First Axiom: [T]rump Ain’t Going Nowhere

This CNN headline made me chuckle: “Donald Trump’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week in court.” And this RawStory headline engendered a smirk: “Trump pleading the Fifth will ‘begin to cement’ his legacy as ‘the mob boss president’: Former prosecutor.” Look, morons! I hardly read these stories and listen to the news coverage anymore because they are all more wishful thinking than anything else. Dumbass Democrats and liberals have been engaging in wishful thinking for five or six years now. I stopped after the Mueller report, and my trenchant skepticism has proved correct in both impeachment trial outcomes and will surely be so with traitor trump’s legal woes. In fact, listening to MSM breathlessly chronicle traitor trump’s legal vicissitudes is just a waste of time at this point. If I have to hear one more pundit, commentator, or “expert” claim, “this is it for traitor trump,” then I’m going to go postal. Once again, I will remind the reader and the world of one immutable fact: No court in the land of the U.S.A. is ever going to convict a former president. Ain’t never going to happen in any universe or in any time continuum. He is untouchable, and just you wait until he declares his candidacy. Dare I say that I can construct an axiom based on this self-evident understanding. Let’s call it the First Axiom of Political Science for Presidents: Ain’t no president or ex-president ever going to be convicted of a crime or go to jail — ever. Shall I evince some premier examples? Nixon was pardoned for his crimes. Reagan, with the Iran-Contra illegal arms sales, faced no legal consequences. Bush II committed war crimes, and Obama said let’s move on. Presidents always getting away with criminal matters is most certainly true. As for traitor trump’s civil cases, they will drag on for years and years, ending in a settlement at some point, especially those cases brought by a state. New York, for instance, just wants its back taxes plus interest and penalties from Trump Co.

The funny yet aggravating thing about all the news coverage of traitor trump’s legal issues, especially from liberal MSM who think all these revelations actually mean something to voters, is they really don’t matter to voters at all. How many times must I say it to all the f***tards out there? Traitor trump was a crook long before he ran for president. He was a crook while he was president. And he’s still crooking as an ex-president. Yet, he’s still the most popular RepubliKKKlan in the country. In the last election, he got 10 million more votes than he got the first time. Four years of being an incompetent and crooked con man leading this country, and more people liked him for it! I wish people would finally wake the f*** up and understand that the American voter is just too f***ing stupid — trump stupid! Americans like their “mob boss president,” so when people use the term derisively, half the country either doesn’t care or embraces the notion.

And again, I will remind the reader and the world that Biden won by half the votes in the key swing states that got him in office than traitor trump did against Clinton. In other words, it was a much tighter race between Biden and traitor trump than the popular vote count suggests. Again, it was a tighter race after four years of traitor trump. So, don’t think for a second any legal issues, which are all just smoke and mirrors at this point, are going to stop voters from voting for the same crook — again. And as I’ve said countless times already, the RepubliKKKlan Party is fixing all the problems in the states where they could not achieve Electoral College victories so that traitor trump can win in the next RepubliKKKlan-rigged election, which may not be as close as in 2020. The idea that the law is finally going to rid us of traitor trump is pure fantasy. Only his death will take care of that, and we all know God has a cruel, ironic sense of humor. That’s why evil people live forever. Mark my word, morons! Welcome to stupid America!

U.S.S.R. in the U.S.A.

An opinion piece in Newsweek by Tom Rogers nails it! He writes, “In the United States, while it goes unrecognized, we have our own USSR—a collective of red states that are bound together in our union benefitting from the very socialism they claim to disdain, but which is so apparent they must be termed ‘The Union of Socialist States of Red.’ … However, the real champions of redistributing wealth in a way that takes money from those who pay a much bigger share of the federal tax burden and channels it to those who shoulder considerably less in federal taxes are Mitch McConnell and his Republican red state ‘comrades.’ It is the blue states like New York, California, Connecticut and Massachusetts which pay into the federal government far greater amounts of federal tax revenue than what they get back from the federal government. Moreover, it is states like McConnell’s home state of Kentucky that pay far less in taxes to the federal government than what they actually get back. … What is remarkable is that even states like Texas with a huge economy get back more than they send to the federal coffers. Yet, Texas Senator Ted Cruz throws around the ‘socialist’ attack on blue state Democrats as much as anybody. So, one can surmise the way Republicans see it, as long as you are redistributing income back to their state disproportionally it is not wealth redistribution socialism, but if it is money going to lower and middle-class citizens as part of a social safety net then it is. … Democrats ought to be far better deflecting the all too often used ‘socialist’ attack with the compelling argument that their party stands for fairness for working families, while red state Republicans are advocates of diverting federal funds under a socialist game plan. However, given that key swing states Democrats need are beneficiaries of how income tax revenue is currently redistributed, the argument would need to be put forward in a way which simply points out Republicans in fact support the very ‘socialist’ practices they criticize. This disproportionate levying of taxes on blue states relative to what they get back is one of the key policy arguments in favor of allowing high tax blue states to get a federal tax deduction on their state and local taxes, though at this point that seems like a dead issue.”

