QAnon: America’s New Religion Here to Stay

According to an excellent article in the Intelligencer, “This week brought us evidence that QAnon thought has spread further than we knew: into the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the very highest levels of the Republican Party. It is increasingly difficult to separate the movement’s demented beliefs from the ideology of the already democracy-averse GOP, its traces evident in legislation, media appearances, and leaked private communications. … The signs of the Republican slide toward full epistemic crack-up are all around us. One can see it everywhere lately, not only in the ‘why do you want to hurt children?’–type questions hurled by Republican senators at Jackson, but also in the revanchist anti-LGBTQ laws being introduced in Texas and Florida and in fearful talk of teachers’ grooming’ children on Fox News. The ginned-up moral panic, centered around the child-exploitation themes that helped give life to QAnon, is now a regular part of Republican political rhetoric. … If you had any lingering pretensions that our political elites know better than the average QAnon-pilled zombie, it’s past time to let them go. The people in charge of the Republican Party are mostly old and poorly informed operators who believe some of the most asinine theories to emerge from social-media bilge. Granting them some measure of savviness — saying that this is red meat for the Republican base, or that it keeps the checks from right-wing billionaires coming in — is to offer too much credit. More than that, it risks absolving them through some nod toward political practicalities when, mostly, this is all pretty evil and disturbing.”

I will go one step further and say QAnon is America’s new religion, which means America is doomed, natch. Do not think for one second that QAnon is any longer fringe. With RepubliKKKlans’ recent full embrace, it is as mainstream as apple pie, just like Christianity. I will not belabor the point because the article did such an exceptional job of describing the evolving problem; suffice it to say, stupid America was made for QAnon, and QAnon was made for stupid America. So get ready when RepubliKKKlans take over the government, and QAnon becomes the new American religion imposed on the rest of us. As I have long said, America has reached the critical mass of stupidity, and the stupid will kill us all and the country.

And then we have dumbass Democrats, who may be rightly aghast and confused about the spread and persistence of QAnon. But the time for being shocked is over. It is no longer a matter of asking how people can believe such incomprehensible stupidity; now it is a matter of how many people in power will use QAnon beliefs to gain more power and destroy America. Democrats need to take the QAnon menace seriously and head-on. Yet, I fear dumbass Democrats will do what they always do: Ignore things, expecting (hoping) voters will eventually figure it out. Americans rarely “figure” things out. Ugh! Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America!

America’s Death — By Text, QAnon, and Stupidy

America is too stupid to survive! America is dying by a thousand cuts from texts, QAnon, and its stupidity. I’m sorry to say it, but the 40 percent of the country comprising RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks who want to destroy America’s democracy are winning! Howard Stern was right; they are winning. And dumbass Democrats are sitting by and watching.

The revelation of text messages exchanged between Ginni Thomas and Mark Meadows is the focus of my ire. As the HuffPost summarizes, “Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, sent nearly two dozen text messages urging former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to aggressively move to overturn the 2020 presidential election, according to copies of the missives obtained Thursday by The Washington Post and CBS News. … In the messages, Ginni Thomas repeatedly pressed Meadows to reverse the 2020 election results, touting conspiracy theories about voter fraud and right-wing falsehoods about Biden and his family members. … Trump had aggressively moved to block the release of many of the presidential records sought by the House select committee. The Supreme Court in January, however, turned down a request to do so, which immediately gave the panel access to hundreds of pages of documents related to the Jan. 6 attack. Justice Thomas was the lone member of the court to say he disagreed with that move [emphasis added].”

I will get right to the point. SCOTUS is corrupt! QAnon and the Big Lie have finally corrupted the last pillar of America’s democracy. Do not believe anything you hear about the ability of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas to separate their personal and professional lives. It is a f***ing lie! These two are peas in a pod professionally and personally. You can mix, match, and parse their personal and professional beliefs in any number of combinations among and betwixt them and you will not have lost any meaning and fidelity of the whole. Ginni could have authored Clarence’s legal opinions, and Ginni’s text could have been written by Clarance, and no one would know the difference. Moreover, there is no way SCOTUS can undo the corruption of Clarence failing to recuse himself from a case involving the release of the aforementioned texts. It is inconceivable that he was unaware of a conflict of interest. As I have written before: SCOTUS has no ethics. They prove it daily. So, why do I focus on SCOTUS so much, given the behavior of a wife of a justice? Because with SCOTUS being fatally corrupted, then America is on life support. There is a reason why the current approval rating of SCOTUS is the lowest on record. People have lost faith. They have lost faith in all three branches of government, so there is nothing left to support the country.

