Evil Evangelicals Should Be Shot!

Jesus F***tard Kandiss Taylor

My head is about to explode! This is why I absolutely hate religious people — all of them. Religious zealots are the most disgusting people on the planet. Everything they claim about love is a lie. I mean, just look at the signage on the side of the witch’s campaign bus. Seriously? Jesus and guns literally in the same breath, and then guns and babies in the next breath. I thought the RepubliKKKlan Party was the pro-life party. Oh, right, the mantra is love the fetus and hate the baby. Once the baby is out of the womb, then good luck. Train your baby to love Jesus and carry a gun to kill those you are supposed to “love.” Moreover, her “I’m the ONE you’ve been waiting for!” smacks of blasphemy. This see you next Tuesday Taylor is a blasphemer! I thought this was the religious, moral majority party. It is absolutely mindblowing that for all the warnings Jesus advised about following false prophets, these f***tards are the first ones to line up behind every false, corrupt, and hateful religious leader who misunderstands Jesus at every instance. I can’t with the stupid anymore. I just f***ing can’t!

But wait! There is more! Speaking of the party of family values. According to Christianity Today, “Armed with a secret list of more than 700 abusive pastors, Southern Baptist leaders chose to protect the denomination from lawsuits rather than protect the people in their churches from further abuse. Survivors, advocates, and some Southern Baptists themselves spent more than 15 years calling for ways to keep sexual predators from moving quietly from one flock to another.” But whatever. There are really no new sentiments I can convey that I have not already done so in other posts. Suffice it to say, these people are the vilest in our society. They are a cancer, and they should be exterminated, but this is stupid America. We like the religious hypocrisy and craziness here because people are too stupid to understand anything contrary. Religiosity is taking over and destroying America! The country is simply too stupid to survive!

Ending Roe Means Nothing

Ha! Something else I predicted correctly — for now. CNN reports, “The polling ahead of the 2022 midterms has been marked by a shrinking of electoral divisions. Young and older voters are now more likely to agree on their views of President Joe Biden. The Democratic advantage among Black and Hispanic voters, while still clear, is smaller. Perhaps more surprisingly as we head into the heart of the primary season, the same is true when it comes to gender. Even after the leak of a draft US Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, there are signs of a smaller gender gap among voters. … Right now, the divide is considerably smaller than it was in May 2018, which was considered by many to be a second ‘Year of the Woman.’”

Look, f***tards! The end of Roe means nothing electorally! And I said as much last month. Harry Enten’s analysis of the polls bears this out because no one cares. I promise you that no one cares. As I’ve argued since Roe became endangered, abortion rights will always be someone else’s problem, and when it becomes an individual’s own problem, it will be too late; women will just grin and bear it; they will simply put up with their second-class status. But the one thing they will not do is vote as if their God-given rights depended on it because this is stupid America. I don’t know how many times I have to keep repeating myself but ending Roe is not going to save the Democratic Party in the midterms, nor is the threat of everyone losing some part of their rights — given the new SCOTUS conservative supermajority — going to get people to the polls, nor are demographic changes going to dissuade citizens from voting against their best interests, nor will there be some great awakening of progressives, moderates, and women to save America’s democracy. The enemy — RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks — is winning, and no one understands, much less cares. Do not kid yourself into believing 2022 is going to be the third “Year of the Woman.” It! Is! Not! Oh, well! I’m counting down to the midterms and the beginning of the end to the realty T.V. show intermission that is the Biden administration. Welcome to stupid America!

‘How Dumb Can a Nation Get and Still Survive?’

Not too often that a Washington Post writer parrots my idea! Eugene Robinson writes, “T.S. Eliot wrote that the world ends ‘not with a bang but a whimper,’ but I fear our great nation is careening toward a third manner of demise: descent into lip-blubbering, self-destructive idiocy. … How dumb can a nation get and still survive? Idiotically, we seem determined to find out.” (As an aside, I appreciate that he quotes my favorite poet.) But, unfortunately, he only poses the question; I have countless times presupposed the same question in my writings for well over a year, and I have answered it quite directly every chance I get: America cannot survive! Americans are too stupid for the country to survive — right now! For the love of f***ing Christ! What is the name of my website? Look, morons of America — and may I remind the readers it is only 40 percent of America to which I refer but guess what? Forty percent stupid is still collectively m*****f***ing G.D. stupid! — America displayed its full-on stupidity the second the mob elected the dumbest person in the history of our nation, traitor trump, to be president. Full stop! And the collective national intelligence has only degraded since then. MAGA morons have only become more entrenched in their stupidity. Indeed, not even COVID can kill off MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards fast enough to make a difference. Literally, vast swaths of the population in red states and red counties in blue states would need to die off to see a collective improvement in American idiocracy. In the end, nevertheless, welcome to trump stupid America. We’re doomed! Thanks, morons!

