At Least One Person Gets It

A Daily Beast headline reads: “All of These Democratic Debates (Especially This One) Just Leave Me Thinking Trump Is Going to Win in 2020.” Bingo! I’ve been saying this for over a year and I haven’t even watched a single debate; dumbass Democrats’ leadership should have killed most of these people’s campaigns in their cribs — Gabbard and Yang, who essentially gained his most popularity by giving away money! WTF?!?! They went from two-night debates with 10 people each to one with 12 people, while some are new or returning. Oh my f***ing God! How about if a candidate didn’t make one debate then the person can’t return to any of the others or if the person didn’t qualify for at least the first one then he or she can’t suddenly qualify — Steyer! How many debates have there been and it’s still just one big Scheiße-show! F*** me! This is because progressives and dumbass Democrats are weak and stupid; they think anyone can run for president, everyone gets a participation ribbon, everyone’s voice deserves to be heard, all opinions are welcome, more the merrier. F***! No! No! No! Noooo! It should be a cage match: the top five enter and one exits! But no! This is stupid America where progressives and dumbass Democrats are still more worried about being fair instead of winning! This country is f***ed. It’s a bunch of idiots in the minority telling the majority what to do and the majority doesn’t seem to mind because they are weak. Welcome to stupid America! It’s all stupid all the time!


From CNN, “‘I did nothing wrong at all,’ he said in an interview with ABC News recorded over the weekend at his home in Los Angeles and broadcast Tuesday. ‘However, was it poor judgment to be in the middle of something that is — it’s a swamp, in many ways? Yeah. Did I do anything improper? No, not in any way. Not in any way whatsoever,’ he said.” WTF? This is why dumbass Democrats are going to lose because apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from traitor trump, least of all admit nothing. Seriously!?!? It sounds like Hunter “doth protest too much, methinks.” Worse still he should never admit he used poor judgment because now RepubliKKKlkans will start to question what else has he used poor judgment? In short, it sounds like a tacit admission. Un-f***ing-believable! Welcome to stupid America where dumbass Democrats are just as guilty as RepubliKKKlans of rank stupidity on occasion.

Make America Whiter Again!

From Politico, “President Donald Trump is dramatically slashing the number of refugees allowed into the United States to an all-time low, but the real number of refugees set to be admitted into the country could be far lower than the official limit, as the Trump White House has slowed down every step of the process and created a bottleneck that could last for years.” All this is rooted in racism and xenophobia, and it is these and other phobias that will keep traitor trump in office for another term. Mark my words, morons. America’s idealism as a place of refuge, freedom, and opportunity is a shame. It always has been. In actuality, it has been a nation for the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant (now Evangelical) man, who has been fighting back the tide of progress, diversification, and acceptance. And they are winning because this is stupid America. I guess I should qualify my notions a bit since they may be lost in my absolutism statements. Of course, not everyone in America is anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-brown people, anti-non-Christian, anti-immigrant, and so forth. I get that, but I’m saying that enough of these hateful people exist in the minority of voters to elect like-minded Senators and the president — aka traitor trump. In short, a country of genuinely horrified people by traitor trump is not apparently horrified enough to make necessary changes. Thus, America is allowed to reflect all the vile ideals and dreams of RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons unabated and unchallenged because 42% approval of traitor trump is all that it takes to make America whiter again. Mark my words!

F*** Me! I Hate Democrats!

From Axios, “The House committees investigating President Trump and Ukraine have requested that his former Russia advisor Fiona Hill appear for a deposition on Oct. 14, as well as turn over several documents dating back to January 2017.” After everything traitor trump has done to obstruct this impeachment inquiry, these f***ing G.D. dumbass Democrats are still wasting time by first requesting the appearance of witnesses. F*** me! F*** the m******f****ing requests and go right to the G.D. subpoenas. I hate Democrats. I’m sick of them being so f***ing G.D. weak all the m*****f***ing time. All the f***ing time! Every time! Welcome to m*****f****ing G.D. stupid America where we wonder why Democrats. Why?!?!

Permanent Constitutional Crisis II

OMG! I just saw a dumbass Democrat on CNN state that, in so many words, the House will start issuing subpoenas and the White House knows they cannot ignore a Congressional subpoena. Whaaaat! Is this moron f***ing kidding me? What the f*** is he talking about? Has he been asleep for the last three f***ing years? At what point does he think subpoena threats are going to suddenly coerce traitor trump into cooperating. Oh my f***ing God! I just f***ing can’t take the level of this stupidity anymore. Why the f*** are dumbass Democrats still under the impression that when traitor trump says he is not going to cooperate with the impeachment inquiry in any way that actually means he will if he or others are subpoenaed? I am going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind.

