Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

A Woman Cannot Win (Hillary)

According to the AP, “Elizabeth Warren made a forceful case for a female president and stood behind her accusation suggesting sexism by progressive rival Bernie Sanders in a Democratic debate that raised gender as a key issue in the sprint to Iowa’s presidential caucuses.” No, a woman cannot win the Electoral College in the good ole misogynistic United States of America. Hello! Hillary? I don’t even know where to begin with this argument except to say dumbass Democrats are perennially stuck in happy, fantasy world which, of course, means they are forever incapable of understanding the essence of the enemy, and if one cannot understand the enemy then one will never beat them. Welcome to stupid America hell! Who is the enemy? RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals. All of whom think women should not be in positions of power, and if I’ve said it once to the idiots of America then I’ve said it a hundred f***ing thousand times before: while the majority of America would (and have) voted for a woman to be president this stupid country is not run by the majority — it is held hostage by the minority, and the minority is racist, misogynist, anti-gay, etc. So, welcome to trump stupid America. This is the new normal because dumbass Democrats are too weak to do anything about it.

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Kill! Me! Now!

From Politico, “Former national security adviser John Bolton said Monday he would testify if subpoenaed as part of the Senate’s impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. Bolton, who was asked to testify as part of the House’s impeachment inquiry but refused to appear for a deposition, said in a statement he wants to meet his’ obligations’ both as a citizen and as a former top presidential adviser.” Oh, yeah. As if! Of course, the morons of the MSM were tripping all over this “breaking news.” Apparently, this was so earth-shattering that it pushed WW III news off the top of the newscast. It was the “game-changer!” Traitor trump and the turtle are in trouble now! How can the turtle resist the zero RepubliKKKlans calling for Bolton to testify?

Un-f***ing-believable. I swear to f***ing God! It is impossible to discern who is dumber: MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, some Democrats, or the MSM. Not once did the MSM question the sincerity and likelihood of Bolton actually testifying, which are both zero. As usual, the storyline is what will the Senate do? Oh, dear f***ing Lord! What will RepubliKKKlans in the Senate do now? These are absolutely stupid questions meant for the average moron viewer because the answer today is the same as it was yesterday, as it was a week ago, a month ago, since traitor trump took office: nothing! Watching MSM treat this “news” as if anything changed is so infuriating and mind-numbingly stupid.

Don’t worry. There is enough stupidity to go around! Naturally, dumbass Democrats will do nothing either. It’s been nearly 24 hours since Bolton’s announcement, and not a single House Democrat has called for him to testify in the House because this is stupid America. So, let me see if I understand this correctly. Bolton hides behind others’ lawsuits not to testify, and, like clockwork, the House withdrew its subpoena because the courts were going to take too long, effectively rendering the entire argument moot. Now, Bolton suddenly has a “change of heart” by offering to testify in the Senate when there is zero chance of that ever happening — mark my words, morons. Wow! How brave of him! Welcome to stupid America. Dumbass Democrats are f***ing us over more than MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

F***ing G.D. Dumbass Democrats Still Being F***ing G.D. Dumbasses

From Politico, “‘I hope, pray and believe there’s a decent chance that four Republicans will join us — if they do we will have a fair trial,’ Schumer said in an interview on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” These f***ing morons are f***ing killing me. Dumbass Democrats are still stuck on the misguided belief that RepubliKKKlans are honorable people. I give up. Democrats deserve to lose again at this rate because they still don’t understand the enemy. Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Chief Justice Roberts

According to CNN, “Americans, Roberts said, have in the modern era come to ‘take democracy for granted,’ and the chief justice lamented the fact that civic education has ‘fallen by the wayside. In our age, when social media can instantly spread rumor and false information on a grand scale, the public’s need to understand our government, and the protections it provides, is ever more vital,’ Roberts wrote in his annual report on the state of the judiciary, issued each New Year’s Eve. … The judiciary can help shore up Americans’ trust in government and the law, Roberts wrote. ‘We should celebrate our strong and independent judiciary, a key source of national unity and stability,’ he said. ‘We should reflect on our duty to judge without fear of favor, deciding each matter with humility, integrity and dispatch,’ Roberts wrote and added that judges should ‘do our best to maintain the public’s trust that we are faithfully discharging our solemn obligation to equal justice under the law.’” He’s right about people taking democracy for granted because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America! Democracy is apparently too hard for people! I give up! Seriously, everything needs to be destroyed before we can rebuild this country because America is just simply too f***ing stupid to survive.

I have no doubt that 2020 will prove to be the year of even greater idiocracy. The real purpose behind Roberts’ appeal to the masses is a subtle plea to “trust us” as traitor trump’s uber-conservative appointments to the judiciary will soon manifest itself into rulings that will hurt Americans generally and minorities specifically while protecting businesses and the government. The f***ing morons of America have no f***ing clue just how seriously damaging a conservative judiciary will be to the public. Citizens are too stupid to understand that “originalist” judges will not error on the side of caution to protect the public. In their eyes, if protections are not explicitly written in the Constitution or written into the law verbatim then they do not exist, which usually means fewer protections for minorities and everyone else that does have LLC in their title. I think Roberts understands this which is why he is pleading with other conservative judges to not f*** over the public, but that is precisely why RepubliKKKlans have appointed them to lifetime jobs. Welcome to f***ing trump stupid America. It’s going to hurt. Mark my words f***ing morons! I can’t take just how m*****f***ing stupid this country is anymore. I really, really hate this country for not understanding the galactic shift in the judiciary underway and the significance it will have on people for decades — I said decades — to come! As usual, traitor trump’s judicial appointments are the most consequential story of his entire presidency and it goes completely unnoticed by most including the MSM and dumbass Democrats. Why this is not a rallying cry issue for every dumbass Democratic presidential candidate and voter is absolutely beyond me, but then I remember: welcome to stupid America! We just don’t care here!

