Of Course, He Did

From Axios, “Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was publicly accused of another sexual misconduct allegation Saturday, which was allegedly reported to the FBI during his 2018 confirmation process but not investigated by the bureau, the New York Times reports.” I have no doubt all these stories are true; there is simply too much smoke for there not to be a fire. As a result, America has an unrepentant sexual assaulter sitting on the highest court of the land for the next 30 years thanks to RepubliKKKlans. It doesn’t matter if these “accusations” are dismissed merely as “youthful indiscretions.” These incidents demonstrate a deep character flaw. I certainly never felt the urge to become a sexual predator as a drunk youth, but I guess some people do and that seems to be perfectly acceptable with RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons so long as their guy votes to limit and reverse the rights and protections of minorities. Naturally, dumbass Democrats, as usual, will fail to capitalize on this information, and they will fail to impeach “Justice” Kavanaugh if they ever regain control of government (or their spines) because this is stupid America where we just live with the consequences of bad decisions instead of actually f***ing fixing them! No matter what! Democrats should be delegitimizing SCOTUS with every f***ing breath. It should be a central topic in every Democratic campaign. But they won’t and it won’t be. Ugh! Welcome to trump stupid America! All dumb all the time!

More Dumbass Democrat Weakness

According to Politico, “The issue was raised Friday during a conference call among the committee’s Democrats. A source familiar with the discussion said any move next week would be intended to increase the ‘officialness’ of the ongoing probe, following a six-week summer recess in which some Democrats struggled to characterize to their constituents that the House had already begun impeachment proceedings. Democrats are hopeful that explicitly defining their impeachment inquiry will heighten their leverage to compel testimony from witnesses.” “Officialness?” What the f*** is that supposed to mean? More f***ing half measures! How f***ing great. Dumbass Democrats can never do things fully, can they? They always tiptoe around the obverse too afraid of their own f***ing shadow. Just f***ing start impeachment proceedings already for the love of f***ing God! G.D.! As usual, so f***ing pathetic. This is why Democrats lose because they are weak and feckless. Welcome to stupid America where right is weak and cowers in the corner.

No Compromise

From NPR on gun control, “I [Biden] think there’s no compromise. This is one we have to just push and push and push and push and push. The fact of the matter is, I think, it’s going to result in seeing some of them defeated.” Finally, Biden says something with which I completely agree! There is no f***ing compromising with RepubliKKKlans. They have failed to move on meaningful gun control legislation for 30 years. I don’t know why it has taken dumbass Democrats this long to understand! I’m getting sick of the weak party making weak excuses, hoping for weak changes, offering weak platitudes, and suggesting weak solutions. Only in a trump stupid America guns are more valued than people, and dumbass Democrats are the party of weakness and “let’s all just get along.” No! F*** that!

Once Again, Only Beto Gets It

Axios headline reads, “O’Rourke on CNN: America’s mass shooting epidemic is ‘f***ed up.’” Once again, O’Rourke is the only person demonstrating the minimum amount of righteous indignation, whereas every other dumbass Democrat recites weak platitudes of “outrage.” The worst was Julian Castro! God! What a f***ing lame excuse for a candidate from Texas nonetheless. I listened to his interviews on MSM the day after the mass shooting and his level of passion and outrage was equivalent to a wet f***ing noodle. Seriously! We are so f***ing beyond calm calls of action and pleas for cooperation to pass “something.” The last thing this country needs is a weak, passionless leader, but that’s probably exactly what dumbass Democrats will nominate. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America!

