Democracy, Eh!

Data: Economist Intelligence Unit; Map: Jared Whalen/Axios

According to Axios, “An annual global democracy index dropped to its lowest score since tracking began in 2006, with just 45.7% of the world’s population living in a democracy of some sort. … At his inaugural ‘Summit for Democracy’ in December, President Biden cast the global advance of authoritarianism as ‘the defining challenge of our time.’ He pledged to spend up to $424 million over the next year on democratic renewal initiatives. … The index ranks countries on a scale of 1-10, based on 60 indicators grouped into five categories: electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, political culture and civil liberties. … Ongoing political polarization during Biden’s first year in office contributed to a democratic decline in the U.S., branded a ‘flawed democracy’ that saw its score drop from 7.92 to 7.85. … The top five countries for democracy are Norway (9.75), New Zealand (9.37), Finland (9.27), Sweden (9.26) and Iceland (9.18).” Funny how the most democratic nations are the ones with economies that most provide a social safety net so that more citizens can prosper. You know, that s-word RepubliKKKlans fear here in America. More evidence that Americans really don’t want a well-functioning democracy. Americans would rather have a poorly performing democracy as long as they can keep the chance to be as greedy and selfish as possible. Everyone thinks they are going to be the next billionaire. There is a direct correlation between a country’s form of government and how it organizes its economy.

And this from The Hill, “The poll, conducted by YouGov, found that 42 percent of Americans surveyed said that the U.S. should send financial aid to Ukraine, compared to 24 percent who said it was a bad idea and 34 percent who said that they were unsure. Fifty-five percent of Americans said that they were against sending U.S. troops in to fight Russian soldiers in the event of an incursion in Ukraine. Only 13 percent of those surveyed thought it was a good idea. Thirty-four percent of Americans disapprove of U.S. troops going to Ukraine to assist but not fight the Russians if an invasion would occur. Thirty-three percent support the idea and 33 percent are unsure of their position.” What is most important in these results is the combination of those against helping Ukraine and those “unsure,” which is just another way of saying Americans don’t care and if hard-pressed would decide against helping a country trying to move toward democracy. How is it that after World War I, World War II, and the Cold War we still have such an isolationist streak in America? How is this possible? It is incomprehensible to me. It’s as if Americans have learned nothing from the past. As if nothing in any other hemisphere of the planet impacts us. As if we no longer care about being the nation that defends democracies around the world, much less at home. I expected nothing less from Americans!

Put these two artifacts together and this is why Biden has it right in regard to both the battle for democracy around the world and standing up to Russia over Ukraine, but unfortunately, the rest of America’s idiocracy just doesn’t get it, and probably will never be convinced otherwise. Let’s face it: America is too stupid it keep a democracy. Autocracy in America, in particular, is on the rise as RepubliKKKlans continue to consolidate power at the local and state levels to the point where rigged elections and voter suppression will be the new normal as a means for RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks to retain permanent political power, and Americans will do the collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ while moving toward more fascism. This is why Ukraine is so important. This is why elections matter. This is why having an engaged and aware — that’s putting it politely — citizenry matters. This is why fighting for democracy around the world matters.

Putin likes to complain that NATO nations on Russia’s border are a threat to their national security. That is a lie, of course. The reason Putin is so intent on invading Ukraine is that he fears democracy. It has nothing to do with NATO expansion and everything to do with securing Russia’s autocracy and rebuilding the U.S.S.R. Plain and simple. Democracies are almost never the aggressors — thanks to Bush II for the Iraq War II disaster that proves the rule. Does Putin truly think if NATO were to expand right up to Russia’s border that the alliance would start to invade? That is nonsense thinking. What he fears is that the people of Russia will want to become a true democracy if it gets too close. But guess what? It appears that Americans fear democracy, too! Oh, well.