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans


According to Axios, “‘Former Vice President Joe Biden said at a campaign stop in New Hampshire Monday that he would consider choosing a Republican running mate if he wins the 2020 Democratic nomination, but that he ‘can’t think of one right now,’ CNN reports.” What the f***! Why? F*** me! I’m starting to hate Biden now. Hello, f***ing moron! All RepubliKKKlans are the f***ing enemy. I have never once in my life voted for a RepubliKKKlan and I never will even if that means not voting for Biden. Welcome to stupid f***ing America where dumbass Democrats are still trying to make friends with RepubliKKKlans who literally want to see the Democratic Party destroyed. I’m sick of dumbass Democrats always trying to make nice with RepubliKKKlans; this is why Democrats keep losing.

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

The Most Meaningless RepubliKKKlan Word: ‘Disturbed’

According to CNN: “Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska said she is ‘disturbed’ by coordination between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the White House over an upcoming Senate impeachment trial.” “Disturbed” ranks up there with “dismayed,” “worrisome,” “unfortunate,” “regrettable,” “displeased,” “saddened,” all variations of “concern,” and “I hope” (also a dumbass Democrat favorite). All of these are weak words and sentiments to convey that RepubliKKKlans don’t mean anything coming out of their mouths. There are not four Senators — indeed there is not even one — that will vote against traitor trump. Mark my words, morons. Welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic


From Salon, “Well, we’d better learn to play hardball and get a pitcher who will throw straight at the batter and knock him out of the box. Playing by gentlemanly rules doesn’t work. This isn’t about our sacred Constitution, or the almighty rule of law, or the solemn duty of the House of Representatives, and stop with the quotes from Federalist 53. At this point, it’s only tangentially about Trump’s crimes. This is about power. Trump and his minions will be utterly unbound in their effort to hold onto power, and we will have to be even more driven to take it from them. … Republicans have taken an openly sick delight in electing Trump. They are proud of him. He’s the perfect avatar of their party. All he cares about — and all his entire party cares about — is power. Impeaching Trump won’t remove him from office, and we’d better get serious about removing him at the ballot box. Republicans — Mitch McConnell, especially — have already shown us what they’ll do with the power they will seize with four more years of Trump. They’ll cram that nightmare down our throats. … On the day after Trump is set free by the Senate, we will face the most important question in our lifetimes, and the choice has never been clearer. Do we want to live in a free country or in Donald Trump’s fundamentalist, oligarchical, authoritarian nightmare?” This is, of course, everything dumbass Democrats should do but won’t. This is the question with which every American should concern themselves. But, naturally, none of this matters because, Welcome to stupid America! We’ve given up on Democracy because it’s too hard for most!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

What a Joke in the Making

From Axios, “The White House accepted Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Friday invitation to deliver the State of the Union address to Congress on Feb. 4.” Once again, dumbass Democrats keep opening themselves up to fail. What part do these moron Democrats not understand that traitor trump will come to a joint session of the Congress at the sole invitation of the Speaker of the House only to have him insult Democrats by accusing them of being traitors, conducting a hoax/witch hunt, and essentially bad-mouthing the party in general? Why is this so difficult to understand? At what point has traitor trump ever used the spotlight to unify the country? Never! This is going to be another trainwreck for Democrats because as usual they will sit in the chamber and take the verbal abuse looking bewildered as to why traitor trump is being a jerk. God! So f***ing weak! Unless and until Pelosi is willing to stand up and walk out with the rest of her caucus the second traitor trump trashes Democrats then I have no doubt the Democratic Party will reveal themselves to be the weak party of idiots that still expects traitor trump to be civilized. What a f***ing joke and dumbass Democrats will be the butt of it all because they invited it. Welcome to stupid America where dumbass Democrats fall for it every f***ing time!

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans


From CNN, “It may be a no-brainer for Senate Republicans to keep President Donald Trump in office — but it’s becoming clear that Democrats mean to make them pay a heavy price for saving the President in his impeachment trial early next year.” There will be zero price because RepubliKKKlans just don’t care and dumbass Democrats are too weak and feckless to capitalize on impeachment. Welcome to stupid America! Dumber today than yesterday.

Dumbass Democrats Politics

‘Leaving’ the Party

According to Raw Stroy, “Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ) has been receiving hatred from all sides after reports broke that he would be leaving the Democratic Party and joining the GOP.” Seriously?!?! “Leaving?” How the f*** is this still possible? Oh, I keep forgetting: dumbass Democrats and Pelosi are f***ing weak people. If I were the leader of House Democrats all of Van Drew’s Scheiße would be sitting outside his former House office as if he had been evicted by the Sherriff. Yeah, no! He doesn’t get to “leave”; he’s ejected. But this is stupid America where dumbass Democrats are just too f***ing nice. F*** me!

Disclaimer: As usual, I feel I must mention that Raw Story is not journalism, so I reference it sparingly, but there are articles that perfectly capture my thoughts, feelings, and ire even though at times it seems the site is subtlely trolling progressives because I constantly see advertisements for traitor trump and MAGA moron merchandise — and now Tulsi ads, who is a Russian useful idiot! That’s f***ing annoying and suspicious, but whatever!