All RepubliKKKlans et al. Are Murderers

If you are a RepubliKKKlan, a MAGA moron, an evil evangelical, or a QAnon kook, then you are a murderer. Full stop! You are the problem in America! You are the national cancer. You are the one that should be killed in these daily mass shootings. You should be the one dying from COVID. (Actually, most of you guys are — so good on you for that!) As The Guardian reports, “Born from far-right nationalism, the extremist ideology [great replacement theory] expounding the view that immigration will ultimately destroy white values and western civilization has found favor not only with media figures, such as conservative Fox News host Tucker Carlson, but a host of elected politicians and others seeking office. Those who have convinced themselves Democrats are operating an open-door immigration policy to “replace” Republican voters with people of color and keep themselves in power permanently include congresswoman Elise Stefanik, chair of her party’s House conference, and JD Vance, the Donald Trump-approved Republican nominee to represent Ohio in the US Senate.” Do humanity a favor and take your Second Amendment right, shoot your children, your spouse, and yourself — in that order! Welcome to stupid America!

American Mass Shooting: Days Ending in ‘Y’

Neo-Nazi Payton Gendron; Attribution BigDawg via Reuters

Hmm. If it’s Saturday, then there must be another mass shooting in America. As Forbes writes, “The U.S. has averaged more than one mass shooting a day this year, continuing an upward trend since researchers began thoroughly tracking the subject following the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary.” But particularly special about today’s mass shooting in a Buffalo, New York supermarket is the racist and Great Replacement motivations, which are 100 percent propagated by RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. As I have written ad nauseam, all these people — 40 percent of the population, at least — are a cancer on this nation.

Look, morons! America is doomed. I don’t know how many times I have to keep saying it. I don’t know how many examples of American life I have to evince. I don’t know how many tragedies I must share before this country wakes up to its impending doom. I can already hear the right-wing arguments against one lone 18-year-old white supremacist targeting and killing 10 Blacks. The people who are the likes of Tucker “I’m a Racist” Carlson, who espouses the Great Replacement Theory on his show daily, will declare it’s not their fault. They will claim this guy is a crazy “lone wolf” kid. They will claim this “not a domestic terrorist attack” is all the more reason for everyone to conceal carry. Fear not, for SCOTUS is about to grant Second Amendment gun nuts’ wish by making America a true hellscape of people armed to the teeth and donned with all the latest tactical gear to walk the dog.

But whatever! I say the same sh*t after every mass shooting because it’s all the same. I could actually sum up everything in a few fragments of thought. America’s crazy love of guns, social media, and the “reality show.” America’s white supremacy problem. One political party desires and stokes minority hatred. SCOTUS is about to flood the nation with permitless conceal carry because FREEDOM! (Freedom to be killed, that is, but only in America!) And, of course, no one cares because it all keeps happening over and over and over and over again. “Thoughts and prayers!” Meaningless. I can’t wait for nothing to change! Welcome to stupid America!

Killing Roe Is the Great Replacement Choice

Look! Killing Roe is meant to help avert the Great Replacement. Coupled with controlling women’s bodies, this is the primary goal of the white Christian nationalists sitting on SCOTUS and in government. Now, now. I already hear your objections: Killing Roe impacts poor minority groups the most, which are allegedly the groups engendering the Great Replacement. To be sure, poor minority groups would be most impacted by banning abortions, but there is a reason why white nationalists want to push abortions into the back alleys because, mind you, abortions are not going away; they’re just going to become more deadly, and that is the point. If black and brown people can’t get an abortion legally, then they are more likely to die trying or be jailed for succeeding. Either way, they cannot reproduce to replace whitey. These RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are counting on white pregnant women forced to give birth to outnumber the darkies. In short, white supremacists want abortion bans to propel the white baby population while hoping minorities die while trying! It’s really that simple. Welcome to stupid America!

The American Taliban Rising

RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are the American version of the Taliban. As they ascend in America, they will eventually rule over the nation. The similarities are striking, and the regression in Afghanistan after 20 years of progress is a reminder that nothing is permanent; progress is ephemeral; humanity reverts to old conservative habits. As Politico writes, “The [hijab] decree by the Taliban’s hardline leader Hibaitullah Akhunzada even suggested women shouldn’t leave their homes unless necessary and outlines a series of punishments for male relatives of women violating the code. It was a major blow to the rights of women in Afghanistan, who for two decades had been living with relative freedom before the Taliban takeover last August — when U.S. and other foreign forces withdrew in the chaotic end to a 20-year war.” Compare this to the end of Roe after 50 years.