I think it’s already about 95% too late for America. All the pieces have fallen into place. After traitor trump, RepubliKKKlans have seized the opportunity to change election laws in all the right places to keep themselves in power no matter what the election results. Redistricting has only boosted their chance and SCOTUS is the final firewall that will gladly uphold anti-democratic and illiberal issues for the next 20 years. As I’ve repeatedly said before, the stars have all aligned in favor for RepubliKKKlans to kill the rest of democracy at home, and it seems the rest of the world is in the same position with America leading the way; it is sad to see polls indicate that Americans really don’t care what happens to Ukraine even though the fate of that nation is critically important to determine if democracies of the world can stand up and win against autocracies. It’s all linked, people. How many times do I have to keep saying it? It’s all linked. These events happen concurrently for a reason. Putin is not acting in a vacuum. RepubliKKKlans are not acting in a vacuum. Traitor trump’s take over of the RepubliKKKlan Party did not happen in a vacuum. Democracy is dying not in a vacuum! Eh! Oh, well. No one cares! Welcome to stupid America!

Idiocracy and Inflation

If it’s Friday following CPI Thursday, then it means the MSM is going apoplectic over inflation and wondering why Biden hasn’t fixed the world yet. Pick a headline! For example, Yahoo! Finance writes, “Inflation reaches 40-year high: January CPI posts 7.5% annual gain.” And from The Wall Street Journal, “Inflation Haunts the Biden Economy.” Then add hot-off-the-presses from new Biden approval numbers CNN, “Nearly 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling his presidency, with most of that group saying there’s literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of. … His approval rating for handling the economy has dipped 8 points to 37% since early December, while his ratings for handling coronavirus have dropped 9 points to 45%.”

The inflation numbers are what they are, and Americans are too stupid to apprehend them fully. People pretty much look at gas prices and think Biden — bad! The MSM only adds to America’s moronity, especially when these inflation reports drop. They act like a dog who just won’t let go of his bone. CNN is the most culpable. Yesterday they kept talking about how the price of used cars increased 40 percent year over year. OMG! Wow! How many used cars does an average person buy in a year? Major purchases like this typically don’t register as inflationary, especially when prices can be negotiated and the purchase is rare. When someone buys a car, they don’t sit there and think, How much would this have been five years ago? They want to know how much their monthly payment will be. And another thing. Guess what also gets inflated when you trade your used car? Any guesses? The sale price of your used car — assuming you’re a competent negotiator. Nonetheless, the MSM kept harping — oddly — on this one data point as if it was breaking a person’s bank. Then they talked about how a new T.V. — because you know the Super Bowl is coming — will cost you 2 percent more. OMG! Two percent! Holy-f***ing-sh*t! No! Now everyone’s Super Bowl Sunday is ruined. You’ll just have to watch the game on last year’s 4K UHD model. Oh, and don’t get me started on Avocados! But that does bring me to my next point. While food prices are higher, I hope people realize that when the MSM advertises that chicken or beef increased by 25 percent, it does not mean 25 percent of a person’s paycheck goes to paying for meat. I would not put it past the average American to think to themselves that 25 cents of every dollar they earn have to pay for their chicken and beef consumption. No! That’s not how it works. Unfortunately, economics is part reality, part perception, and part feelings.

People’s “feelings” about the economy are why Biden is getting crushed in the polls. As usual, what people think about the economy is measured more by their false perception of reality. My infamous dingbat hairstylist said she heard gas would be $7 per gallon. (No doubt from Faux News or Facebook!) It’s never happened before, and sure it could happen. But that’s how people “think”: Gas is $4 going to $7 because they “heard” it somewhere. (Assuming Russia does not invade, in which case all bets are off for gas prices.)

And it’s all Biden’s fault, naturally, for something that may never happen. I know. I know. The president always gets the blame, but a couple of undercurrents are worth discussing. First, Americans are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest m*****f***ing order, and they have absolutely no understanding of economics in general and the concept of inflation more specifically. Guess what, f***tards? Looking at gas prices and the price of food does not mean you understand inflation; it means you understand the difference between higher numbers and lower numbers. I have written on this topic extensively before, so I won’t belabor the point here, except to say Biden has no f***ing control over the economy or inflation. I suppose voters are punishing Biden because he does not sufficiently “feel their pain,” as if that is really going to help them. Although, it did work for President Clinton, who had a special knack for understanding the ordinary American moron.