So, congratulations to all the RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. They have spent years trying to corrupt American institutions to the point that weakens the nation, and they have finally succeeded. This was a long time coming, and these text messages show the extent and the level to which the rot has reached every part of the country — right through to SCOTUS. Of course, the sad end could not have been made possible, in part, without a complicit and apathetic dumbass Democratic Party, topped off with an abjectly stupid citizenry who just doesn’t care. This country has become consumed by QAnon and pure unadulterated idiocracy. The 40 percent is just stupid enough to kill us all. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! Too stupid to survive!

KBJ Hearings: Confirming RepuliKKKlan Racism

Ketanji Brown Jackson hearings! Wow! Admittedly, I did not watch any day in its entirety. In fact, I only watched Ted Cruz on his first day of questioning and snippets of others, including Josh Haley, Tom Cotton, Linsey “Grindr” Graham (love her), Marsha Blackburn, and Corey Booker, via the MSM. Honestly, I had no interest in watching the hearings because I already knew what RepubliKKKlans would do, and from what I saw, heard, and read, they did not disappoint. RepubliKKKlans have no interest in meaningfully vetting Jackson; it was always meant to be a show for RepubliKKKlans and questioning Independents (and QAnon kooks). And I have to say that their antics worked as they typically do. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know how they always bring the secret sauce to these hearings, but they do. If I were to stand back as an objective moron — aka an Independent voter — then I might be inclined to clutch the pearls! OMG! I might actually convince myself that Biden nominated a pedophile-loving, child porn-distributing, CRT-indoctrinating, racist-baby-hating, soft-on-crime, atheist judge to be the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America, who cannot define what a woman is and obviously hates the police; she will be so progressive in her rulings that the end of America is sure to follow.

I might also be inclined to think QAnon could be right. Add to that the white grievance dripping from the lips of RepubliKKKlan questioning. Christ and holy-f***ing-sh*t, if I were an average Independent voter casually paying attention, which mirrors the vast majority of America, then I might have second thoughts about Jackon’s qualifications based on the loudest screaming voices breaking through on MSM! Remember, these hearings are SCOTUS-related, so only RepubliKKKlans care what’s happening with any intensity. The rest of America is basically like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Jackson who? The King of Pop?

Astonishingly, RepubliKKKlans keep getting away with all this B.S. It’s all theater, and it f***ing works. Even I have to pause and think about what’s going on with the questioning because I get sucked into their train of thought. But I can snap out of the RepubliKKKlan Jedi mind tricks; I fear what others are thinking who cannot see through these RepubliKKKlan tactics. I have no doubt the average voter who is only half listening thinks Jackson is all the things I listed above. I have no doubt. RepubliKKKlans always win the messaging game. Always! So what is the counter to RepubliKKKlans’ lies, innuendos, and grandstanding? Dick Durbin admonished RepubliKKKlans for procedural infractions and Corey Booker, who was nearly in tears while questioning Jackson. Un-f***ing-believable. This is why people will always view Democrats as weak because they prove it every f***ing time with every passing moment. This is the problem with dumbass Democrats: They don’t understand what sticks in voters’ minds. Is it a bunch of fire-breathing RepubliKKKlans who artfully cast aspersions and drum up fear or Democrats weeping over Jackson’s accomplishments? You tell me what people are most impacted by and will remember. F***! We are so f***ing screwed! Welcome to stupid America!

P.S. I predict Jackson will not get a single RepubliKKKlan vote when confirmed. No RepubliKKKlan is willing to put their neck out for a Black woman knowing they are on the cusp of winning back Congress. It’s the culture war, stupid!

