The Tax Returns Thing: Never Going to Happen

I am not sure what part of recent history does not indicate that the president is de facto above the law in this country and that everyone in government is bent on protecting him. I predict the courts will block any release of his tax returns because they’ll find some hidden legal presidential power or prerogative, and on the off-chance that they (SCOTUS) do grant Congress’s request to see traitor trump’s tax returns then he will just ignore them. What most people don’t understand is that SCOTUS has no f***ing mechanism to enforce their own orders. Some may argue that a president has never ignored a SCOTUS order, which is not true–Lincoln, so why would that happen now. Hello, f***tards! On what planet have such f***ing people been living these last several years? Traitor trump has broken every rule, and this situation will be no exception. This is the Constitutional crisis that political pundits keep mentioning. In the end, one branch of government cannot force another branch to actually do something! That is the dirty little secret of our Constitution. In most cases, each branch has respected the powers of others and have played along, but ever since MAGA morns and RepubliKKKlans elected the Disrupter-in-Chief to office all that has gone right out the window. So, congratulations on literally breaking the Constitution. The moment traitor trump asks what will happen if he ignores SCOTUS and the answer is nothing then it is game over. He wins! Trust me when I say it will be one more thing the population of this great stupid country will just simply shrug off. Perhaps, Congress can hold someone in contempt and jail them, but dumbass Democrats definitely don’t have the balls to do that! In short, if traitor trump orders his administration to keep his tax returns secret despite a court order to the contrary there is no one to stop him. This is stupidity on steroids, people! We are never going to see his tax returns because this is stupid f***ing America where someone so blatantly wanting to hide something means they’re more popular than ever. Nothing to see here, f***tards. Move along, please! Move along!

Shoot in Foot, Here

Dumbass Democrats (Independent) strike again: “Bernie Sanders declines to say when he will release tax returns.” I just don’t understand how these people keep walking into every f***ing G.D. trap! This is a no-brainer. It’s not like Sanders didn’t realize he was going to suddenly run for president. It’s a lawn littered with racks and dumbass Democrats or, in this case, the Independent will step on each one of them. Welcome to stupid America!

I’m Over It

Un-f***ing-believable! So, now the #MeToo movement has been reduced to those who felt uncomfortable–once. From Axios, “Another 3 women came forward to say they had uncomfortable encounters with former Vice President Biden, The Washington Post first reported Wednesday night, bringing the total number of accusers to 7.” G.D. f***ing idiots. I’m sorry but when people co-opt a movement that is meant to call out the pervasive actions of men who use their power and influence to sexually force themselves onto women and perhaps, more importantly, coerce them to remain silent to instead complaining about how they felt uncomfortable that one time Biden touched them or God forbid “complimented her smile when she met him in 2008” then they discredit the entire movement. Seriously! She was uncomfortable because he complimented her smile?!?! It’s not like he whistled and cat-called at her looks. On very, very rare occasions RepubliKKKlans get it partially correct, and in this case, I feel they predicted the consequences of the #MeToo movement. They said every man would find themselves being accused, and so it seems they are being so accused of the smallest of actions.

Look, idiots. Life is uncomfortable. Period! I feel uncomfortable every time a co-worker starts going off into a religious-land discussion. Although I sense she falls into the liberal side of Christian theology, I have to steer her back to a work-appropriate conversation. I don’t go running to my boss offended and complaining; I solve the issue myself. Are women so cowed by everything at all times they could not ask or tell Biden to stop? I’m absolutely sure he would. If he did not, then that is a #MeToo moment, not one’s ephemeral discomfort. Yeah, that’s another thing. Dumbass Democrats really are snowflakes at times. Honestly, these women are giving the #MeToo movement a bad name. Now Biden will be “more mindful,” which is fine if cutting off your nose despite your face is the new normal to make sure no one ever invades any other person’s space or orbit or galaxy or universe.

Last, the timing of these women is suspicious. I’m sorry but it just is. Are they hoping to prevent a serial philanderer from becoming president? Too late. Never underestimate the ability of dumbass Democrats to shoot themselves in the foot.

F*** Democrats’ Feebleness

WTF! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t! From the headline of a Politico article: “Dems won’t embrace hardball GOP tactic to force Mueller report release.” I cannot take these f***ing G.D. pathetic and weak dumbass Democrats anymore. Why must they always bring a f***ing knife to a gunfight? I am so f***ing sick and tired of them simply caving and taking the high road all the f***ing time. They think for some reason voters will respect them more for being civil and “above it” all. No! No, no, no, nooooo! Why are Democrats so f***ing stupid? What voters want are results. What they respect is that the results make their lives better. They don’t f***ing care about the means; they just want the ends! Why is this so f***ing difficult to understand? If Democrats can’t even get to the ends of an administrative process (i.e., show us the Muller report) then why the f*** do they think we’ll believe they can stick up for us on other issues like health care? Welcome to stupid America! There is plenty to go around!