Second, the primary causes of this inflationary period are supply chain issues (including labor) and the price of energy (aka gas), which is a significant input cost for everything you buy. Gas costs more because the OPEC+ cartel targets oil production output to meet a barrel price of their choice! Not to mention the tensions with Russia — also a significant oil producer — is not helping matters. But, of course, morons of America look at the grand total to fill their gas tank, and it’s Biden’s fault! F*** me! Add to the economic mix the fact that fewer people are returning to the workforce for whatever reasons — but one of them is not unemployment or welfare — and guess what? Fewer workers mean higher wages, which means higher retail prices. The irony here is that inflation in today’s environment results from a red-hot economy, not fiscal and monetary policies. Do you want to know why prices are so high? Look in the f***ing mirror, a**hole! God! I just f***ing can’t with the stupid anymore.

Last, I am astonished that most people say, “there’s literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of.” Seriously? I’ve been hard on Biden most of the time, but ironically, I think he’s doing better with his firm stance on Ukraine and Russia in the last few weeks. Yet, people can’t think of one thing he’s done correctly? How about COVID, f***tards? Does anyone really think we’d be in a better position today if traitor trump were still running the show? He literally held daily COVID press conferences merely for the show! Of course, large swaths of the population — RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon cultist kooks — want Biden to fail and want to perpetuate the pandemic misery and want the economy to tank. Then they blame Biden for the dysfunction they forced upon America. Biden is only at fault for his naivety in assuming the “loyal” opposition still believes in American democracy and a shared sense of citizenship. Clearly, they do not. They just want Biden to f*** up, and they’re actually succeeding at it, convincing some Democrats in the process.

People know nothing, yet they vote and base their political decisions as if they’re actually informed and enlightened. As I constantly say, America is too stupid to endure. Welcome to stupid America! “It’s all Biden’s fault!” Kill me now!

They’re Coming for the Gays!

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, “Does the next director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services need to be a Christian? That is the question after Gov. Mike Parson said in a statement Tuesday that he would only choose someone for the job who shared the ‘same Christian values’ as him.” Parson defined such values as, “‘Christian values, family values, and love for this nation.’” And there it is, coded as usual in the terms of “family values,” which means anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-marriage equality. This is an especially dangerous litmus test for someone who would serve as the director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. This would be the same person who applies his “Christian values” to discriminate against gays to promote conversation therapy, deny transition services and information, restrict HIV testing and treatment, along with other essential services the LGBTQ community — in particular the most vulnerable among them — needs and deserves. Mark my words, f***tards. These stories are so subtle that they are constantly overlooked, but they always point in the same direction. Christian (evangelical) theocracy is slowly weaving its way into the corners and crevasses of the states and the nation. Red states are getting redder and more religious even though the country more generally is getting less religious, but that never stopped RepubliKKKlans from imposing their minority morals on the majority. Don’t think it will stop with harassing the gays; they’re just first on the list. Once they’re done with them, then they’ll come for you!

Moreover, pretty soon SCOTUS will start issuing opinions that feel far more religious in their deliberation than in the past. They are about to rule on the power and prominence of religion itself in the nation via a First Amendment case before them this term, as they look to weaken the separation between church and state regarding school tuition assistance nonetheless. Pretty soon your tax dollars will be going to religious schools in the form of tuition assistance because Lord knows we should be forced to help parents pay for their children to go to religious institutions to become indoctrinated in religious bigotry. These religious places don’t have to pay taxes but they sure are eager to have their hands out for my tax dollars. I expected nothing less. But there is a larger issue with this case before SCOTUS. Do local schools as battlegrounds sound familiar? School boards? Books in school libraries? School curriculum? Don’t say gay? It’s all related. I keep warning you people. There is a reason SCOTUS is taking up these hot bottom issues. There is a reason why books, curricula, and gay issues are all suddenly at the forefront of the culture war. RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals are emboldened and they know they are winning. Mark my words.