I quoted quite a bit of the article, but it was worth the space because he absolutely gets it. This has long been a topic about which I get utterly apoplectic, especially when it comes to dumbass Democrats being abjectly incompetent at deflecting the s-word attacks from RepubliKKKlans back at them. What Rogers rightly pointed out is that American socialism, whereby the richest blue states subsidize poor and rich red states, has been well-known by the Democratic Party leadership for decades. Nonetheless, RepubliKKKlans consistently label Democrats the “Socialist Party,” and, infuriatingly, dumbass Democrats always let them get away with it. Look, there is really only one fervent socialist that caucuses with the Democrats — Bernie Sanders. And so be it! Fine! Whatever! But dumbass Democrats should not be complacent with allowing the label to stick as they have been doing for — again — decades!

For whatever reason morons of America are deathly afraid of the s-word even though they are perfectly fine with the socialist programs already embedded within our system such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. These are s-word programs because people, especially every retired person, definitely use more services than they’ve paid into. Funny how people love the re-distribution of other people’s wealth back to themselves — I’m talking to you red states, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks — but God forbid liberals or Democrats get anything even though we pay more. F***! Once again, it just demonstrates that Democrats are completely incapable of fighting with the political ruthlessness required to keep America’s democracy from dying. As I say constantly: America is f***ed and our democracy is screwed because RepubliKKKlans want to kill the country and Democrats will let them. Of course! I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!

Mazars USA: CYA

From CNN, “On Monday, Donald Trump’s long-time accountants made a very important announcement: They no longer stood behind a decade of the former President’s financial information — and would no longer be working for him. Why is this such a big deal? Well, the language from Mazars, the accounting firm, masks it a bit, so let me translate: What they are saying is that neither Trump nor anyone who interacts with him should rely on their assessments of his relative financial health over the past decade.”

Look, morons! While this is bad news for traitor trump, it is not going to be his undoing. I will repeat myself again (again): No court in the land is going to convict a former president. It! Is! Never! Going! To! Happen! So, for all these dumbass Democrats who keep pointing to yet another shoe to drop as being the one that will put traitor trump in jail, keep dreaming. Traitor trump is untouchable, morons. How many lawsuits has he thwarted? How many investigations ended in a nothing burger? How many times has traitor trump been on the ropes only to survive and come back stronger? How many instances? How many years? He always comes out on top. The only person who can put traitor trump away is AG Garland, and he’s proving to be the worst AG ever! I don’t like it any more than you guys do, but it’s the truth.

And all Mazars is doing is covering their liability-exposed asses. They’ve been working with the Trump Organization for decades and they’ve always known traitor trump was a liar and a con, yet they never seemed uncomfortable with signing off on his financials. Now, all of a sudden, all the work they’ve been doing for him over the last ten years they’re unsure about? Whatever! I guess if Mazars wanted to advertise as being the unscrupulous accounting firm that launders the financials of corrupt, sleazy organizations, then they hit the jackpot. Welcome to stupid America! For every business, there is a client and for every client, there is a business. Yup!

SCOTUS: Elections Matter

From Vox, “On Monday night, the Supreme Court handed down a deeply alarming decision that suggests that the Court’s Republican majority is about to cut away one of the few parts of the Voting Rights Act that it hasn’t already gutted or killed. The immediate impact of the Court’s 5-4 decision in Merrill v. Milligan is that Alabama’s new congressional maps, a three-judge panel that includes two Trump appointees determined to be an illegal racial gerrymander, will take effect in the 2022 election. Under those maps, only one of the state’s seven districts — or 14 percent of the US House seats — has a real shot of electing a Black lawmaker. African Americans make up about 27 percent of the state’s population. … The bottom line is that Merrill — even in its temporary form — is a disaster for voting rights. It suggests that the Court is going to escalate its assault on the Voting Rights Act — and on voting rights more broadly. And it suggests that even exceedingly weak legal arguments offered by red states have a very good shot of prevailing in this Supreme Court [emphasis added].”

