They’re All F***ing Traitors, Every Last One of Them!

Of course, it’s all true: “John Bolton details a troubling and shocking series of allegations in a new book about his tenure as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, alleging Trump requested Chinese help to win the 2020 election, that the President argued Venezuela is part of the US, that he casually offered to intervene in the criminal justice system for foreign leaders and that his own senior officials mocked him behind his back.” But wait! There is more: “‘I don’t think he’s fit for office. I don’t think he has the competence to carry out the job. There really isn’t any guiding principle that I was able to discern other than “What’s good for Donald Trump’s reelection,”’ Bolton said in a promotional clip of the interview, which is set to air in full on Sunday.” Thanks, Bolton for absolutely nothing, a**hole! Profits over people, as always. Wait for the book he said rather than willing to testify in the impeachment inquiry.

Every traitor trump supporter. Every traitor trump enabler. Every MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil evangelical. Every cabinet member and every person working in the administration. Every former member and every would-be member of the administration. Every witness to traitor trump’s crimes who remains silent. From Bolton to Mueller, who failed in his investigation and testimony to hold traitor trump accountable for his actions, are all f***ing G.D. traitors to America of the highest f***ing order. Clearly, people in traitor trump’s own administration believe he is unfit for the office, yet they do nothing. Traitor trump has not been removed! Alas, none of these revelations matter. None of them. Is anyone really surprised at this point? No one cares anymore. Stupid America just doesn’t f***ing care for whatever reason — exhausted, apathetic, distracted, enthralled, lazy, stupid, resigned.

It has been nearly four years of one continuous display of an incompetent and stupid president, who precisely reflects America’s own incompetence and stupidity writ large. Traitor trump has been an open book from day one! He laid everything out for all to see the moment he descended the escalator (and well before, in fact). He has always shown himself to be a vile, wicked, stupid, incompetent, selfish, ridiculous con man, and America still voted for him! To this day, traitor trump’s job approval rating is incapable of falling below 40%. Forty! F***ing! G.D.! Percent! No matter what he does. No matter how much the country descends into chaos, death, and self-destruction, at least 40% of the country loves him for it. I can’t! I just can’t f***ing take stupid America anymore. Just when I think I could not possibly wake up to a more idiotic country, something proves me wrong. How can America survive? Seriously? How can a 40% divergence in any system be sustainable? Pundits, scholars, and newspapers, among others, have all warned that traitor trump is killing America’s democracy. He certainly is … and no one seems to care. God bless the BLM protests, but Americans should be in the streets for what traitor trump has done (is doing) to America! Rise up America! It’s only our democracy at stake! Welcome to trump stupid America.

LGBTQ: Now Only 10% Second Class Citizens

According to The Hill, “Gorsuch wrote in the 6-3 decision that the prohibition against discrimination on the basis of ‘sex’ in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act also applies to gay and transgender employees.” Well, well, well. I was wrong and I’m shocked, like many other more scholarly legal pundits. This ruling is, indeed, not only a surprise in the verdict itself but also in the split (6-3). I have not yet read the opinion; I’ve read only the highlights quoted in news articles. Needless to say, this is, by all accounts, a sweeping legal decision the LGBTQ community has been waiting for to protect against discrimination in the workplace (from the other half of states). It is a huge victory, more so than the marriage equality decision. It must be a relief for LGBTQ individuals to finally wake up and feel closer to getting out of second class citizenship status. Just to be clear. Gay and transgender people are still not 100% protected. LGBTQ people may not be fired from their job and they may be able to get married, but they may still be denied service or housing or unable to order a wedding cake! Whether this legal decision is used as a credible legal argument to expand protections against discrimination of the LGBTQ community in other areas of society remains to be seen.

Yet! (There is always a but.) Do understand that this decision is one based on a reading of federal statute, not the Constitution. While marriage equality was determined to be a Constitutionally guaranteed right, this decision regarding Title VII does not equate to a reading of the Constitution that guarantees equality of the LGBTQ community more generally. It is a not-so-subtle distinction, but an important one nonetheless. I read several news articles on this SCOTUS ruling looking for a ceratin caveat, and only The Hill pointed out that which I was seeking: “And while Gorsuch sided with LGBT advocates on Monday, he left the door open for employers to make faith-based challenges to the court’s ruling on Title VII protections.” And so here is the new battle line. Whereas LGBTQ haters used to claim they had the law on their side when discriminating, now they will argue a religious exemption. And may I remind the reader that a religious exemption is particularly troublesome because SCOTUS has already determined that it is unwilling and incapable of second-guessing one’s religious beliefs: “Whether a religious belief is true or false is irrelevant to a judicial determination, as long as the belief is sincerely held.” That is to say, one can claim the First Amendment right of religious freedom to discriminate against an LGBTQ individual without any sort of religious dogma to support such a stance. One need not have to say my Evil Evangelical beliefs prevent me from treating all people equally. One need only say my “religion” dictates that gay people are lesser and should be discriminated against. So, get ready for managers and companies making ridiculous claims of “but my religion.” Everyone will hide behind their “religion.” Of course, slavery used to be justified with religion and the Bible until the Thirteenth Amendment. It all comes back to the Constitution — that messy, flawed document, in particular, the religious clause of the First Amendment and the Second Amendment in its entirety.

