Take Back Control of Your Body: Women

I have been listening to the apologetic arguments by dumbass Democrats over the termination of Roe. While they have finally been making much noise (sound and fury), they are all missing a cohesive, pithy catchphrase. Imagine that! Dumbass Democrats don’t have a coordinated message! The day after the Alito opinion killing Roe leaked, RepubliKKKlans had three pages of talking points to set the messaging swiftly. Democrats, of course, have nothing, so each Senator and Congressperson is left to present their own disconnected set of views, which are all essentially aligned, but it’s not effective. I did hear Senator Schumer describe the “horror” of overturning Roe. Ugh! The use of “horror” connotes some lousy movie. That man is a disastrous leader of the senate and Democrats. He just always seems to miss the f***ing mark with his language and political maneuvers. I can’t wait to hear him exclaim “shame” to McConnell or other RepubliKKKlans as if they have any. Kill me now. These are the people fighting for women’s rights! We’re screwed. Nonetheless, Democrats fail to establish and repeat — ad nauseam — that one phrase voters need to remember.

Well, I do have the catchphrase! Democrats need to take a page from Brexit. Women need to take back control of their bodies! “Take back control!” It is that simple. Keep it simple, stupid! It is perfect for the stupidity that is the American voter! This is free advice that I am confident dumbass Democrats will ignore because it probably comes off as too forceful and may imply RepubliKKKlans want to control women’s bodies. God forbid Democrats speak truth to power. Welcome to stupid America! It can always be dumber!

The American Taliban Rising

RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are the American version of the Taliban. As they ascend in America, they will eventually rule over the nation. The similarities are striking, and the regression in Afghanistan after 20 years of progress is a reminder that nothing is permanent; progress is ephemeral; humanity reverts to old conservative habits. As Politico writes, “The [hijab] decree by the Taliban’s hardline leader Hibaitullah Akhunzada even suggested women shouldn’t leave their homes unless necessary and outlines a series of punishments for male relatives of women violating the code. It was a major blow to the rights of women in Afghanistan, who for two decades had been living with relative freedom before the Taliban takeover last August — when U.S. and other foreign forces withdrew in the chaotic end to a 20-year war.” Compare this to the end of Roe after 50 years.

Sound familiar? It is impossible to distinguish between an ultra-religious Muslim tyranny in Afghanistan and an ultra-religious Christian tyranny in America. I am not being hyperbolic. The two countries are in more unison than many are willing to realize. Look, morons of America. What is happening with SCOTUS and Roe and the insurrection by MAGA World is not a flash in the pan. And it should not be surprising that America has arrived where we are. It has been a long time in the making. For decades, the far-right has been on a relentless march, and dumbass Democrats have done nothing. They have been feckless and pathetic in election after election, and it is all about to be too late to fix anything. Mark my words, f***tards! The only way out is through, and that throughline is war! We get the government we deserve and desire. Welcome to stupid America!

Corporations Will Not Save Your Rights, Morons

Do not expect profit-seeking companies to safeguard your rights, f***tards. They will be cowed by RepubliKKKlans eventually. As the Axios reports, “The Supreme Court’s forthcoming abortion ruling will put Corporate America in a vise, squeezed between employees pressuring companies to speak out and state governments that might punish them if they do. Companies have gotten significantly more outspoken on a host of political and social issues. Abortion was a tougher one to begin with, and a Supreme Court ruling striking down Roe v. Wade is likely to come just as big corporations are growing more afraid of how much their activism can cost them.”

If I have to hear one more person opine that corporations are going to save us from tyranny, then I am going to go ape-sh*t! Corporations will be cowed! Mark my words! What DeSantis did in Florida is a prime example. RepubliKKKlans will punish corporations for trying to protect citizens’ rights or the rights of their employees. Eventually, corporations will back down. They always do! Don’t think for a second that conservative retribution on the entire country only focuses on individuals; they want to control businesses as well, and they will. Mark my words, morons. As I constantly keep saying, we reached the point of no return when SCOTUS became a wholly-owned tool of the far-right wing. How many times do I have to keep saying it? SCOTUS is taking away voting rights and personal rights to make sure RepubliKKKlans remain in control forever. You’ve been warned. And Democrats are too weak to do anything about it because I live in stupid hell. Once corporate activism negatively impacts their profitability, then people will quickly comprehend just how much on their own they are. Welcome to stupid America!

