Democrats on Roe: Asleep! At! The! Wheel!

Politico writes, “Progressive leaders are staring down what they consider the biggest emergency for abortion rights in half a century — and they fear that both Democratic voters and elected officials are failing to appreciate the threat of a world without Roe v. Wade. The ripple effects of an anticipated Supreme Court ruling scaling back or eliminating the right to an abortion would go beyond the most conservative parts of the country and also hit the blue states that have already become havens for people fleeing a host of new restrictive laws. … In Virginia, Democrats didn’t heed calls from activists to use their final months in the majority to call a special session and codify Roe into state law; they now find themselves out of power. … A December Morning Consult poll of 2,000 registered voters found that most believe Roe v. Wade should not be overturned and that abortion should remain legal in ‘most or all cases.’ But the survey also found the public to be uninformed or misinformed about the stakes and likely outcome of the pending Supreme Court ruling on Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban. Nearly half — 44 percent — of those surveyed said they had heard ‘not much’ or ‘nothing at all’ about the case, while nearly two-thirds either said they didn’t know how likely the court was to overturn Roe or said the court isn’t likely to overturn the precedent. … Even many who realize the Supreme Court is poised to curtail if not completely eliminate Roe don’t think it will impact them, activists said — making it difficult to drum up sufficient political pressure on Democratic officials, and leaving it to volunteers and grassroots organizations to take up the slack [emphasis added].”

There is much to unpack in the quote above, but as I read more articles and perspectives on the fight over Roe, I am coming to a new realization: Dumbass Democrats are just as much to blame as RepubliKKKlans for the death of Roe at every level and at every turn. This should not come as any surprise to those who have read my other posts on the subject. It has become increasingly and painstakingly clear that Democrats really have given up on the fight — if they were ever fighting in the first place. The current state of abortion rights in the country suggests they never had their hearts in it or, worst still, hoped things would simply remain the same without any intervention, which is the typical magical wishful thinking that seems to be the cornerstone of their tactical political ruthlessness — “ruthlessness.”

So, here we are on the brink of SCOTUS reversing Roe, and no one except for a small group of activists cares, much less understands what’s a stake. And this expectation from dumbass Democrats that there will be this huge backlash and “blue wave” in the next election when SCOTUS reverses Roe is pure delusion. It is just as delusional as a belief that the Court would never scuttle such a long-standing precedent that has a vast majority of popular support. Abortions have been effectively illegal in Texas for five months, and the collective concern and uproar have been crickets, except for Justice Sotomayor. She is truly the only one raising hell, but she may as well be a tree falling in the forest — there is no one listening. This is exactly how terminating Roe is going to play out: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Mark my words on this one, f***tards. Most people say they care, but they don’t; they won’t lift a finger — much less vote — to change anything because that will be the problem for some of the other 50 percent of the population. Oh, well. Morons of America will do what they do best: Move on! It’s always the “other” person’s problem!

Of course, American f***tards are missing a much graver concern, and that is the right to privacy, which is the foundation of Roe. Roe exists because the Court ruled 49 years ago that a woman has the right to privacy between her and her doctor. The government has no right or interest to regulate or interfere with healthcare decisions arrived at via the doctor-patient relationship (for the most part). Well, that is about to go right out the window, and no one seems to understand or care. Democrats certainly are not screaming bloody murder about it. No! In fact, they are pretty good at remaining calm and silent. And, as I have said time after time, once the right to privacy is no longer protected, then all of our rights based on privacy are at risk. Justice Thomas has literally said that there is no right to privacy in the Constitution or, more generally. Morons of America will be surprised about all the rights they thought the Constitution afforded them but were never really there; such rights existed only because they were encoded in the Roe decision. Of course, one would think those “don’t tread on me” uber-conservatives idiots might be up in arms about such a notion that the highest court in the land believes the government can intrude in their private lives. But, naturally, the hypocrisy is boundless. Whatever! Other people’s privacy is never a concern for conservatives until it threatens their straight white cis-gender privilege.

As the survey in the article describes, people are clueless about the issue and the ramifications of what the Court is about to do to their lives — men and women. Gay rights will be next. What you do in your bedroom — for heterosexuals and homosexuals — will be the next logical target. And don’t get me started on marriage equality. That’ll be gone soon enough. Mark my words, f***tards. Between the Christian theocratic rule about to be imposed by SCOTUS and the abject stupidity and indifference of voters, this will be a very different country over the next few SCOTUS terms where privacy becomes a vague notion dictated by white, straight, evangelical men (and one token woman). What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to stupid America. I expected nothing less!

