
Source: Axios

Dumbass Democrats are the weakest and most pathetic pieces of Scheiße in the country. I just f***ing can’t anymore! G.D.! What will it take? At the time of this writing, only 142 members?!?! I’m so f***ing over it! They deserve to lose, and part of me hopes they do because apparently dumbass Democrats have not spent enough time in the wilderness. Apparently, the state of our Union has not devolved enough to warrant their action. Apparently, there is no dictatorship they find alarming. So, bring it! Let the ruin of America begin! This is what a stupid country looks like.

At Some Point RepubliKKKlans Will Co-opt the Climate Change Issue

From CNN, “If you live in the nation’s capital, your commute Monday morning might be even worse than usual. That’s because a group of climate change activists have vowed to bring Washington to a standstill, all to bring attention to their cause.” At some point RepubliKKKlans will concede that the climate change crisis is a legitimate election issue — some already have. But this will be the infuriating part: RepubliKKKlans will not only embrace the urgent need to combat climate change but they will own the issue and dumbass Democrats will willingly give up the high ground because they are weak and stupid! RepubliKKKlans currently resist climate change because it’s politically advantageous, but eventually, they’ll catch on that it’s politically more advantageous to accept made-man climate change in which case they will embrace the arguments more wholeheartedly than dumbass Democrats.

Moreover, RepubliKKKlans will claim that they’ve always believed in climate change and that it is the Democrats who have resisted addressing the crisis. Mark my words, morons. Dumbass Democrats will simply do nothing to counter such misinformation because they’ll be happy with having won over RepubliKKKlans on such an important issue at last. Dumbass Democrats seem to think a pyrrhic victory is still a victory. (It’s not!) They will simply give up a key part of the Democratic platform as RepubliKKKlans will own the climate change crisis issue forcefully. Worse still is that voters will gladly give credit to RepubliKKKlans because they are that f***ing stupid. Hell! People still think RepubliKKKlans are the party of fiscal responsibility and that they are for the middle class, while they run up the national debt and cut taxes for corporations at the expense of the little guy. But what does one expect in a supremely stupid country! Dumbass Democrats will lose a huge block of single-issue voters to RepubliKKKlans because at least they will go hard on the subject. I can’t wait for the first RepubliKKKlan primary debate where each candidate starts arguing the merits of a progressive climate change policy and blames Democrats for the lack of progress on the most serious and grave issue of our time! They will stand up before the country ignoring their denials of climate change over the last two decades and point to Democrats saying it’s their fault. And voters will believe them!

I can’t! Welcome to stupid America!

She’s the Only One Who F***ing Gets It!

Bloomberg reports, “Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Democrats were being weak on President Donald Trump, in the wake of reports that he asked Ukraine’s government to investigate the son of Democratic front-runner Joe Biden. ‘At this point, the bigger national scandal isn’t the president’s lawbreaking behavior – it is the Democratic Party’s refusal to impeach him for it,’ she tweeted on Saturday night.” Bingo! She gets it. Dumbass Democrats are weak and stupid. They will help traitor trump get re-elected as they condone all of his illegal actions, and we wonder why Democrats lose more often than not. I give up. Welcome to stupid America!

Four More Years

According to an NBC/WSJ poll, “The poll found Trump’s approval rating at 45 percent among registered voters, virtually unchanged from last month and consistent with where former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton stood in public approval at this point in their presidencies.” Yup! I expected nothing less from a country of morons. That traitor trump is even remotely close with Obama and Clinton ratings at this time in his presidency pretty much ensures a bunch of f***tards is going to re-elect this moron president. This is what a stupid country looks like. Apparently, there is no disaster traitor trump can create, worsen, or mangle that will dampen voters’ approval of his job. Un-f***ing-believable. Get ready for four more years! And dumbass Democrats will serve up his re-election on a silver platter because they are weak and stupid as well. Mark my words, idiots! I’m right about this! Welcome to trump stupid America! I live in hell!

