Brace for the Political Earthquake After Roe Is Overturned — Not!

I watched Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC last night, and he made an excellent point I had not considered previously. In essence, he stated that if Roe were to be reversed, then not much would change in the country. States where choice is protected would continue to allow abortions. Those populations would not be impacted. As for states with trigger laws or where abortions are already difficult to obtain, an already limited right will merely disappear. For instance, in Mississippi, which only has one abortion clinic in the entire state, what would be the material impact of that one clinic closing? They perform about 300 procedures per month, so the impact is not much in that state. In many states with highly restrictive laws, those citizens have already adapted to an abortion-limited environment, so there is not much difference in the next step to an abortion-free circumstance, especially if a nearby state provides legalized abortions. Considering the very small fraction of women who chose abortions compared to the rest of the female population, it is conceivable that the vast majority of women will wake up the day after Roe is abolished feeling that nothing has changed. (Unless, of course, you consider women waking up feeling like second-class citizens a change.) Then that begs the question: What would be the political fallout if SCOTUS scuttles Roe? Allow me to answer.

In short, nothing! I predicted the day RBG died that abortion would finally be overturned. At the time, I welcomed it because dumbass Democrats have been asleep at the wheel for decades when it comes to prioritizing the judiciary — and basically everything else that entails wielding political power. I believed that overturning Roe just might be the last straw to wake Democrats the f*** up. I wanted Roe to be the new rally cry — the spark of the next revolution for Democrats to get their f***ing act together and to start winning again. But who the f*** am I kidding? O’Donnell’s comment made me realize that if Roe is abolished, then the net effect on the ground would be nothing; there would be no blowback. There will be no enduring excitement or political will for Democrats to do something — anything. It hit me that dumbass Democrats are simply too f***ing G.D. weak to mobilize on this issue and every other issue, except maybe for the ACA. I mean, killing women’s abortion right has been a RepubliKKKlan freight train rolling inexorably down the tracks in slow motion for decades, and idiot Democrats still managed to get run over. So, why the f*** would I think that now is the moment for things to change? My own hope diluted me — the one feeling I deride for its worthlessness, yet I dared anyway. Shame on me! O’Donnell woke me up!

What will happen once Roe is gone? Oh, for sure, there will be the perfunctory outrage among women who have seen autonomy over their own bodies reversed. They will be rightly outraged that five men have taken away a half-century-old right to women’s liberty and medical privacy. Sure, there will be marches, consternation, and rage, but there will be no comeuppance for RepubliKKKlans. Why would there be? RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals have been advocating restricting women’s rights for decades. This has been a long time coming for women, and Democrats have done absolutely nothing to avoid what is about to come to pass. The traitor trump administration and the years leading up to it have created the perfect storm. I’ve written about this before, but allow me to repeat myself. Traitor trump was the capstone on judicial court-packing at the highest levels, which will take a generation before there is even a hope of starting to reverse the destruction. Add voter suppression and redistricting, wherein blue states lost and red states gained seats in the last census. The inevitable consequence? RepubliKKKlans will become more entrenched at the local, state, and federal levels. Again, RepubliKKKlans have been working at this for decades, whereas dumbass Democrats have been doing — well, I don’t know what they’ve been doing, except mostly losing. Hoping to win the presidency every four years is not a successful strategy to advance Democrats’ agenda.

Oh, and did I mention court-packing? (I did.) The political tactics that RepubliKKKlans have been employing to achieve permanent power will get the rubber stamp from a hard-right SCOTUS. I’m old enough to remember way back in 2013 when the conservative justices rolled back significant portions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. From that point, red states put their voter suppression efforts into overdrive, to great success. In short, the impenetrable circle of power is locked and completed in RepubliKKKlans’ favor. It won’t matter how many angry women show up to the ballot box, for RepubliKKKlans have all but certainly rigged the voting system in the right places to benefit themselves overwhelmingly and singularly. Whatever. There is nothing new here. We’re f***ed! Thanks, Democrats, for nothing. Truly! Welcome to stupid America, where one political party wants to rule by tyranny and the other likes to watch!

