Dumbass Democrats Politics

Never, Never F***ing Fails

From Axios, “Youth voter turnout so far in the Democratic primaries is either flat or declining compared with the 2016 primaries.” Of course! I’ve said it over and over, yet morons continue to believe every f***ing G.D. election cycle that the youth vote is going to miraculously somehow show up to vote! Not! Un-f***ing-believable. It’s dumbass Democrats that keep relying on this myth, which is why we keep losing! Hello, f***rads! The youth vote is never, never going to save us, f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order! Not! Going! To! Happen! Welcome to stupid, stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic

We Need a Sanders Army — For Real

According to Axios, “The Bernie Sanders diehards packing his rallies would love to live in a world with Medicare for All, free college and higher taxes on the rich — but they mostly know that’s a distant dream. … His followers have extreme enthusiasm — and modest expectations.” Dumbass Democrats need a f***ing G.D. armed left-wing in its party! Seriously! Anyone who doesn’t think America is headed toward an exorable conflict of right vs left is a f***ing G.D. moron; progressives, liberals, and moderates are woefully unprepared for this because we don’t have our share of armed crazies. I think the Bernie Bros and the Sanders revolution is the perfect place from which to recruit and begin building our militia. If these people really want a revolution then they need to f***ing act like it! If anything, traitor trump has shown that America is comprised of two irreconcilable halves and only one is going to win out in the long run. Guess what? We’re losing the battles and the war. Wake up, f***tards! Welcome to stupid, stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Some Days I Hate Dumbass Democrats More!

Politico reports, “The House’s investigations of President Donald Trump have gone underground. Since Trump’s Feb. 5 acquittal in his Senate impeachment trial, the Democrats who led the prosecution have taken no public steps to reignite the probe that threatened Trump’s presidency — his effort to get Ukraine to investigate his political adversaries — despite arguing at trial that there were reams of evidence yet to emerge. They’ve issued no new subpoenas or requests for witness interviews and documents, and they’ve made no new efforts to go to court to pry loose evidence blocked by the White House. Separate efforts to access Trump’s financial records and other potentially damaging evidence about his conduct have been bottled up in courts for months.”

And, of course, they gave up because dumbass Democrats, as usual, completely f***ed up impeachment. I can’t f***ing stand their stupidity anymore; it rivals RepubliKKKlans’ at times. So, they rushed impeachment — God knows why — thereby completely failing to use it as the election weapon with which to beat traitor trump over the head for all of 2020. But, no! Apparently, in all their “wisdom” it was more important to get it off their plate before the first Democratic primary because why? WTF!?!? Because Democrats are just complete political morons who never pass up an opportunity to pass up an opportunity. Un-f***ing-believable! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore!

This is what dumbass Democrats completely f***ed up! First, they rushed the entire process unnecessarily. In so doing, they gave RepubliKKKlans a very legitimate argument (in the eyes of the average moron voter) that the Democrats rushed the process and did not complete their due diligence by not pursuing subpoenas. Of course, the administration was never going to comply, but so what? That only makes traitor trump look worse.

Second, by rushing the process they completely gave up a political weapon early. So what if impeachment drags on during election season? All the better! Let the process hang over traitor trump. Let information trickle out over the weeks and months, constantly chipping away at traitor trump’s creditability and emotional state. Let the articles of impeachment pile up! It goes without saying that RepubliKKKlans would have argued, on the other hand, that Democrats were dragging out impeachment to interfere with the election in which case Democrats could have insisted that traitor trump should comply with subpoenas to speed things up, giving Democrats the stronger argument. But, no! Rather, Democrats wanted to move on to “legislating.” Un-f***ing-believable! I mean f*** me! F*** me! Do they mean passing legislation that ultimately dies in the Senate? Passing legislation that when they do compromise with RepubliKKKlans then traitor trump claims complete victory as if he unilaterally accomplished it and the idiot voters readily believe him. In short, Democrats wanted to get back to handing traitor trump legislative victories in which no voter is going to remember that Democrats were responsible. Great, morons!

Last, now that traitor trump has been exonerated — oh, yes he was exonerated — it means traitor trump unleashed while dumbass Democrats have been completely cowed, unable and unwilling to continue any more oversight. As if no one saw that coming by rushing to early impeachment and an obvious acquittal in the Senate. Once again, dumbass Democrats thought they would have a bipartisan jury of Senators to present their case. F*** me! Really? So much stupidity! Yeah, they f***ed themselves real good! Welcome to stupid, stupid America! Why bother anymore!