Pathetic! We Deserve This

A CNN headline reads, “Judge rejects House Democrats’ request to fast-track Trump tax return case.” The article further states, “‘The Committee’s request comes seven weeks after it first filed the Complaint. The Court does not fault the Committee for its time and efforts negotiating with the Administration before suing, but it is not clear why only now the Committee asks for expedited consideration of this matter,’ McFadden [the judge] wrote Thursday.” As usual, dumbass Democrats have f***ed their oversight duties and litigation seven ways to Sunday because they are just f***ing G.D. weak and pathetic people who have no f***ing clue how to play hardball. The same day the new House was sworn in they should have dropped subpoenas at the doorstep of every White House (past and present) employee. They should have had lawsuits ready to go and filed on day one. But, no. Instead, they wasted nine months trying to play nice with the administration by “requesting” documents multiple times under some f***ed-up illusion that traitor trump was ever going to cooperate. I give up! They need to f***ing declare impeachment proceedings to force the courts to start enforcing subpoenas. But, again, no. Pelosi is weak and too afraid of upsetting the RepubliKKKlans. Hello, morons! RepubliKKKlans are always upset about everything. Democrats are going to lose the presidential election anyway, so they literally have nothing to lose by impeaching traitor trump now. Democrats are just as stupid as RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. They are weak and will never win. Four more years! I can’t wait. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America!

The ‘Yang Gang’

From an article entitled “The Pull of Andrew Yang’s Pessimism” in The Atlantic, “Yang thinks he’s tapped into a new strain of politics. He insists he’s not a fatalist or a nihilist. He figures himself to be an optimist, just one who sees how terrible things are and how much worse they can get, and he believes that the only way to get to the light is to acknowledge the darkness.” The title caught my eye and I thought the quote was poignant. (Plus the Yang Gang moniker is catchy.) Although I’m not following Yang because I’m not going to waste my time on someone who has no chance of winning, I do think his pessimism is the exact tone Democrats should be taking. I’m sorry, but fear works! It works with traitor trump and his cult. It got him elected as people fear the “other.” It is long past time that Democrats start tapping into the fear of another four years of a RepubliKKKlan dictatorship: unaffordable and discriminating health care, runaway climate change, the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, a bankrupt government, legalized discrimination against women, minorities, and LGBTQ, and so forth.

Instead, we keep getting these weak Democratic candidates that talk about hope and optimism as if the current state of affairs is some sort of obstacle that can be overcome in the next election. Hell f***ing no! This is a f***ing five-alarm emergency! This is time to hit the f***ing G.D. panic button! If dumbass Democrats continue to go around believing that traitor trump is merely an aberration that can be reversed with the next Democratic president then we really are f***ing doomed! As I have said a hundred times before dumbass Democrats do not understand the essence of America! For if they did then they would be running around with their hair on fire exciting the base! But no! Instead, we get Biden telling us that RepubliKKKlans are good people, and sadly he is our best chance of winning. Instead, we have a Speaker of the House too afraid to impeach because it will divide the country — is she f***ing kidding? Divide the country? That’s what Pelosi fears? Un-f***ing-believable! Christ! At this point, there is absolutely no reason to be anything other than pessimistic because the idiots in the country still think the disasters spreading across the world are tractable. Welcome to m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America! It is exactly the mess one expected it to be!

More RepubliKKKlan Lies

From Politico, “Joe Walsh, the flame-throwing conservative radio show host and former Illinois congressman, is moving toward challenging President Donald Trump in a Republican primary, calling the president an ‘unfit divider-in-chief’ and claiming that the party is craving an alternative.” This is a “thing” that will go nowhere. Do not believe this RepubliKKKlan moron; this is all for show and to grift other RepubliKKKlans and a few dumbass Democrats no doubt. Nothing more. Welcome to stupid America!

Here We Go: Get Ready to Lose

According to The Hill, “President Trump on Friday mocked former Vice President Joe Biden after the Democratic presidential candidate committed a gaffe by telling supporters that ‘poor kids’ are ‘just as talented as white kids’ before correcting himself to say ‘wealthy kids.’ … ‘Joe is not playing with a full deck. He made that comment, I said “woah,”’ Trump told reporters as he left the White House for a fundraiser in the Hamptons.” So, here we go with the media helping traitor trump put the nail into the coffin of Biden’s presidential bid. Clearly, the MSM simply ignores the daily gaffe machine of traitor trump because they are morons, while one gaffe from Biden — which admittedly is not uncommon for him — becomes headline news (literally). Moreover, to be fair Biden realized that he misspoke at the moment and tried to correct his train of thought by elaborating on the comment. Yet, traitor trump understands how to land a precise and pithy punch, against which dumbass Democrats are feckless to respond. I’m sorry, but saying Biden is not playing with a full deck seemingly rings true enough with morons to help traitor trump win re-election, despite his own repeated slurring during speeches, stumbling over words and blatant stupid-speak. But this is trump stupid America, so all those traitor trump gaffes speak directly to enough RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons to ensure his next win, while Biden is simply seen as being weak and too old. F*** me! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t! Welcome to stupid America!

