Rittenhouse: America’s Future

Source: U.S. News

From The Guardian, “A month after his acquittal on murder charges, Kyle Rittenhouse was given a standing ovation at a conservative conference in Phoenix on Monday night, as panelists discussed events in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 2020, when the teen shot three men. The event, called AmericaFest, was held by Turning Point USA, a young conservatives group. As Rittenhouse took the stage, thousands of cheering fans chanted his name, along with his own theme song, adapted from his name. Hosts asked if any women in the crowd wanted to go on a date with Rittenhouse, prompting loud cheers. One audience member held a ‘Kiss me’ sign, according to one spectator. Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, praised Rittenhouse, telling him: ‘You’re a hero to millions, it’s an honor to be able to have you.’”

America’s Yutes: ABC10

This is America’s future, morons! Dumbass Democrats need to wake the f*** up to the threat of conservatism! RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals are building up an army nation, f***tards. Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross! How many f***ing times do I need to scream the obvious, yet it falls on deaf ears, and these images project onto blind eyes. Look, morons! Sure! There are many examples in America’s past demonstrating a radicalized segment of society that has come to nothing. Indeed, the German-American Bund was literally Nazism rooted in America. Of course, the Bund was a fringe party and was only 25,000-member strong. Today, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon, RepubliKKKlans, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, et al. are no longer fringe; they are mainstream, and they wholely comprise one political party in a two-party system. These f***tards are a significant percentage of America — no longer wackos on the periphery of humanity. They are a rising minority, and the youth are embracing the violence, and the terror, as the pictures above evince. And do not think these are just stupid immature children. No, they are the offspring of parents who are themselves bigots. This entire mindset breeds like roaches.

While conservatives understand their future by embracing this faction of the population through events like those attended by Rittenhouse, the liberal side of the political spectrum does nothing except appeal to people’s better nature. OMG! We are so f***ed! We cannot meet this threat with “kindness” and “understanding.” The danger is real and can only be countered with the same kind of opposing radical force. This will not just go away, nor will the movement fizzle out. For years it has only been getting worse. I have said before that America is headed for a new civil war. The problem is that the conservatives are already at war, and they are building infrastructure (state laws), recruiting people (especially youth), and stockpiling weapons (weapons) as if the war has already been engaged and they are losing. Progressives, on the other hand, are still picking flowers and hoping. Ugh! Oh, well. I’ve read this history many times before, and I know how it ends — the fall of a nation! Welcome to stupid America!


Allow me to quote myself, “As for Biden’s agenda, it’s toast. … Back Better legislation is dead on arrival. There is no other way for Manchin to interrupt Democrats’ massive losses last night as anything other than a signal to put the breaks on everything. Don’t forget that Manchin is perfectly fine with not passing anything else related to Biden’s BBB agenda. So, dumbass Democrats will continue with their infighting and the legislation will collapse.” Manchin finally confirmed that which I have been saying for months now,” ‘And I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can’t. I’ve tried everything humanly possible. I can’t get there.’” Predicting Democrats’ political incompetence and failure is becoming too easy. I will admit that I was only half right because I had originally predicted the infrastructure bill would not pass as well, but it did. And Biden is reaping huge political benefits from its passage into law as his job approval numbers skyrocket! Oh, wait. I am reading those numbers backward. Nevermind. Silly me.

There is one thing Manchin has been correctly saying from the start: If Democrats want to pass Biden’s social agenda, then they need to elect more Democratic Senators. Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! How is it that DINO Manchin understands the political reality of the Democratic Party better than leadership and Biden? How is that possible? I should not be all that surprised. Dumbass Democrats constantly misjudge everything about the political environment. It is a wonder they actually win at all. For some reason, dumbass Democrats seem to think a 50-50 Senate and a much-reduced margin in the House equates to a mandate by the people for Biden’s agenda. It’s not, truly! (And as an aside, something that drives me completely bonkers is that Democrats can’t even recognize the fact that technically they only have 48 Democratic Senators — aka not a majority! This party acts like they’re playing while ahead when, in fact, they are always — and have always been — behind!) Biden’s win was more of an anti-traitor trump movement.

