Dumbass Democrats Politics

Oh, Christ!

From the AP, “House Democrats are poised to unveil two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — with an announcement expected early Tuesday.” I had no f***ing doubt dumbass Democrats would f*** up the entire impeachment process, but I thought maybe — just maybe — I would be wrong on this one, but as usual I am not. So, all of this hair-on-fire need for impeachment now, and all dumbass Democrats can muster is two articles of impeachment. Do these morons understand how this will play out in the general public? I can. And I can sum it up in two words: that’s it? F*** me! Democrats have been so worried about keeping the process focused and fast that in the end what they really needed to do is to throw the kitchen sink at traitor trump; instead, what they have done is create a spectacle for two lousy articles of impeachment. Congratu-f***ing-lations to dumbass Democrats for royally f***ing up this entire process. This country is so f***ing screwed because Democrats are so f***ing weak. Whatever! Four more years, morons. Mark my words! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

I Agree

From Slate, “On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee will hold its first hearing in the latest phase of the impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump. Based on everything we know about the committee’s past oversight efforts, statements by Republican committee members and the president’s defense team, and the details of the panel itself, one thing seems clear: Compared with the staid and productive fact-finding work conducted by the House Intelligence Committee over the past few weeks, this hearing will almost certainly be a disaster.” I could not agree more! As usual, dumbass Democrats will try to make these hearings about decorum and righteousness while RepubliKKKlans will be throwing Scheiße and masturbating in public to distract from the substance, and their distractions will work because this is stupid America where the Scheiße show is more important than the Constitution. Moreover, this first day of hearings to provide Americans with a civics lesson is pointless and stupid. Apparently, dumbass Democrats have not yet learned from all the previous hearings that stupid America just doesn’t care and doesn’t understand civics. They are not going to learn now. It is incomprehensible that 42% of Americans think traitor trump is doing a good job regardless. This is what a stupid country looks like! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats RepubliKKKlans

Of Couse, I nailed It!

From The Hill, “New public opinion polls are moving against Democrats on impeachment as independents sour on the House inquiry and increasingly express opposition to the hearings that have consumed Washington in recent weeks.” I knew it! I f***ing knew it! I knew the public hearings would be a flop. It’s not difficult to predict that dumbass Democrats would f*** this up because they are f***ing weak and feckless idiots. Despite strong evidence and witnesses, dumbass Democrats allowed RepubliKKKlans to muck-up the proceedings by blatantly lying before, during, and after each testimony. Watching Schiff sit there with a straight face — a blank stare — while Nunes et al. just f***ing lie at every moment was beyond infuriating! Schiff couldn’t even send subtle indications of indignation over what he allowed to proceed. One would think that if someone was being personally attached he would at the very least show some emotion, some fight back. Oh, but wait! These are dumbass Democrats where decorum at the expense of losing is more important. F*** me! This is why people like traitor trump because at least he fights back; dumbass Democrats, on the other hand, do nothing! Welcome to stupid America! We’re f***ed because dumbass Democrats are weak! I’m so f***ing over it!

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic

Mark My Words, Morons!

According to Axios, “Justice Bader Ginsburg hospitalized.” Traitor trump is going to appoint another justice to SCOTUS and it will be game over for America because this is the dumbest country on the planet. It will be open season on discrimination and dumbass Democrats will do nothing to stop it. Mark my words, morons! It is unbelievable that no m*****f***ing liberal / progressive / Democrat takes SCOTUS seriously. It is never a debate topic. I don’t hear it coming out of their mouths as a concern but on occasion. It’s no rallying cry or anything to motivate Democratic voters. It’s just ho-hum. Welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Politics


From Raw Story, “During a campaign event in Greenwood, South Carolina Thursday night, former Vice President Joe Biden told a protestor who confronted him over the Obama administration’s mass deportation policies to ‘vote for Trump,’ prompting outrage from immigrant rights groups and activists.” I don’t know where to start with this. In theory, I agree with Biden, yet dumbass Democrats still have not learned how to play the RepubliKKKlan game to win elections. First, progressives / liberals / Democrats need to f***ing stop with demanding these purity tests such as stopping all deportations! F*** me! It is a stupid demand. Unrealistic! And simply unwarranted! Such a declaration does nothing but divides the party unnecessarily. Why can’t f***ing dumbass Democrats simply realize that a Democratic president is going to be manifestly better for immigrants than another term of traitor trump, which brings me to the next point.