Change is coming, and you’re not going to like it, but you’ll be stuck with it for the rest of your lives because no one cares about the justices that sit on the highest, most consequential court in the land until it’s too late. And to think all this happened because America elected a con artist to be the president, who then selected one-third of the justices on SCOTUS, pushing it to a supermajority of conservatives who are eager to roll back decades of progress. One of those nominations was duly owed to Obama but denied by RepubliKKKlans. One would think this outrage should have inflamed voters and pushed them to the polls. Oh, wait. It did. For RepubliKKKlans. Oh, well. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Welcome to stupid America! Like I’ve said countless times: You cannot undo the stupid!

Matemos Nazis!

Literal brownshirts in America are unafraid and making their way into the mainstream because traitor trump, MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon crazies are making Nazism cool again. Un-f***ing-believable. Wake up, people! They are coming for you and our democracy, and the country is asleep at the wheel. These people should never be allowed to remain (alive) in America. They are vermin that must be exterminated. They’re easy to spot. Look for fat people wearing brownshirts who resemble giant rat turds. Welcome to stupid America!

’72 percent of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction’

Oh, joy! Another poll. Another snapshot into the dangerous psyche of the mob. In this latest installment of “where are we now” from NBC News, there are only two responses that matter: “On the state of the nation’s politics, 70 percent agree with the statement that America has become so polarized that it can no longer solve the major issues facing the country — and that those differences will only continue to grow. … That’s a significant shift from when this question was last asked in 2010 — when 50 percent answered that America always comes together in tough times, versus 45 percent who said that the nation’s political differences would only grow. … [And] a whopping 76 percent of Americans — including 7 in 10 Democrats, Republicans and independents — believe there is a threat to democracy and majority rule in this country.”

So! I have heard countless politicians, political pundits, and historians keep reassuring their audiences that Americans will get through these troubled times, that claiming America is headed toward a new civil war is ridiculous and needlessly alarmists, that Americans always come together in the end. And to all these f***tards I always roll my eyes because they are the ones in la-la land. Are you f***ing kidding me with this sh*t? They are just as willfully ignorant and quixotic about the world around them as Carlie Brown and the football. I’ve been saying we’re headed toward a civil war for nearly two years now. In fact, we are in a cold civil war as we speak, and it is only a matter of time before it turns hot. Now, I’m not suggesting the populous will form battle lines with opposing generals leading formations of organized and uniformed soldiers. No, no! This will be more gorilla warfare with random acts of violence, political assassinations, and all-out skirmishes. Like those seen when racists fought with BLM protestors, but much bloodier. Rather than formalized conflict, it will be one block of neighbors against another. It will be neighbors driving out other neighbors as one majority group expels the minority. It will be a slow consolidation, not unlike what is happening now with progressives moving to cities and urban areas while conservatives continue to entrench themselves and wither in rural areas. It will be rural versus urban with militias protecting their turf.

With poll numbers like the ones above, there is only one way to proceed — and that is through! There is no other way, morons. There is no going back or retreating. There is no coming together. The differences are irreconcilable; one side believes in facts and the other side believes in lies. One side is rational; the other side is brainwashed. It is impossible to meet in the middle under such circumstances. There is no other way to undo this mess, except through a great cleansing. There is no reconciliation or mutual understanding, except for the realization that the only way such a divided nation can preserver is when one faction successfully dominates and destroys the other. People may look back to the 1960s as proof we can overcome these troubled times, and in response to that, I say this country is just getting warmed up. This century is not like the last. America is dumber, more armed, more polarized, and more gullible to the point where morons of America absorb and propagate conspiracy theories and other nonsense as if they were sources of mental nutrients. The next presidential election will be the flashpoint of no return, no matter what the results. Although, I will concede there is less likelihood of an eruption of all-out war if a RepubliKKKlan wins because dumbass Democrats will readily give up and accede to domination by RepubliKKKlans and the crazies. Let’s face it: RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards want to destroy democracy more than dumbass Democrats and Independents want to keep it. Sorry, I have to admit the truth! Mark my words. Of course, if RepubliKKKlans lose, then all hell will break out because they’ve all been conditioned to believe that whenever Democrats win then the election was stolen, without exception. It is a convenient fallacy in which RepubliKKKlans delude themselves into believing they can never — should never — lose an election. As I have said many, many, many, many, many times before a nation this stupid cannot survive. Verily! Welcome to stupid America!