That is not to say I am or have been against the BBB legislation, but I understood the political reality from the start: There were simply not enough votes, no matter how the plan was crafted. Some components of the bill would piss off liberals, and other parts would piss off moderates. There was never going to be a way to square the circle. Biden should have spent his first year tackling the BIF bill and some smaller aspects of the BBB agenda (e.g., drug pricing or medicare hearing benefits). Biden should have been preaching — and must start now — that he needs more Democrats in the House and Senate. He may have won, but it is not enough. More needs to be done before he can begin to pass his agenda. He should have been saying this from day one. All of them should have been saying this. But, no! Dumbass Democrats believed — and wrongly misled their voting base to believe — that they won and “we got this.” And look what happened. Democrats come off as incompetent, feckless, and having wasted an entire year proving they can’t get much done. They set themselves up for failure, and they proved it! The only people who failed to understand where Machin stood on BBB over the last 5-6 months are Democrats! Honestly, he has been telegraphing his intentions from the beginning, and shame on Democrats for not seeing that, no matter what he said privately. Believe what people do, not what they say! This is reading people 101. Ugh! This is how Democrats usher in permanent RepubliKKKlan power. Welcome to stupid America!

Eh, People Don’t Care, so Let Democracy Die, Already! I’m Tired of Waiting!

From CNN, “Democratic governors are facing a messaging conundrum: they say American democracy may hinge on their elections in 2022, but they’re not sure they can get most voters to care. Attempts to meddle with the certification of the Electoral College count and the partisan takeovers of the voting infrastructure don’t seem to be front of mind for an electorate drained by nearly two years of pandemic living and a creeping sense of economic panic, and that worries a range of Democratic governors … Several Democratic governors who were in office in 2020 played significant roles in staving off attempts to stir up challenges around the Electoral College certification. The fear is that GOP governors in states with GOP-controlled legislatures will work together to change the electoral rules, potentially adding to the chaos and confusion about reporting electoral votes out of their capitals, regardless of who wins the next presidential election. In backing candidates who question the results of the 2020 election, Trump and his allies seem to be trying to lay the groundwork for an election infrastructure that could be more favorable to future attempts to overturn the outcome.”

And this from Vox, “Experts on democracy warn that America is sleepwalking toward a disaster, a situation where the electoral playing field is so tilted in the GOP’s favor that America’s people no longer have a meaningful voice in who rules them. ‘We’ll wake up one day, and it’ll become clear that Democrats can’t win,’ says Tom Pepinsky, a political scientist at Cornell University. … Many elite Democrats are fully aware of the problem. Some, like Sen. Raphael Warnock (GA) and the activist group Indivisible, have worked to try to sound the alarm. But at the very highest levels of the party, democracy has become something of a side issue rather than a top priority. … Republicans, at both the elite and mass public level, are actively organizing against democracy — with largely ineffectual pushback from Democratic elites and partisans. There is no evidence of a mass movement to save democracy in America today.”

Add to this my recent post, and the trend is clear. No one — especially dumbass Democrats — cares that America’s democracy is dying. So, whatever. I can only b*tch for so long. Rip the band-aid off quickly already. I’d rather have one swift coup de grâce than this insufferable drip, drip, drip where nobody sees democracy slipping around them, or they do see yet react with an “eh” and a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Sixty percent of Americans are going to wake up one day with their most cherished freedoms and way of life annulled. Then, all of a sudden, they will care, but it’ll be too late. Welcome to stupid America!

Human Turtle Checkmates Democrats

America avoids default, but McConnell won the battle and soon to be the war as The Hill writes, “The Senate on Thursday voted to approve a one-time exemption to the filibuster on raising the debt ceiling, capping off a months-long fight over the nation’s borrowing limit.” At the time, I was perplexed why McConnell backed down from his threat not to help Democrats avoid default last October. It made no sense to me from a man who has spent his career destroying Senate norms and the country in the process. Allowing the nation to default on its debt would merely be one more step toward that end while he could blame Democrats, and dumbass Democrats would take the blame because Americans are too stupid to understand the machinations of the opposition party and the workings of government, although they like to b*tch about it as if they did understand. Voters still believe that since Democrats only technically control the White House and both chambers of Congress then they somehow have total control. (They don’t!) But I digress.

Then it occurred to me, belatedly, as other news has dominated over the last week. This was McConnell’s masterstroke, and I promise what he allowed to happen will come back to bit dumbass Democrats in the ass because I also promise they have missed this point! What is the point, you may be asking? Democrats made a carve-out to suspend the filibuster. This is the same process dumbass Democrats have been reluctant to exercise to pass every other piece of important legislation. Curiously, has anybody noticed McConnell’s silence on changing the Senate rules to suspend the filibuster to raise the debt ceiling? Whereas McConnell warned Democrats not to tamper with the filibuster when it comes to voting rights legislation, among others, he nodded his approval in the case of the debt ceiling. Do you really think this was out of the goodness of his heart? His concern for America’s economy? No! This is a strategic move more than anything. Democrats have now set the precedent to suspend the filibuster rule to pass legislation! And once RepubliKKKlans retake the White House and Congress, McConnell will use this precedent to suspend the filibuster for all manner of legislation while arguing because the Democrats did it then he can too. And I promise that dumbass Democrats are completely clueless about the set of circumstances they have unleashed. They probably think McConnell is a man of honor. This only reinforces what I have been saying about the weak Democratic Party: Once they broke the filibuster rule cherry then they would be too feckless to actually use it. This is a perfect case in point. While dumbass Democrats believe this was a one-time exception to prevent America from defaulting on its debt, RepubliKKKlans see this as the open door for which they have been waiting! Therein lies thier victory! Congratulations RepubliKKKlans! The country will be completely yours after the 2024 elections and democracy will be officially dead. Welcome to stupid America! The end!