SCOTUS and Abortions: Let It Happen

Sure! Why not? It’s time to overturn Roe v. Wade. I’m deadly serious, and I’ve said it before, so just f*** it at this point. This has been a forty-seven-year fight waged by conservatives and RepubliKKKlans against liberals and dumbass Democrats, a fight dumbass Democrats have been abjectly incapable and unwilling to engage vigorously. So, be it! The weak and right party lost while the strong and wrong party won. We bet on the wrong horse. And, yes, I am reducing the seriousness of abortion rights to betting on a horse race because it is precisely the level of triviality and the gamble dumbass Democrats placed on SCOTUS and the hottest of all hot button issues ever since Roe v. Wade was decided. Democrats declared victory forty-seven years ago and walked away, never looking back and never thinking twice about women’s reproductive rights or SCOTUS again — until now, it seems. Elections have consequences, morons! Liberals and dumbass Democrats have entirely failed to make that point, election cycle after election cycle, and one confirmed right-wing nutjob judge after another confirmed right-wing nutjob judge. What does one expect when the left wing of the political spectrum falls asleep at the wheel? So, f*** it! This is precisely the America for which people voted, wittingly or unwittingly.

But whatever! Maybe liberals and progressives will get woke now? I f***ing doubt it. No! I know they won’t. Certainly not woke enough to matter or change things. Perhaps just woke enough to endure mindlessly, which is not far from the current state of the progressive moment. I don’t care anymore. I never had a dog in the abortion fight anyway. So, let women be forced to endure things with their bodies that they don’t want. Who cares about women’s rights anyway? Clearly, most women who voted for traitor trump propelling him to victory, don’t care, so why should I? Americans clearly don’t mind old white men telling all women what to do with their bodies, so why should I be concerned? Why should I care about a resurging misogynistic ethos in America? America’s men have always detested women, so now it’s just more pronounced, bolder, and about to be enshrined into law. In the end, what will it matter? Abortion protection will merely be removed at the federal level, thereby moving the question to the states. Thus, state by state will determine abortion rights, and those red states will ban it outright. So, let those women suffer. They can always move or, God forbid, do the unthinkable — vote out RepubliKKKlan state lawmakers and replace them with progressives. But, once again, who am I kidding? That will never happen.

Or, women can always go back to coat hangers because making abortions illegal has never actually stopped abortions; it just pushes them underground where they are performed in unsafe conditions and by desperate do-it-yourself practitioners. What will naturally follow is legislation that punishes women (with jail time) for attempting or successfully terminating a pregnancy, which is consistent with traitor trump’s call to punish women for seeking an abortion. Don’t think for one G.D. second RepubliKKKlans will stop with merely outlawing abortions; they will jail women who legally get abortions in other states, for states can and conservative states will most certainly regulate what their female residents can and cannot do with their own bodies in another state. Ending Roe v. Wade is just the beginning: “Theoretically, a state opposed to abortion could enact a law prohibiting its female citizens from traveling to another jurisdiction to obtain a legal abortion.” (See Extraterritoriality of Restrictive State Abortion Laws: States Can Abort Plans to Abort at Home but Not Abroad for a detailed discussion.) Does anyone think that this new conservative SCOTUS would not uphold a state which does pass such an onerous law? Only in America have we gone from abortions being legal, safe, and rare to illegal, dangerous, and no less rare.

Dumbass Democrats and progressives have lived the last forty-seven years practicing complete complacency regarding civil rights and personal liberties. I’m over it! I’m just over it! It’s all fun and games until half the population loses a fundamental human right, and then suddenly, it becomes a serious matter. Sadly, it’s too late. The irreparable harm has already come to pass. Elections have consequences — a lesson dumbass Democrats, liberals, progressives, and Independents will never, ever learn. Welcome to stupid America!

Guns Everywhere — Who Cares?

According to CNN, “Eight people were shot and eight others injured in a mass shooting in a Brooklyn subway during Tuesday morning rush hour, according to FDNY spokesperson Amanda Farinacci. A preliminary investigation shows a possible smoke device was detonated, according to a senior law enforcement official. The NYPD said that there were no active explosive devices at this time.”

Eh! So, what? Who cares anymore? Seriously? This is just another day in America with a mass shooting, and nothing ever changes, and nothing ever will. This is yet another “thoughts and prayers” moment from RepubliKKKlans who will insist more guns everywhere is actually safer — good guys with guns outnumber bad guys with guns as if each wears an identifying badge. Dumbass Democrats will get hammered for being “soft on crime” because they are against guns-for-all policies and for gun regulation. Guns are the problem! So, whatever! I’m tired of writing about gun violence in America because nothing ever changes. I am becoming more convinced that this is, ultimately, Mother Nature thinning the herd of America’s idiocracy. America is too stupid to fix the problem of gun violence, so nature will take care of the problem for us.

