[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

The F***tard-in-Chief and Leader of Stupid America!

RNC 2020 Day 4: Trump accepts nomination from White House - ABC News
Source: ABC News (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)

This is what a stupid America looks like! All stupid, all the f***ing time! It’s the mirror, stupid! So! What are the chances this traitor trump show worked? 100 percent! Mark my words, idiots. A country of idiots see the new shiny object and approves. Unlike Biden, traitor trump will get an RNC bump in the polls because I live in stupid hell. The pageantry works! The pandering works! The fear-mongering works — the best! So much so I wish dumbass Democrats would go full bat-Scheiße crazy fear-mongering. F***! Democrats should lie if that’s what is required to penetrate the masses of moronity. Tell the public that traitor trump will institute martial law for the next four years; he will create executive orders which would allow husbands to rule over and legally beat their wives; he will institute “Sharia law” for Christianity; he will eat your babies; he will create death squads to kill black and brown people for being on the same sidewalk as white people; he will enforce public beheadings of drug users! F***! Just make it up. The bigger the lie the better and apparently the more believable because Lord knows it has worked for traitor trump over these last five years. Lie big and lie often!

If dumbass Democrats can’t figure out how to play hardball, then we’re f***ed! Oh, who am I kidding? We’re already f***ed! Dumbass democrats are incapable of playing hardball. It is the weak party. We are so f***ing beyond appealing to voters’ rationality. America abandoned such notions the second the idiots elected traitor trump. Yet, dumbass Democrats still think that appealing to the intellect could be a useful playbook. God f***ing no! Hey, Democrats! You need to go full stupid in response! Eh, whatever! Brace yourselves for four more years! Only in m*****f***ing G.D. trump stupid America wherein the president has been impeached and consistently has had the lowest job approval ratings of any predecessor throughout his entire first term can he get re-elected! Allow me to repeat myself: Most people have never approved — have! never! approved! — of the job traitor trump has been doing for the last four years, but he is about to get re-elected. Only! In! Stupid! America! I can’t wait! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

Too Little, Too Late

From The Daily Beast, “Obama finally gives up ‘hope’ for something far more urgent … On Wednesday night, President Obama ditched the rosy images of a kinder, more bipartisan future and instead issued a warning.” Oh, yes. It’s the good old pathetic hope-y, change-y mantra that Obama finally ditches after four years of the traitor trump disaster. Yet, I think this hope-y, change-y vomit B.S. is still an underlying part of dumbass Democrat’s political argument. F*** me! Listen here, morons. Dumbass Democrats should have been preaching fear of traitor trump from the very beginning, long before he actually won. But no! Dumbass Democrats, having lost, essentially gave up and hoped that traitor trump would “grow” into the office of President of the United States or that he would “pivot” to acting presidential. Ugh! I can’t anymore. Anybody who ever thought that traitor trump would pivot should be immediately shot for such stupidity. And that includes dumbass Democrats! It does not take a genius to understand that traitor trump was never going to pivot that he was never going to grow into the office that he never had the intellect and aptitude to be president, yet somehow morons across the country thought he did — and still does, enough for another four years.

There is a reason traitor trump keeps harping on the fear and American carnage imagery. Because it works, f***tards. Because! It! Works! Un-f***ing-believable! Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross. Dumbass Democrats need to get their f***ing act together and scare the f***ing bejesus out of voters, especially liberal and progressive voters. They have touched on it in regards to fighting against the destruction of our democracy, but it is all still too f***ing vague and amorphic. They need to paint a picture as traitor trump does. F*** me! We’re screwed because dumbass Democrats have learned nothing after four years. I give up! Get ready for four more years, idiots. The polls have been tightening because people are morons. Predictably, the slightest improvement in the pandemic and the worst economy since the Great Depression and f***tard voters readily give traitor trump kudos as if he’s fixed everything and his continued incompetence at his job is irrelevant. America is just too stupid to be saved. Welcome to trump stupid America!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

