The Red Scourge Is Here

Axios reports: “The most restrictive abortion laws in generations are currently spreading across America’s red states, setting up what could be a precedent-smashing Supreme Court challenge to the abortion status quo.” Congratu-f***ing-lations dumbass Democrats of America! This is what happens when a progressive but weak party always wants to play nice with RepubliKKKlans who only want one-party rule. Eventually, they will get it! I can no longer blame RepubliKKKlans for behaving as the vile people they are, but I am blaming dumbass Democrats for being pathetic and feckless against what has been a constant 40-year attack on this nation by RepubliKKKlans. Time after time it has been (and still is) dumbass Democrats rolling over. So, here we are with one state after another lining up to control women’s sexuality. Mostly old white men enact legislation that dictates to women how they should have no control over the consequences of their sexuality. Make no mistake, idiots. These anti-abortion bills are more about controlling women than it is about “preserving” life since many of these states also have the death penalty. To these RepubliKKKlan legislators, the two positions are completely consistent: they both punish the guilty for their actions. Get used to it. Conservatives tell us how we should live our lives. Welcome to stupid America. It’s the “oh-well” nation.

Coathanger Abortions: Fine!

CNN reports, “Alabama sent the most restrictive abortion bill in the country to the governor’s desk Tuesday night, with the state’s Senate passing legislation that could punish doctors who perform abortions with life in prison.” Anyone who thinks Roe will not be overturned is a f***ing G.D. moron of the highest order! This is where dumbass Democrats failed time after time. They never focused on SCOTUS during elections. Whereas RepubliKKKlans hammered taking control of SCOTUS in every election, dumbass Democrats were complacent — as usual. So, here we are with RepubliKKKlans having finally won a majority of conservative justices on the court and Roe is just the first case in a long line of cases where RepubliKKKlans want to tell other people how to live, who to love, and what a person can or cannot do with their bodies. Mark my words, morons! We have not even imagined all the consequences yet. Elections have consequences, but progressives and liberals are too stupid to understand the most consequential impact of presidential elections: the justices a president can put on the Supreme Court of the United States. I have heard some pundits speculate that any one of these recent legislative attempts to get a case in front of SCOTUS may never happen; that such legislation would be overturned in the appellate courts and then SCOTUS would deny certiorari. Last I checked it only take four justices to decide to grant certiorari: “The Supreme Court has its own set of rules. According to these rules, four of the nine Justices must vote to accept a case.” Hello, morons! And last I checked there are five conservative justices and even if Roberts is reluctant to want to enter this briar patch of reviewing Roe, I don’t think he has much of a choice. I doubt he can effectively demand other justices to vote against taking up a case, especially one like this. There is no f***ing way the court will not accept hearing any case that challenges Roe as directly as Alabama’s legislation does.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again. Fine! Let it happen! This is the only way morons will be activated when the state dictates to a woman what health care she’s entitled to receive. (Don’t think contraception won’t be next.) When Roe is overturned then maybe women will march in the streets in numbers to actually make a difference, or maybe they’ll actually vote Democratic — consistently. One would think that dumbass Democrats could use Roe as the new rallying cry. I doubt it because they are weak — they have no idea how to weaponize a matter of passion.

Of course, this is more tyranny of the minority over the majority given a recent public opinion poll. Unfortunately, weak dumbass Democrats just take the abuse. Just for f***ing once I wish progressives would get angry enough to vote — there was a glimpse of it in the 2018 midterms — but they don’t generally; it’s just more passivity. It is literally the “oh-well” party!

I’ve Changed My Mind: Impeach the Traitor!

Politico provides the finally compelling argument for me: “Judges have repeatedly ruled that Congress has a greater claim to sensitive government documents and personal information when it can point to an ongoing legal matter, instead of just a congressional investigation or legislative debate. And impeachment would give lawmakers that legal matter — the process is essentially a court procedure run by Congress where the House brings charges and the Senate holds the trial.” My primary argument for not impeaching was that traitor trump will never be convicted in the Senate and it will only make him stronger, which is all still true; however, at the same time, I’ve already conceded traitor trump is going to win re-election. So, in short, there is absolutely no good reason not to impeach; it is the necessary process which history must preserve and give an account.