Moreover, this is how RepubliKKKlans gain power, and dumbass Democrats lose it because typically, the smart ones are shot, leaving morons of America to rule the country and — most importantly — sell more guns! You get a gun! And you get a gun! And you get a gun! RepubliKKKlans always win the argument when it comes to gun violence. Morons of America always believe the RepubliKKKlan rhetoric and never give Democrats the power to change gun laws. It’s always the same, every time. Make no mistake, f***tards! This is what RepubliKKKlans want; they want a society living in perpetual fear of everyone else, especially minorities; they want everyone armed to justify and execute their actions when they are afraid, which is at all times ideally. What a society! No one cares. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! It’s Tuesday! Oh, and FREEDOM!

Confirmed: Justice Served

Al Drago for The New York Times

Now, this from The New York Times, “Overcoming a concerted effort by conservative Republicans to derail her nomination, Judge Jackson was confirmed on a 53-to-47 vote, with three Republicans joining all 50 members of the Democratic caucus in backing her.” Historic! Congratulations to Justice Jackson!

Of course, racist RepubliKKKlans Rand Paul and Aunt Lindsey Graham had to get their final digs in during roll call. First, Aunt Graham failed to wear the required tie to be present on the Senate floor, so he had to vote from an antechamber. Second, Paul held up the final vote count because they couldn’t find him; apparently, he forgot about the most historic SCOTUS confirmation in the nation’s existence! In short, both these douchebags had to showcase their contempt for Justice Jackson because they’re racists. And, naturally, dumbass Democrats had to indulge Paul! Instead of waiting for him to saunter into the chamber eventually, they could have closed the voting to cast his “no” vote. F*** that! She already had the majority to be confirmed. If he can’t be bothered to make sure he’s present by the time his name is called, then f*** him and his vote! But, oh no! Dumbass Democrats always have to place nice. God! F*** me! Why would they give him the satisfaction of being on the record as a vote against when, in truth, he should have been a no vote because he was not present. And we wonder why Democrats lose more often than they win; they have no idea how to play political hardball!

Joe Scarbrough: ‘How Bad Democrats Are at Playing Politics’

No true words have ever been spoken. My God! There are days that I really have to believe Democrats are dumber than RepubliKKKlans. I’ve always known Democrats have been weak while showing a few, sporadic moments of strength, but all in all, they are a feckless bunch, and in this pivotal time in American history, when political ruthlessness is needed to save our country, we are stuck with dumbass Democrats. As I have said countless, countless times before, Biden is the intermission to the end of democracy. This administration is merely a speed bump when we had been hoping — I know, I hate the word hope — that by some miracle of God, Democrats would be the wall, but 2021 clearly evinced the futility of such daydreaming. Regrettably, in the end, Democrats always revert to their true selves: An incompetent political party that doesn’t understand the game. I’ve been saying from the start that Democrats keep acting like they have majority control of Congress. They! Do! Not! How many f***ing times do I have to say it? How long before dumbass Democrats actually understand this fact? I’m talking technically and realistically. May I remind Democrats and readers that there are 48 elected Democrats and two elected Independents in the Senate. Democrats are fortunate that the Independents (King and Sanders) caucus and usually vote with Democrats, but the fact remains that the Democratic Party is still unable to get 50 elected Democrats in the Senate. Then there are the DINOs, which are a whole other issue and present more of a roadblock than the Independents. So, Democrats really need to be — should have been — focused on getting more Democrats elected to Congress.

That brings me to my next point. Biden should have said from day one: Thank you for electing me, but it is not enough. I need more Democrats in elected office — everywhere and at every level, especially in Congress. He should have said that 50-50 is not a majority, and there is very little I can do with such a Senate, except confirming judges — something on which Democrats should be more focused. From the very beginning of his term, he should have tempered expectations because of not having said majority. Indeed, ideally, he needs a supermajority, but one pipe dream at a time. Then he should have immediately started campaigning for the midterms to achieve a true majority. But no! Instead, he and every other dumbass Democrat interrupted a 50-50 Senate as a mandate from the people. That is why we are exactly in the spot we’re in now: Biden is essentially no more popular than traitor trump. Then I am sadly reminded that Biden probably won more because of the anti-traitor trump vote than because of the pro-Biden vote. The question then becomes this: Are voters, especially Independents, willing to go back to traitor trump? Yes! Welcome to stupid America!

Democrats Nail Own Coffin

From The Hill, “The Biden administration’s decision to end to Title 42, a Trump-era policy restricting asylum claims, garnered a fractured response from Democratic lawmakers, advocates and the administration itself. Progressives and immigration advocates lauded the decision, arguing it was long overdue after President Biden pledged to end the rule during his 2020 campaign. However, moderate Senate Democrats issued a rebuke of the recission, claiming that the administration is not ready to manage a surge of migrants they say will come once the rule is nixed.”