I Said This Months and Months Ago!

Wow! Hello, Captain Obvious. Of course, what Haberman just said is the exact same thing I have been saying for many, many months. Indeed, I even warned AG Garland of the same political move just a couple of weeks ago when I wrote to him telling him to quit; I posted it previously. I have always said there were two things traitor trump was waiting for prior to announcing his next run for office. One, RepubliKKKlans taking back the House in the midterms, and two, legal indictments becoming imminent. Whichever comes first will determine the timing of his announcement. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s just that simple, morons!

And, of course, something is seriously wrong with our system if someone runs for president to avoid accountability for criminal behavior, but, hey, it’s the American way! Seriously, America is a consequence-free society for those at the highest levels of power, facilitated by dumbass Democrats’ incompetence and RepubliKKKlans’ pertinaciousness and love of criminals. Full stop! This goes back to Obama refusing to prosecute Bush II for clear war crimes related to torture and now with RepubliKKKlans’ full embrace of MAGA morons, insurrectionists, white nationalists, and the most criminal president in the history of the country. This is all par for the course. So, don’t be surprised if criminal indictments come one day and traitor trump declares his candidacy the next. Then watch those prosecutions disappear. Oh, well. You always heard it here first! Welcome to stupid America!

Not So Fast!

From CNN, “The Justice Department on Thursday announced the first sedition charges related to the January 6 insurrection, a watershed moment in the year-long investigation. The case resolves around the Oath Keepers, a far-right extremist group, and its leader Stewart Rhodes. Many of the defendants were already facing charges for storming the US Capitol building and deny wrongdoing. But the new indictment raises the stakes significantly and made public new details about their alleged plans for violence. Attorney General Merrick Garland had balked at the earlier efforts to bring the seditious conspiracy charge. But in the months since, people briefed on the matter say FBI investigators and DC federal prosecutors have spent much time building the case, at least in part with the help of cooperators and the benefit of internal communications among the Oath Keepers.” Hurray, I guess? The DOJ is working its way up the traitor food chain, I guess? This is significant, I guess?

Not so fast! Allow me to pour cold water all over this hot news. First, none of these indictments matter because the only way to completely dismantle the insurrectionist movement is to prevent traitor trump from taking office again, and at the moment it seems Biden and dumbass Democrats are doing everything in their power to roll out the welcome mat for the Traitor-in-Chief come the next presidential election. (I won’t get into the politics here, but suffice it to say the current state of affairs within the Democratic Party is getting worse by the day.) Without the will to go after traitor trump then nothing matters. And I don’t give one G.D. f*** how many or how big the indictments are coming from the DOJ. If they don’t hold traitor trump accountable then it is all in vain. And I promise you this: Garland will never ever pursue traitor trump. It is never going to happen — ever! Mark my words, f***tards. I don’t know how many times I have to say it. Second, these more consequential cases are going to be held up in court for years! Long enough for traitor trump to assume office and pardon everyone. You can mark my words on that one, too. All these people being charged and who have been convicted will be exonerated on traitor trump’s first day in office. Dare I say that it will be his first official act — probably executed via his inauguration speech. Just by speaking it then it will be so. Those still in jail will get their walking papers and everyone will have their convictions expunged. Traitor trump will erase any semblance of accountability for participating in an insurrection against our democracy. So, enjoy all the hoopla now. In the end, it will all mean nothing and democracy will be dead. Welcome to stupid America!

Look Here, Morons!

According to CNN, “House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said he will not cooperate with a request from the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot, hours after the panel asked the California Republican to voluntarily provide information, including details about former President Donald Trump’s state of mind during the Capitol attack and in the weeks after.” Look here, morons! No principal player, observer, or enabler of the insurrection is going to cooperate with the committee, as I have said many times. While quixotic dumbass Democrats, MSM commentators, and other progressive political pundits proclaim the select committee is making progress and starting to get aggressive, I say no! No they are not! It’s already too late, f***tards. Traitor trump has fully subsumed the RepubliKKKlan Party into his grander MAGA moron cult movement so that no person of importance is going to crack. Traitor trump has demanded RepubliKKKlans hold firm with the Big Lie and obstruction, and that is exactly what they are doing and will continue to do. They are standing firm and giving the committee and the country the middle finger — proudly. The one thing RepubliKKKlans have plenty of is time to do nothing, and they are using it effectively. The one thing dumbass Democrats have plenty of is cowardice. These targeted House members who received “letters” “asking” for voluntary testimony and cooperation are coming off as strong while standing up to the Left. RepubliKKKlans only gain popularity with their base when they obstruct. On the other hand, the Democratic base and Independents aren’t paying attention. They don’t care, of course! The committee members are left standing their saying words of admonishment, but ultimately having nothing more than their dicks in hand.

