Epic Fail: Traitor Mueller Prediction

I can’t wait for dumbass Democrats to f*** up the Mueller testimonies because they will — that’s what they do. Sorry, morons, but the public has moved on from this subject — the economy is too good to care because it’s the “economy, stupid” in f***tardland of America! Hearings have not begun yet, and dumbass Democrats are f***ing things up already. First, they should have subpoenaed Mueller to testify the day after the report came out — no negotiations, no waiting, no excepts. Treat him like the hostile witness he is going to be. It should have been a one-two punch. Here are the book and the movie! Now it’s what movie to what book? So they failed there, as usual.

Second, how the f*** does he get away with providing two testimonials in two different oversight committees for a grand total of five f***ing hours? Un-f***ing-believable. RepubliKKKlans dragged Clinton over the coals during multiple Benghazi hearings — the longest of which was 11 hours — for something which, in the end, turned up absolutely nothing. That was a real witch hunt! Go figure! But when it comes to dumbass Democrats’ turn to play hardball, they roll over. Five f***ing hours! (Granted, this is five hours of the questioning portion of testimony, but Mueller is known for giving pithy answers, so they should demand more time for questions unless they intend to have him read extended excerpts of his report.) Pathetic! Dumbass Democrats act like the losers they are before anything ever happens. Fan-f***ing-tastic!

Third, they’ll blow the questioning as they normally do. When time is tight, they fail to coordinate, so each member will pointlessly and needlessly ask the same questions, which Mueller will refuse to answer meaningfully each time, but that won’t stop them from banging their heads against the wall over and over again, hoping for a different result. F*** me!

Last, dumbass Democrats keep wanting to believe that Mueller is some impartial savior of the republic; he is not! He is a traitor RepubliKKKlan, just like the rest of them. I don’t give one G.D. f*** about his record or past service. Once a f***ing RepubliKKKlan then he is automatically and forever loyal to that party and its underlying ideals, which is basically to f*** over the rest of the country.

I can’t! I just f***ing can’t take the stupidity of this country anymore. Welcome to stupid America! Mark my words, idiots. This is all going to land with one big thud, which is a win for traitor trump. For years he’s been repeating the “no collusion, no obstruction” mantra. Does this seem familiar to any morons out there? Anyone? Anyone at all? It is straight out of Goebbel’s “Big Lie” playbook. Eventually, the idiots simply just accept it as fact, and nothing will move them off of believing the lie. I’m telling you! I’m going to be right about this!

‘Send Her Back!’: This Is the Essence America

A CNN headline reads: “‘Send her back!’ chant shows Trump’s ugly plan to get reelected.” I seriously don’t understand when the f***tard dumbass Democrats are going to fully realize what they are up against as they lose the 2020 election. This is America! F*** me! If I have to hear one more f***ing time how progressives keep declaring that traitor trump does not represent America I’m going to f***ing scream. Hello f***ing G.D. moronic Democrats! This country is just as racist and hateful as traitor trump evinces! If you give the people the chance and environment to be who they really are then this is what you get. Wake the f*** up! If dumbass Democrats can’t even understand this fundamental defect of the nation then how are they going to ever hope to win the Senate and the presidency? Once again they are expecting Americans to be better than their nature truly is. Un-f***ing-believable. The vile and ugly (RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons) will always outvote the meek and hopeful! Hello, f***ing morons! It got him elected the first time! And now there is fear that those “Christians” and other conservatives that did not vote for him in 2016 will hold their nose and vote for him in 2020, which means it is possible that his base could actually grow! I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to say it: get ready for another four years of traitor trump. I don’t f***ing care what the polls say; there is always going to be 5-7 percentage points of those who are perfectly willing to vote for traitor trump but deny it! Am I the only f***ing person on this Earth that sees this as plain as day? I mean WTF! It is so f***ing obvious! In case idiots have not noticed but traitor trump’s Nuremberg rallies are getting larger. Look at the crowds in the venues. Where the upper sections of seating used to be empty or sparsely populated now they are just as full as the main floor — and it’s not because the venues are getting smaller! Mark my words, f***tards! We get the government we deserve and we deserve stupid because the country is full of it! Welcome to trump stupid America! Dumbest country on the planet populated by even dumber voters!