I have no f***ing clue why dumbass Democrats are pushing for this now. I mean, WTF! Honestly, when it comes to immigration, I only care about one thing: Political optics and fallout. Except for the repugnant family separation policy under the traitor trump administration, I’m really agnostic about the ethics of immigration — in favor or against. Also, building a wall is the worst, most ineffective method of controlling border crossings. Building a wall was always a gimmick to pander to the American morons — I expected nothing less. Controlling immigration requires going to the source and limiting demand. Regardless, I am concerned about dumbass Democrats gifting RepubliKKKlans yet another talking point just in time for midterm elections. Are Democrats trying to lose the House and the Senate? What votes do they possibly hope to gain by creating an immigration crisis? Un-f***ing-believable. Look, f***tards. The only voters sensitive to another border crisis are those Independents in the political center. RepubliKKKlans and center-right Independents are always going to vote against Democrats over border and immigration policy even when it mirrors the previous administration. What remains are those true swing Independents, and they are not going to abide by chaos at the Mexican border. Republikkklans are experts at weaponizing any increase in immigration news. Whatever! When are dumbass Democrats ever going to learn that chaos at the southern border always hurts them more than it helps paint RepubliKKKlans as being heartless? Welcome to stupid America.

American Theocracy: Get Ready F***tards!

From The New Civil Rights Movement, “Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis appears to be using the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ legislation he signed into law with barely any notice Monday as the new flag of his bible-based anti-LGBTQ re-election campaign. ‘Gird your loins for battle. We are going to fight. You put on the full armor of God,’ the Florida Republican running for re-election says in a video posted to social media this week, with the state flag behind him and a poster reading, ‘Keep Florida Free.’”

The real question is, What is the LGBTQ community prepared to do to defend itself from this rising Christian threat? Are you people ready to go to war with these haters? They want to kill the gays! Are the gays ready to kill back? Mark my words, people. Standing by like dumbass Democrats, hoping things will work themselves out, is a road to ruination. DeSantis is hiding nothing. He is fully displaying his intentions, so do not be the fool who trusts in the better side of human nature, for in the Christian person, it does not exist! These RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are full of hate and intend to exercise it. To the LGBTQ community, I say: Rise up! Rise up and arm up before it’s too late! It will already be too late when the traitor trump-DeSantis ticket wins the next presidential election. Failure to act means an American theocracy! When DeSantis says “keep Florida free,” he means free of the gays! Believe your eyes, people! America is going backward! Mark my words!

Am I Dreaming?

According to CNN, “A Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden’s business activities has gained steam in recent months, with a flurry of witnesses providing testimony to federal investigators and more expected to provide interviews in the coming weeks, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. The probe, led by the US Attorney in Wilmington, Delaware, began as early as 2018 and concerns multiple financial and business activities in foreign countries dating to when Biden’s father was vice president. Investigators have examined whether Hunter Biden and some of his associates violated money laundering, tax and foreign lobbying laws, as well as firearm and other regulations, multiple sources said.”

From RollingStone, “Donald Trump famously called on Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails ahead of the 2016 election. He’s now calling on Vladimir Putin to dig up dirt [f***ing again!] on President Biden’s family. … Trump’s latest call for Putin’s help comes as the Russia authoritarian is bombarding Ukraine in an unprovoked war that has resulted in thousands of deaths. Trump has repeatedly refused to condemn Putin throughout the invasion. Maybe it’s because he still wants his help.”

So, let me see if I understand what AG Merrick Garland is doing. He’s wasting resources and time to follow through with a political and law enforcement hitjob on Hunter Biden started under traitor trump while refusing to do absolutely anything about traitor trump’s attempt to overthrow the 2020 election — at the very least — not to mention the traitor’s most recent request to collude with Putin — an enemy of America — to thwart the next presidential election. Whatever! I f***ing give up! America gets the government we deserve, and I guess we deserve traitor trump to win in 2023. There appears to be not a single dumbass Democrat prosecutor in the federal government or any state to hold traitor trump accountable for his years of criming. Garland should hand traitor trump the keys to the White House now. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! The American dream is a nightmare that’s never going to end!

Impeach AG Merrick Garland

From Axios, “Democratic lawmakers are openly pressuring Attorney General Merrick Garland to bring the weight of U.S. law enforcement against members of former President Trump’s inner circle they’ve deemed uncooperative with the House’s investigation of the Jan. 6 attack. Why it matters: The House select committee is seeking to compel or punish Trump loyalists who don’t comply with the investigation, while Republicans are preparing to win back control of Congress in November — and end the probe.”