Unfortunately, the committee will do nothing in response. They are never going to subpoena a sitting member of the House, and the DOJ is worthless to do anything even if the committee referred House members for defying a Congressional subpoena. The courts will also do nothing. SCOTUS will defer to traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans as the justices find some magical House or presidential privilege to protect, thereby allowing members of Congress to serve while subverting the rule of law and the Constitution. They’ve been sitting on the House request to expedite the legal case to get Trump’s documents for weeks now, so it’s pretty clear that SCOTUS (the conservative wing) wants to run out the clock, too. We are really at the end of the road here already. And all this noise about the committee having interviewed hundreds of people and collected thousands of documents is going to be all rather meaningless. The committee may very well have gathered enough information to produce a very convincing report about what happened on January 6, 2021, but in the end, there will be a huge hole in the theory of the case. No one new will be convinced or swayed. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons will still embrace the Big Lie; Democrats and Independents will shrug their shoulders. There will not be a smoking gun, for all RepubliKKKlans need to do is keep their mouths shut, and they will win. Mark my words, morons. The committee is just a bunch of smoke and mirrors trying to hide their fecklessness, not because they are incompetent but because they simply do not have the power and never did. This entire matter really should be in the hands of the DOJ. That, too, is a pipe dream. Our democracy is done, f***tards. I hate to break the news, but it is. When Democrats lose the House and possibly the Senate, then America is done for good. RepubliKKKlans are going to win just by obstructing. Democrats all too often let them. And, of course, no one cares! Oh, well. I guess people will still have Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. Welcome to stupid America!

Democrats Will Always Get Outplayed

From CNN, “House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has vowed to remove three Democratic lawmakers from key committee assignments if Republicans win back the chamber in the upcoming midterm elections. Citing a ‘new standard’ that Democrats had created last year by removing GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Paul Gosar of Arizona from their committees for inflammatory rhetoric and posts, McCarthy told Breitbart he would strip Democratic Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, both of California, and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota of their committee assignments.” Of course, this was to be expected. Of course, RepubliKKKlans given their grievance and vengeance tantrums were always going to retaliate. And, of course, this expected threat — and soon to be a reality — should not have deterred Pelosi from kicking MTG and Gosar off their committee assignments. And it doesn’t matter that these RepubliKKKlans were disciplined for literally threatening fellow House members, nor does it matter RepubliKKKlans are seeking revenge just for the sake of revenge. I expected nothing less. What does matter, however, is that dumbass Democrats will always get outplayed; whereas Democrats reluctantly and judiciously act, they always see such restrained actions as a ceiling of behavior, taken only rarely and in extreme cases, such as removing treacherous people from their committees. RepubliKKKlkans, on the other hand, see the ceiling as the floor, so that no retribution is out of bounds. For them, there is no such thing as a proportional response. Just like traitor trump always vowed to hit back ten times harder, RepubliKKKlans will forever execute their spitefulness ten times as much. They always will, and dumbass Democrats will always be unwilling to raise their game in defense. Oh, well. Democrats’ weakness is killing the country. Once RepunliKKKlans take back the house, Democrats will never be able to regain the majority. Welcome to stupid America. Yuuuup!

