From The Hill, “Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday said that if he is elected president he would not use his power to pardon President Trump or stop any investigations into the current president and his administration.” While this is a good campaign promise, he’s lying — sadly! If he gets elected, which is highly unlikely, Biden will go right into bipartisan healing mode, and that necessarily means pardoning/not pursuing prosecution against traitor trump. Biden is not going to want that mess hanging over his presidency for years to come. Just like Obama failed to look into Bush II’s illegal war with Iraq. So, right on cue, dumbass Democrats will allow Biden to do nothing against traitor trump. As usual, dumbass Democrats are weak. RepubliKKKlans get away with everything; they always do. Welcome to stupid America!
Category: Dumbass Democrats
Oh, Please! As If!
Also from The Hill, “The fate of former national security adviser Michael Flynn lies in the hands of a federal judge with an established reputation of being a fiercely independent thinker. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan, who was appointed to the bench in 1994 by former President Clinton, will determine whether to grant the request by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to drop charges against Flynn. For now, though, he is seeking additional information about the unprecedented reversal request before making a decision.” Oh, here we go again with people thinking a conservative judge is going to save the rule of law! What a f***ing G.D. joke. And, of course, progressives and dumbass Democrats are falling all over each other believing this “fiercely independent thinker” is going to do anything other than what the traitor trump administration wishes. No, what they demand.
May I remind morons that this is the same judge who delayed the sentencing of Flynn because he wondered why the government wasn’t considering charges of treason. It is that delay that started the entire process that has resulted in the situation today. The judge opened the door for the defense to buy time, play games, change lawyers, and change strategy. As a result, Fynn and the DOJ ran right through it! At this point, the judge is just making everyone run through hoops to provide the veneer of due diligence and “justice” when he ultimately will grant the government’s request to dismiss the case. Although, he is perfectly entitled to deny the request and go right to sentencing, but that will never happen. So, under this judge who suggested Flynn is a traitor to America, he will allow him to go free. Yup! Welcome to stupid America. In the end, no one cares! It’s been one long train wreck of destroying America’s foundations and Americans have become experts at doing this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It’s all stupid all the time!
The Hill reports on a Gallup poll: “Enthusiasm about voting has declined since January among members of both parties — down 6 points among Republicans to 62 percent and down 7 points among Democrats to 54 percent.” Un-f***ing-believable! Of course! Naturally! What else should I have expected! Democrats are pretty much lukewarm about getting traitor trump out of office. Like I have stated a hundred times before: traitor trump is going to win re-election because America is just too f***ing stupid! And apathetic! And just plain pathetic! Democracy is just too hard for liberals! If Democrats look at the state of the country and the world only to be bearly enthusiastic about changing things then just f*** it! Seriously! F*** it all! Let me just remind the morons of America out there. All the polls! All! Of! Them! Are easily understating traitor trump’s support because there is about 5% of the population too embarrassed to admit that they intend to vote for him. Mark my words, morons. I’m right about this! This is the very sad state of America: a country of morons elects another moron! And they’re willing to do it again! Welcome to trump stupid America! Always dumber than the day before without exception.
From Politico, “President Donald Trump’s drive to block subpoenas for his personal financial records faces a key test Tuesday as the Supreme Court hears arguments in a set of cases that could radically reshape the powers of Congress and state prosecutors to probe a president’s business affairs.” This right-wing SCOTUS will protect traitor trump no matter what! Mark my words, morons. They have on every other decision and they will again! They will place traitor trump above the law and seal the fate of America as a dictatorship. Full stop! I’m sure SCOTUS will pen some ridiculous majority opinion about how the Judicial Branch of the government cannot interfere with issues between the Legislative and the Executive Branches, which in effect means that traitor trump is allowed to ignore Congress and states. So, great. A government that the Founding Fathers believed, at the very least, would honestly operate through mutual respect for checks and balances has become a dictatorship whereby SCOTUS will condone the White House giving the middle finger to the House of Representatives and other states — so much for states’ sovereignty! How many f***ing times must I say it: America is lost. It was lost the second traitor trump won the election and the last four years has been one long slow realization of that fact as RepubliKKKlans secure permanent power! Mark my words, f***tards! Get used to it!