Two Data Points: One Conclusion

First, The Hill quotes Howard Stern, “‘I hate to say it, but only 65 percent of Americans are fully vaccinated [against COVID-19], and I can’t help but think the wackos [RepubliKKKlans] are winning,’ Stern said Wednesday. ‘Ever since Trump won the Republican nomination, the whole Republican Party’s gone bonkers.’” Second, also from The Hill, “President Biden’s approval rating dropped to 40 percent this week, according to a Reuters-Ipsos poll, an all-time low for the president in that survey. The survey showed that Biden had a 54 percent disapproval rating amid high inflation and tensions caused by Moscow’s deadly invasion of Ukraine, according to Reuters. … Broken down by party, 77 percent of Democratic respondents approved of Biden’s job in office compared to 10 percent of Republicans and 27 percent of independents, Reuters added.”

Stern is absolutely correct: RepubliKKKlans are winning. They are winning public sentiment and thus the political argument. He points to the vaccination rates as a relevant proxy for the hold RepuliKKKlans have on messaging for just about everything. The other proxy is Biden’s continuing drop in approval ratings. In particular, two aspects are simply incomprehensible to me. One, Democratic approval is only 77 percent. Un-f***ing-believable! Even when traitor trump was at his worst, he still had RepubliKKKlan support in the mid- to high-80 percent range. Yet, dumbs Democrats, being as dumb and irritable as they are, fail to stick by their guy. Whatever! I give up.

Two, the Independents’ approval of Biden is basically at the same level as RepubliKKKlans. I seriously have no f***ing clue why Independents are so f***ing upset. Is it because of inflation? Probably. This is when the stupidity of Americans shines. Blaming Biden for high prices is like blaming God for the rain. It just happens! Biden has no control over the vast workings of the economy and prices. Whatever Biden may do (executive orders and releasing strategic petroleum reserves) in response to inflation is just for show, knowing that America is too stupid to understand any better. But no matter what he does or fails to do, dumbass Americans will blame him anyway. Not to mention this inflationary period is due to a robust economy. But, whatever. People don’t want to hear it. The only thing morons of America understand is, Prices high! Prices bad! Economy no good! Biden bad!

As for Biden’s handling of Russia’s war on Ukraine, he is unquestionably, without a single doubt, doing an exemplary job while trying not to trigger the next world war. Although I wish NATO et al. would do more and while I routinely scorn the West for their professional hand-wringing instead quicker actions, I understand the tight rope these leaders are walking with Putin. Anyone who thinks Biden is not handling the Ukraine crisis at least well enough is a m*****f***ing G.D. moron of the highest f***ing order. And you’re probably a traitor, too!

So, Biden is in a predictable no-win situation with the war and the economy. Yet, dumbass Democrats and Independents seem hellbent on making sure Biden is crippled in the opinion polls just in time for the next elections (midterm and presidential). They may as well roll out the red carpet for traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans. Oh, well. We get the government we deserve, and if the majority of the population is a bunch of jejune, petulant morons, then you can pretty much guess what kind of government is in the waiting. We’re f***ed. The numbers show it! And Stern is right! Welcome to stupid America.

What the F***!?!?

From The Hill, “Liberal Reps. Ilham Omar (Minn.) and Cori Bush (Mo.) were the only two Democrats to vote against a House measure blocking an end to oil imports from Russia. … Omar’s vote in part reflected her views that blocking Russian oil could lead the U.S. to rely more on and strengthen ties with Saudi Arabia. Progressives are critical that the Biden administration has not more forcefully pushed human rights in the Kingdom out of concern it would harm U.S. and Saudi security and energy cooperation. This includes holding off sanctions on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman over the killing of U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018; the jailing of dissidents and political opponents, in particular women, and Riyadh’s role in civilian deaths in Yemen’s civil war. Progressives also see humanitarian differences between how the U.S. and allies are responding to the deadly conflict in Ukraine and the ongoing strife in the Arab world. Liberals have for years called for an end to America’s role in the Saudi-Yemen battle.”

What the f***!?!? You’re kidding me, right? How is this possible? How!?!? I will not be a hypocrite, and I cannot abide such a blatant double standard, so I must throw these two into the same traitor category as other RepubliKKKlans. It saddens me that these two dumbass Democrats cannot see the forest for the trees regarding Ukraine, the security of the West, and democracy. And let’s not conflate the issues of Saudi Arabia and Russia. To be sure, Saudi Arabia is a bad actor; they always have been, but they are not destabilizing the world order and democracy. The most pressing and immediate concern before us today is Putin’s Russia. Any vote against crippling Putin is unacceptable. This is not the time to start justifying bad votes with false equivalencies and what-about-isms.

