More Dumbass Democrat Weakness

From Bloomberg, “House Democrats clamoring for Donald Trump’s tax information have eagerly awaited a newly passed New York law allowing limited access to the president’s state returns. They’re about to be sorely disappointed. House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal would be the only Democrat allowed by the new law to ask for the documents, but so far he has said he won’t do it.” Naturally! Did I expect dumbass Democrats to be anything other than weak and feckless? I give up! Welcome to stupid America!

Oh, Christ! Here We Go!

According to Axios, “One day after former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign confirmed his support of a congressional ban on funding for abortions, Biden changed course, calling for a repeal of the Hyde Amendment at a campaign event Thursday evening in Atlanta, per AP.” This is going to be the start of flip-flopping which will be the end. It is exactly this whipsaw, last minute, and apparent “corrective” change in policy that indicates a weak and placating politician. Jesus-f***ing-Christ. At least traitor trump stuck to his wrong beliefs. Now it just looks like another old white guy running for president is trying to catch up with political trends in real time. Like I’ve said time and time again; better to be strong and wrong than weak and right. Welcome to stupid America where we have strong and wrong in spades and dumbass Democrats.

Don’t Get Excited

From CNN: “Republicans have been successfully leveraging the Supreme Court balance of power as a major campaign issue to ignite their base since the 1980s. For Democrats, the 2020 election may mark the first in modern times that they unite around the high court as a driving force in a presidential election. Democratic candidates are increasingly advocating ‘court packing,’ that is, upping the number of Supreme Court justices to balance the bench — or ensure a liberal majority. The idea is unlikely to succeed for historical and practical reasons but its resonance on the campaign trail reflects Democrats’ new emphasis on the judiciary during the Trump era.” Um, yeah, I’m not holding my breath on this hope. As usual, I don’t expect dumbass Democrats to suddenly get a clue on SCOTUS after 40 years of the RepubliKKKlans out-playing them on picking judiciary appointments. Dumbass Democrats are not going to grow a spine on this! They may talk a good game but when push comes to shove they will be too timid to make the grand changes necessary because dumbass Democrats are weak! Weak! Weak! F***ing weak! Welcome to stupid America where the strong and wrong dominate over the weak and right! F*** me!

Welcome to Stupid ‘Patriotic’ America

From the headline of an article in the WSJ: “White House Wanted USS John McCain ‘Out of Sight’ During Trump Japan Visit.” Of course! This is the type of person the uber so-called patriotic MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans love. I mean they think a draft-dodging president who insults the military regularly is their hero. Un-f***ing-believable. Once again this is a country of incomprehensible hypocrisy and stupidity. I have no doubt every person in the military will rush to re-elect traitor trump because the military has become an institution of sycophants (see Make Aircrew Great Again) that defends the president and not the nation formed by the Constitution. So, we are screwed. If traitor trump ever orders the military to fire on civilians then they will do it — without hesitation. “Heil traitor trump!” “Heil traitor trump!” “Heil traitor trump!” Welcome to stupid America. The country is lost. Seriously! Lost! And dumbass Democrats are feckless to do anything about it.

Traitor Mueller Speaks

According to USA Today: “With his remarks Wednesday, Mueller clearly sought to preempt an appearance before Congress by arguing that he has nothing further to say. ‘I hope and expect this to be the only time that I will speak about this matter,’ Mueller said. ” What the f*** have I been saying for months now? Mueller is just as much of a traitor as traitor trump! Really? The traitor “expects” that this is the only time he’ll speak on the Russian investigation? Well, traitor Mueller: f*** you! You know what? The House will determine if and when you’ll speak for the last time. So, f*** him and f*** dumbass Democrats if they fail to subpoena Mueller to testify, which I have full confidence they will (fail to do). Naturally! The f***ing morons in this country only care about the spectacle (i.e., traitor trump’s entire presidency), so dumbass Democrats should give it to the masses. If this is what it takes to start impeachment proceedings then so be it. Of course, there is still one burning question that no one else seems to be concerned about getting an answer: why did traitor Mueller not interview traitor trump? Why? I swear to f***ing God it is the single most important question that everybody is ignoring. Make him answer; the country deserves his testimony in full view, not for him to hide behind a report that raises more questions about what he did or didn’t do. Welcome to stupid America. It’s 100% apathy here — where’s the new shiny thingy?