Why All QAnon and Evil Evangelicals Should Be Immediately Executed!

From Salon, “Although QAnon isn’t known for being a religious movement per se, The Atlantic’s Adrienne LaFrance has reported on QAnon-minded churches being developed. And Kristian predicts that QAnon will grow as a religious sect. ‘The church of QAnon may be a portent of things to come,’ Kristian writes. ‘Traditional religiosity is declining in America, but humanity will not cease to be religious. It will merely diversify its sources of increasingly customized religiosity. From lapsed evangelicals, as many QAnon adherents seem to be, to religiously unaffiliated “nones,” people crave the community, meaning and purpose church provides — even if they abandon or reject its teachings.’ Kristian notes the similarities between QAnon’s views and the views of end-time Christian fundamentalists, who have an obsession with the apocalypse.”

This level of stupidity cannot — must not— be allowed to survive. Kill them all before it’s too late for America! Oh, who the f*** am I kidding? It was too late the second traitor trump was elected, but no one believes me and no one will until more people die because of traitor trump’s incompetence. For some, it will never be enough dead because those MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals will always think the “right” people (a.k.a. anyone but themselves) are dying. Welcome to trump stupid America. The country is just simply beyond fixing at this point. Morons got us to this place and there is no returning because welcome to stupid America!

Please, by All Means: Die!

Politico reports, “The Trump campaign has an order from the president: Find a way to get him back on the road and into mega-rallies to re-energize his base.” Oh, I can’t f***ing wait for these MAGA moron and evil Evangelical super-spreader events! Oh, please, please, please! I would love to see these MAGA rallies again. The sooner the better! The more RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals that come together, contract SARS 2, and die then the better! Oh, please! I beg these f***tards to cram together yelling at the tops of their lungs and spread SARS 2 to everyone else at the rally. I hope they die! If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times before that the only way Democrats are going to win is if MAGA morons die!

And traitor trump is getting ready to hit the road. Can one say hydroxychloroquine?!?! To all those f***tards who think traitor trump is lying about taking the drug: they are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order. OMG! I can’t. Listening even to liberals confidentially claim that traitor trump is lying about taking hydroxychloroquine as a distraction to everything else traitor trump is f***ing up only confirms to me that they still fail to understand the Idiot-in-Chief after all this time, which is why some liberal talk show hosts still believe he is going to quit before his term is up. OMG. Kill! Me! Now! Granted he lies as he breathes, but still, it is — should be — possible by now to discern when he is actually telling the truth. This is one such instance. Of course, he’s taking hydroxychloroquine! Of course, he is! Because he’s scared to death of getting SARS 2 and he is his own expert doctor, so, of course, he’s taking an unproven drug because no expert is going to advise him on the truth. He’s the smartest guy in the room — on the planet. So, naturally, he’s on the drug.

Moreover, now that he thinks he’s completely immune from catching the disease because he’s on hydroxychloroquine then he wants his rallies back. He has nothing to worry about and he couldn’t care less about the health and well-being of his supporters, so he wants those MAGA rallies! Now! And he’ll be holding them by next month because he’s a f***tard and his supporters are f***tards, too. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to trump stupid America!

An Outlier Poll but Still Directionally a Huge Worry

From The Hill, “A poll conducted by SSRS of 15 battleground states found former Vice President Joe Biden trailing President Trump.” That even one poll as an outlier has traitor trump ahead in so many states in the midst of the American pandemic disaster is just more f***ing proof that I wake up every day in the dumbest m*****f***ing G.D. country on the planet. F*** it! F*** it all. If Americans haven’t yet figured out that anybody would be better than traitor trump then I give up. It’s all dumb all the time here. No one cares until it’s all over — no more ACA, women as second class citizens, white supremacy as the new national ethos, Evil Evangelicals setting the national morality. It doesn’t matter. It’s already over because Americans are morons. Welcome to trump stupid America. Only in America does a president lose the national popular vote and still win. No one cares that the minority rules over the majority election after election!

Literally, More Conservatives Need to Die Quickly!