‘When They Go Low, We Go High’ Deux

God love her, but why does Michelle Obama say such things: “Going high is the only thing that works, because when we go low, when we use those same tactics of degrading and dehumanizing others, we just become part of the ugly noise that’s drowning out everything else. We degrade ourselves, we degrade the very causes for which we fight.” Ugh! Why? Seriously?!?! Why are dumbass Democrats and progressives so f***ing G.D. weak? Look! We don’t have to go to the lowest point, but we certainly need to go lower. At the very least if we fail to go low then we constantly underestimate the enemy, and let there be no doubt that MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are the enemy! This is how we get wrong-footed at every turn by the traitor trump administration. Wrecking the postal service is the latest example of how dumbass Democrats look like a deer in headlights as they are completely incapable of imagining the level of evilness and corruption traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans will go to steal the election. It is the classic “takes one to know one” imperative. But no! Dumbass Democrats are still trying to figure out how to bring RepubliKKKlans into their fold; they’re still in the “hope” phase. G.D.! F*** me! We’re screwed because as usual dumbass Democrats bring a knife to a gunfight! I’m beginning to reconsider moving my 95 percent prediction that traitor trump wins re-election back to 100 percent because I live in trump stupid America where dumbass Democrats have learned nothing in the past four years! And there is no abatement of a truly stupid America in sight. It’s all stupid all the f***ing time! Mark my words, morons!

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

All RepubliKKKlans Are Vile, Hateful People

According to The Hill, “The two then parted ways. Ocasio-Cortez headed into the building, while Yoho, joined by Rep. Roger Williams (R-Texas), began descending toward the House office buildings. A few steps down, Yoho offered a parting thought to no one in particular. ‘Fucking bitch,’ he said.” Of course, he did! Of course! This is just trumpism fully taking over the RepubliKKKlan Party. Actually, it is more accurate to say that RepubliKKKlans have been long waiting to welcome trumpism. Finally! They have a vile and hateful person who leads them in a way that condones behavior more consistent with their true, hateful nature! It is sad that dumbass Democrats just put up with such behavior. Representatives have the power to expel fellow members of the House and Democrats do have the majority, but once again who am I kidding? Dumbass Democrats are weak and just love to be bullied. I just can’t f***ing win with either party. I just want a f***ing G.D. political party that really works for the middle class and less fortunate while also not afraid to be ruthless when governing and not afraid to dominate over their enemies (i.e., conservatives). All RepubliKKKlans should be culled from the herd, not coddled or tolerated. RepubliKKKlans view progressives and liberals as the enemy, but dumbass Democrats are always hopeful that they can reason with RepubliKKKlans. Ugh! F*** me! Welcome to stupid America. Weak and stupid!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

When Will Someone Kill Traitor [T]rump?

From the Hill, “President Trump took aggressive swipes at the “radical left” and news media while defending his administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic during a wide-ranging Independence Day address on Saturday.” I have never wished someone dead so much, and I have never hated someone so much in my life; I would piss on his grave if I had the chance. I mean. Why not?

Moreover, NBC News reports, “After several months of mixed messages on the coronavirus pandemic, the White House is settling on a new one: Learn to live with it. Administration officials are planning to intensify what they hope is a sharper, and less conflicting, message of the pandemic next week, according to senior administration officials, after struggling to offer clear directives amid a crippling surge in cases across the country. On Thursday, the United States reported more than 55,000 new cases of coronavirus and infection rates were hitting new records in multiple states.” Why not wish traitor trump dead? Clearly, he has little regard for everyone else with this new SARS 2 messaging tactic. Do not be fooled, morons! This “learn to live with it” message is not one of asking citizens to adapt, heed, and help to mitigate this grave situation. It is the last of all things a “we’re in this together” message! No! The message is more akin to capitulation and “f*** you!” It’s more like: Juuust live with it! Who cares? You probably won’t die, so f*** everyone else, especially the grandparents, because the economy! In other words, the pandemic is here. We, the administration, failed to contain the deadly disease because we’re incompetent and freedom! So, good luck. That’s what the administration has always intended; they want to put this whole debacle in the rearview mirror! Isn’t that what traitor trump did a couple of months ago? He was done dealing with the disaster in May, and now he’s making that the official policy!