66% Say Keep Roe — Eh, So What!

From CNN, “Sixty-six percent say Roe v. Wade should not be completely struck down, and 59% would support Congress passing legislation to establish a nationwide right to abortion, including 81% of Democrats, 65% of independents and 30% of Republicans, the survey finds.” Compare this to a Morning Consult poll on gun control, “84% of voters, including 77% of Republicans, support requiring all gun purchasers to go through a background check.”

How are these two firmly and long-held public opinions similar? They are meaningless! F***ing meaningless! There is a vast gulf between what people “claim” they support and how much they actually care about their own convictions. America is awash with gun violence. While there is collective outrage over mass killings in schools as a matter of routine, the collective will to do anything about it is zero. Overturning Roe is going to be exactly the same thing: A bunch of rage but no actual action to do anything. Mark my words, morons! People will be pissed, but they’ll be more than happy to elect and re-elect those same politicians who will perpetuate that rage because no one cares. When Roe is gone and states — as well as the federal government soon enough — start restricting women’s rights and other minority rights, then there will be a collective shrug. Mark! My! Words! F***tards! RepubliKKKlans want to roll back progress, and dumbass Democrats stand by to watch! Civil war is coming, and Roe is another gallon of gas thrown on the fire! Welcome to stupid America!

The Atlantic: Pathetic Democrats

A brilliant article in The Atlantic aptly discusses the leaked Alito opinion, but I want to point out an extremely cogent observation the author makes about dumbass Democrats, “The conservative movement has been working toward this victory [overturning Roe and privacy rights] for decades, and it has been made possible not simply by its determination and a few fortunate accidents, but by the haplessness of its opponents. Many in the center of the Democratic Party have been paralyzed by the belief that they might ‘do popular stuff’ and coast to victory without having to get their hands dirty fighting the opposition, while its left-wing critics too often forget that democracy is an ongoing process, not a battle that ceases after casting the right vote once or twice. In both cases, the right has been fortunate in having opponents who argue themselves into complacency [emphasis added].”

How spot-on is this excerpt! It echoes what I have long argued but with better prose. The claim and deliberate approach of the author above tends to be more effective than my rage writing. That being said, allow me to rage at dumbass Democrats. I think I can finally quantify the level of blame for the end of Roe and our right to privacy. Fifty-one percent blame goes to RepubliKKKlans, and 49 percent blame goes to dumbass Democrats. The preponderance of fault assigned to RepubliKKKlans is self-evident. As for dumbass Democrats being nearly equally culpable is almost just as self-evident. Suffice it to say, Democrats are weak and stupid. They have no idea how to play politics with the ruthlessness to save our democracy. RepubliKKKlans gunning for Roe has been a slow-moving train coming down the tracks for decades, and Democrats still managed to get crushed. Welcome to stupid America. The end is nearer than you think! Mark my words!

Installing the Crazies

James “Jethrow Hillbilly” D. Vance wins the Ohio RepubliKKKlan Senate primary all thanks to traitor trump’s last-minute endorsement. He was 10 points behind in the polls and won the election by 9 points. To all those f***tards out there who keep talking about how traitor trump’s influence and political power are waning, they are f***ing morons! I’m getting really tired of idiotic pundits, commentators, and “experts” predicting traitor trump’s political demise. No f***ing way! His MAGA moron movement is the RepubliKKKlan Party. Full stop! He still has all the power, and Vance’s win is more confirmation. And do not think traitor trump is playing kingmaker just for the hell of it. No! This is all part of an orchestration to steal the next presidential election. The more crazy MAGA moron politicians traitor trump has in the House and Senate, the better chance he will usurp the next election. Mark my words, f***tards!