SCOTUS has always been the single most important election issue because a right-wing court is not impartial; it is a political tool of RepubliKKKlans. This is what happens when dumbass Democrats keep believing in the goodness of people and the rule of law. Eventually, RepubliKKKlans will destroy everything, and then we’re stuck with politically motivated legal decisions for a generation or two! Welcome to stupid America! America is done and no one really cares.
From the Washington Post, “Democrats, learn from your former Republican foes: Pull heartstrings, wave the flag and go straight for the jugular. Political warfare in this country has long been asymmetrical. Democrats tend to appeal to voters with arguments based on reason, fairness and economic self-interest. There’s nothing wrong with any of that, but defeating President Trump and his GOP enablers is too important to leave any weapons on the shelf. Democrats need to learn to use the tools that Republicans have long wielded with tremendous skill and success: emotion, patriotism and cultural affinity.” Yeah, this is a good start, but dumbass Democrats must go further. We need to turn up the emotional dial to extreme hatred. Make absolutely no mistake: RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons hate everyone else not in their group and it is pure hatred that motivates them to win.
Then one looks to the progressives and Democrats and sees weakness! It is the weakness of love and kindness and seeking to always understand the other side. F*** that! Seriously! F*** that! Guess what? Sometimes the other side is beyond understanding. We don’t need to be understanding at all times. We can do all that after we win but until then this is war. Conservatives are the enemy and we should take no prisoners. I find it beyond frustrating that Democrats are so f***ing weak and stupid to always meet RepubliKKKlan vileness with “love and light.” Yup! And that’s why we lose. F*** me! We’ll never win because dumbass Democrats simply do not have the fortitude to do what is necessary to win no matter how unsavory. But it doesn’t really matter anymore. America is irredeemably lost. It was lost the day the collective idiocracy voted traitor trump into office; it has been three and a half years of people slowly witnessing the inexorable consequences of a supremely stupid nation. Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s just as dumb as one expected it to be.
From Axios, “A raft of new polls from states with competitive Senate races shows momentum veering away from Republican incumbents at a time when doubts are also growing about President Trump’s re-election prospects. The big picture: To win control of the Senate, Democrats likely will have to flip five of eight competitive seats with a Republican incumbent. Of the six races with recent polling, Democrats lead in five and trail by just one point in the other.” Um, yeah. Not! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is never going to happen, f***tards. I seem to remember everyone predicting Democrats had a chance in 2016 during the so-called “blue tsunami” to at least hold their number of seats in the Senate, but what happened instead? Democrats lost two seats! Not quite the blue uprising, and that map was supposed to be more favorable to Democrats. What the f***tards have not yet realized is that with the election of traitor trump RepubliKKKlans have finally sealed their hold on the Senate. The Senate has always been biased toward conservative rule because of small states, which is an inherent flaw of the Constitution that no one cares to fix. Of course, the population of Montana should have a greater say (per capita) in the running of government over other states like, let’s say, California, which has the world’s fifth-largest economy. I mean, naturally!
The days of hoping for a Democratic supermajority in the Senate, which is truly needed to fix anything RepubliKKKlans have done, is over — forever. When President Obama enjoyed that last privilege he squandered the opportunity, and RepubliKKKlans and conservatives, alike, are never going to make that mistake again. Mark my words, morons. Democracy around the world and in America is declining because humanity is just too stupid to care.

Yup! A brilliant comparison. This is going to be the classic cutting off one’s nose despite his or her face, and I have no doubt dumbass Democrats and progressive Millennial morons — now the largest and most influential voting block, may I add — will sink Biden over this fake Me Too outrage. Biden’s accuser is not to be believed. Full stop! It’s all a lie. This Me Too movement has become a headless monster whereby anybody can say anything and the accused can never be exonerated when there is no credible evidence or when the person making the allegations constantly changes the story. Be careful what you wish for!