I don’t know where to begin with this topic (again) besides, I told you so — elections have consequences, f***tards. And RBG said it perfectly in her Shelby v. Holder descent, “Volumes of evidence supported Congress’ de­termination that the prospect of retrogression was real. Throwing out preclearance when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.” Of course, this was in reaction to SCOTUS eliminating the state preclearance requirements in the Voting Rights Act. The majority basically said states no longer need prior approval from the DOJ before enacting changes to voting rights procedures that discriminate against minorities because the problem had been fixed. In short, the conservative justices no longer saw discrimination in elections, which is why RBG provided the quoted analogy in her opinion. Preclearance was working! Congratulations! So, SCOTUS decided to scrap it because it was outdated (and working). That was the first — widely predicted — assault on voting rights for everyone.

Fast forward to today, and a more conservative SCOTUS is about to eliminate the rest of the Voting Rights Act. Do not be fooled by those justices who claim this recent decision does not address the merits of the case. They said the same thing about the anti-abortion law in Texas. Even though abortions are a protected right across the land, SCOTUS has allowed the law to stand while throwing it back to lower courts for further consideration. Thus, “The justices also left S.B. 8 in place while the case continues in the lower courts, even though it conflicts with current Supreme Court precedent establishing a constitutional right to an abortion up until the point at which the fetus can survive outside the womb.” Do you see a pattern here? SCOTUS has been clearly signaling their ultimate intentions by refusing injunctions whereby intervention should typically allow the status quo to remain or a lower court decision to take effect in particular to protect individuals’ rights. Injunctive relief is supposed to be the “first, do no harm” of jurisprudence. Instead, we now have a SCOTUS that defers to eliminating or restricting peoples’ rights first and then revisits the central legal issue later — at some point, maybe — when they get around to it.

As I have been screaming for well over a year now at the f***tards of America, elections have consequences. Fear not, though! SCOTUS is about to make sure elections no longer matter as they start restricting Americans’ right to vote just at the moment when conservatives can preserve their political power and the Court can safely impose their conservative values and will over America for the next 20 to 30 years. I blame dumbass Democrats because they never made judges an election issue priority. Oh, well. It’s too late, morons. The damage is done and will continue. Democrats will never learn. I guess they can go back to important issues like “Defund the Police,” which will further drive more voters to the RepubliKKKlan Party. Kill me now! I give up! Welcome to stupid America!

‘Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud’ — ‘Walls Closing In’

Ugh! These seem to be the new “trendy” catchphrases for MSM and exasperated dumbass Democrats who keep trying to convince Americans that traitor trump is somehow getting himself into legal trouble, especially after his most recent Nuremberg-style hate rally in Texas where he said out loud that he would pardon all the January 6 insurrectionists and demanded more insurrections if the law comes after him. God! Just f***ing kill me now with this B.S.!

I will cut right to the point: AG Garland is never going to prosecute traitor trump. I say this constantly! It’s just not going to happen — ever — morons. Mark my words. And if it does happen by some miracle of God then the traitor will declare his run for president the next day in which case he becomes the hot potato that would immediately halt any investigations because that’s just how f***ing G.D. weak and worthless Garland is. He would rather maintain the appearance of DOJ independence and fairness at the risk of traitor trump — wait for it — wait for it — getting away with everything as usual. The only reason traitor trump is stirring up controversy at these rallies is because he literally has nothing better to do and he can get away with it. He’s bored and he’s losing the spotlight, so he just wants to remain relevant and popular. His lashing out has nothing to do with feelings of the “walls closing in” on him. The moron is bored and wants attention. Plain and simple. Not to mention, he has to keep the rabble entertained because this is a country of “entertain me!” f***tards!