One Poll That Says It All

CNN/SSRS Poll — August 03, 2021 to September 07, 2021

The poll results above show that the case is closed! American democracy is dead and dumbass Democrats, with their apathy, are helping RepubliKKKlans to kill it. I have seen no other poll results evince more alarm than the ones above. I should not be surprised, for the numbers only reinforce that which I have been saying for many months now. Dumbass Democrats just don’t get it and they don’t care. Their apathy and blindness are killing the country, and Democrats leaderships’ failure to stir the anger and fear of their base is also to blame. How the f*** can we ever hope to save our country when most Democrats think our democracy is not under attack? Tell me! How? How can the “nothing to see here” party ever hope to retain power if the bedazzled Democratic masses believe the ongoing RepubliKKKlan coup is nothing more than a test? Or worse still — over! One can see how and why RepubliKKKlans are going to steal the next election; they think their version of “American democracy” is under threat, and if I thought my version of democracy was under attack (which it is) then I would be up in arms too. But what political force do we have to counter RepubliKKKlans? Democrats! Democrats who think everything is fine. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t with the stupid and the apathy and the blindness. As I have said at almost every chance I get — RepubliKKKlans are killing our country and dumbass Democrats are letting them do it. Oh, well. I give up. The stupid runs deep and cannot be reversed. Welcome to stupid America!

The Fall of Ukraine

One word: Anschluss! (For the morons out there: Read Me!) In short, Ukraine is f***ed with much thanks to a weakened America. Look, f***tards! Recall that Putin annexed Crimea and invaded Eastern Ukraine in 2014, and there were no consequences because that’s what democracies do best: Appease dictators ala Hitler in 1936 (the Rhineland) and 1938 (Anschluss and the Sudetenland) and 1939 (the rest of Czechoslovakia). Putin invaded and continues to occupy parts of Eastern Ukraine because it was once part of Mother Russia. Oh sure, there were some stupid sanctions against Russia, but they seemed to be just enough of a deterrent seven years later for Putin to build up an army poised to invade the rest of Ukraine. Putin would love nothing more than to make the rest of Ukraine part of his Russian Empire. This is history duplicating itself. America and other European democracies may be wringing their hands as they announce “stern” warnings about “severe consequences,” which Putin will ignore because he knows they are empty threats. Of course, MSM analysts provide worthless insight. I heard one “expert” claim the military buildup was just Putin seeking attention from the other major world players. OMG! Seriously?!?! Putin is amassing the largest escalation of military forces gathered on Ukraine’s borders because he feels like the overlooked, under-appreciated pretty girl that no one wants to dance with at Homecoming? Are you f***ing kidding me!?!? Can we just interpret the situation with the forthrightness it deserves? Invasion is imminent. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best one. Putin is willing to risk invasion because he knows the consequences — there won’t be any. America nor NATO will come to the defense of Ukraine because they fear war, so the bully will keep on bullying. What former Eastern Bloc country will Putin invade next? This is his chance. America has never been so divided since the Civil War, so naturally, half of Americans will support Putin because Biden opposes him. What better gift can Putin wish for? A country at war with itself that has no time nor interest in “another European conflict.” The once hawkish RepubliKKKlan Party has turned isolationist under traitor trump’s influence and dumbass Democrats — well, enough said about that! So, America is MIA when it comes to defending democracy around the world (e.g., Hong Kong, Afghanistan) because we can’t even protect our own republic from ourselves. This is what happens with a diminishing superpower because it has become increasingly super-stupid — other countries take advantage. Fan-f***ing-tastic. Welcome to stupid America!

