What F***tards Didn’t See This Coming?

From Vox, “The Covid-19 outbreak, however, is a reminder that it remains a scary world and that the American government deals with a lot of important, complicated challenges that aren’t particularly ideological in nature. And we have no reason to believe the current president is up to the job. Trump not only hasn’t personally involved himself in the details of coronavirus response (apparently too busy pardoning former Celebrity Apprentice guests), he also hasn’t designated anyone to be in charge.” So, the f***tards of America elect a moron to be the president who is incompetent at his job (yet half of America thinks he’s doing a good job) and when a real global crisis emerges, what happens? Traitor trump shrugs at the problem expecting everyone else to fix it. Hasn’t that always been his M.O. — just blame everybody else. Expect everyone else to fix things; it’s never his fault nor his problem. Un-f***ing-believable. He’s so f***ing clueless! A f***ing clueless president for a f***ing clueless nation. His comments on the crisis include the following:

I think that whole situation will start working out. We’re very close to a vaccine. (Not even close!)

It looks like they’re getting it under control, more and more, they’re getting more and more under control. So I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away. ( Gibberish! Magically go away?!?!)

I had a long talk with President Xi — for the people in this room — two nights ago, and he feels very confident. He feels very confident. And he feels that, again, as I mentioned, by April or during the month of April, the heat, generally speaking, kills this kind of virus. So that would be a good thing. But we’re in great shape in our country. (More gibberish! The heat?!?! Apparently, 98.6 degrees doesn’t kill the virus, nor the 100+ degrees the body generates in an attempt to kill the virus. Biology 101.)

The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me! (And still more gibberish! And the market promptly tanked for the second day in a row after this comment. That’s the only thing traitor trump is truly worried about — the stock market.)

I guess Americans just want to be lied to because they keep falling for all the Idiot-in-Chief’s crap. Time after time it is all one big continuous lie and no cares because his job approval rating is near an all-time high. Americans want to be delusional. They want to be lied to; they don’t care that they’re being lied to; they just want to hear what they want to hear, and traitor trump is more than willing to do exactly that! Traitor trump says everything is fine and all of his MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil Evangelical followers believe him. Welcome to stupid America!

Traitor trump is the f***tard Americans wanted to “fix” America, so I say fine. Let it all fail. Seriously! I am so f***ing over idiots in America electing other morons to f*** everything up. So, let people die. Who cares? No one cares! MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelical love him more the more America descends into chaos, despair, and disaster. It’s what they love. F***! Evil Evangelicals want the end of the world. Who knows? This could be it! Welcome to stupid, stupid America. Get your face masks now! (That’s not going to help, but go ahead and waste the money! You can’t take it with you!)

Of Course, SCOTUS Will

From Slate, “On Monday morning, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority escalated its crusade to legalize anti-LGBTQ discrimination under the First Amendment. The court agreed to hear a challenge to a Philadelphia policy that bars the referral of foster children to religious agencies that won’t work with same-sex couples. It also announced that it will consider granting religious individuals, groups, and businesses a First Amendment right to exempt themselves from certain laws, like nondiscrimination measures, by citing their religious beliefs. When SCOTUS hears the case next term, it could give people, organizations, and corporations a constitutional right to discriminate when they say their faith demands it.”

Of course, SCOTUS will condone legalized LGBTQ discrimination in the name of “religious freedom” because this is stupid racist, bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic America. Now that there is a firmly conservative majority on SCOTUS, get used to minorities, especially LGBTQ persons, being legally discriminated against because everything will be the “religious freedom” argument. Slavery used to be condoned based on religious beliefs. Will we go back to that standard? No, but being homophobic is alive and well in America and about to be legalized! Because once this bridge has been crossed then it’s no holds barred. I hate America! Every RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, and evil Evangelical should be shot! Congratulations to all those f***tard Log Cabin RepubliKKKlans. Those people should be shot first! Welcome to stupid America!

What’s the Worry?