Of Course, He Would

From CNN: “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year’s presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.” Was there ever a doubt that he, along with every other RepubliKKKlan, is a vile hypocrite? Look! I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to say this, but it’s over, folks! Dumbass Democrats have been weak for decades, and now the tables are fully turned by an opponent who has been ruthless all the while. Idiots in this country will understand soon enough how a majority conservative judiciary will dictate to people how they are allowed to live their lives. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to stupid America! It’s been one bumbling Democratic failure after another.


Politico writes, “Joe Biden is making his bipartisan bona fides a centerpiece of his presidential campaign, boasting recently that he persuaded three Republican senators to support the economic stimulus that helped save the country from catastrophe.” Wow! A whole f***ing three RepubliKKKlan senators! Here we go! The frontrunner already willing and wanting to concede power to RepubliKKKlans as part of his campaign messaging. These dumbass Democrats are never ever going to learn! RepubliKKKlans don’t want to compromise or work together; they want to dominate and destroy, but dumbass Democrats still don’t get it. F*** me! I’m so f***ing G.D. sick of weak Democrats. And I guess I have no choice but to vote for “Vice President Mike Pence is a decent guy” Joe Biden. I can’t wait! Welcome to stupid America!

Only in Stupid America: In One Chart

This Axios chart shows just how f***ing stupid people are; the article goes on to summarize, “President Trump is acting true to history. Every Republican president since Reagan has left office with a budget deficit higher than the one he inherited. Clinton and Obama, by contrast, left office with smaller deficits.” Seriously, it is beyond comprehension and infuriating that dumbass Democrats can never capitalize on such obvious differences. WTF?

Only in stupid America do stupid people keep electing RepubliKKKlans to be the party of “fiscal responsibility” to have them keep blowing up the budget deficit and national debt as a consequence. More proof that the RepubliKKKlan party is nothing more than the party of hypocrisy when it comes to their core beliefs. It’s un-f***ing-believable that time after time, election after election the RepubliKKKlan party runs as the fiscally conservative party, and the f***tards in this country continue to believe them when in reality it is the Democratic party that shows more fiscal responsibility. Jesus-f***ing-Christ in all of Heaven and on Earth! The RepubliKKKlan party has been one long 40-year con-job and most of America has fallen for it! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. I give up. I guess one can’t change f***ing G.D. stupid and all the MAGA morons that go with it. Welcome to stupid America!


AOC wins bingo on Twitter: “What angers me about the GOP’s attempts to turn the United States into a far-right Christian theocracy is how dishonest they are about it. At least be forthright about your desire to subvert and dismantle our democracy into a creepy theological order led by a mad king.” She nailed the essence of the RepibliKKKlan party! They want a far-right Christian theocracy led by a king. Full stop. I make no apologies or any exceptions for this broad whitewashing of a party because it’s true. Every RepubliKKKlan has at least some desire for a party that wants more of their definition of control over people and less democracy. It is by definition and the nature of conservatism that attracts and drives people who choose to be affiliated with the RepubliKKKlan party. I am tired of dumbass Democrats holding people in the RepubliKKKlan party faultless for the company with whom they choose to associate. Dumbass Democrats usually qualify their criticism of the party as people misguided with good intentions or not understanding the subtleties of democracy (e.g., the need to compromise) or the importance of having an opposition of opinions and perspectives to help govern. Once again and always, dumbass Democrats fail to understand the true objectives of RepubliKKKlans.

Enough! F***ing Enough!

This is just stupid on steroids already! CNN headline reads: “New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announces 2020 presidential run.” This is exactly how the dumbass Democrats will fracture all of its support across dozens of senseless “candidates.” In the end, when someone is nominated as the Democratic candidate then all the supporters of these other candidates will cry sour grapes and vote for the other guy (traitor trump) because dumbass Democrats can’t get their f***ing act together to vote blue no matter who. That’s exactly what happened with Sanders, and it’s about to happen all over again. Welcome to stupid America where RepubliKKKlans win because they fall in line while dumbass Democrats fall for the same trick every f***ing time. Every time!