Sound familiar? It is impossible to distinguish between an ultra-religious Muslim tyranny in Afghanistan and an ultra-religious Christian tyranny in America. I am not being hyperbolic. The two countries are in more unison than many are willing to realize. Look, morons of America. What is happening with SCOTUS and Roe and the insurrection by MAGA World is not a flash in the pan. And it should not be surprising that America has arrived where we are. It has been a long time in the making. For decades, the far-right has been on a relentless march, and dumbass Democrats have done nothing. They have been feckless and pathetic in election after election, and it is all about to be too late to fix anything. Mark my words, f***tards! The only way out is through, and that throughline is war! We get the government we deserve and desire. Welcome to stupid America!

Roe Is Dead: Women Are Second-Class Citizens

Let’s strip away all the pretenses of the “anti-abortion” crowd. Let’s dispense with the morality of abortion and the notion of when life begins. Let’s forget about the argument of privacy being in or not in the Constitution. In reality, none of these are factors for RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks in the pursuit to overturn Roe. There is only one concern: To relegate women to second-class citizens. Of course, none of these people will admit their ultimate goal so directly; we must infer their intentions by the outcome. What is the outcome? It is nothing new and nothing that has not already been mentioned. The outcome is to forbid women’s agency over their bodies. Their body and its function are about to become the state’s property. Full stop! If in an alternate universe where the gender roles were reversed but the political power remained the same, I promise the outcome would be different. That is to say, if men were getting pregnant and had all the political power, then abortions would be legal, on-demand, and without restriction.

Since America is a society wherein the “weaker” sex (i.e., women) must be subdued and dominated, the primary way to do so is for white, straight, cis-gendered male evangelicals to take away a woman’s control over her body. And America is supposed to be a country that proclaims freedom! If conservatives truly believed in freedom — as they like to shout and remind everyone, every day, and at every opportunity — they would have to concede that freedom to bodily autonomy is paramount and that a pregnant woman is simply a line that cannot be crossed. The notion of bodily freedom should be controlling in decision-making and in law; abortion is a potentially unsavory consequence that really is no one else’s business. If you hate abortions, then don’t f***ing get one, f***tard. I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America.

Roe Is Dead: Long Live Sharia Law!

By Sharia law, I really mean America’s version of Christian theocratic law. It’s coming, people! It! Is! Coming! Dumbass Democrats are simply too weak and too late to stop RepubliKKKlans and their evil evangelical backers. Ending Roe is just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve been saying forever that we are living under tyranny by the minority. This instance of tyranny is via SCOTUS, but once traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans take back power, it will be tyranny via a minority of the vote — because that’s how it always is. This is the great fatal flaw with America’s democracy: The minority routinely wins and rules over the majority. This is why I keep saying that 40 percent of the population rules over the other 60 percent, and the majority just take it as if they welcome being the punching bag. Nothing will ever change except for the new religious laws that the right is about to unleash on the rest of us, and no one will care. Elections have consequences! Welcome to stupid America!

Traitor [T]rump Is a F***tard

Classic traitor trump says classic trump stupid thing: “‘You know, we’ve endorsed Dr. Oz, we’ve endorsed JP, right? JD Mandel, and he’s doing great. They’re all doing good,’ Trump told the crowd at the I-80 Speedway in Greenwood,” reports Newsweek. Really? “JD Mandel?” Traitor trump is the dumbest person on the planet. Full stop! He can’t remember who he endorses. He confesses names easily and often. And most telling, he keeps bragging about his intelligence, a dead giveaway of his true stupidity. It is no different from someone who brags about how much money they have. Automatically, one should understand the richer one claims to be, then the poorer they are. Wealthy, intelligent people do not need to brag; intelligence is usually evident via speech and other communication skills. And genuinely affluent people don’t have to broadcast it.

But this is the age of traitor trump. This is the country of traitor trump, where 40 percent of the population is clearly dumber than he, which is how the chief idiot of the RepubliKKKlan Party can so easily bamboozle his sycophants. As I keep saying, an audience dumber than traitor trump is the only way a moronic leader can stand before a crowd and convince them that he’s intelligent. He’s been doing it for the last six years because this is stupid America. If you’re a RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, or QAnon kook, then you’re a f***ing G.D. moron of the highest f***ing order. Do humanity a favor and swallow some poison! Welcome to stupid America!