From CNN, “Stock markets are falling around the world after the number of coronavirus cases surged in Italy and South Korea, putting two more major economies at risk from a virus that has already caused widespread disruption in China.” What’s the worry? The coronavirus is only just as deadly as the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919. “It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States,” according to the CDC. Of course, given an economics/market standpoint, the “worry” is about consumption and profits. God forbid the worry be about a massive loss of human life. The only thing the markets are worried about is the ability of this pandemic to shift the timing of consumption — to realize profits sooner rather than later. That’s it! Like a loaded spring, people will bounce back to the malls, airports, restaurants, hair salons, factories, and exotic wild animal meat markets once the emergency passes with months of wealth sitting in their bank accounts eager to be spent. LOL. Trust me when I say economists aren’t worried about the mortality of the disease; they’re worried about people’s unwillingness to consume today because of the virus. That’s all!

Now, if only the coronavirus could target MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals then the world would be a much better place.

He’s Right for a Reason: The Economy, Stupid!

From Raw Story, “MSNBC was harshly criticized on Saturday for their coverage of the 2020 Nevada Caucuses. In one segment, James Carville blasted Nevada voters who backed Bernie Sanders. Anchor Nicolle Wallace said it sounds like ‘political suicide’ and anchor Chris Matthews compared it to France falling to the Nazis in World War II.” Look! I know people think Carville is some ancient political hack from the ’90s, but I think he has a very keen sense of the larger political landscape of America. He has long been right about “The economy, Stupid!” It always has been and it always will be about the economy, and that includes the American love affair with capitalism, predatory capitalism, and disaster capitalism. If there is one thing Americans love more than anything else is the delusion of succeeding by giving to the rich while f***ing the poor. (For most of the masses, it’s about the economy — for RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals it’s still about bigotry, racism, and other hatreds.) As long as someone can look down on the person underneath them to raise themselves up then Americans are happy! Mark my words, morons. There are simply not enough voters outside the Democratic Party (and within even) that will vote for Sanders over traitor trump while at the same time not enrage even more nonvoters to actually vote for traitor trump. No one is going to rock the boat on this economy especially with talk of socialism even though most people are too stupid to understand more socialism is the right thing to do for Americans! Welcome to stupid America!

If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times: America is not going to whip-saw from a constant 40-year trend of a widening wealth gap (thanks to Reagan) to a sudden egalitarian society based on the ideals of socialism. Even though America was born on the back of revolution, Americans are not revolutionary — sadly! I’m still on the side of burning it all the f*** down, but I’m also practical; I understand that America is not there and never will be! Things will go on, worsening by one election after another because America is just too f***ing stupid. Traitor trump is the tipping point from which America cannot — will not — recover. What the morons have not realized yet is that traitor trump broke this country and continues to break it further for good. Not only has he created a cult of personality that can only be broken by wholesale extermination of his followers from society (i.e., life), but the RepubliKKKlan Party has cemented its ability to entrench itself into all the critical parts of power, namely the Senate and the Judiciary. We will be living with the consequences of this administration for at least a couple of generations. Mark my words, f***tards. And no one f***ing cares!

Disclaimer: As usual, I feel I must mention that Raw Story is not journalism, so I reference it sparingly, but there are articles that perfectly capture my thoughts, feelings, and ire even though at times it seems the site is subtlely trolling progressives because I constantly see advertisements for traitor trump and MAGA moron merchandise, but whatever!

It’s All a Scheiße Show

CNN reports, “President Donald Trump bemoaned this year’s Academy Award winner for best picture, ‘Parasite,’ on Thursday because it’s a South Korean film.” Yep, yep. It’s all a f***ing Scheiße show! That’s all this presidency is: a reality TV show that Americans just love to watch. Who cares about what film won? Oh, that’s right — morons do! They love his shtick, especially on topics about xenophobia, jingoism, and white nationalism! MAGA morons, RepibliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals just love the Scheiße show! Americans love the Scheiße show because this is stupid America. This is reality TV every day, all day. Traitor trump is more concerned about his crowd sizes and conducting Nuremberg rally events than he is about running the government. And Americans love it. They love it so much that they will happily re-elect traitor trump to a second term. Mark my words, morons. No one is truly interested in what traitor trump is actually doing or not doing, for if they were then his job approval rating would be in the 30s just like it was when the morons of America were paying attention as traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans tried to repeal America’s health care. So, now they’ve stopped paying attention and are simply enjoying the Scheiße show. Welcome to stupid America where people must be entertained all the time. Forget about thinking! Entertain me!

We’re F***ed!