For years, MSM and dumbass Democrats have been talking about this, that, or the other is finally going to catch up with traitor trump. Surely, he can’t get away with this, that, or the other. For years they’ve been saying the day will come and for years they’ve been wrong! In fact, his whole life has been one long chain of getting away with this, that, or the other. Lawsuits, bankruptcies, failed business ventures, failed casinos, stealing from his charities, failed marriages, infidelity, sexual misconduct, grabbing women by the p*ssy. Today is no different. The Mueller report went nowhere. Two impeachments were defeated. The twin New York investigations have stalled even after the release of his taxes which were supposed to be the holy grail that would undo him. Weisselberg was supposed to crack and turn on traitor trump. Not! Still waiting! The Georgia investigation into his election interference is “heating up” allegedly. But don’t be fooled. This too will eventually stall. And I have heard absolutely no mention anywhere of this little tidbit: But I do hope people realize the Georgia investigation is a case at the county level, which means when the time comes — if the case against traitor trump gets too close — the state can step in and quash it. As for the House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection — the mother of all investigations into traitor trump — that will also go nowhere. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. People don’t care. To be sure, the committee will deliver a very thorough and powerful report, but there will be no smoking gun, which the public demands to capture their attention because American’s are too f***ing busy blaming Biden for the price of gas and their favorite health food — bacon. Once again, must I remind morons of America that the House can only investigate! Oh, sure they can recommend or make criminal referrals to DOJ, but we all know what AG Garland will do — nothing. We’re still waiting for him to do something with the House’s criminal contempt referral of Mark Meadows. It’s been six f***ing weeks and Garland has done nothing! Unless and until traitor trump actually confesses to ordering the G.D. code red, then he’s untouchable. Untouchable! Mark my words, f***tards!

And don’t believe these recent polls showing a traitor trump slump. A Washington Post article goes into these recent polls, but the piece’s tagline says it all: “There are signs that some Republicans are less positive about him since the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol. But his base holds firm, and that might be all he needs if he seeks the GOP nomination in 2024.” They basically defeat the entire purpose of the article with the first sentence. That just goes to show they don’t believe what they’ve written either. Neither should you. All these polls are worthless once traitor trump jumps into the race. Then all bets are off. Once in, he’ll consolidate support around himself, and his diehard RepubliKKKlan, evil evangelical, QAnon, and MAGA moron base will support him without question. He is going to sail through the nomination process because the man is bored and his candidacy is the only thing that will keep the law off his back! Welcome to stupid America! A country too stupid to survive. Oh, well!

You Get a Pardon!

Wow! Did I not call this just a couple of weeks ago (see Not So Fast)? In fact, this is not the first time. Over a year ago I said as much about traitor trump pardons. And right on cue, as if traitor trump were reading my blog, according to The Hill, “Former President Donald Trump said during a rally in Texas on Saturday that he would consider pardoning those charged in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, saying he would treat them ‘fairly’ if he were reelected. At Saturday’s rally in Conroe, Tex., Trump said, ‘If I run, and if I win, we will treat those people from Jan. 6 fairly.’ ‘And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons,’ he continued. ‘Because they are being treated so unfairly.’” Of course, my prediction that traitor trump would want to pardon the insurrectionists is no great intellectual feat. It was only a logical supposition. The real trick is to come off as being authoritative and prescient before anyone else does. And I don’t recall anyone from the MSM or elsewhere — that I’ve read or seen — making a similar prediction going back as early as I had — the day after the January 6 insurrection. (Granted, I thought he would issue a blanket pardon walking out the door. He almost did!) And it’s not a matter of if or who or when traitor trump pardons. It is definitely yes and it is all of them and it is as soon as possible. I’ve long ago learned that conservative political criminals in America always get away with everything because RepubliKKKlans demand it and dumbass Democrats let them! Welcome to stupid America. Nothing ever changes.

Political Prophet James Carville

From Vox, “Just look at how Democrats organize and spend money. For Christ’s sake, [South Carolina Democrat] Jaime Harrison raised over $100 million only to lose his Senate race to Lindsey Graham by 10 points. Amy McGrath runs for Senate in Kentucky and raises over $90 million only to get crushed by Mitch McConnell. They were always going to lose those races, but Democrats keep doing this stupid shit. They’re too damn emotional. Democrats obsess over high-profile races they can’t win because that’s where all the attention is. We’re addicted to hopeless causes. What about the secretary of state in Wisconsin? Or the attorney general race in Michigan? How much money are Democrats and progressives around the country sending to those candidates? I’m telling you, if Democrats are worried about voting rights and election integrity, then these are the sorts of races they should support and volunteer for, because this is where the action is and this is where things will be decided. You know who is paying attention to these races? The Republican Party. Last I checked, Republicans raised $33 million for secretary of state races around the country. The Democrats had until recently raised $1 million. I think it’s now up to $4 million. That’s the story, right there. That’s the difference, right there. Bitching about a Democratic senator in West Virginia is missing the damn plot [emphasis added].”