SCOTUS Will Kill Roe — Don’t Believe the Pundits Who Say Otherwise

After today’s arguments before SCOTUS on the matter of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, there will be many prognosticators trying to divine the meaning of the give-and-take among justices during questioning. To all that, I say rubbish; one need only count heads and look to the Texas abortion law. Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch are votes locked in to overturn Roe, without question. In fact, I have no doubt they already drafted their opinions before today’s oral arguments, for they have long since justified their reasoning years ago. And do not be fooled by Kavanaugh and Barret! They now have the power to kill Roe, and they will do so after some superficial “wrangling” with their conscience over the law and stare decisis. So, that creates the requisite five-member majority. Roberts will go no further than upholding the Mississippi law. He’s more of a kill Roe by a thousand cuts (or opinions) type of guy. And I don’t care what pundits are saying about how they think the Court will try to thread the needle; that is to say, keep Roe but weaken it. Those people are morons and have not been paying attention to this entire decades-long saga, not just today’s oral arguments. To be sure, today was catastrophic for women’s rights.

The real question, however, is why would the justices wait to overturn Roe, given a chance before them right now? Indeed, they have no need to wait. Let’s game this out for a second. If there is any aspect of Roe or Casey, more specifically, that may save abortion rights in the current SCOTUS term, it is the notion of fetal viability, which is currently around 24 weeks. Let us say Roberts is angling votes to arrive at a majority that upholds the Mississippi law — abortion ban after 15 weeks — while keeping Roe technically intact. Immediately, the viability standard, which has been the law of the land for 30 years, goes right out the window in favor of some arbitrary standard (i.e., 15 weeks). What then prevents another state from passing another arbitrary standard of 12 weeks or six weeks? Oh, wait. Isn’t there already a state that bans abortions after six weeks? Which one could that be? Texas, perhaps?

And that brings me to my earlier point: No need to divine what the justices might do; merely look to what they have already done! They allowed the Texas law, with a 6-week ban, to go and remain in effect for months while working through their state of flummox by a law anointing citizen-vigilante litigators. Their actions — or lack thereof — are more telling than their interrogatories during oral arguments. This is a classic case of believing what they do, not what they say. For instance, with the Texas lawsuit, SCOTUS would typically hold the status quo while allowing such a novel legal case to work its way through the lower courts, but they did not do that. No! Instead, they effectively allowed a total ban on abortions in Texas to become law. At the same time, they ponder “interesting legal questions” such as having the Texas legislature rely upon citizens to enforce a law that abridges a person’s constitutional rights. Indeed, “how interesting” and convenient! Oh, no. Let’s not protect a person’s constitutional rights first and foremost while we think; we’ll just kill your rights in the meantime and then let you know later if you get those rights back. Apparently, the 6-week standard is really the newly accepted threshold.

Given that most women don’t even know they are pregnant until week four or later if they have irregular menstruation cycles, the 6-week ban is effectively a full-on ban. In which case, why stop there? Why not take the short leap of making an abortion ban in effect be an abortion ban in law? I’m not going to split hairs by predicting a ruling where they gut Roe but keep it in name only. I say they will completely overturn Roe, arguing that it was a case wrongly decided 50 years ago. I think they’re already there! Now, they just need to type it up, format it, and hit print. Oh, well. Elections have consequences, and dumbass Democrats are the last ones to understand that. The countdown begins! Mark my words, morons! Nothing matters anymore. Your rights will be next, so be careful what you wish for and what rights you cherish. America is literally going backward with our rights. And welcome to stupid f***ing America!

I Just Love Chauncey DeVega

He writes in Salon, “Democrats are being encircled by a radicalized Republican Party increasingly committed to fascism. Instead of organizing their forces and launching a coordinated counterattack, the Democrats are fighting many battles at once — and losing most of them. … The Republican fascists and larger ‘conservative’ movement are continuing their ‘culture war’ attacks. Their newest weapon is the right-wing moral panic about ‘critical race theory,’ against which Democrats have been largely defenseless. … The Republican fascist movement is successfully attacking truth and reality, and once again, liberals and progressives have no remotely equivalent propaganda machine. … Instead of leading a counterattack and rallying his supporters, Joe Biden has sought consensus. This may be a historically dreadful decision. … As shown by their behavior and language, Republicans and their supporters are prepared to fight a life-and-death battle to end multiracial democracy in America. In response, Democrats are giving stern lectures about proper comportment and the importance of so-called democratic institutions. It would be laughable if it were not tragic. … Democrats and many of their supporters, along with the mainstream news media, consistently underestimate the extreme danger to American society posed by right-wing militias and the larger ‘Patriot’ movement. … Liberal Democrats in particular are extremely invested in presenting an image of, ‘We’re going to just keep going on. Everything’s just going to keep working the way it always has.’ I’m here to tell you that normal is gone and it is not coming back for a really long time. And it will not come back until we recognize that we have this powerful force attacking our democratic institutions and basically the heart of what America is. We can’t fight it if we don’t recognize it. … I am of the mind that that [sic] there has to be some kind of world-shaking tragedy for the American people to wake up. Even then I am not sure such a horrible thing would be enough to wake people up. Here in this country we have developed an incredible reflex for normalizing the crises and dangers.”