Second, while I agree with Biden’s sentiment when he says vote for traitor trump as a sarcastic response to a ridiculous request because the alternative is obviously completely untenable — although there are apparently Hispanics who love traitor trump as their loved ones get deported — he should have placated the person. But I get it! I feel the same way! If these f***tards really think traitor trump is the next best thing because Biden won’t commit to a blanket ban on deportations then f***ing go for it morons! Vote for traitor trump when in his second term he has absolutely nothing to lose by his actions! If people think traitor trump is bad now then just f***ing wait for years five through eight!

Last, and most important, dumbass Democrats should just f***ing lie! WTF! America is too stupid to know any better. I mean traitor trump spent two years on the campaign trail lying to everyone and people either loved it or didn’t care. And he continues to lie daily and people simply don’t care that he does, so f*** it. Dumbass Democrats should just do the same. Do whatever it takes to win. Democrats can’t fix anything if they are not in office. It’s that f***ing simple! Welcome to stupid America!

Disclaimer: As usual, I feel I must mention that Raw Story is not journalism, so I reference it sparingly, but there are articles that perfectly capture my thoughts, feelings, and ire even though at times it seems the site is subtlely trolling progressives because I constantly see advertisements for traitor trump and MAGA moron merchandise — and now Tulsi ads, who is a Russian useful idiot! That’s f***ing annoying and suspicious, but whatever!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

Um, What?

From the AP, “Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick is considering making a late run for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to two people with knowledge of his deliberations, underscoring some Democrats’ deep uncertainty about the party’s current crop of contenders.” This is a joke, right? Have dumbass Democrats learned absolutely nothing from traitor trump? WTF? I hate the stupidity of this country. The traitor trump presidency is a direct backlash for having the first black president. What the f*** does one think will happen if another black person runs? It will be a f***ing disaster. Un-f***ing-believable! I live f***ing moron hell. Welcome to stupid America where dumbass Democrats are experts at repeating their mistakes often.

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Because This Is What a Stupid Country Looks Like

From CNN, “Put simply, that risk is this: The longer the inquiry goes on and the more strands, people and charges are brought into the conversation, the harder it is for people to follow and understand. And the less people understand about the process — and why Democrats believe it to be necessary — the better for President Donald Trump.” Oh, yes. Please, by all means, let’s make sure we keep things simple for all the m*****f***ing G.D. idiots out there who need things explained slowly and repeatedly, that find the daily tasks of life confusing and complicated, that can’t be bothered with digesting difficult ideas. This is what a stupid country looks like! I’m sorry but traitor trump should be charged with everything he’s done wrong as president. I’m sick of dumbass Democrats dumbing everything down for the lowest common denominator moron citizen in the hopes they’ll understand and change their opinion of traitor trump, but that is never going to happen. The reason traitor trump is so popular is that he’s precisely the level of stupidity which is just enough above his MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan supporters that make them feel somewhat smart. God! F*** me! I live in stupid f***ing hell! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

The Collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

From CNN, “The top US diplomat in Ukraine, Bill Taylor, testified Tuesday that he had been told President Donald Trump would withhold military aid to the country until it publicly declared investigations would be launched that could help his reelection chances — including into former Vice President Joe Biden, according to a copy of Taylor’s opening statement obtained by CNN.” Um, yeaaaah. This is going to turn into a big “so what” burger. I just don’t see stupid America really caring about this singular issue. If dumbass Democrats focus on this one issue for impeachment then they really have absolutely no chance of persuading the average idiot voter. So let me see if I understand the logic dumbass Democrats are trying to employ. They think they have a solid case to make for impeaching traitor trump for abusing his office because he threatened to without hold security funds from Ukraine unless that government publicly states it had begun an investigation into his primary political opponent, Joe Biden, and maybe some other dirt as well. First, traitor trump has been abusing the power of his office since day one — in public no less — so I have no idea why now, in this case, dumbass Democrats expect the average voter to care about some other country’s problem with getting their (American) tax dollars. Second, traitor actually ended up releasing the funds and there is no investigation after all. In short, he never carried out the threat. This is a subtle, finer point that I don’t expect most idiot voters to understand; that is to say, it is merely traitor trump’s threat to without money for in return for a political favor that is the crime of extortion. Last, people think he is doing no more and no worse than the average politician or president, which is really pathetic. But what does one expect from a supremely stupid country?