Garland is a f***ing disaster and should be impeached and removed from office because Biden won’t fire him. It is clear that Garland is not doing his job, and the man is about to destroy America and re-elect traitor trump all at once single-handedly. I’ve repeatedly written about feckless Garland on many topics, but as more revelations keep piling up, Garland still does nothing. The DOJ does nothing and is failing at every turn. They continue to sit on Congressional contempt referrals because the DOJ is too afraid to appear politically partisan. One would think this not-so-new story about missing call logs from the White House during the insurrection should spur the DOJ to open up an investigation into traitor trump. Still, apparently, nothing the traitor does will ever warrant Garland to do anything. So, in the name of protecting justice from political interference, they will make sure political criminals never meet justice. Ugh! I can’t with this m*****f***ing G.D. sh*t-for-brains country anymore. I just can’t. Dumbass Democrats are going to f*** over America in the name of being politically polite.

I guess that I should not be surprised or frustrated because Garland and dumbass Democrats are only proving my First Axiom of Political Science for Presidents: Ain’t no president or ex-president ever going to be convicted of a crime or go to jail — ever. Perhaps it would be rewarding if the axiom could be disproved, but I doubt it. Welcome to stupid America!

Canceling the Gays Begins in Florida

From the Associated Press, “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law on Monday that forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, a policy that has drawn intense national scrutiny from critics who argue it marginalizes LGBTQ people. The legislation has pushed Florida and DeSantis, an ascending Republican and potential 2024 presidential candidate, to the forefront of the country’s culture wars. LGBTQ advocates, students, Democrats, the entertainment industry and the White House have dubbed the measure the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law.”

This day marks the beginning of the reversal of rights for the LGBTQ community. Mark my words, f***tards! Remember this day when a renewed assault on gay rights began as this new breed of law spreads across the country. Do not believe what RepubliKKKlans say; they claim the text of the law prohibits specific behavior, but in reality, it is the spirit and the intent of the law that is the danger. It relegates the LGBTQ community as something taboo, something too dangerous to be discussed and taught. The gays are too frightening to be recognized. If anyone dares to bring up the topic, then they can be sued. So, tell me then, who would dare even mention gay knowing they can be sued? I can envision a scenario playing out now: A third-grader asks her male teacher who is the picture on the desk. The teacher replies, “My husband.” Then the third-grader innocently talks about her male teacher’s husband. All of a sudden the teacher and school are being sued. The law intends to chill not only education on the matter but also speaking of it. It is the exact cancel culture that RepubliKKKlan snowflakes decry and claim as a singular grievance of theirs. That is to say, RepubliKKKlans only think they are being canceled. You people just don’t f***ing get it. You really, really don’t. These hateful laws are not conceived in some vacuum. They are precisely tailored with specific motivations and to exert maximal (ambiguous) harm on a minority group. They are dog whistles aimed to please culture warriors. While the average person may read or understand the language of the law to be “well-intended” or innocuous enough, the actual function of the law is deliberately designed to do harm to a specific group as others look away or remain obvilivous.

And don’t think for a second that such laws will stop in the schools; they are merely testing grounds for pushing the boundaries. Next, it will be to enshrine legalized discrimination in the name of religious liberty. States had tried these tactics before and failed, but it’s a new day, a new SCOTUS, and always a new battlefront in the culture war. Evil evangelicals, RepubliKKKlans, and MAGA morons always keep trying; they never stop. Gays are always the target. If this or that law doesn’t work, then they try another. If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try again. Eventually, conservatives will find the one law or the one policy that becomes the thread to unravel the whole sweater.

Moreover, forcing gays back into the closet will be accelerated when traitor trump returns to the White House and SCOTUS declares marriage inequality the law of the land. This will not be an overnight process; rather, it will be drip by drip. A threat to gay rights is a threat to everyone’s rights; RepubliKKKlans will not stop with the gays. Allies of the LGBTQ community will pivot and begin to say, “Glad it’s not me,” as they struggle with their own rights under threat — abortion, for example. Mark my words! RepibliKKKlans are winning the culture war because Democrats are weak and don’t believe the culture war is actually a thing to motivate voters. Wrong as usual! Dumbass Democrats have been asleep at the wheel believing voters will “figure it out” — it being the right thing to do or the right way to vote. News flash! Voters rarely “figure it out.” So, don’t expect Democrats (or the average voter for that matter) to help save the LGBTQ community from what is about to become open season on the gays nationwide. Gays need to start taking up arms and taking matters into their own hands, or there will be many more Matthew Wayne Shepard’s. You heard it here first! Welcome to stupid America. They’re coming for your rights next!