So, welcome to trump stupid America, where if we don’t wish traitor trump dead, then he will most assuredly kill us all by his incompetence. But, then again, the 40 percent of the population that makes up his radical moronic base want exactly that: the other 60 percent to die! Mark my words, morons. The war is on and has been on since Reagan, at least in conservatives’ minds, which means dumbass Democrats are 40 years beyond the eight ball.

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Purely Moronic

In the Great Words of James Tiberius Kirk…

Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country: “Let them die!” Let the MAGA morons die! I wish they would. I don’t care. No one should care if they do, and all these dumbass Democrats that poo-poo such notions are f***tards. I promise MAGA morons are wishing the “libtards” would die, so it’s time to meet fire with fire and hate with hate because in the end there is only going to be one side standing and it’s going to be that side with the most determination. At this moment, is it not the progressives! They are pusillanimous on their best days. Welcome to stupid America where dumbass Democrats and progressives just don’t have the will! Mark my words, morons. Oh, well!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Purely Moronic

Every One of Those Tulsa MAGA Morons Is a Disease on America!

Attribution: Sarah Phipps/The Oklahoman

I truly have no f***ing clue why people cannot seem to get it through their f***ing thick skulls that these MAGA morons and traitor trump sycophants are a disease on this nation. They are all a cancer that must be excised from humanity — root and stem. Unfortunately, dumbass Democrats act like aspirin on the problem when we should be the chemo, radiation, and scalpel! These people are not some fad. They are not a fever that will break once he’s out of office. No! Traitor trump is the cause and the symptom. This will not be over when he’s gone. Unless and until we obliterate his followers then much of this country will continue to rot and infect the rest of us. F*** me! There is no returning to normal after traitor trump until America has this great reckoning! It’s all related, f***tards — Gods, guns, gays! That has not changed! Face it, morons. WTF?!?! Am I really the only one clear-eyed enough to see the obvious. These people will follow traitor trump to their deaths — literally — and they have no problems with taking down the rest of America with them. They are all the proverbial Goebbels family who will not want to live in a country without traitor trump. I can’t! I just f***ing can’t! Welcome to trump stupid America. We’re all trapped in this death cult and no one seems to care! Fan-f***ing-tastic.

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Stupid America Is Lost: Just Face It!

If I have to hear one more f***ing time that this moment in history is different, then I am going f***ing postal! Hello, morons of f***ing G.D. trump stupid America! So, progressives are sure that this time is different. Is it really, though? Let’s review some of the other moments in history that were supposed to be “different.”

Sandy Hook was supposed to be different to get comprehensive national gun control reform, finally! Hmmm. Still waiting. Occupy Wall Street was supposed to be different in addressing social-economic inequality — and that moment lasted for months yet nothing’s changed! The Million Women March protests against traitor trump were supposed to be different! That movement lost its potency after the first year when traitor trump was actually polling at his lowest approval ratings. So, when people hated traitor trump the most even that fervor to march waned. Go figure! Fight for $15 was supposed to be different in advancing pay inequality for the working poor — the national minimum wage still has not changed in over a decade. One may argue that every other incident of a black person murdered at the hands (or knee) of a cop or white nationalist was supposed to be the last straw that made the difference. Indeed, one may go further back in time to the Civil Rights Movement protests in the 1960s. Sadly — very sadly — Americans have demonstrated a 50-year continuous span of things being “different” only to arrive exactly where we began: nothing changes!

I could point out actual changes. Actual differences. Marriage equality comes to mind. Congratu-f***ing-lations to the LGBTQ community for a landmark SCOTUS decision that granted marriage equality. Congratulations that one socially progressive Justice, who is otherwise conservative, was the swing vote to bring about that difference. Congratulations to that one conservative Justice and all of his future opinions to protect the LGBTQ community. I look forward to his continued work. Oh, wait! That Justice retired; he’s been replaced by a more conservative RepubliKKKlan Justice. Furthermore, it’s still perfectly legal in nearly half of the states for a gay couple to get married on Sunday and fired on Monday because they got married; they were fired for doing something perfectly legal. Nope! No, paradox there. Despite the one legal ruling mandating marriage equality, there is still no federal law enshrining marriage equality and, more importantly, no protections for the LGBTQ community from discrimination more generally. While Obergefell v. Hodges is the one step forward, get ready for the rollbacks. Mark my words! Within just a couple of weeks, get ready for SCOTUS to rule against the LGBTQ community in a case that challenges the scope of Title VII protections for the gays.