I love this man! If James Carville were a political party, then I would be all in. This man is the only Democrat who is not a dumbass and actually understands how to play the political game to win. It seems that most actual dumbass Democrats routinely ignore his perspective and sagacity. He actually gets it! In the words of Carville on Democrats, “Just quit being a whiny party and get out there and fight.” Sadly, he delivers the most sage advice to the least capable political party. Oh, well. Have I mentioned lately that were screwed? Welcome to stupid America.

Schumer: A Disastrous Leader — Shame!

According to Alternet, “Drawing on reporting in Politico and Business Insider, Quay explains, ‘(Schumer’s) failure to reach a compromise with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) to pass the Build Back Better bill and his decision to force a vote on President Biden’s already doomed voting rights agenda, several Democratic staffers told Politico, highlighted divisions in the party at a time when Democrats are in danger of losing their already razor-thin majority…. Schumer turned Sens. Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) into scapegoats, staffers argued, subjecting his fellow Democrats (to) the ire that ought to have been directed toward Republicans.’ … A senior House Democratic aide, presumably interviewed on condition of anonymity, told Politico, ‘Leadership 101 is even if you don’t get someone today, you’re going to need them tomorrow. The level of malpractice is stunning. BBB is a once-in-a-ten-year opportunity, and we fucked it up.’” I’ve never been a fan of Schumer; he’s always been a weak player, and I cringed during every Senate floor speech where his strongest words of rebuke to RepubliKKKlan skullduggery was “shame!” Oh, my f***ing God! Really? “Shame?” “Shame on them,” Schumer would exclaim. Wow! Truly, truly milquetoast. What a f***ing G.D. joke. RepubliKKKlans have no shame. Did he really think he was landing any political punches or making a point? Pelosi has bigger balls than Schumer.

So, not only is Schumer weak in his speaking, but he is weak in his actions. The latest demonstration of his feebleness was the disastrous and failed voting rights bill. The only thing Schumer proved is that he knows how to bring up a bill to showcase his complete incompetence. He claimed he wanted to put everyone on the record, to make them vote against voting rights as if those casting a no vote would be shamed into changing their minds. No one cares and no one will remember who voted against the bill. All they will remember is Democrats failed to pass it. When the leader of Senate dumbass Democrats relies on “shame” as the cornerstone of whipping his caucus votes, then what else does one expect to happen? Thankfully, I think Sinema and Manchin have thick skins, so they’ll roll with the punches. But if dumbass Democrats think there is anyone else in all of West Virginia that can keep the one and only Democratic seat in the state delegation, then by all means back that person. But guess what? There isn’t one. Thus, we have to live with Manchin and all the power he wields, or as Manchin, himself repeatedly tells leadership: Elect more Democrats! Truly! My God! We are so f***ing screwed! I just can’t deal with the weakness and the stupidity anymore. Welcome to stupid America! P.S. Democrats, don’t f*** up the SCOTUS nomination! Seriously!

Justice Breyer to Retire: Don’t F*** It Up, Democrats

Justice Breyer decides to retire while Democrats still have control of the White House and the Senate. Thankfully, he is unwilling to roll the dice as RBG did. That turned out to be colossally and irreparably damaging to liberal causes. By her holding out, much of what she fought for and believed in will be undone. Ugh! I get angry all over again just thinking about it, but I’m glad Breyer got the hint. I am sorry that Breyer will not have had a longer tenure as the leader of the liberal wing of SCOTUS, but to be sure he can never be vilified for having remained and having caused a Democratic president the opportunity to keep a liberal seat safe. Nonetheless, this is only the first step and I am always cautious when dumbass Democrats will be required to play the hardest of political hardball. What are the chances that Democrats f*** this nomination up? I’m going with 50/50. Biden absolutely must nominate an African-American woman — as long as she is LGBTQ-friendly. The younger the better. Mid-40s is perfect!