Wake Up Morons: This Is America

From the AP, “And Americans think Trump is contributing to the problem. A Pew Research Center poll earlier this year showed 56% of Americans saying Trump has made race relations worse.” Of course, he is because this is trump stupid America! Traitor trump represents the essence of America; he is the silent majority that is no longer silent. I am so f***ing sick and tired of stupid, clueless, and weak dumbass Democrats pretending that 43% of the country is actually better than they show themselves to be. They are not! MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are vile people who love traitor trump for everything he stands — right, wrong, or indifferent. I am also sick and tired of morons insisting traitor trump can never win because his job approval rating has never broken the 50% threshold. Hello, idiots! That is not how our elections work! God-f***ing-d***it! What part do the f***tards not understand about traitor trump having won the first time? See this RealClear Politics page. All it takes is a marginal number of supporters to show up to the polls in the right states and he wins again. Un-f***ing-believable. Such f***ing stupidity that people have no f***ing clue. He did it once and he can do it again because let’s face it: nothing has changed since the last election. Mark my words, f***tards. Think about it! Nothing has changed. Traitor trump is still the same hateful, racist, bigot, misogynist, homophobe, xenophobe, idiot that got him elected. Seriously! If anything, the economy has held its own during his presidency; the trade wars have yet to be fully felt in the economy, except for the farmers — but they’ll vote for traitor trump no matter what, so red state farmers are a sure thing. I might have greater confidence in the national polls being an indicator of traitor trump’s chances of losing if this country actually voted, but it doesn’t. Those who vote regularly and reliably in the numbers that define this country are the same hateful, racist, bigot, misogynist, homophobe, xenophobe, idiots that identify completely with traitor trump. Welcome to stupid America. Nothing will change because this country is too stupid to change. The minority rules over the majority and the majority just does the usual ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t!

Dumbass Democrats Are Still Losing

From Axios, “Four Democratic congresswomen targeted by President Trump in a racist series of tweets telling them to ‘go back’ to where they came from Sunday responded at a press conference Monday.” Traitor trump goes on a racist attack — again — and all dumbass Democrats can muster is a f***ing press conference (and maybe a resolution)! Un-f***ing-believable. Love or hate traitor trump at least he knows how to attack while dumbass Democrats continue to stand there stunned and incapable of doing anything meaningful in response. Have they not yet learned how to hit back 10 times harder? So pathetic. Yup! Dumbass Democrats deserve to lose because they still don’t get it! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Neither Will Dumbass Democrats

From CNN, “The second most shocking aspect of an episode that would have rocked any other administration is that the President knows he can trade in such base tactics because he will pay no price in a Republican Party cowed by his fervent political base.” Just as pathetic is that dumbass Democrats will not force traitor trump to pay a price either because this is trump stupid America where MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are strong and wrong while dumbass Democrats are just weak!

I Give Up: Bring It!

According to CBS News, “In a ruling that pro-abortion rights advocates called ‘rogue,’ an Oklahoma judge upheld a state law on Friday that banned the most common abortion method for women at least 14 weeks into a pregnancy.” To be honest, I hope all these abortion bans are upheld by the Supreme Court. Just let it all f***ing happen! Apparently, dumbass Democrats really don’t f***ing care until it’s too late. Only when women’s rights have been completely repealed do they start to get politically animated. Perhaps what the f***tards in this country need is a big wake-up call! They have taken for granted their freedoms, especially the freedom to make decisions over their own bodies. So, let it happen. I just don’t f***ing care anymore. I say let abortion rights go back to the States. Let the States determine the legality of abortions. This would be the catalyst for the Great Reordering of America that is desperately needed. We really are a nation divided, so let’s stop pretending we are an indivisible union. I say let those f***tards that want to live under quasi-dictatorships move to red states; perhaps in time, the population will be so concentrated in blue states that we can take permanent control of the House of Representatives. (Sadly, probably never the Senate for obvious reasons.) RepubliKKKlans have had a rallying cry for 40 years with Roe V. Wade and eventually it has worked. Now dumbass Democrats need a rallying cry for the decades to come, assuming they are smart enough and committed enough to sustain their passion (I doubt it). Welcome to trump stupid America! Democracy takes work unless, of course, one wants a dictatorship then people are allowed to be lazy and apathetic — like I said: welcome to stupid America! Who cares. None of this matters anymore. Dictator-loving people have won and gained permanent control. It was too late the second traitor trump became elected. We lost the democracy the second that happened and the country did the collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. We deserve climate change. We deserve repeal of the ACA. We deserve tyranny by the minority over the majority. We deserve all of this and more because this is a country of f***ing G.D. idiots that simply do not care.