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Very Well Put

From Slate, “Why, despite the warnings, is Sanders still winning? One reason is that a lot of people like him and what he stands for. Another reason is that other candidates are splitting the votes of moderate Democrats, leaving him with a plurality on the left. But there’s a third reason: Socialism doesn’t freak out Democratic voters the way it freaks out other Americans. On this subject, Democrats are very different not just from Republicans, but also from independents, who represent about 40 percent of Americans and about 30 percent of the electorate. Socialism is a loser among independents, and this makes it a liability in a general election. But Democrats don’t feel an aversion to socialism. So perhaps they don’t see the extent of the political danger.”

Very well said, and certainly better than I could have stated. This is not f***ing brain surgery! Dumbass Democrats — the average voter, sadly — refuses to support and vote strategically for the candidate to beat traitor trump. Instead of voting for the candidate that must appeal to Independents, the Democratic Primary process has become a purity test for which one is the most socialist. Again, I’ll repeat myself: I believe in capitalism and I believe in the need for more socialism in America, especially health care because a healthy citizenry is a national asset, but I understand that Americans do not want nor are they ready for a revolution even though the country is in desperate need of one; this is a Democratic pipe dream with the argument being that if Democrats don’t aim high and idealistically then change will never happen. Ugh! F*** me! Wrong, wrong, wrong! So f***ing G.D. wrong! As with everything, if one cannot win then one cannot change anything. I’m sorry to say that at this point we need to aim for the bare minimum to achieve victory. But, no! Dumbass Democrats can’t think beyond the first election, which is why RepubliKKKlans have finally won a permanent position in the Senate and a majority on SCOTUS — because of the long game. F*** me. Welcome to stupid America. It’s all downhill from here.

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic

Don’t Do It!

From CNN, “The White House has requested $1.25 billion in emergency funding to address the novel coronavirus, part of an effort to direct as much as $2.5 billion in total funds to bolster its response to the growing global crisis, according to a letter obtained by CNN.” Don’t do it, dumbass Democrats. Traitor trump will divert the money to the wall. Mark my words, morons!

Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

We’re F***ed!

According to Politico, “He was rusty. He was testy. He was out of touch. And, for a candidate often shielded by the scripted one-liners of killer campaign advisers, he was on his own — unable to hide his peevish demeanor and unable to portray himself, as his campaign has tried to do, as the clear choice to stop Bernie Sanders and beat Donald Trump.” Surely, I thought to myself, Bloomberg is smart enough and accomplished enough not to risk the hundreds of millions of dollars invested in his campaign. Surely, he takes this run for president seriously enough to prepare for a very predictable night of personal and professional attacks. Surely, he would have the capacity to reflect and conduct some self-critical evaluation in advance to anticipate how others will come at him. Surely, Bloomberg knows all these things and more given his success. Surely, he practiced at least a little bit of debate. Surely, surely, surely! Surely, I was wrong. Un-f***ing-believable. WTF!?!? Seriously! I mean f***ing seriously! Did Bloomberg really think he could just wing it?

To be fair, traitor trump has been winging it for his entire life and look at him now. I guess winging it is perfect for stupid America! We are so f***ed! I have no f***ing hope left — and I had very little to start. Americans are not going to elect a woman or a gay guy or a socialist or a Jew as president. But dumbass Democrats are more than willing to nominate one as their presidential candidate. Mark my words, morons. America is not the f***ing shining city on a hill; it is just as racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and homophobic as everyone imagines it to be. Welcome to four more years of traitor trump, f***tards. This is MAGA moron country! This is a country commanded by the RepubliKKKlan minority. This is evil Evangelical country where that 15% of the population dictates our national laws and mores (for those idiots out there the pronunciation is môrāz). Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics

The Bernie Bros Will F*** This Up

From NPR, “Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has opened up a double-digit lead in the Democratic nominating contest, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll. Sanders has 31% support nationally, up 9 points since December, the last time the poll asked about Democratic voters’ preferences.” Look! I like his policies! I like his enthusiasm! I like is consistency! I like his ability to attract a younger demographic. I also like that he has an aggressive base that can take on MAGA morons. Progressives need a radical (violent) left-wing to counter the right. I, however, hesitate with his age and I hesitate with his self-described democratic socialist label– not that I object to its actual meaning or for what it stands. Unfortunately, America is really just too f***ing stupid to understand that our current economic and political systems already have components of socialism, as I have said time and time again. Moreover, Sanders is far from turning America into a Scandinavian utopia. Yet, Americans are scared to death of the s-word and no matter what the Bernie Bros won’t show up to vote. For all of their excitement and energy, they fail to vote. Mark my words, morons. It happens every f***ing four years; pundits keep saying the youth vote will finally turn out and change the American presidency for good, but they never do. Never! So, in the end, it will be a broken promise of the youth sweeping Sanders into office only for them to fail to show up while scaring other dumbass Democrats away because of “socialism.” Fan-f***ing-tastic! Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic


From Politico, “One South Carolina lawmaker says she switched allegiances after warning several Biden staffers that their grassroots approach was outdated. His message is uninspiring. His ground game is flawed. After Iowa and New Hampshire, they’re no longer convinced he can beat Donald Trump.” Whaaaa? !?! “Outdated???” How can that be? The man named his campaign bus the “No Malarkey” tour, and that’s when I was over Biden. I think Bloomberg is the next best bet, but he’s Jewish; I can’t wait for the antisemites of America to destroy that candidate while dumbass Democrats stand by and wonder how, why, and when America became so antisemitic. Hint: Because this is stupid America and all those things that we believe about America such as fairness, equality, unbiased, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera are all lies and myths we love to tell ourselves to make us feel better about being a nation of white nationalist Evangelicals, misogynists, homophobes… . Welcome to stupid America where just under the surface this country is a majority of all of humanity’s worst impulses.

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Apparently, Most Democrats Did Not See This Coming?

CNN reports, “It’s time to stop asking whether President Donald Trump will learn lessons from the controversies he constantly stokes — of course he does. But far from stepping back or opting for contrition as his critics and appeasers hope, Trump draws darker political conclusions. The result is that he expands his own power by confounding institutional restraints and opening a zone of presidential impunity — while at the same time delighting his political base.” Clearly, only idiots didn’t see traitor trump going unchained after impeachment, which includes every RepubliKKKlan and most dumbass Democrats. This is why I wrote to my Democratic Congressman several times that Democrats were morons for limiting the articles of impeachment to only two charges! What they needed to do was throw the f***ing kitchen sink at traitor trump and not rush it — they needed to drag impeachment out until election! But they did rush things and they did keep the focus narrow to simplify matters for stupid America because Americans are morons, to be sure! Of course, they didn’t do exactly what they needed to do because Democrats are f***tards who never miss an opportunity to f*** up an opportunity! So, instead of overwhelming stupid America, they underwhelmed them and Americans got bored because, as I said, this is stupid America that can’t be bothered with non-shinny objects. Don’t forget that this is a society more interested in award shows than understanding how their government f***ing works. Welcome to stupid America. Dumber today than it was yesterday!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

Hope Is for Morons and Idiots and F***tards

From Raw Story, again, “In an interview with Rev. Al Sharpton, Heffner outlined why Roberts’ impartiality isn’t exactly what Democrats think it is. ‘But I’m tired of hearing about Chief Justice Roberts impartiality, this idea that he’s some kind of paragon of constitutional order,’ Heffner said. ‘The proof is in the pudding. The reality is this Supreme Court had an opportunity to review the cases about whether the public should have access to Trump’s business and personal tax returns, whether the public should have the testimony of [John] Bolton and company.’” Every time I hear a f***ing dumbass Democrat express that they “hope” RepubliKKKlans do something (right/good/for the country over party) I want to reach through the f***ing TV or computer and f***ing strangle them, but then again this is stupid f***ing America where dumbass Democrats spend more time hoping than actually achieving. At least one person (Heffner) understands that dumbass Democrats, as usual, are too stupid to understand that Roberts will disappoint and never do anything other than to hurt America and the majority of Americans while benefiting the minority. Welcome to stupid America; we’re still dumb here. All day, every day.

Disclaimer: As usual, I feel I must mention that Raw Story is not journalism, so I reference it sparingly, but there are articles that perfectly capture my thoughts, feelings, and ire even though at times it seems the site is subtlely trolling progressives because I constantly see advertisements for traitor trump and MAGA moron merchandise, but whatever!