Allow me to explain exactly how this is going to play out. The house subpoenas Traitor trump, his associated advisors, staff, and Secretaries to which they respond with a collective: “F*** you!” Then Democrats hold these people in contempt of Congress to which the House really does nothing because they’re weak Democrats — what else is new? Now let’s say the House goes to the courts to enforce the subpoenas, and let’s also assume that ultimately SCOTUS rules in favor of the House that the Executive branch must comply with subpoenas. Again, traitor trump says: “F*** you!” Then what? Nothing! It’s not like there are SCOTUS police to enforce their ruling. In short, the subpoenas are a dead end. At best, perhaps a few rogue RepubliKKKlans are unwilling to defy the Supreme Court, but don’t expect traitor trump’s most ardent sycophant MAGA morons to comply, for they march in lockstep with their traitor leader. Sure, the House will ultimately tack on charges of obstruction to an impeachment bill, but no matter if it’s one charge of obstruction or 100 the result in the Senate will be the same: traitor trump is vindicated. Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America where ultimately the president is expected not to act like a king but in reality, there is nothing to stop him from being a king and the usual collective American response is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Permanent Constitutional Crisis

From Axios, “The House committees leading the inquiry intend to call and subpoena more witnesses as they continue to investigate allegations that the president pressured Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden to assist him in the 2020 election. The White House’s blanket refusal to cooperate suggests that their strategy is to fight the Democrats in court and stonewall the investigation for as long as possible.” We’re in a constitutional crisis and traitor trump has already won! I have yet to read or hear one scenario that completely games impeachment to its logical end. They all stop short by saying that the Senate will most likely not convict. That is just the beginning. What will a traitor trump presidency look like if he remains in office? He will be completely unstoppable. I hope the idiots of America understand this. Democrats will only impeach once, although traitor trump will, no doubt, continue, if not, increase his impeachable behavior. He may not completely realize it yet, but all traitor trump needs to do is stay the course — obstruct, misdirect, and confuse the public — because Senate RepubliKKKlans will never convict him no matter what he does. Mark my words, morons. Traitor trump is absolutely doing nothing out of the ordinary from what he has been doing over the last three years. And I don’t give one G.D. f*** what the polls say about growing support to impeach and remove him because neither do RepubliKKKlans. They know if they just all stick together they can beat impeachment. What is one more embarrassing situation like impeachment for them to weather but just another “traitor trump being traitor trump” moment? It’s going to get worse. Much, much worse! And dumbass Democrats are incapable of stopping him because, in the end, we have an imperial presidency in which there is absolutely no mechanism to stop him from doing whatever he wants as long as a minority of morons think he’s doing a good job! Welcome to stupid America! Has the country realized yet that it lost itself the day traitor trump was elected? This is what a stupid country looks like!

Idiot Voters!

WBGH reported several months ago, “Voters in northwest Illinois have a lot of questions for their congresswoman, Democrat Cheri Bustos. They want to know about rail plans around Moline, federal transportation dollars and health care costs.” In addition, PBS News Hour reports, “The candidates are spending too much time talking about esoteric issues like the Senate filibuster and the composition of the Supreme Court and not enough time speaking the language of workers, several union officials said. Those ideas may excite progressive activists, they said, but they risk alienating working-class voters. ‘They’ve got to pay attention to kitchen table economics,’ said Ted Pappageorge, president of the Las Vegas Culinary Union that represents 60,000 hotel and casino workers. ‘We don’t quite see that.’”