Here’s Another Thing I Got Right, Although Not That Prescient

I was just writing about this possibility a week ago. From the Tampa Bay Time, “Florida Republican lawmakers on Thursday returned to the hot topic of parental rights in schools, a theme that Gov. Ron DeSantis has seized on during the pandemic and that Republican lawmakers are willing to continue fighting for during the legislative session. … But the measures drew fierce criticism, including from members of the LGBTQ community, who argued that the latter proposal appeared to target and minimize their concerns by prohibiting discussion in elementary schools about gender identity and sexual orientation. … Several speakers rose to oppose the bill, primarily over the section on sexual orientation and gender identity. They suggested the item was stigmatizing, and noted that lawmakers did not attempt to tackle any other potentially controversial matters that might arise in school.”

Make no mistake, f***tards! This is a direct attack on the LGBTQ community while under the veiled notion of parental rights. The aim is very simple: Deny LGBTQ people their humanity by claiming gayness as being something that is harmful to children; ignore that the LGBTQ community is an underclass by making it illegal to discuss the topic. This is the new “gays are pedophiles” attack! They want to put gays back in the closet. All because white straight cis parents are m*****f***ing G.D. snowflakes who can’t handle reality or nature for that matter. The only people who are afraid to allow schools to decide relevant curricula are those bigoted, homophobic haters. Full stop! No exceptions! They are all RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals. Full stop! No exceptions! I have yet to hear about one piece of legislation moving through a RepubliKKKlan (or Democratic) legislature seeking to ban or alert parents about school curricula that claim white straight Christians impose their belief system on American society and politics. And do you really think this type of anti-LGBTQ censorship is going to stop at schools and libraries? Florida is about to pass an anti-“white discomfort” bill, which also applies to private businesses. How long before a white straight cis male gets “uncomfortable” working with a gay coworker for no particular reason other than the coworker is gay? The white discomfort bill is ostensibly aimed at content related to teaching students and training employees, but we all know RepubliKKKlans never let the words or intent of the law stop them from claiming white privilege infringement. Mark my words! It’s coming!

I have been warning you morons since the founding of this blog that LGBTQ rights are under attack and that RepubliKKKlans are coming for our rights next. These new “protect my virgin ears” and “but the children” laws are not being created in a vacuum. With the new super-majority of conservative justices dictating SCOTUS moves and opinions, these new flavors of anti-LGBTQ laws are just the beginning. Mark my words. First, it will be outlawing conversations about LGBTQ people and issues. Then, it will be outlawing LGBTQ behavior, all protected under the notion of states’ rights and there being no such thing as a right to privacy embedded in the Constitution — an idea that is soon to be re-realized by a theocratic-leaning SCOTUS when they reverse Row. I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to keep saying this to you morons, but it is all related! CRT, LGBTQ rights, Roe, voting rights, traitor trump, anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers! It’s all related, people. All of it. You guys need to be thinking about the RepubliKKKlan long game because it is playing out as we speak. But this is what happens in a country full of stupid, apathetic people who worry more about Facebook and Twitter than voting! And for all those gay f***tards, in particular, who thought traitor trump would be no worse than any other RepubliKKKlan (or Democratic) president, you people really are the dumbest of humanity. You gay traitor trump voters have really doomed yourselves! So, congratulations. This is the consequence of your political ignorance and indifference. The stupid is going to kill us all, but the gays will be first! Oh, well! You just played yourselves.

All RepubliKKKlans and MAGA Morons Are Snowflakes Without Exception!

From The Hill, “A Florida state Senate committee on Thursday advanced a bill that would prohibit making white people feel ‘discomfort’ when taught or trained about past discrimination in public schools and private businesses. In schools, the bill, SB 148, would prevent educators from teaching subjects that could make students feel responsible for historical wrongs based on their race, sex or national origin.” Have I mentioned lately how much I hate these people? “White discomfort!” Seriously?!?! You know, for a group of people who constantly complain about how “sensitive” liberals are about their issues, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards (aka white straight cis evangelicals) sure are the first ones ready to codify a prohibition on making white people feel “discomfort.” They’ve always been snowflakes, and they’ll always be afflicted by their “poor woe is me” mental dysfunction. As I read somewhere by some trenchant political writer, RepubliKKKlans always project. Always! Whatever! I just wish they would take their Second Amendment right, stick it in their mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing G.D. trigger already! I’m tired of living with these insufferable mentally weak people. If they are so easily triggered by uncomfortable feelings from the realities of life, then I suggest they leave life immediately. Now ask me how I really feel! Welcome to stupid, “white discomforted” America. *Gasp* Oh, my, poor white people!

