the power, and dumbass Democrats have absolutely no way to stop this process. I’ve already heard dumbass Democrats calling RepubliKKKlans hypocrites if they push through a vote. Oh, my f***ing God! Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! Charges of hypocrisy!?!? Yeah! I see RepubliKKKlans stopping in their tracks to avoid being called hypocrites. Kill me now! It never fails that dumbass Democrats completely underestimate and fail to understand RepubliKKKlans. Traitor trump, a president of which the majority of the population has never liked, will be allowed to change the face of SCOTUS for decades to come. Think about that! Yup! Sounds like democracy to me. How many times must I say it? The minority is tyranny over the majority. I f***ing give up with this country. Seriously! I just f***ing give up!

And right on cue, I already hear idiot pundits — Chuck Todd — suggest that RepubliKKKlans may not have the numbers to get a traitor trump nomination confirmed as if to mitigate the severity of the circumstances. And right on cue, stupid people still seem to give RepubliKKKlans some benefit of the doubt that they will do the “honorable” thing — withhold confirmation until after the next president is sworn into office! Ugh! F*** me! Are they f***ing kidding me? RepubliKKKlans will crame this nomination through, and enough RepubliKKKlan Senators will fall in line as they always do. Mark my words, morons. This is a done deal whether or not Biden — by an even greater miracle now — manages to win the election. I just can’t f***ing believe how dumbass Democrats really f***ed the SCOTUS issue going back, well, forever.

There is no one to blame but dumbass Democrats for this disaster. This is what happens when they refuse to play hardball. Salon summed it up well, “It will take a new level of hardball from Democrats, far beyond anything they have mustered thus far, to prevent a historic Supreme Court power grab that will reshape the national agenda for a generation or more, long after today’s political leaders have faded from the scene.” Yeah, never going to happen! Liberals and progressives never took SCOTUS seriously, and now there will be a branch of the government, having the final say on all future legislation, who will gladly strike down legislation whenever it advances minorities and individuals. Does anyone really think that any progressive legislation Democrats pass into law will survive review by six conservative Justices? Anyone? Seriously? Anyone? I don’t care how well crafted the legislation is or how firmly within the prerogative of the legislative branch such laws are formed, debated, and passed; conservative Justices will legislate in their own activist manner. It will no longer be three co-branches of government; it will be conservative judges saying no to all legislation that doesn’t live up to their conservative worldview all disguised in the name of the Constitution. We are entering the full-on Roland Freisler period of federal jurisprudence. I can’t! I just can’t anymore!

People have no f***ing clue — no idea, no comprehension, as usual — just how catastrophic this is for America! Roe v. Wade? Gone! Obamacare? Gone! Corporations are people? Hell, yes! And get ready for them to be able to vote, too! Gun control? Never! You get an AR-15! And you get an AR-15! And you get an AR-15! Marriage equality? Gone! Climate change issues? What climate change? Corporation versus individual? The corporation always wins. All those other unenumerated constitutional rights? All those other rights only inferred by the Constitution which a liberal Court found? Gone! Gone! Gone! With a solid majority of constitutional originalists on the Court, people will become quickly familiar with the notion that all those rights — rights they have enjoyed and taken for granted — are not actually written into the Constitution. Civil rights? Gone! Gender equality? Gone! Education equality? Gone! Discrimination? Fully constitutional now! A conservative Court will enshrine the First Amendment as reasoning for open season on discrimination of every kind, especially against the LGBTQ community. I cannot repeat the disaster this will be for America for the next thirty years! Mark my words, morons! People have been asleep at the wheel.

Forget, RIP RBG. This is the year America died, and no one cares — as usual! I’ve said it before, and I’ll repeat it: Liberals, progressives, and dumbass Democrats deserve this. I think the only way these f***tards will wake up is if they spend time — years — in the wilderness to contemplate and truly come to grips with the enemy that is conservatism. Conservatives, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals have always viewed progressives as the enemy to be vanquished, whereas dumbass Democrats have constantly worried about not offending “our” conservative “brethren.” Vomit! Moreover, progressives and liberals have always been complacent, believing the hard-fought rights of generations past were immutable! Not so much! Unfortunately, by the time dumbass Democrats gain enlightenment, there will be nothing left of our democracy. I give up! I live in stupid hell! A place that is always dumber today than the day before. This is very literally the worst thing to happen to America in my lifetime, and sadly no one cares enough to get mad as hell and do something about it — most of all, vote! Whatever! None of this matters! People! Go back to your TikTok and Facebook and Twitter because Lord knows this is the “entertain me!” nation as the world crumbles around them! Welcome to trump stupid America! Just when I thought I could not hate America more!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Reason Can’t Compete with Faith, Yup!