If this democracy is going to fail then there must at least be a record of good trying to triumph over evil. Let dumbass Democrats in the House assert their final gasp of power while they can. They’ve been weak for decades, which lead to this point where a minority party (RepubliKKKlans) controls just enough of the government and judiciary to permanently solidify power. None of this matters anymore. We have turned the page on democracy. It is now 42% of the population dictating how the rest of the country should live and function because the majority is too stupid and apathetic to care. Twice in two decades, the Democratic presidential nominee won the majority of popular votes yet a RepubliKKKlan became president. Then there is this collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and in both these cases, the country was taken into radically different directions — from 9/11, illegal war with Iraq, and the Great Recession to ignoring climate change, trade wars, and condoning foreign election tampering to win at all costs. Welcome to stupid America!

Finally a Nickname

Politico reports, “Joe Biden on Saturday referred to President Donald Trump as a ‘clown’ after a supporter asked the former vice president whether he would return Trump’s insults.” Finally, a Democratic candidate that is at least willing to say something. While name calling is jejune, unfortunately, it is entirely at the level of stupid America. If people haven’t figured out by now traitor trump speaks stupid America better than anyone then I don’t know what to say, except welcome to stupid America. While everyone rolled their eyes each time traitor trump gave an opponent a new nickname his strategy worked. Never underestimate the average voter to condone such puerile behavior in their leader. I think Biden is wrong on the point about keeping the arguments clean; with traitor trump you need to get down in the mud a little bit. God love her, but Michelle Obama’s “they go low, we go high” attitude is precisely why dumbass Democrats are perceived as being so f***ing weak. Without some sort of retort, they come across as rolling over and simply taking whatever the abuse. For fear of what? Fighting back? God forbid dumbass Democrats dish out what they receive in return. Welcome to stupid America where dumbass Democrats are as weak as usual.

KFC F***ing Crazy

Un-f***ing-believable! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. Why are dumbass Democrats so f***ing G.D. pathetic? USA Today reports, “Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., brought a bucket of KFC fried chicken and a ceramic chicken to the hearing.” Seriously?!?! This is why m*****f***ing dumbass Democrats f***ing lose! This was a stupid f***ing stunt and just looked weak — exactly the thing at which dumbass Democrats excel. Instead of being stupid perhaps the dumbass Democrats can stop giving so many chances to RepubliKKKlans to refuse Congressional requests and just start subpoenaing everybody and use their inherent contempt power (“The Supreme Court said in 1821 that Congress has ‘inherent authority’ to arrest and detain recalcitrant witnesses.”) to f***ing jail them even if they have to build cells in the basement of the Congress. This is so f***ing stupid! Pathetic! Weak! Morons! Incapable of using their power! Nice guys finish last! Welcome to stupid America where the strongest thing dumbass Democrats can muster is to mock the AG by eating KFC.

Mueller Will Never Be the Hero

Allow me to game out any impending Mueller testimony for the dumbass Democrats hoping that he will save the day — just like he saved the day by recommending prosecuting traitor trump. He will do nothing more than what Barr did during his Senate testimony yesterday. Mueller is not going to testify above and beyond what he wrote in the report, which means he is not going to speculate about any other situation or circumstance. He is not going to hypothesize what if’s and how about’s. He’s not going to reveal what’s behind the redactions. Although, dumbass Democrats should still try. So, when dumbass Democrats forget to ask Mueller the following most important question: but for traitor trump being the president would you have prosecuted? He will decline to answer because it is a hypothetical question and giving an answer would unfairly impugn the president. At least he’ll be on record for posterity if that sort of thing matters to him. I’m telling the Democratic morons, all these RepiubliKKKlans stick together. Mueller will downplay any disagreements with Barr as legal philosophical differences and disagreement of opinions on how to have managed certain aspects of releasing the Mueller report. Dumbass Democrats are going to be extremely disappointed.