Biden’s January 6 Anniversary Speech

Sure, it was fine for what it was. Sure, Biden was more fiery and showed more fight than usual, but he still needed to evoke fire and brimstone in his content. All in all, though, I think it is too little, too late. Forty percent of the population are going to ignore him willfully and will never be convinced by anything he says. These people, of course, are RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and other assorted traitors to America. As for the remaining 60 percent of the citizenry to which the speech was chiefly aimed, I would say most of those people were listening half-heartedly. Where I think Biden soared with rhetoric and idealism, he failed to stir up the fear factor specifically for those who were tuned in. Once again, Biden and dumbass Democrats keep believing the average voter is smart. The average voter is a moron! Thus, voters are too stupid to react to intellectual arguments; they respond to emotional arguments that require the use of the amygdala part of the brain — aka the lizard brain. So, when Biden talks about saving American democracy and America’s founding principles and preserving America’s legacy and the soul of the nation and the will of the people and so forth, these ideas are still too abstract to concern the average voter, which is why you will never hear RepubliKKKlans try to make such arguments. Indeed, when RepubliKKKlans avoid talking about America’s democracy in general, it is a win/win, for they know their voters don’t care about democracy, and their voters don’t comprehend such abstractions, yet their voters love the conservative moment more because leadership does not tax their lizard brains with such perceived nonsensical notions like democracy. F***! In fact, every time I do hear RepubliKKKlans talking about anything to stir up fear in their base, it’s usually them railing against socialism taking over the country. That abstraction, for some reason, they do seem to misunderstand, naturally.

Dare I say, most Independent and Democratic voters understand just as little. This is why Biden should have spoken in more doomsayer tones and with concrete examples of fear pointed directly at the listener. Fear works, f***tards. I don’t know how many times I have to say it. Clearly, it is advice dumbass Democrats routinely ignore — at their own peril. Biden needs to layout the image of America when RepubliKKKlans regain the House or the Senate and when traitor trump returns to office. He should speak in declarative terms, not with a subjective mood. Your healthcare will be gone! Denying healthcare for pre-existing conditions will return. There will be lifetime caps on healthcare again. You can be denied healthcare for any reason once again. You and your children will be more likely to die from a lack of access to healthcare. There will never be an effort to combat climate change, so your insurance will be out of control expensive, and your beachfront property will be underwater. That is, of course, if your house is not consumed by fire or a tornado. There will be water wars as the West dries up, and states are left to fend for themselves because the federal government has abandoned all accountability. Your marriage will become illegal — gay, inter-racial, inter-faith, unproductive. You will get poorer as the rich get richer. Open carry will be legal in every state, everywhere, and for everyone without training or a license. Open gun battles will be the new norm to settle minor confrontations everywhere, and you’ll be caught in the crossfire. Your children will die in school at the hands of daily school shootings in a nation where guns are more valuable than lives because gun manufacturers will be writing all the gun laws. COVID will never be under control as anti-vaxxers become the lawmakers. SCOTUS will ensure any right to privacy is wiped away, so your actions in the bedroom will be illegal and subject to prosecution. Christian theocracy will be the law of the land; freedoms you enjoy today will be illegal and a sin tomorrow. (But you’ll still have your Facebook and Twitter! God! Kill me now!) Biden should have painted a real dystopian landscape of what awaits America if democracy fails. He should lie if need be because lying works in America; most people are not smart enough to discern truth from lies (or “alternative facts”). Idealism in a speech is admirable but not nearly enough to excite the Democratic base that is sleeping in the face of the RepubliKKKlan base, which is woke and raping the country.