From the AP, “Special counsel Robert Mueller has agreed to testify publicly before Congress on July 17 after Democrats issued subpoenas to compel him to appear, the chairmen of two House committees announced.” I have absolutely no doubt in my mind dumbass Democrats will f*** this up beyond recognition because that’s what they do. When they need to be specific, coordinated, and purposeful they will be all over the place, never able to build a clear narrative. This is their one chance and they already have no f***ing clue what to do — it took them months to serve traitor Mueller a f***ing G.D. subpoena when it should have been done within days after the report was published. There is no reason to think dumbass Democrats will suddenly grow a spine or craft a winning strategy. I guess they deserve a ribbon for trying. Welcome to stupid America!

Holy F***ing Scheiße

Axios reports, “‘Eight hours and 273 pages later, we’ve learned nothing new from a witness who has been cooperating with this committee for months. … If Chairman Nadler were truly interested in gathering new facts, he would issue a subpoena to Robert Mueller, since no privileges or immunities would apply to his appearance or testimony, and Congress has yet to hear from him.’” Un-f***ing-believable! The best argument for dumbass Democrats to get Mueller to testify is made by a f***ing RepubliKKKlan! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t! Why are dumbass Democrats so f***ing G.D. weak? Fine! Whatever! They deserve to lose! Seriously! They just do! Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats at Their Best

The Daily Beast reports, “It was supposed to be a made-for-TV moment for House Democrats: former Richard Nixon counsel and Watergate icon John Dean testifying before lawmakers in the Judiciary Committee’s first hearing solely devoted to the substance of Robert Mueller’s findings on whether President Trump obstructed the Russia investigation.” These Democrats are f***ing G.D. morons. Seriously! What were they hoping to achieve? Did they seriously think that Americans would stop to tune in to a person describing the 46-year-old circumstances surrounding Nixon’s impeachment? Moreover, dumbass Democrats agreed to have some idiot lawyer from the Heritage Foundation as a RepubliKKKlan lackey. WTF? Once again this is dumbass Democrats bending over backward to play fair and come off “fair and balanced.” The only thing they accomplished was to muddle and confuse the entire narrative of the hearing. While the witnesses for the Democrats were saying one thing, the RepubliKKKlan witness was saying the exact opposite. What is the net effect? Confusion and ultimately indifference. Democrats are really weak and stupid people. They kind of deserve to be in the minority because they will never learn how to play to win.

Lesser of Two Evils

From Politico: “But if Democrats fail to counter those efforts with their own — by energizing younger Latinos and reaching members of the community who feel estranged by the president — those voters may simply sit out the election.” The level of stupidity is incomprehensible. If people don’t vote Democratic then they are essentially electing RepubliKKKlans by default, but I guess idiots of America are too upset that their every f***ing desire is not being addressed. Hello f***ing G.D. idiots of America! Can we just f***ing focus on consistently electing Democrats to win for the love of f***ing God! Un-f***ing-believable. This is going to be 2016 all over again where the black no-voter got traitor trump elected! Seriously! What the f*** is so f***ing difficult with this calculation? MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans hate minorities and want to suppress minorities’ rights. How is not voting against RepubliKKKlans in any way an option? Ugh! Whatever! Welcome to stupid America! All stupid all the time!