In Salon, “Leaked White House data shows infections spiking more than 1,000% in rural areas that backed Trump. … The top 10 cities in the report, which was produced on May 7, saw cases increases by more than 72% over seven days. Some areas, like St. Louis and Central City, Ky., saw cases skyrocket by 650% over that span. St. Cloud, Minn., saw cases increase by more than 400%. Other cities like Gainesville, Ga., Racine, Wisc., and Nashville saw increases of more than 100% over a single week.” Perhaps the only way Democrats can win the next presidential election is if enough MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans die because Lord knows none of these f***tards will stop supporting traitor trump otherwise, no matter how incompetent his handling of SARS 2. At the moment, traitor trump supporters think all the right people are dying from the pandemic, namely black, brown, old, and poor people! Well, I say that not enough RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and Evil Evangelicals are dying from SARS 2. Please, by all means, I encourage all these f***tards to attend church, MAGA rallies, NASCAR, WWE, anti-lockdown protests, etc. Let the trailer trash die! I pray for their deaths! Let us not forget that hating these people is like hating cancer! It is morally equivalent. Welcome to trump stupid America.

America Is Simply Too Stupid to Survive

According to Vox, “At the event, Trump is likely to continue working to convince Americans that the worst of the coronavirus pandemic is already in the rear-view mirror. He has consistently done so, recently encouraging protesters agitating against stay-at-home orders, and saying last week, ‘I am very much in favor of what they’re doing,’ referring to governors moving to reopen businesses. He’s declared ‘we’re opening our country again’ and proclaimed the country will be ready for any second wave of coronavirus that might arise in the fall or winter. But the US is not even close to being through the first wave. Not a single state has met a key reopening criterion identified by the White House coronavirus task force: a steady 14-day decline in new cases.” Of course, nothing really matters when America is simply too stupid to survive this. It only takes a small minority (aka MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals) to resist science and social distancing in order to perpetuate the spread of SARS 2. This pandemic is not a matter of most people needing to follow guidelines — everyone needs to do so and that just isn’t going to happen in the country of “me, me, me.” So get ready, f***tards. Things are about to get worse. Much, much worse. Mark my words! Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s all stupid all the time!

The M*****f***ing Dumbest Country on the Planet: America

According to USA Today, “After President Donald Trump wondered Thursday about possibly injecting disinfectants into people infected with the coronavirus, ‘Tide Pods’ and other household cleaners began trending on Twitter. ‘And then I saw the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way we could do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning,’ the president said during his White House press briefing. ‘As you see it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.’ Afterwards, Bill Bryan, an undersecretary of science and technology at the Department of Homeland Security, clarified that that wasn’t possible and said, ‘We don’t do that within that lab, at our labs.’ However, Trump replied: ‘maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work.’”

And this from The Hill, “‘So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn’t been checked but you’re going to test it,’ Trump said. ‘And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting.’” Clearly, the most trump stupid things ever said by anyone — ever! This is completely consistent with then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s “explosive” comment wherein he called traitor trump a “fucking moron.” Yup! Everyone has known it for years, except of course all of traitor trump’s supporters because there is only one way such morons can look up to that f***tard president and think he’s a stable genius: RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals are dumber than he is, which is precisely the level of stupidity that pervades America! We need a Tiergartenstraße 4 program!

And traitor trump is the Idiot-in-Chief where over 40% of Americans think he is doing a good job. I f***ing give up! Please, by all means, let every RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, and evil Evangelical drink bleach to kill SARS 2. I! Can’t! Take! This! F***tarded! Country! Anymore! The fact that this country of idiots elected traitor trump as president is so f***ing embarrassing. Hello, traitor trump supporters! Please, go kill yourselves! Welcome to trump stupid America! Dumber by the day! I can’t wait for the same morons of America to re-elect this f***tard. Mark my words!

Einsatzgruppen for RepubliKKKlans et al.

Reporting from CNN, “Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina and Florida — all states with Republican governors — have announced plans to roll back social distancing measures over the next few weeks. According to public health experts and institutions, including the WHO and CDC, social distancing is already the absolute baseline when it comes to facing down a deadly and highly contagious disease. We really need the mass manufacture of tests and the attendant supplies necessary to test, not to mention adequate tracking and treatment. Plus, of course, actual widespread testing.” We need the Einsatzgruppen to exterminate RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil Evangelicals, and protesters because their SARS 2 beliefs and actions are going to kill us all! Welcome to trump stupid America. The f***tards of America elected a moron as president and this what we get. All any person with a brain needed to do was pay attention to traitor trump for the 18+ months during the presidential campaign to understand he is a complete fraud and moron. Yet stupid America voted for him anyway, so I say it’s time to start culling the herd of dumb people!