Biden’s January 6 Anniversary Speech

Sure, it was fine for what it was. Sure, Biden was more fiery and showed more fight than usual, but he still needed to evoke fire and brimstone in his content. All in all, though, I think it is too little, too late. Forty percent of the population are going to ignore him willfully and will never be convinced by anything he says. These people, of course, are RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and other assorted traitors to America. As for the remaining 60 percent of the citizenry to which the speech was chiefly aimed, I would say most of those people were listening half-heartedly. Where I think Biden soared with rhetoric and idealism, he failed to stir up the fear factor specifically for those who were tuned in. Once again, Biden and dumbass Democrats keep believing the average voter is smart. The average voter is a moron! Thus, voters are too stupid to react to intellectual arguments; they respond to emotional arguments that require the use of the amygdala part of the brain — aka the lizard brain. So, when Biden talks about saving American democracy and America’s founding principles and preserving America’s legacy and the soul of the nation and the will of the people and so forth, these ideas are still too abstract to concern the average voter, which is why you will never hear RepubliKKKlans try to make such arguments. Indeed, when RepubliKKKlans avoid talking about America’s democracy in general, it is a win/win, for they know their voters don’t care about democracy, and their voters don’t comprehend such abstractions, yet their voters love the conservative moment more because leadership does not tax their lizard brains with such perceived nonsensical notions like democracy. F***! In fact, every time I do hear RepubliKKKlans talking about anything to stir up fear in their base, it’s usually them railing against socialism taking over the country. That abstraction, for some reason, they do seem to misunderstand, naturally.

Dare I say, most Independent and Democratic voters understand just as little. This is why Biden should have spoken in more doomsayer tones and with concrete examples of fear pointed directly at the listener. Fear works, f***tards. I don’t know how many times I have to say it. Clearly, it is advice dumbass Democrats routinely ignore — at their own peril. Biden needs to layout the image of America when RepubliKKKlans regain the House or the Senate and when traitor trump returns to office. He should speak in declarative terms, not with a subjective mood. Your healthcare will be gone! Denying healthcare for pre-existing conditions will return. There will be lifetime caps on healthcare again. You can be denied healthcare for any reason once again. You and your children will be more likely to die from a lack of access to healthcare. There will never be an effort to combat climate change, so your insurance will be out of control expensive, and your beachfront property will be underwater. That is, of course, if your house is not consumed by fire or a tornado. There will be water wars as the West dries up, and states are left to fend for themselves because the federal government has abandoned all accountability. Your marriage will become illegal — gay, inter-racial, inter-faith, unproductive. You will get poorer as the rich get richer. Open carry will be legal in every state, everywhere, and for everyone without training or a license. Open gun battles will be the new norm to settle minor confrontations everywhere, and you’ll be caught in the crossfire. Your children will die in school at the hands of daily school shootings in a nation where guns are more valuable than lives because gun manufacturers will be writing all the gun laws. COVID will never be under control as anti-vaxxers become the lawmakers. SCOTUS will ensure any right to privacy is wiped away, so your actions in the bedroom will be illegal and subject to prosecution. Christian theocracy will be the law of the land; freedoms you enjoy today will be illegal and a sin tomorrow. (But you’ll still have your Facebook and Twitter! God! Kill me now!) Biden should have painted a real dystopian landscape of what awaits America if democracy fails. He should lie if need be because lying works in America; most people are not smart enough to discern truth from lies (or “alternative facts”). Idealism in a speech is admirable but not nearly enough to excite the Democratic base that is sleeping in the face of the RepubliKKKlan base, which is woke and raping the country.

Let me end by saying one more thing. Biden still refuses to say traitor trump’s name, which I think is a grave mistake. I don’t know why he refuses to do so. He need not call him “President [traitor] trump,” but instead by the more prosaic title of Mr. [traitor] trump. In fact, I don’t think Biden should ever refer to traitor trump as the “former president” or “my predecessor.” It should be Mr. [traitor] trump all the time, every time, as if he were never president. That would irritate the former traitor-in-chief more than anything. When Biden refuses to say his name, to some degree, he fails to recognize and clearly define the threat. Lord knows, this is par for the course for dumbass Democrats; they only see the disaster after it’s too late. Oh, well. You’ve been warned, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America.

Happy RepubliKKKlan Insurrectionists and Dumbass Democrat Enablers Day!