We are a one-step forward, three-steps back nation! It never f***ing fails, and we are full-on in the third step back phase! Case in point: the Obama presidency! God-f***ing-forbid a black man got elected, twice. Time to erase that national mistake with traitor trump! Trust me! That is the number one driving force behind traitor trump’s election in the first place and nothing has changed in the last 4 years except a white nationalist RepubliKKKlan party and MAGA voters more committed than ever to re-elect the Idiot-in-Chief! Mark my words, morons. The true nature of the politically powerful and racist underbelly of America is alive and well; they will steal this election because that’s what they do and dumbass Democrats will let them because we refuse to be ruthless! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Words Matter

Here we go again! A Washington Post headline reads: “Defund the police? Here’s what that really means.” Immediately, if you’re explaining then you’re losing (the argument). Un-f***ing-believable! Leave it to liberals to muck up the Black Lives Matter and police violence causes with a non-sense cry to “defund the police.” What a great slogan! Ugh! The most straightforward way to interrupt the meaning is to withdrawal funding of police to the point that they cannot function effectively or defund the police out of existence — to some, this is precisely the intended meaning. Then enter the “law and order” RepubliKKKlans to destroy the progress and meaning of the protests because, of course, progressives gave RepubliKKKlans an argument that will resonate with most Americans (i.e., don’t defund the police per se, no further qualification or explanation needed). So, now Black Lives Matter will be equated with getting rid of the police altogether. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Words matter, especially when used imprecisely.

Where the f*** is our Frank Luntz? Why the f*** can’t dumbass Democrats ever learn to be more calculating, ruthless, and exacting? The party needs its own pollster and thought influencer that can tell Democratic politicians how the rest of the moron voters in America should think and should perceive issues. Where is our chief manipulator? Luntz is most noted for coining the term “death tax,” which has been immensely effective at turning everyone against the estate tax — a tax that was enacted to help prevent wealth from accumulating from generation to generation. You know! Accumulating like an aristocracy class, but this is stupid America where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer — and no one cares! (That is a topic for a whole other post!) I get so f***ing sick of the Democratic Party constantly being in “herding cats” mode.

On a related note, I can’t wait for the pendulum of public opinion to swing back on this subject because this is stupid America where we don’t think long term. (“Of course, collective thinking is usually short-lived. We’re fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a gift for self-destruction.”) America is incapable of moving in the right direction for sustained periods to really, truly make positive change effective and lasting. Presidents since Carter: Four years of a Democrat then 12 years of a RepubliKKKlan, then eight years of a Democrat, then eight years of a RepubliKKKlan, then eight years of a Democrat, and now four years of a RepubliKKKlan. And we wonder why America never seems to be able to fix anything! Welcome to stupid America.

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic

Well, That’s the End of That

From The Hill, “President Trump on Monday said he would mobilize ‘all available federal resources, civilian and military’ to clamp down on protests across the country, declaring himself the ‘president of law and order’ as police aggressively dispersed protesters gathered outside the White House. Trump said he was dispatching the military across Washington, D.C., and urged governors nationwide to ‘dominate’ their streets with National Guard deployments. If they refused, he said, he would send troops to American cities.” While George Floyd has been the catalyst of the current unrest, I am disappointed that the nation and politicians, especially, have not seized the momentum of the moment to build greater and greater still protests against traitor trump. This was the perfect opportunity to demand and enrage the 55% to take to the streets against traitor trump, but no! As usual, dumbass Democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity! Un-f***ing-believable! Seriously! Now was the time for people to jam the streets across America and overtake the Capitol with protests against the Idiot-in-Chief. But no! Traitor trump flexes his power and the people cower. Back to the same ole, same ole. Nothing changes. Oh, one more thing. I have no doubt most of the people protesting (and looting) don’t vote, further demonstrating that America really is trump stupid! Get ready for four more years, people! Mark my words!