According to Politico, “He was rusty. He was testy. He was out of touch. And, for a candidate often shielded by the scripted one-liners of killer campaign advisers, he was on his own — unable to hide his peevish demeanor and unable to portray himself, as his campaign has tried to do, as the clear choice to stop Bernie Sanders and beat Donald Trump.” Surely, I thought to myself, Bloomberg is smart enough and accomplished enough not to risk the hundreds of millions of dollars invested in his campaign. Surely, he takes this run for president seriously enough to prepare for a very predictable night of personal and professional attacks. Surely, he would have the capacity to reflect and conduct some self-critical evaluation in advance to anticipate how others will come at him. Surely, Bloomberg knows all these things and more given his success. Surely, he practiced at least a little bit of debate. Surely, surely, surely! Surely, I was wrong. Un-f***ing-believable. WTF!?!? Seriously! I mean f***ing seriously! Did Bloomberg really think he could just wing it?

To be fair, traitor trump has been winging it for his entire life and look at him now. I guess winging it is perfect for stupid America! We are so f***ed! I have no f***ing hope left — and I had very little to start. Americans are not going to elect a woman or a gay guy or a socialist or a Jew as president. But dumbass Democrats are more than willing to nominate one as their presidential candidate. Mark my words, morons. America is not the f***ing shining city on a hill; it is just as racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and homophobic as everyone imagines it to be. Welcome to four more years of traitor trump, f***tards. This is MAGA moron country! This is a country commanded by the RepubliKKKlan minority. This is evil Evangelical country where that 15% of the population dictates our national laws and mores (for those idiots out there the pronunciation is môrāz). Welcome to stupid America!

The Daytona 500

From CNN, “President Donald Trump on Sunday welcomed NASCAR fans to the start of this year’s Daytona 500 with a lap around the Florida race track in his presidential limousine. … Considered the Super Bowl of stock car racing, the Daytona 500 has served as the NASCAR season opener since 1982. The 200-lap, 500-mile-long race will feature 40 drivers on the track of the Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Florida.” Oh, yes. NASCAR is the “sport” of MAGA morons because it’s the only event simple enough for MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals to understand — cars driving around in circles hundreds of times hoping for a crash. Welcome to stupid America where the examples are endless!

Lawlessness and More Lawlessness and No One Cares

According to Politico, “A judge has dismissed a lawsuit complaining that President Donald Trump and his aides are failing to maintain legally required records of his meetings with foreign leaders.” This is, of course, starting to get predictable. But wait! There is more!

From CNN, “By bulldozing into Roger Stone’s sentencing, Donald Trump sparked a mutiny by four career prosecutors, raised fears about the impartial administration of justice and showed how his impeachment acquittal unchained an already rampant presidency. The Justice Department’s decision to water down a recommendation by its own prosecutors for Stone to serve up to nine years in prison that outraged the President sent shockwaves through Washington. It also appears to reflect Trump’s redoubled determination to escalate pressure on core institutions of the US government to pursue his personal and political priorities.”

Naturally, none of this matters because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America of the highest f***ing order! No one cares! Seriously! Traitor trump is only getting more popular because Americans are morons who only care about the economy. F*** their and (especially) other’s civil rights. F*** the rule of law. Americans hate the law anyway, so why shouldn’t the president break it. F*** it all! MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals wanted this disaster to destroy American society to usher in a theocracy. And no one cares! Welcome to stupid America. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times: let it all burn down. No one is going to give a f*** because the worse it gets the higher traitor trump’s job approval rating.

And the Scheiße Show Begins!

According to CNN, “The rules resolution from Senate Majority Mitch McConnell was approved 53-47 after Republicans defeated a series of amendments from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on the opening day of the bitterly fought impeachment trial. Schumer proposed 11 amendments seeking to subpoena a trove of documents from the Trump administration and witnesses like acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton, but the amendments were thwarted almost entirely by the same party-line vote, 53-47.” This is a fake trial meant only to appease the Dear Leader, not get at the truth or dispense justice. Yes, this is a purely political process despite the gravity of the proceedings, but RepubliKKKlans aren’t even interested in pretending to care about even the appearance of probity because we’re in stupid America! Death to all RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals should be the new battle cry for democracy! Welcome to trump stupid America!