America cannot stand and will fall — is falling now at this very moment! One year after the RepubliKKKlan coup attempt (actually it is still ongoing) and the state of the nation has only progressed for the worse. Pick any opinion poll and you will find conspiracy theories and pure unadulterated hatred guides and consumes the RepubliKKKlan Party and informs the political will of their voters more than ever, whereas dumbass Democrats are too f***ing weak and still hoping for a return to normalcy as if all the political violence of the opposition will miraculously resolve itself. RepubliKKKlans are the enemy and Democrats are completely blind to the threat. Peruse any one of my prior posts to understand more fully my perspective, but on this one-year anniversary, I have completely lost faith that America’s democracy will endure. It! Can! Not! A country of 40 percent of those too stupid (RepubliKKKlans) and 60 percent of those too apathetic (Democrats) cannot stand. Hope and goodwill cannot prevail against and vanquish stupidity and hate. These factions can never co-exist! Do not think for a second that 40 percent of the country cannot overpower the will of the other 60 percent. History is replete with examples of minority tyranny. In fact, tyranny is the rule in the history of humanity; democracy is the exception. Oh, well. I expected nothing less. Get ready, f***tards. The fall is coming! Welcome to stupid America!

We Are F***ed Thanks to Dumbass Democrats

In an excellent article from The Guardian, the author writes, “At this supreme moment of crisis, the left has divided into warring factions completely incapable of confronting the seriousness of the moment. There are liberals who retain an unjustifiable faith that their institutions can save them when it is utterly clear that they cannot. Then there are the woke, educational and political elites dedicated to a discourse of willed impotence. Any institution founded by the woke simply eats itself – see TimesUp, the Women’s March, etc – becoming irrelevant to any but a diminishing cadre of insiders who spend most of their time figuring out how to shred whoever’s left. They render themselves powerless faster than their enemies can. What the American left needs now is allegiance, not allyship. It must abandon any imagined fantasies about the sanctity of governmental institutions that long ago gave up any claim to legitimacy. Stack the supreme court, end the filibuster, make Washington DC a state, and let the dogs howl, and now, before it is too late. The moment the right takes control of institutions, they will use them to overthrow democracy in its most basic forms; they are already rushing to dissolve whatever norms stand in the way of their full empowerment. The right has recognized what the left has not: that the system is in collapse. The right has a plan: it involves violence and solidarity. They have not abjured even the Oath Keepers. The left, meanwhile, has chosen infighting as their sport. … There is one hope, however, that must be rejected outright: the hope that everything will work out by itself, that America will bumble along into better times. It won’t. Americans have believed their country is an exception, a necessary nation. If history has shown us anything it’s that the world doesn’t have any necessary nations [emphasis added].”

This was a fantastic article, and I encourage everyone to read it carefully. Of course, much of it echoes what I have been saying for well over a year now, and the portion I quoted above is particularly germane to my incessant argument: Dumbass Democrats are contributing to the end of America’s democracy. One may actually be forgiven for believing that I hate dumbass Democrats more than RepubliKKKlans, given how often I bash the left for its incompetence and reliance on hope as a change motivator. Honestly, it depends on the day how true that observation is. Apparently, I am not the only one. The selection above says it all. Dumbass Democrats (politicians and voters alike) are too f***ing weak, stupid, blind, and apathetic to the danger that is the RepubliKKKlan Party. How many times have I said that Democrats need to get out of the hope-y, change-y B.S. mindset? How many f***ing times? I am literally to the point that the moment I hear a Democratic politician say the word “hope,” I stop listening to anything that comes out of their mouth afterward because it’s all pansy sh*t. “I hope RepubliKKKlans will do the right thing.” “I hope insurrectionist organizers cooperate with the House January 6 Select Committee.” “I hope anti-vaxxers will get vaccinated.” “I hope AG Garland prosecutes the insurrectionist planners.” “I hope RepubliKKKlans don’t act like hypocrites.” Un-f***ing-believable. What a f***ing joke.

Democrats need to start fighting back and stop expecting some fanciful return to normal whereby RepubliKKKlans come to their senses to become willing partners and participants in democracy again. That state of the Union is gone forever, yet we have Biden trying to drag us back to normalcy and to some quaint notion of decorum while the right is ready to fight and destroy America. In fact, they are fighting and destroying now in plain sight. Democrats think by merely passing Biden’s agenda, they can win elections. That is not how it works, f***tards. Voters are not that smart; they are not paying attention; they don’t care. Recall, Democrats were decimated in the mid-term elections following the passage of the ACA because voters were too stupid to actually understand the benefits of the new law that people would come to enjoy and fear losing a decade later. (I could write 10,000 words about how Democrats keep overestimating the intelligence of voters as their primary political error. However, I digress.) But Democrats don’t fight because they are just too m*****f***ing G.D. weak! I’ve said it before, and I’ll repeat myself again: Dumbass Democrats need to turn on and turn up the rage and fear machine to get their voters out to the polls every time. F***! I can’t stand it anymore! Whatever! I give! Our democracy was lost the second traitor trump was elected in 2016, and nothing has changed the course of America’s demise since. Oh, well. No one cares! Welcome to stupid America, but not for long.