Outrage-O-Meter: 2

Is it just me or is the public outrage over these last two domestic terrorist attacks pretty f***ing weak? Then again, I’m not sure why I expected anything else from a rather stupid and pathetic country. Seriously! It is the usual shock followed by shaking of collective heads. Followed by vigils and questions of why while ultimately returning to business as usual — mass shootings on a daily basis that go under-reported. Nothing will ever change. Throughout the day, news has been reporting the same weak and feckless platitudes of sadness, anger, “God bless” this that and the other, bewilderment, blah, blah, blah. Of course, my favorite is “hope.” So f***ing stupid. Politicians and reporters always “hoping” that somehow this moment will be different, hoping that traitor trump will rise to the occasion, hoping RepubliKKKlans will do the right thing. Un-f***ing-believable. There is no amount of carnage that could engender significant, lasting change because the RepubkliKKKlan party of terrorists and MAGA moron will never want to change anything. Dumbass Democrats are incapable of harnessing any sort public anger to get people in the streets protesting. No, they can’t. These events have a shelf life of five days then it’s on to the next traitor trump tweet. We get the government we deserve, and right now it is tyranny by the minority that rules over the majority. So, congratu-f***ing-lations. Get used to it idiots because clearly the country is too apathetic and f***tarded to effectuate change. Welcome to trump stupid America.

Although, it appears Beto was exhibiting the right amount of outrage especially in response to an idiot reporter asking a f***ing stupid question because, of course, the media is mostly full of morons.

Mueller Hearings: A Disaster

A tie goes to traitor trump! The Mueller hearings were a f***ing disaster for dumbass Democrats. There is absolutely no way one could possibly think otherwise. There is no way to sugarcoat the situation. To a large extent, dumbass Democrats over-promised (even if they did not intend to do so) and Muller under-performed. Mueller sounded exactly like the dotard RepubliKKKlans were making him out to be after the first hearing — he did slightly better in the afternoon session but still lacked the command and forcefulness need to convince anyone. Between his reluctance to answer 200+ questions (shock!) and demonstrating that he apparently has never actually read his own report makes the testimony worthless. I honestly think he ended the investigation when he did because he was too tired (or simply did not wish) to continue! I have to admit since dumbass Democrats could not deliver they should have never forced him to testify. Perhaps it was negligent of them do to so knowing the condition of Mueller’s facilities. Although I was never expecting Mueller to help the Democrat’s case much, he ended up doing more damage to it! Great! Congratulations, dumbass Democrats! Keep digging! Don’t stop now! What’s the point? Idiots!

This is the bottom line for the entire problem: if Mueller did not indict, then people will perceive traitor trump as being innocent and the case is closed. It does not matter if Mueller was prevented from indicting at the outset. It does not matter if Mueller claims traitor trump was not exonerated in the end. It does not matter. None of this matters because people are too stupid to understand the nuances of the situation. They are too stupid to understand that DOJ policy (an administrative guideline, not law) dictates that a sitting president cannot be indicted. People are too stupid to understand that it was essentially paperwork that stopped Mueller from indicting traitor trump. As far as the idiots of America are concerned if traitor trump is not in hand-cuffs then he never did anything wrong. Yup! People are too stupid. This entire traitor trump presidency has been one long demonstration of a bunch of morons ruling over everyone else, and we just take it. At least Puerto Rico had the guts to rise up and oust their corrupt governor, but here on the mainland, it’s crickets and a lot of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Welcome to trump stupid America! Get ready for another four years of traitor trump because this is a supremely stupid country. Just another day of being f***ed in America!