The only important issue this election cycle is SCOTUS. Nothing else matters. Seriously! Nothing! Else! Matters! But this is stupid America, so dumbass Democrats never pass up an opportunity to let a trivial issue (“But her emails!”) derail America’s future. Progressives just need to f***ing suck up any hypocrisy and just f***ing live with it! Welcome to stupid America!
Reporting from Vox, “The allegation also inflamed tensions between supporters of Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, who, at the time, was losing to Biden in the primaries. Reade told Vox on March 26 that she initially supported Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president (and also supported Marianne Williamson) but now supported Sanders. (Sanders has since dropped out of the presidential race.) And her report led to allegations by some that she or her supporters were simply trying to throw the election to Sanders — or even to President Donald Trump.” The stupidity never ends! I have no doubt that progressives and Democrats are actually dumb enough to crucify Biden over nearly 30-year-old allegations because liberals really are more concerned about justice for one wronged woman than defeating traitor trump. The progressive end of the party really has no idea how to win ruthlessly! I’m sorry, but f*** Tara Reade! She had 30 years to seek justice, but now is the time to bring up all this crap? Nope! Sorry, no more f***ing “Me Too” B.S. during election season. Obviously, no one cared when traitor trump had a parade of sexual assault accusers before the election, yet Democrats are about to get apoplectic over one very old accuser of Biden, who certainly has never advocated grabbing women by their pussy! No, the “Me Too” crap is on hold until after the election. Leave it to dumbass Democrats to seal their doom and the doom of the country because of a purity test. Democrats need to learn how to live comfortably with a double standard. Sometimes the ends justify the means! These progressive morons can all line up with RepubliKKKlans to be shot because in my mind there is no difference: it’s extreme stupidity to hurt the greater good. Welcome to stupid America!
The Hill reports, “President Trump faces a clash with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and other Senate Republicans over the president’s desire for a $2 trillion infrastructure spending bill, something he promised during his 2016 campaign. McConnell has criticized Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for proposing a big infrastructure package, saying she wants ‘to practice what [former Obama White House chief of staff] Rahm Emanuel famously said after the financial crisis in 2008: “Never let a crisis go to waste.”’” WTF?!?! Hello, f***ing dumbass Democrats! I’m pretty sure Emanuel intended that an unwasted crisis be meant for a Democratic administration, not handing traitor trump a huge win! Un-f***ing-believable! I can’t. How f***ing stupid can dumbass Democrats be? Pretty f***ing stupid, I guess. How many f***ing times have I said that no Democrat should give traitor trump any credit for anything and absolutely no f***ing legislative wins because America is too stupid to understand that Democrats are always behind good legislation. In this case, morons of America will claim traitor trump a negotiating genius for getting infrastructure legislation finally passed as they simultaneously ask, “Democrats who?” Traitor trump won’t invite dumbass Democrats to any bill signing just like he failed to do with the $2.2 trillion SARS 2 stimulus. F*** me! So much stupidity. I can’t! The saying should be, “Leave it to dumbass Democrats to hand a win to RepubliKKKlans.” Every! F***ing! Time! Welcome to trump stupid America!
From Politico, “The night was so debilitating for Bernie Sanders that after retreating to his home state of Vermont on Tuesday, he didn’t even make a speech.” As I have said many, many times before about blah, blah, blah socialism and blah, blah, blah revolution and blah, blah, blah, it is time for every m*****f***ing Democrat, liberal, progressive — whatever the f*** non-RepubliKKKlans and non-Liberatians want to call themselves nowadays — to consolidate behind Biden come what may. Any further splitting of the left-wing will permanently doom the country. But then again, this is stupid America, so I give dumbass Democrats a 50/50 chance of f***ing the election up as traitor trump is at his weakest! And I have no doubt Bernie Bros will do their best to f*** everything up. Welcome to stupid America!