Of Course, He Did and They Would

According to Axios, “Former President Donald Trump endorsed Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for re-election Monday, throwing his ‘complete support’ behind the nationalist leader. Orbán, a far-right, populist leader who says he’s turned Hungry into an ‘illiberal state,’ has changed election laws to benefit his party, the New York Times notes. It is Trump’s second endorsement of a world leader since leaving office. Last October, Trump endorsed Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, another far-right leader accused of authoritarian tendencies.” And then from CNN, “Thirty-four percent of Americans think violent action against the government is sometimes justified, according to a new poll from The Washington Post and the University of Maryland released days ahead of the one-year anniversary of the insurrection at the US Capitol. The new figure ‘is considerably higher than in past polls by the Post or other major news organizations dating back more than two decades,’ according to the newspaper. The survey, conducted between December 17 and 19, revealed stark partisan splits on the question: 40% of Republicans and 41% of independents said violence against government is sometimes justified, compared to 23% of Democrats.”

First, of course, traitor trump is all in with the dictators. It’s nothing new, but he does go out of his way to signal to his base that he is a full-on straight WASP authoritarian. Second, it is becoming increasingly evident that his base is willing (and wanting) to engage in political violence (aka an insurrection) to bring traitor trump to authoritarian power and destroy America’s democracy. Look, morons. I guess I’ll keep repeating myself until it sinks in with the masses — which may be never — or until the worst comes to pass. The warning signs are blinking brighter and faster. The stars are aligning. Decades of RepubliKKKlan machinations are coming to fruition. And the fecklessness of dumbass Democrats cannot stop the runaway train that is the rise of American Fascism. The 40 percent of Americans who are not RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, QAnon, or evil evangelicals simply don’t care enough to save the country from the crazies. They just fail to show up to vote — every time. RepubliKKKlans always get away with it; they always get re-elected no matter how much they display their utter contempt for democracy. As I have said countless times before, Biden is merely the intermission to the end. Conservatives are primed and pumped to steal the next presidential election and make traitor trump the permanent president. I wouldn’t give Democratic and Independent voters enough credit to be passionate enough to fight to keep our democracy. They’re too consumed by Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and all that nonsense. Oh, well. The end is coming; it’s just a few years away! Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America.

Traitor [T]rump ‘Press Conference’

So, traitor trump makes his 6 January anniversary press conference official via an announcement. This is not new information as news outlets picked up on this story weeks ago, but I did not comment at the time. I should have since journalists were already questioning how to cover the press conference, which of course is an easy answer: They shouldn’t! But they will anyway. Once again, MSM will take part in the demise of America! Our democracy is dying with help from all sides. There is the direct assault from RepubliKKKlans. There is apathy and incompetence from dumbass Democrats who have no clue how to counter the enemy except with that hopey, changey wishful thinking B.S. And then there is the cheerleading from MSM who sees the death of democracy as profitable. Little do idiot journalists and MSM executives know that without democracy there will be no profits because there can be no income from an industry made illegal under a traitor trump dictatorship. There will be only one source of news and that is state TV (aka Faux News).

Listening to these MSM news anchors, journalists, pundits, and commentators struggle aloud on-air with how to cover the traitor trump press conference is infuriating. They automatically believe that anytime traitor trump speaks it is newsworthy. No! It! Is! Not! Morons! They already know that he’s going to stand in front of the nation to lie about what happened on 6 January 2021, so the question these MSM-types are struggling with is how to fact-check traitor trump’s lies in real-time. Hey! Here’s an idea for fact-checking. Don’t cover the f***ing press conference in the first place you f***tards! But whatever. The MSM will, no doubt, be falling all over themselves to get choice seating to best broadcast traitor trump’s propaganda and lies to America. Whatever! I give up! I expected nothing less from a stupid, stupid America. This is a country where 75 percent of RepubliKKKlans think Biden lost the election and is an illegitimate president, so MSM is going to spend 6 January 2022 amplifying the lie because they just have to cover traitor trump! When the moron snaps, they come running. Welcome to stupid America! We never learn.