Another Thing I Nailed!

The headline of a Washington Post article reads: “Missouri lawmaker seeks to prohibit residents from obtaining abortions out of state.” The article goes on to say, “The measure could signal a new strategy by the antiabortion movement to extend its influence beyond the GOP-led states poised to enact tighter restrictions if the Supreme Court weakens its landmark precedent upholding abortion rights. … Now, a prominent antiabortion lawmaker in Missouri, from where thousands of residents have traveled to next-door Illinois to receive abortions since Missouri passed one of the country’s strictest abortion laws in 2019, believes she has found a solution.” More from Newsweek, “A Missouri state lawmaker has proposed a bill that would allow private citizens to be sued for aiding women who get out-of-state abortions. If it makes its way through the legislative process, the measure, which is currently awaiting debate in the House, could allow any private citizen in Missouri to sue someone who assisted a fellow Missourian in obtaining an abortion in another state. … Coleman’s measure is reportedly piggybacking off of a recent antiabortion law in Texas that prohibits most abortions in that state after the six-week mark of pregnancy. In addition to opening the door for lawsuits for aiding with out-of-state abortions, the Missouri bill would also make it illegal to manufacture or distribute abortion pills in the state.”

And allow myself to quote myself from a post dated May 2021, “Once SCOTUS effectively kills Roe next year, the next goal will be to criminalize women’s movement in states where abortion is illegal to other states to undergo the procedure legally. Mark my words, f***tards. You can take this next step to the bank.” So! I nailed it! I nailed it! I nailed it! You heard it here first — a year ago! Except, I will admit that Missouri is not waiting on SCOTUS; they are taking a page from Texas’ abortion bill, which SCOTUS has provided (not so) tacit approval. And I will grant that this proposal is not law — yet. But the notion is now out there for every other RepubliKKKlan legislature to witness. Look, morons of America. My calling for this next step in the war against women and civil liberties was particularly easy and not all that creative or original. (For the extreme nerd, peruse this legal scholarly article on abortion.)

Look around you, f***tards! America is heading toward a less free country thanks to SCOTUS, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kook. The country’s move toward a more restrictive and bigoted nation is also facilitated, in part, by apathetic and moronic voters who are just too f***ing stupid to be bothered with fighting for America’s democracy. And don’t get me started about the inability of dumbass Democrats to mount a ruthless fight to protect our democracy and freedoms! Ukrainians — soldiers, civilians, teenagers, grandmothers — are standing up to Russia and dying to defend their democracy. Yet, Americans are too f***ing G.D. lazy to get informed and vote as if their lives depended on it, which people will start realizing is no longer a cliché. What kind of country will America become wherein a woman can no longer travel outside her state to perform a legal medical procedure? You see what’s happening here, I hope? Women will soon have no freedom of movement. They will be assumed into bodily servitude under the state in which they were born. There is no bottom to conservatives’ desires to control women and minorities through their fundamentalist religiosity.

I could say I hate to boast about being right, but I won’t. Part of the point of this blog is to scream at the world about everything I see happening now and coming in the future that the rest of the country just kinda shrugs off. Whatever! We get the government we deserve, and we’re about to feel the pain of our choices (or indifference) in spectacular fashion, especially for women and minorities. Next is LGBTQ rights, which are already under attack across several states. It is coming! RepubliKKKlans are coming for your rights! Make my words, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America! Always dumber!

This Man Has Never Written a Wrong Word

Chauncey DeVega of Salon writes, “Biden’s speech was resolute, sometimes eloquent. But the compromise he imagines is just surrendering to fascism. … My greatest worry about Biden is simple: America needs a fighting champion if its democracy is to be saved. To this point, as this week’s State of the Union address made clear once again, he does not appear to be up to that challenge. … Biden repeatedly spoke of the need to ‘unify’ Democrats and Republicans. That means seeking ‘unity’ with those who actively tried to nullify the 2020 election and supported a violent coup to prevent him from becoming president. Moreover, the Republican fascists have in no way ended their campaign to end American democracy and terminate Biden’s presidency. … But in believing that is still true, Biden has committed a grievous error: Today’s Republican Party and ‘conservative’ movement comprise a revolutionary force, which seeks to destroy American democracy and replace it with fascism or some other form of authoritarianism. When Biden speaks of ‘unity’ or ‘compromise’ with the Republicans he is giving aid and comfort to the neofascist movement — if not surrendering to it altogether.”