I can’t wait for future SCOTUS opinions to consistently break down along the conservative-liberal divide in which a bunch of white men routinely overrule the women, who are themselves mostly racial minorities. If SCOTUS did not appear biased before, then it certainly will be going forward. It will lay bare before the entire country that our rights are being shaped and re-shaped by only white men. Of course, 40 percent of the populous want nothing other than that. Sadly, none of this matters (to most Democrats and liberal-leaning Independents) because those who should care the most about SCOTUS are those who are the least aware. This is why RepubliKKKlans rule and run the highest court in the land. Don’t f*** this up, Democrats. I will not consider the nomination a done deal until the new justice is sworn in — fast. I mean Amy Coney Barrett fast, if not faster! F*** tradition. F*** decorum. F*** stateliness. F*** RepubliKKKlans. Get! This! Done! (Oh, and dear God in all of heaven, I pray that Justice Thomas suddenly dies before the Democrats lose control of the Senate. He’s a fat f*** whose diet is no doubt 50 percent fat and 50 percent red meat and 50 bigot! But then again God has a cruel sense of humor; wicked RepubliKKKlans live forever and Democrats die at the worst time possible.)

’72 percent of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction’

Oh, joy! Another poll. Another snapshot into the dangerous psyche of the mob. In this latest installment of “where are we now” from NBC News, there are only two responses that matter: “On the state of the nation’s politics, 70 percent agree with the statement that America has become so polarized that it can no longer solve the major issues facing the country — and that those differences will only continue to grow. … That’s a significant shift from when this question was last asked in 2010 — when 50 percent answered that America always comes together in tough times, versus 45 percent who said that the nation’s political differences would only grow. … [And] a whopping 76 percent of Americans — including 7 in 10 Democrats, Republicans and independents — believe there is a threat to democracy and majority rule in this country.”

So! I have heard countless politicians, political pundits, and historians keep reassuring their audiences that Americans will get through these troubled times, that claiming America is headed toward a new civil war is ridiculous and needlessly alarmists, that Americans always come together in the end. And to all these f***tards I always roll my eyes because they are the ones in la-la land. Are you f***ing kidding me with this sh*t? They are just as willfully ignorant and quixotic about the world around them as Carlie Brown and the football. I’ve been saying we’re headed toward a civil war for nearly two years now. In fact, we are in a cold civil war as we speak, and it is only a matter of time before it turns hot. Now, I’m not suggesting the populous will form battle lines with opposing generals leading formations of organized and uniformed soldiers. No, no! This will be more gorilla warfare with random acts of violence, political assassinations, and all-out skirmishes. Like those seen when racists fought with BLM protestors, but much bloodier. Rather than formalized conflict, it will be one block of neighbors against another. It will be neighbors driving out other neighbors as one majority group expels the minority. It will be a slow consolidation, not unlike what is happening now with progressives moving to cities and urban areas while conservatives continue to entrench themselves and wither in rural areas. It will be rural versus urban with militias protecting their turf.

With poll numbers like the ones above, there is only one way to proceed — and that is through! There is no other way, morons. There is no going back or retreating. There is no coming together. The differences are irreconcilable; one side believes in facts and the other side believes in lies. One side is rational; the other side is brainwashed. It is impossible to meet in the middle under such circumstances. There is no other way to undo this mess, except through a great cleansing. There is no reconciliation or mutual understanding, except for the realization that the only way such a divided nation can preserver is when one faction successfully dominates and destroys the other. People may look back to the 1960s as proof we can overcome these troubled times, and in response to that, I say this country is just getting warmed up. This century is not like the last. America is dumber, more armed, more polarized, and more gullible to the point where morons of America absorb and propagate conspiracy theories and other nonsense as if they were sources of mental nutrients. The next presidential election will be the flashpoint of no return, no matter what the results. Although, I will concede there is less likelihood of an eruption of all-out war if a RepubliKKKlan wins because dumbass Democrats will readily give up and accede to domination by RepubliKKKlans and the crazies. Let’s face it: RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards want to destroy democracy more than dumbass Democrats and Independents want to keep it. Sorry, I have to admit the truth! Mark my words. Of course, if RepubliKKKlans lose, then all hell will break out because they’ve all been conditioned to believe that whenever Democrats win then the election was stolen, without exception. It is a convenient fallacy in which RepubliKKKlans delude themselves into believing they can never — should never — lose an election. As I have said many, many, many, many, many times before a nation this stupid cannot survive. Verily! Welcome to stupid America!