While everyone was relieved that Biden won and could not wait for traitor trump to retire from the political scene — perhaps in handcuffs — I was never convinced, not for a second. I never believed traitor trump would “go gentle into that good night!” The man has a score to settle and really has nothing better to do with his life except being a troll — and people love him for it! I posted as much early and often after the last election. And, of course, I was right. I’m unsure how or why people are still delusional about the peril traitor trump poses to America. Open your f***ing eyes, idiots. In particular, dumbass Democrats. Their quixotic worldview is killing the country. And people’s expectation that the law is catching up with traitor trump only proves how stupid Americans truly are. Ain’t never going to happen. See my First Axiom. MAGA world is taking over the country, and people are still in disbelief. The country is not exhausted with the toupee-wearing orange, for most people either love the traitor trump train wreck or, worse still, are indifferent. Whatever! Welcome to stupid America!

Roe Is Dead: Long Live Sharia Law!

By Sharia law, I really mean America’s version of Christian theocratic law. It’s coming, people! It! Is! Coming! Dumbass Democrats are simply too weak and too late to stop RepubliKKKlans and their evil evangelical backers. Ending Roe is just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve been saying forever that we are living under tyranny by the minority. This instance of tyranny is via SCOTUS, but once traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans take back power, it will be tyranny via a minority of the vote — because that’s how it always is. This is the great fatal flaw with America’s democracy: The minority routinely wins and rules over the majority. This is why I keep saying that 40 percent of the population rules over the other 60 percent, and the majority just take it as if they welcome being the punching bag. Nothing will ever change except for the new religious laws that the right is about to unleash on the rest of us, and no one will care. Elections have consequences! Welcome to stupid America!

Roe Is Dead: No One Cares!

SCOTUS killed Roe, and no one cares! I promise you that no one cares! Oh, sure! The news shows last night and this morning were all agog. Many pundits, scholars, experts, commentators, analysts, professionals, leaders, politicians, et al. weighed in on the meaning and implications of the leaked document that is set to ditch Roe v. Wade. As of this morning, my eyeballs hurt from excessive rolling into the back of my head because much of what I’m hearing is all garbage. I will grant the professional class’s legal analysis is spot on; however, beyond that, they are clueless, especially as it relates to their take on the political consequences of the decision and the “caveat” that this opinion is still a draft and could “change.”

I will take the latter point first. I think it is beyond doubt that the leaked draft is genuine, and I do not doubt that conservatives leaked it! Unfortunately, Democratic justices play by the rules, so they are not the source. Someone — likely a clerk — working for a RepubliKKKlan justice was instructed to leak it. The super-conservative wing of SCOTUS has been telegraphing their intentions ever since the Texas abortion ban, and this is simply another way to signal their will — not so subtly. The leak is intended to soften the shock, signal red states to ready any maximalist anti-abortion laws they wish, and make it impossible for any wavering justices to change their minds. By leaking the opinion, they’ve locked in the decision. I rolled my eyes every time one of the idiot commentators would qualify their remarks by saying, “things could change.” Ugh! Jesus-f***ing-Christ! Have these people learned nothing? I’ve read the draft opinion, and this is the wet-dream, no-holds-barred opinion to wholly and utterly rebuke Roe for which the far-right has been waiting. This opinion is so absolute that there is nothing to change except the typos. And all this talk about “horse-trading” is B.S. There is no more negotiating among the justices. This first draft may as well be the final draft. Mark my words!

Then there is talk about the political consequences of this landmark decision. I can sum it up in one word: Nada! Not a single f***ing thing. This is when my eyeballs hurt the most. And if I have to hear about the “abstract” becoming concrete that will inspire people to act, then I’m going to blow my f***ing head off. Look, f***tards! Democratic and Independent voters just don’t care about abortion rights — only RepubliKKKlans care about killing the freedom. To be sure, women will march. There will be protests. There will be consternation. And there will be crying. But dumbass Democrats who think taking away a 50-year right from women will be a motivating factor to get out the vote are just kidding themselves. No one f***ing cares, especially until November. Democrats failed to care before Roe died, and they’ll fail to care afterward. Mark my words, idiots! RepubliKKKlans are about to take total control of this country, and the time when caring and doing would have made a difference has come and gone. Conservatives have already locked in mechanisms to achieve permanent rule; this latest SCOTUS decision is proof of that! We get the government we deserve, and we’re about to get the tyranny for which we’ve longed. Mark! My! Words! Elections have consequences! Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America. Every day is about to become hell!

Day Late and Dollar Short, Dumbass Democrats!