I will not criticize a wartime president, but I’ll let DeVega speak for me. This is why I repeatedly say America is doomed! Dumbass Democrats are too weak and clueless to the danger facing America’s democracy. Welcome to stupid America. I’m not wrong about this! Mark my words!

I Am a Biden Defender Now

Rather than qualify all my future posts with an admission that I was a fierce critic of Biden’s first year, especially regarding his domestic policies and legislative failures, I will state my unequivocal change of mind here in one post. I will not belabor the details of my past frustration with him in this space; you can search my past rantings. Biden is now a wartime president, and he has shown incredible ability to rally the Allies to counter Russian aggression. He is the world leader for which America has been waiting, and, in my mind, there is no other pressing issue, no other monumental task toward which Biden (and every American) should focus; that task is to save Ukraine and save democracy around the world. All that being said, I will continue to assail dumbass Democrats for their incompetence because they are about to hand RepubliKKKlans and traitor trump permanent political control at a time of the highest peril for America and democracy. As always, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon kook, and the like are all traitors to America, without exception! Welcome to stupid America!

I keep Telling You!

From The New York Times, “The two prosecutors leading the Manhattan district attorney’s investigation into former President Donald J. Trump and his business practices abruptly resigned on Wednesday amid a monthlong pause in their presentation of evidence to a grand jury, according to people with knowledge of the matter, throwing the future of the high-stakes inquiry into serious doubt. The prosecutors, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, submitted their resignations after the new Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, indicated to them that he had doubts about moving forward with a [criminal] case against Mr. Trump, the people said. … Mr. Bragg’s office must meet a higher bar to bring a criminal case and has encountered a number of challenges in pursuing Mr. Trump, including its inability thus far to persuade any Trump Organization executives to cooperate. … And the prosecutors have thus far been unable to convince Mr. Trump’s long-serving chief financial officer to cooperate with the investigation, depriving them of the type of insider witness whose testimony can be crucial to complicated white collar criminal cases.”

If this situation were not so tragic, then it would be funny. But what have I been saying forever? What is the First Axiom of Political Science for Presidents? The axiom states: Ain’t no president or ex-president ever going to be convicted of a crime or go to jail — ever. This can happen at any level and by any means for traitor trump. That no jury will convict him is for certain. It is also equally likely that investigations and cases die on the vine, as is this situation with the Manhattan D.A. These prosecutors quitting is a big deal. Lead prosecutors usually don’t walk away from a case in which they’ve invested so much time and effort unless they have a good cause. In this case, it seems to be a new D.A. that has no stomach to prosecute traitor trump. What else is new? All traitor trump ever has to do is hold out longer than his adversaries and then he usually wins. Note also that this is a criminal case imploding. This was the case where Weisselberg was supposed to crack like an egg. I never believed he would, and, of course, I’m proved correct again. He was going to be the lynchpin to help convict traitor trump. How’s that working out? Oh, yeah. The case is now DOA.

What’s even more infuriating is that dumbass Democrats still keep thinking traitor trump is going to get caught for something. No! He! Is! Not! And it seems that relying on this fallacy is part of their political strategy to retain power! I can’t for the life of me comprehend why they keep failing to understand the enemy’s ability to get away with their criming. Every case the orange man defeats makes him stronger, yet dumbass Democrats are completely clueless and excessively quixotic. Unless they wake up and start learning how to fight, then America is doomed. Stop waiting for his political demise because — allow me to repeat myself again (again) — nothing is going to happen to traitor trump; he gets away with everything. He’s had an entire lifetime to practice. Welcome to stupid America!

I Liked Mayor Adams Until…

From Politico, “New York City Mayor Eric Adams thinks it’s ‘best for the city of New York’ that he has given jobs in his administration to two pastors who have opposed gay rights. He didn’t quite explain why this was the best choice for the city when pressed on the appointments.” So, Adams, as it turns out is, a gay-hater. Indeed, there are liberals who are anti-gay, and they are usually of the Uncle Tom hue — those Baptists love to hate the gays. You may judge a person by what they say, but you should judge a person more by what they do and perhaps more importantly with whom they associate. Adams has made himself clear.