Buttigieg Is the Gay Traitor [T]rump

CNN reports, “Buttigieg told The Washington Post magazine in an interview that published in January, ‘Donald Trump got elected because, in his twisted way, he pointed out the huge troubles in our economy and our democracy.’ He added, ‘At least he didn’t go around saying that America was already great, like Hillary did.’” Buttigieg is the gay version of Traitor [T]rump, less the bigotry and stupidity, and maybe that’s exactly what the Democratic Party needs. That is to say, I have this sense that people will see him as the populist alternative to traitor trump, especially since he is willing to bash Hillary. Let’s face it. There is still a (too) large chunk of dumbass Democrats that hate Hillary for no explainable reason other than they just do. This is the swing group of people he is targeting.

Traitor Mueller Among Others

A CNN headline reads: “Mueller told Justice Dept. three weeks ago he couldn’t reach a conclusion on obstruction.” Well, if it hasn’t been clear already it is becoming clearer now. Mueller simply stopped trying to fully investigate traitor trump because I assume, like all RepubliKKKlans, Mueller is a traitor. I never trusted him and never believed in his honor and professionalism, unlike most dumbass Democrats. It is the usual miscalculation by Democrats to fail to understand the enemy. Years of investigating and Mueller is unable to reach a conclusion on obstruction, which begs the question: why did Mueller never interview traitor trump? Seriously! If he was at an impasse to reach a conclusion on the matter of obstruction of justice, then would it not have been critical to take the next, necessary, and final step of personally interviewing the president? Oh, wait. What the f*** am I thinking? This is stupid America where RepubliKKKlans are corrupt and control the “Department of Justice.” In their minds, the president is above the law. Unfortunately, dumbass Democrats have lost the chance to play any other political hand; now they will look like the spiteful party out to get traitor trump. Well played Democrats. Losers again! Welcome to stupid America!

Just to be clear about the other part of the Mueller investigation. Yes, there was no “collusion”–the most misused term in the media over the last two years because the MSM’s viewership is mostly composed of idiots, and for some reason, media personalities never took the time to educate their audience. The correct terminology is conspiracy. For the love of f***ing God! For two years the media could not even get the legal terminology correct in their discussions of the entire investigation. But I digress. Clearly, one does not have to be a lawyer on the inside to understand that traitor trump or his campaign did not conspire with Russia to win the election. Even I understood that early on in the investigation. At worst they half-wittingly stumbled into connections with Russia that were probing team traitor trump for their openness to Russian persuasion. At best team traitor trump was too stupid to understand and realize they were being played by Russia, and there is no law against being stupid or stumbling into stupid actions–clearly! And there is no law against winning at all costs–clearly! Team traitor trump could bearly hold their presidential campaign together let alone conspire with a foreign government. Welcome to stupid America!

Finally, the term “traitor trump” still applies as it always has; not because I think him a traitor who conspired with an enemy country, but because he has been a traitor to the Constitution from the moment he was sworn into office. He has abused the meaning and spirit of the Constitution from day one, but here we are trapped in a world of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans who are too stupid to realize there is a dictator at the head of the government. Stupid me! That’s what they wanted. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America!

But Her Emails!

From CNN, “In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to ‘communicate with foreign leaders’–something he said that Kushner’s attorney had confirmed in a private meeting. He also contended that Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.” Un-f***ing-believable! Did I expect anything otherwise? RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are, by definition, hypocrites. They still chant “lock her [Hillary Clinton] up” because of her emails, and here we have two traitor trump children violating the same Presidential Records Act they accused Clinton of violating. I can’t wait to hear chants of “lock them up.” Oh, wait! That’s right! This is stupid f***ing America, home of hypocrisy! People only care when a Democrat breaks the law. Traitor trump has been breaking the law since the day he took the oath of office, and his approval rating is on the rise. F*** me!

On a different and related note, I am already sick of House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings sending (multiple) “letters” to the White House requesting information. This is typical dumbass Democrats being weak and pathetic, expecting RepubliKKKlans and traitor trump to be civil and cooperative. When the f*** are they going to learn? You send one m*****f***ing letter and then a subpoena, not a dozen letters and still no subpoena. They are wasting time. Did they really expect the administration not to obstruct? WTF? As usual, Democrats simply don’t know how to wield what little power they have correctly. I can’t anymore. I just can’t. On rare days, Democrats are worse than RepubliKKKlans; this is one of those days. Pathic! Get a f***ing backbone, dumbass Democrats. Welcome to stupid f***ing America!

Maybe We Shouldn’t

From a Washington Post article, “But the mere fact that Democratic presidential candidates are even talking about this [court packing] shows that the party–not everyone in it, but a healthy portion of its members and elected representatives–is simply fed up with getting walked all over for being noble. As I’ve said before, when it came to exploiting loopholes, stomping all over norms and fighting dirty, for some time Republicans have been the party of ‘Yes we can’ while Democrats have been the party of ‘Maybe we shouldn’t.’ But that may be changing.” Brilliantly said. I hope dumbass Democrats are starting to get a clue, but I rather doubt it. They are weak by nature. Welcome to stupid America!

He Has Nothing Better to Do

From Politico, “Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said Saturday if he had won his Texas Senate race against incumbent Ted Cruz he might not be ‘in Waterloo and Keokuk and all the other communities I’ve been in to run for president.’” Oh, so when Beto said, “‘Man, I’m just born to be in it,’” then he really meant it conditionally. That is to say, he is running because he has nothing better to do. God! I hope dumbass Democrats really understand this empty vessel they are backing. Only in stupid America do idiot Democrats get excited about someone who almost won. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America.