From The Hill, “While welcoming Obama’s efforts, however, some experts knocked the former president for not taking action on the issue sooner. ‘As a disinformation expert and a civil rights lawyer who thinks about the intersections, I’m on the one hand very grateful that he has come forward with a set of very clear eyed and holistic solutions,’ said Nora Benavidez, senior counsel at Free Press. ‘That being said, it feels very late in the game to see former President Obama come forward with these comments,’ she said. Obama himself said he regrets failing to ‘fully appreciate’ during the 2016 election ‘just how susceptible we had become to lies and conspiracy theories.’”

Dumbass Democrats are always behind the political eightball. Always! Always! Always! Now?!?! Now, Obama feels the need to step up the campaign to fight back against misinformation? Where was he during all of traitor trump’s presidency? Let me guess? Obama was trying to stick to the old — now defunct — tradition of the previous president staying out of politics so the successor could “do” his job. Wow! How did that work out? Traitor trump basically spent four years ruining America and solidifying the new MAGA RepubliKKKlan Party that explicitly advocates hate. At the same time, former presidents remained silent, looking on in horror but daring not to break “tradition” by criticizing traitor trump.

Not to mention everything Obama failed to do during his eight years on misinformation. It all started with the “Taxed Enough Already” Party, which was really just an organized way to claim legitimacy when they spewed their Obama hate and bigotry. The Tea Party was never concerned about taxes or limiting government; their stated motivations were always a canard. It was simply an institutionalized (and obvious) hate group. Obama spent eight years weakly brushing off RepubliKKKlans’ growing and coordinated attacks on him and the Democrats for fear of becoming that “angry Black man.” So here we are! Eight years of the Tea Party and birtherism morphed into MAGA world that has consumed the RepibliKKKlan Party and is soon to consume the rest of America. Meanwhile, dumbass Democrats are still trying to understand the threat to democracy; they are still expecting the average idiot America to “figure things out.” That is to say, brush off misinformation, see the truth, and vote Democratic. Christ! Americans are stupid! They believe the misinformation unless you tell them not to, and Democrats are not doing that! Kill me now. I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!

Bravo, John Nichols! Bravo!

He writes in The Nation, “Despite what Clinton and Obama say, Biden’s current list of accomplishments won’t cut it. … There’s just one problem: It doesn’t work. … The Democratic message should be blunt: If we lose Congress, Republicans will make Biden the lamest lame-duck president in history. And if we lose the statehouses, Donald Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ will be codified just in time to tip the 2024 presidential election to Trump or someone worse. Instead of a feel-good ‘touting accomplishments’ campaign, Democrats should rip into the GOP with a warning that America’s future is at stake. Because it is.”

This is excellent advice that dumbass Democrats will ignore because they’re weak and stupid. I say it almost as much as I disparage RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. The strategy Nichols proposes is straightforward. And it preys upon the one emotion that may best motivate Democratic voters: Fear. But not fear that will subdue voters as being too overwhelmed or a fear that cedes power to RepubliKKKlans. No! This needs to be proactive fear — proactive in that it motivates citizens to vote for Democrats, not just abstain or vote against them.

Unfortunately, as I have said countless times before, dumbass Democrats wrongly trust voters to “figure things out” on their own, which is why they like to talk about all their legislative accomplishments. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! If voters actually believed Democrats’ achievements to date were worth anything, then their poll numbers would not be underwater. Stop expecting a stupid electorate to suddenly recognize what Democrats have done or are trying to do with limited — yes, limited — power as being politically advantageous. Democrats keep talking about their messaging problem (failure). I say messaging their legislative success is a waste of time. The topic is too insipid for voters. Dumbass Democrats should be campaigning on a message of the utter destruction of America’s democracy if Biden is allowed to become a lame-duck president in January. Maybe the average moron voter could understand one hyper-focused message, assuming Americans still want to live in a democracy. It is undoubtedly more catchy than “we got you through the pandemic, and unemployment is low.” These are concepts and accomplishments that Americans have already flushed down their short-term memory hole. Eh, who am I kidding? Dumbass Democrats are completely feckless at playing politics and are completely unwilling to be ruthless. As Nichols said in his piece, Democrats keep playing a losing political strategy. Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!