From Salon, “People with lower cognitive abilities find it difficult to follow directions about when to wear a mask and when it is appropriate and safe not to do so. Moreover, when the rules about wearing a mask are inconsistent, it becomes even more difficult for people with lower cognitive abilities to wear masks consistently and correctly. … Beginning in the 1980s, American conservatism has morphed into a type of religious politics in which fact and reason have been subsumed by faith. This manifests in many ways: anti-intellectualism and anti-rationality, racism and white supremacy, hostile sexism and misogyny, a worship of ignorance and greed, right-wing Christian fundamentalism, a disregard for truth and empirical reality, and contempt for expert knowledge. … Trump’s neofascist movement will not disappear even if the Great Leader is voted out of office on Election Day and decides to step down. Such people will just latch onto another American fascist and demagogue, in whatever form he or she may take. Decent Americans may see the Trumpists and others of their ilk as tainted, but they themselves feel touched and empowered. In living the faith of their right-wing political religion, Trump’s followers have found ‘salvation’ through a leader who is simultaneously ‘like them’ but is also a type of semi-divine prophet whose example they aspire to imitate or emulate.”

This was an excellent article and I encourage people to read the entire piece. I quoted parts that I thought were most representative. Needless to say, these quotes echo what I have been saying for years now: the majority of Americans are trapped in a country lead by a minority of f***tards who will gladly kill themselves — and us with them — because they don’t care and, apparently, the majority doesn’t care all that much either. This is what has become of America. Traitor trump is the Everyman of America. It is the mirror, stupid! Mark my words, morons. Unless and until the majority rises up to exterminate the MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil evangelical f***tards of the highest f***ing order then nothing is going to change. America will continue to be a country whereby the minority rules over the majority. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before. These people are a disease in American society and, like any disease, the majority should wish to cure it. Sadly, liberals, progressives, and dumbass Democrats have yet to realize that these people cannot be reasoned with or converted; they must be eliminated! We need to start striking back more forcefully than calling these people “deplorable.” F*** me! They wear that pejorative as a badge of honor. They know only one thing: violence. So, I say let our violence reign! Let loose the Einsatzgruppen as the cure! Welcome to trump stupid America. We’re all trapped! America cannot survive when at least 40 percent of the citizenry is abjectly retarded. Kill me now! The stupid hurts! Mark! My! Words!

[T]rump Stupid Conspiracies for Morons Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

America Will Not Survive Because This Country Is All F***tards!

According to Politico, “George Soros directs a ‘Deep State’ global conspiracy network. A Joe Biden win would put America in control of ‘Jews and Blacks.’ The Democratic nominee has a pedophilia problem. Wild disinformation like this is inundating Spanish-speaking residents of South Florida ahead of Election Day, clogging their WhatsApp chats, Facebook feeds and even radio airwaves at a saturation level that threatens to shape the outcome in the nation’s biggest and most closely contested swing state. The sheer volume of conspiracy theories — including QAnon — and deceptive claims is already playing a role in stunting Biden’s growth with Latino voters, who comprise about 17 percent of the state’s electorate.” I can’t with this f***ing country anymore! I just can’t deal the stupid anymore! Of course, these conspiracy theories are working. Of course, they are because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America where the idiocy is endless. All these pundits and progressives and dumbass Democrats who have been predicting for years that the changing “demographics” of America would eventually favor Democrats in the long run are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order. Ugh! I can’t with the stupid! Demographics are not and were never going to save Democrats because the stupid is too pervasive and the racism is too pervasive and conservativism is too pervasive. And I’m talking about racism, in part, within the Latino community because either they don’t care about being discriminated against by RepubliKKKlans or they are more worried about being racist against other Latinos and other minorities. Mark my words, morons. This is a group that acts more like white, non-college educated America, and conservative Latinos don’t care if they, in the end, hurt themselves (and their community) because like the rest of dumbass America, as long as they are hurting the next guy more than themselves then they don’t mind cutting off their nose to get there. And if conspiracy theories are the means by which to confirm their notion of superiority at their own expense then they’ll fall for them. Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s only going to get worse!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

The Only Way to Fix the Pandemic and America: More MAGA Morons, RepubliKKKlans, and Evil Evangelicals Must Die!

I am over it! Seriously! These people must die! It is the only way to save America and humanity from the stupidity of MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, especially. These people are beyond saving! They are beyond negotiating! They are beyond rational! They are f***tards and a cancer on society. The only way to cure cancer is to cut it out, radiate it, and poison it! Or perhaps my preferred method: A bullet in their head. I don’t want to live in the same country as these people. I don’t want to “get along” with them. I don’t want to coexist. I don’t want to share, empathize, or even try to understand these people, for they are simply beyond understanding. Liberals, progressives, and dumbass Democrats need to get their f***ing acts together and realize that MAGA morons et al want all the “others” dead.

Oh, yes! This is truly an existential battle! They don’t want to coexist either; of course, the difference between them and us is that they are gun-toting, bat-shi*t-crazy f***tards that mean to kill us and enjoy their version of American white supremacy authoritarianism more than Democrats want to preserve America’s democracy. Never underestimate the ability of progressives to be weak! That is a huge part of why America has traitor trump in the first place. Democrats never play hardball; they still don’t understand the true, vile nature of the opposition; Democrats and progressives still (naively) believe that the right-wing f***tards will come to their “senses” and put the country above factionalism. (News flash: No, they won’t! Ever!) Wake the f*** up! Killing is the only way we are going to survive this! Rise up! The true majority must rise up! Eh, who am I kidding? It’s all weakness, all the f***ing time. Welcome to trump stupid America! The minority (RepubliKKKlans) will continue to run all over the majority (Democrats), and the majority does nothing but take it!