DeVega is one of the few progressive writers who actually gets it! I quoted only a small portion of a much lengthier article, but I encourage you to read it in its entirety. No truer words have ever been written. He actually understands the threats to America’s democracy which includes Democrats’ incompetence. And he understands how dumbass Democrats are just as much of a menace as RepubliKKKlans because they are blind to the conservatism scourge killing (literally and not) America. I especially appreciated how he called out progressives for expecting a return to normal. Again, a state of affairs I have long said is never going to happen; normal is gone for good. But leave it to dumbass Democrats to be thinking about yester-year while RepubliKKKlans plan for the future — an America without a democracy. Needless to say, we are f***ed! Americans are too stupid. Dumbass Democrats are too clueless and too weak. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are too strong and relentless. Oh, well! I’ve been saying it for several months now, but it is the countdown to the end of democracy for these reasons. Mark my words, f***tards! Whatever! I give up! Welcome to stupid America!

Like I Said, America Is Too Stupid to Survive

From The Washington Post, “A year after local and state election officials came under immense pressure from Trump to subvert the results of the 2020 White House race, he and his supporters are pushing an ambitious plan to place Trump loyalists in key positions across the administration of U.S. elections. The effort goes far beyond the former president’s public broadsides against well-known Republican state officials who certified President Biden’s victory, such as Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey. Citing the need to make elections more secure, Trump allies are also seeking to replace officials across the nation, including volunteer poll watchers, paid precinct judges, elected county clerks and state attorneys general, according to state and local officials, as well as rally speeches, social media posts and campaign appearances by those seeking the positions. If they succeed, Trump and his allies could pull down some of the guardrails that prevented him from overturning Biden’s win by creating openings to challenge the results next time, election officials and watchdog groups say.”

So, this is a foregone conclusion because RepubliKKKlans will get away with their nefarious plans, and dumbass Democrats, as usual, will be entirely caught off guard as they naively expect and rely upon the average citizen always to do the right thing and care. Not! If there is one truism about Americans, it is that they are completely apathetic about politics. Once again, and as always, dumbass Democrats just don’t f***ing get it! They just have no clue how to fight, where the battlefield is, or who the enemy is. Dominating election boards and the local election process in key swing states is how RepubliKKKlans will steal elections (i.e., our democracy), thereby achieving permanent power, while Democrats will give it to them on a silver platter. We get the government we deserve, so get ready, f***tards! Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!

America’s Death Spiral — No One Cares

From CBS News, “The United States has joined an annual list of ‘backsliding’ democracies for the first time, the International IDEA think-tank said on Monday, pointing to a ‘visible deterioration’ that it said began in 2019. … ‘The United States is a high-performing democracy, and even improved its performance in indicators of impartial administration (corruption and predictable enforcement) in 2020. However, the declines in civil liberties and checks on government indicate that there are serious problems with the fundamentals of democracy,’ Alexander Hudson, a co-author of the report, told AFP. … ‘The visible deterioration of democracy in the United States, as seen in the increasing tendency to contest credible election results, the efforts to suppress participation (in elections), and the runaway polarization… is one of the most concerning developments,’ said International IDEA secretary-general Kevin Casas-Zamora.” This is catastrophic news, but don’t worry. No one cares, least of all Americans!

I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to keep repeating myself. I guess until it is no longer legal to criticize the government. But America is doomed, and Americans are too stupid to see the writing on the wall. Moreover, dumbass Democrats are too f***ing weak to stop the tide of fascism because they are a worthless political party that just doesn’t get it! They always wrongly assume, first and foremost, American citizens are savvy enough and engaged enough to save themselves from their own apathy. News flash, f***tards: Americans are not. They never will be. Sure, they seem to manage to get their lazy asses out every four years to vote for the right president half the time, but as for every other election? They don’t care, which provides RepubliKKKlans the perfect opportunity to destroy America’s democracy. Dumbass Democrats will oblige the traitor party through their pure political incompetence and apathy. It’s been forty years in the making since Reagan. This is what Americans want, as every election Democrats lose — from the Virginia gubernatorial race to local school boards — only solidifies RepubliKKKlan dominance. So be careful what you wish for because you just might get it! Whatever! I give up! I live in stupid hell! If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: America is simply too stupid to survive. Make way — dead democracy walking! Welcome to stupid America!