Dumbass Democrats International Indigestion

The E.U. Brexit Cave

From Aljazeera, “‘The Withdrawal Agreement is not open for renegotiation,’ said European Council President Donald Tusk. ‘Yesterday, we found out what the UK doesn’t want. But we still don’t know what the UK does want.’” That was back in January 2019. Wow! So much for that spine. Although I am absolutely agnostic about Brexit, I still find it infuriating as f*** that liberal institutions (E.U.) always seem to f***ing cave to conservative tantrums (Boris Johnson and the like). So, this is the larger problem I have with the E.U. caving on renegotiating the Brexit deal: it gives power and legitimacy to a more radical right-wing segment of Britain’s Conservative Party, e.g., Boris Johnson (aka traitor trump mini-me). Everyone thought that resolving the Irish backstop was impossible, but now it appears Johnson has accomplished the impossible. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Nothing succeeds like success.

I suppose that is the real issue. Traitor trump has ushered in the era of leadership that focuses on personal grievances, tantrum-throwing, burn down everything, obstruction, isolationism, “my-way-or-no-way” cooperation, and increasing conservatism (social and political). In short, the E.U. has basically said if one is obdurate enough then eventually they will cave. The E.U., like dumbass Democrats and all liberals it seems, has a propensity to back down when push comes to shove. They should have let Britain crash out of the E.U. Let’s face it. Britons have never really considered themselves as part of Europe; they have literally and figuratively always believed they are an island nation unto themselves in much the same way (too) many Americans like to think oceans still protect us from the rest of the world. It’s just all part of the conservative mentality, which basically says: f*** you! I’ve got mine!

One final thought. What do Brexiters have to fear in a second referendum? If they are so confident in their position and in the will of the people then they should have absolutely no issue with holding another referendum that merely asks to accept the current Brexit deal or to Remain. It is that simple. It seems the people who blindly cling to the opinions of society from three years ago as justification for pushing on — as if the events of the Brexit process in and of itself are completely inconsequential to the considerations of the future and will of Great Britain — fear that perhaps, just maybe, the public’s will has changed. Again, this is simply the conservative mindset. There is no such thing as a change of circumstance or change of opinion. Once a decision has been made then reconsideration is impossible, and I am not talking about conservatives demonstrating a sense of decisiveness or commitment just to show steadfastness for steadfastness’ sake, although that is part of their echos. I am talking more about a core belief system in which change, nuance, and new information that does not support their preconceived worldview should be ignored at all costs. That is the definition of conservatism!

Dumbass Democrats Politics

Christ on the F***ing Cross

CNN reports, “‘There’s no requirement that we have a vote so at this time we will not be having a vote and I’m very pleased with the thoughtfulness of our caucus with the path that we are on,’ Pelosi said in news conference Tuesday evening, following a meeting with her caucus. … ‘We’re not here to call bluffs. We’re here to find the truth, to uphold the Constitution of the United States,’ she added Tuesday. ‘This is not a game for us. This is deadly serious, and we’re on a path that is getting us to a path to truth and timetable that respects our Constitution.’” God-f***ing-d*mmit! Um, yeaaaah … No! I think calling traitor trump’s bluff is precisely what is needed. There is absolutely no penalty for conducting a vote on a matter that will eventually have to happen anyway. Whatever! Just more weakness from dumbass Democrats. I’m over it! I just want to get past the next six years of traitor trump’s dictatorship.