Let me end by saying one more thing. Biden still refuses to say traitor trump’s name, which I think is a grave mistake. I don’t know why he refuses to do so. He need not call him “President [traitor] trump,” but instead by the more prosaic title of Mr. [traitor] trump. In fact, I don’t think Biden should ever refer to traitor trump as the “former president” or “my predecessor.” It should be Mr. [traitor] trump all the time, every time, as if he were never president. That would irritate the former traitor-in-chief more than anything. When Biden refuses to say his name, to some degree, he fails to recognize and clearly define the threat. Lord knows, this is par for the course for dumbass Democrats; they only see the disaster after it’s too late. Oh, well. You’ve been warned, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America.

Most Encouraging Poll I’ve Seen in a Long While — Not!

From The Hill, “More than 8 in 10 registered voters in a new poll are worried about the future of American democracy. The survey, conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University, found that 83 percent of registered voters are very or somewhat worried about the future of America’s democracy. For comparison, 15 percent of registered voters said they are not very worried or not at all worried about the future of America’s democracy. Both Democrats and Republicans said they are very or somewhat worried about the future of democracy, 82 percent and 86 percent, respectively.” RepubliKKKlans and Democrats sharing the same worries for America’s democracy? This could be an encouraging poll — maybe. Not! Without more detailed questioning it is possible that RepubliKKKlans worry about our democracy because of alleged voter fraud or more to the point because minorities are voting. So, one must be careful how to interpret these results. Considering RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, QAnon, evil evangelicals, and all the remaining assortment of insurrectionist groups account for no less than 40 percent of the American population, it is easy to see how a good portion of the “8 in 10” are worried democracy is working too well for minorities and against white supremacists. It is the classic white grievance argument. Poor white men. They don’t have enough privileges. I guess when the time comes 83 percent will be fighting over democracy fears of some sort. Welcome to stupid America. Stupid no matter how you spin the numbers.

Of Course, He Did and They Would

According to Axios, “Former President Donald Trump endorsed Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for re-election Monday, throwing his ‘complete support’ behind the nationalist leader. Orbán, a far-right, populist leader who says he’s turned Hungry into an ‘illiberal state,’ has changed election laws to benefit his party, the New York Times notes. It is Trump’s second endorsement of a world leader since leaving office. Last October, Trump endorsed Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, another far-right leader accused of authoritarian tendencies.” And then from CNN, “Thirty-four percent of Americans think violent action against the government is sometimes justified, according to a new poll from The Washington Post and the University of Maryland released days ahead of the one-year anniversary of the insurrection at the US Capitol. The new figure ‘is considerably higher than in past polls by the Post or other major news organizations dating back more than two decades,’ according to the newspaper. The survey, conducted between December 17 and 19, revealed stark partisan splits on the question: 40% of Republicans and 41% of independents said violence against government is sometimes justified, compared to 23% of Democrats.”

First, of course, traitor trump is all in with the dictators. It’s nothing new, but he does go out of his way to signal to his base that he is a full-on straight WASP authoritarian. Second, it is becoming increasingly evident that his base is willing (and wanting) to engage in political violence (aka an insurrection) to bring traitor trump to authoritarian power and destroy America’s democracy. Look, morons. I guess I’ll keep repeating myself until it sinks in with the masses — which may be never — or until the worst comes to pass. The warning signs are blinking brighter and faster. The stars are aligning. Decades of RepubliKKKlan machinations are coming to fruition. And the fecklessness of dumbass Democrats cannot stop the runaway train that is the rise of American Fascism. The 40 percent of Americans who are not RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, QAnon, or evil evangelicals simply don’t care enough to save the country from the crazies. They just fail to show up to vote — every time. RepubliKKKlans always get away with it; they always get re-elected no matter how much they display their utter contempt for democracy. As I have said countless times before, Biden is merely the intermission to the end. Conservatives are primed and pumped to steal the next presidential election and make traitor trump the permanent president. I wouldn’t give Democratic and Independent voters enough credit to be passionate enough to fight to keep our democracy. They’re too consumed by Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and all that nonsense. Oh, well. The end is coming; it’s just a few years away! Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America.