Always a Tendency to Normalize Everything

From the Hill, “‘Public pressure from thousands of CREDO members and grassroots activists forced Kirstjen Nielsen to withdraw from the Atlantic Fest, which is a huge victory and should set a precedent for not putting profits over morals when it comes to Trump administration alumni,’ said Credo Action campaign director Nicole Regalado.” Why the f*** was she even invited in the first place? This is why dumbass Democrats and the left-wing are losers! Seriously! F***ing weak losers! It is always let’s forgive people. Let’s try to see the other side’s point of view. Let’s not anger anybody. Let’s make nice. I am so f***ing G.D. over liberals/progressive being so weak. Why the f*** can’t the left-wing (politicians, media, pundits, and voters) be just as ruthless as the right-wing to get what we want? This includes treating enemies of the country as f***ing enemies of the country instead of providing them a liberal platform to spew their lies and defend their hateful actions. Welcome to stupid America. It’s just plain stupid here!

Not Hard to See at All, Morons

From CNN, “The affair, centering on Trump’s contacts with a leader of a mystery foreign nation — identified in two reports as Ukraine — has also injected a toxic element into relations among the President, the intelligence community and Congress. It is hard to see how any of this ends well.” It is hard to see how any of this ends well? Is this person a f***ing G.D. moron? This will end perfectly well for traitor trump because dumbass Democrats are weak and stupid, so they will let this incident slide like the dozens of others before it. This will get stuck in the courts and amount to nothing. People need to start being held with inherent contempt of Congress, but no. It won’t happen. I’m over it! Dumbass Democrats lost the day after they were sworn into the House majority. They are incapable of doing anything to hold traitor trump accountable. Welcome to trump stupid America where dumbass Democrats are useless.

[T]rump Is a Traitor and Dumbass Democrats Will Do Nothing

From CNN, “Schiff announced Wednesday that Maguire will appear before the House Intelligence Committee at 9 a.m. on September 26. He said the intelligence community inspector general will brief the House committee Thursday behind closed doors about how it handled the whistle blower complaint.” House Democrats will do nothing (like impeach a traitor) because they are weak morons, so there is that. Nothing will change because this is what a stupid country looks like. Welcome to trump stupid America!

Another Female Will Lose the Electoral College

From CNN, “A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll out Tuesday finds former Vice President Joe Biden leads the field in the first national polling after last week’s Democratic presidential debate, but Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has risen to hold second place on her own.” Let me say first of all that my favorite is Harris even though she has faded and has no chance. Personally, I would love nothing more than to see every RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron head f***ing explode if a black woman became president. Nothing would give me more pleasure than a bunch of dead headless RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons — but I dream. That being said, I understand the practical and most likely person to beat traitor trump is Biden (unfortunately), which means there is absolutely no room for a female candidate to reasonably challenge traitor trump. I’m sorry to say it, and I’m sorry to have to speak the plain, hard truth to idiots out there. A woman cannot win the general election because as I have said time and time and time again we do not elect the president by popular vote, so 2 million more votes nationally (i.e., Hillary) mean nothing if they are not from the right states! And as I have said before: America is more misogynistic than it is racist! Full stop! End of story! F***ing morons! Sadly, the entire country is held hostage by a handful of misogynistic and racist red states! There is a reason why traitor trump can get away with making a statement about WASPs and people love him for it! Hello, dumbass Democrats! Nominating Warren would guarantee a win for traitor trump. Mark my words, idiots. Welcome to stupid America!

Pointless: Dumbass Democrats

According to CNN, “The White House is asserting that two former senior White House aides have immunity from testifying and is directing former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski not to answer questions about events that occurred after President Donald Trump was elected.” I don’t know why dumbass Democrats continue to create situations that prove they are a bunch of incomptent morons. So, another traitor trump crony will appear before a Democratic committee to say nothing and dumbass Democrats will throw up their hands and whine (pathetic!) about how they are not getting any cooperation from the White House (again) as if it is the first time they are encountering such resistance. I give up with these morons. Democrats deserve their circumstances because they are a bunch of weak idiots. Nine months in power and they have achieved nothing except filing lawsuits. Great! Welcome to stupid America!