I was actually gung ho for Mueller to testify immediately, but after the Barr Scheiße-show, it is painfully obvious that the little DOJ soldiers will follow their AG leader, and RepubliKKKlans will help obfuscate any testimony so that nothing will be clear. Not to mention that most dumbass Democrats are the worst f***ing interviewers ever! F***ing seriously! They very rarely can land a definitive punch with their questions. They seem to aimlessly query hoping for an answer they like without any regard to a strategy. They only have five minutes to make a point. It is clear, however, which Congressperson is a lawyer. For example, Harris in her questioning of Barr was focused, methodical, and purposeful. Consequentially, she uncovered that Barr failed to examine the underlying evidence in his decision not to prosecute the president; that traitor trump very probably asked Barr to investigate his political enemies; that a biased and conflicted Barr will remain to oversee the other 14 cases involving traitor trump. Hirono did call out Barr for lying to Congress. That was a successful and appropriate attack! Some Democrats have f***ing balls for once!

Welcome to stupid America. We are full into an imperial presidency with a traitor at the helm. Congratulations America for being this stupid. It takes some real talent!

We Shall See

I hope this Democrat is for real, according to CNN: “Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly on Thursday threatened jail time for White House officials who are declining to comply with congressional committees’ efforts to conduct oversight of President Donald Trump’s administration.” This would be great if dumbass Democrats actually follow through, but they are weak and scared by nature. Welcome to stupid America where dumbass Democrats bark a lot but have no bite! Mark my words!

Waiting for Dumbass Democrats to Cave

I can’t wait for this showdown! I can say with great confidence that dumbass Democrats will do nothing serious. Fan-f****ing-tanstic. While traitor trump remains strong and defies Congress at every turn, dumbass Democrats will refuse to use their inherent contempt power because they are weak. The only way people in this administration will talk is if they are sent to jail, but like the Axios article states that hasn’t happened in a 100 years, and I don’t see dumbass Democrats being that strong. This is why people hate Democrats because at least traitor trump is a fighter. Welcome to stupid America where nothing really changes.

Finishing Last

From a CNN headline: “‘The Democratic base is angry as hell’: Cory Booker’s message of love falls flat.” Perfectly put! I have heard Booker’s campaign pitch a couple of times and all I can do is roll my eyes. There will always be those dumbass Democrats who don’t understand we are at DEFCON 1. Hello f***tards! Once again Booker is the example of a Democrat bringing a knife to a gun fight. Democrats don’t want a f***ing weak candidate that is telling everyone we should just all love each other (i.e., RepubliKKKlans) while MAGA morons literally write-up kill lists of Democrats and run over progressive protesters. If Booker is worried about coming off as an angry black man running for president then he should just step aside because the minimum I want from my Democratic presidential candidate is white-hot anger! Welcome to stupid America where nice guys do finish last.

Traitor [T]rump to Win for $200, Alex

Who will stupid Americans elect in 2020? According to a CNN story, “President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign raised more than $30 million in the first fundraising quarter of 2019, the campaign confirmed Sunday to CNN. Almost 99% of donations were $200 or less, the campaign said, with an average donation of $34.26. The campaign’s director of communications, Tim Murtaugh, said the re-election effort now has $40.8 million on hand, a substantial figure. For comparison, President Barack Obama’s re-election effort had nearly 20 times less (a little under $2 million) at this point in 2011.” Look! I don’t know how many f***ing times I need to keep repeating myself, but traitor trump is the Everyman of stupid America! I wish pundits, dumbass Democrats, optimists, and other general idiots would stop believing that the majority of voters in this country are rational and deliberate. They are not. (Traitor trump won in the first place.) Most of them like the Scheiße show that is traitor trump — or even worse they just don’t care. Unless and until the world around them burns down he will be re-elected because apparently, idiots in this country have nothing better to do than to watch and condone this reality T.V. show presidency. If putting one’s money into a cause is any indication of its strength then traitor trump is going to win. Welcome to stupid America! Get used to it, morons!