These two quotes are a sampling of a theme I keep reading and hearing from pundits, reporters, and Congresspersons, namely that Democratic voters keep asking their representatives about kitchen table issues. This drives me f***ing G.D. crazy because it clearly evinces that collectively voters seem to have no f***ing clue how the government f***ing works. I only wish I could attend my representative’s town hall meetings but I live in one of those red districts that were recently flipped by a moderate Democrat, so needless to say the meetings are populated by MAGA morons (as I have read) and I would likely go ballistic. But I digress. This is my point: nothing else matters — nothing else should matter — until Democrats take back the White House and the Senate. I have no f***ing clue why these voters are still bellyaching about healthcare and drug prices when RepubliKKKlans still control the Senate. Yes, of course, these are still major concerns, but voters must understand that these issues are never going to be resolved as long as Moscow Mitch blocks legislation from the House, which he has. Pelosi has passed legislation to lower drug prices, for example. But it languishes in the Senate where Moscow Mitch refuses to bring the bill to the floor for debate, so I have no f***ing clue what the point of voters still complaining about such issues are trying to make. Voters should be asking (demanding) their representatives focus on one thing and one thing only: how to defeat traitor trump! Full stop! Democratic voters are never going to get any of their issues addressed until they take back the White House and the Senate, so stop wasting time and energy complaining about things that will never change under RepubliKKKlans. Wake up dumbass Democrats. There is only one goal: defeat traitor trump or take back the Senate or both! Welcome to stupid America!

Overturn Roe v. Wade!

According to Axios, “This is a deliberate strategy, by red states as well as the conservative legal establishment, to force big abortion cases before the court and provide it the opportunity to roll back abortion rights, per Sam.” I say bring it! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again! I hope SCOTUS overturns Roe v. Wade! F*** it! Dumbass Democrats have been asleep at the wheel for years about making federal judge appointments central to every f***ing election, as RepubliKKKlans have been doing for decades. It has taken 40+ years, but RepubliKKKlans have finally seized the moment, while stupid Americans, especially idiot Democrats have let RepubliKKKlans slowly shape a more and more conservative federal judiciary! Thanks, Obama! Seriously, thanks for being so f***ing weak on this critical matter!

So, America deserves this. Democrats deserve this! RepubliKKKlans play the long game while dumbass Democrats are still hoping for change! WTF! So, let abortion rights go back to the states. Let progress roll backward! Red states will suffer the most. So, let these conservative religious zealot redneck MAGA moron women, who will no doubt be the ones to experience unwanted pregnancies, turn to backstreet abortions and coathangers. Marriage equality will be next! So, f*** that too. Apparently, the morons of this country need their rights and freedoms repealed before they realize, “Oh, sh*t! Maybe I should vote after all. Judges do matter. Elections do have consequences.” Ugh! F*** me! I have yet to hear any frontrunner Democratic candidate talk about federal judges! I am so f***ing sick of dumbass Democrats not getting it! I live in f***ing trump stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!

Fine! Add Obstruction Charges and Vote!

According to USA Today, “President Donald Trump and aides plan to tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that they will not cooperate with the ongoing impeachment inquiry until the full House votes to authorize it, officials said Friday.” Fine! F*** traitor trump! I say add obstruction charges to the articles of impeachment, and I think the House should vote to formalize the beginning of the impeachment inquiry process. Of course, there is no rule or law demanding the House must do so, nor is it the prerogative of the Executive branch to tell the Legislative branch what the f*** to do unless, of course, it’s a RepubliKKKlan president telling a RepubliKKKlan Senate what to do. Otherwise, traitor trump can go f*** himself! But I do want a preliminary headcount with a vote to proceed on an impeachment inquiry, and if anything it will only strengthen any legal arguments in court as the White House stonewalls — all of which was perfectly predictable and a process that should have been started by Democrats the hour after they were sworn into office in January 2019! Leave it to dumbass Democrats to take ten months to figure out traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans will never cooperate. In fact, to some degree, they still haven’t learned because I think they should start and end by sending two-week subpoenas and then file an expedited lawsuit the hour the White House fails to comply. But they won’t. Dumbass Democrats are stuck on requesting documents and testimony first then requesting again and then ordering a subpoena, which traitor trump will ignore, and then what? Therein lies the rub! Off to the courts for months and months of delay. Welcome to stupid America! Dumber than ever!

Can Dumbass Democrats Just F***ing Not for Once?

From CNN, “Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders suffered a heart attack, his campaign confirmed on Friday after he departed Desert Springs Hospital Medical Center in Las Vegas.” Call it ageism or healthism or what-the-f***-ever! Can dumbass Democrats just for f***ing once not actively try to f***ing nominate a Democratic candidate that had a recent f***ing heart attack? God-f***ing-d*mmit! I swear to f***ing God if Sanders supporters keep him in the race beyond Thanksgiving then just f*** Democrats. Seriously! Some things should automatically eliminate a candidate, like the oldest person in the race having a f***ing G.D. heart attack! WTF! Welcome to stupid America!