Rittenhouse: America’s Future

Source: U.S. News

From The Guardian, “A month after his acquittal on murder charges, Kyle Rittenhouse was given a standing ovation at a conservative conference in Phoenix on Monday night, as panelists discussed events in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 2020, when the teen shot three men. The event, called AmericaFest, was held by Turning Point USA, a young conservatives group. As Rittenhouse took the stage, thousands of cheering fans chanted his name, along with his own theme song, adapted from his name. Hosts asked if any women in the crowd wanted to go on a date with Rittenhouse, prompting loud cheers. One audience member held a ‘Kiss me’ sign, according to one spectator. Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, praised Rittenhouse, telling him: ‘You’re a hero to millions, it’s an honor to be able to have you.’”

America’s Yutes: ABC10

This is America’s future, morons! Dumbass Democrats need to wake the f*** up to the threat of conservatism! RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals are building up an army nation, f***tards. Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross! How many f***ing times do I need to scream the obvious, yet it falls on deaf ears, and these images project onto blind eyes. Look, morons! Sure! There are many examples in America’s past demonstrating a radicalized segment of society that has come to nothing. Indeed, the German-American Bund was literally Nazism rooted in America. Of course, the Bund was a fringe party and was only 25,000-member strong. Today, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon, RepubliKKKlans, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, et al. are no longer fringe; they are mainstream, and they wholely comprise one political party in a two-party system. These f***tards are a significant percentage of America — no longer wackos on the periphery of humanity. They are a rising minority, and the youth are embracing the violence, and the terror, as the pictures above evince. And do not think these are just stupid immature children. No, they are the offspring of parents who are themselves bigots. This entire mindset breeds like roaches.

While conservatives understand their future by embracing this faction of the population through events like those attended by Rittenhouse, the liberal side of the political spectrum does nothing except appeal to people’s better nature. OMG! We are so f***ed! We cannot meet this threat with “kindness” and “understanding.” The danger is real and can only be countered with the same kind of opposing radical force. This will not just go away, nor will the movement fizzle out. For years it has only been getting worse. I have said before that America is headed for a new civil war. The problem is that the conservatives are already at war, and they are building infrastructure (state laws), recruiting people (especially youth), and stockpiling weapons (weapons) as if the war has already been engaged and they are losing. Progressives, on the other hand, are still picking flowers and hoping. Ugh! Oh, well. I’ve read this history many times before, and I know how it ends — the fall of a nation! Welcome to stupid America!

Praise Jesus! Lamb Is Dead!

From NBC News, “Marcus Lamb, a co-founder and the CEO of the conservative Christian Daystar Television Network who vocally opposed Covid-19 vaccines, has died at 64, weeks after he contracted Covid-19, the network said. … In recent months, a number of prominent anti-vaccination Christian broadcasters have died from Covid-19. Conservative radio hosts Dick Farrell, Phil Valentine and Marc Bernier, who were unvaccinated, all died after they contracted Covid.” Good! Praise Jesus! I prayed for all their deaths, and my prayers have been answered. I guess some of us have more sway with God than others. Now, if only all the other evil evangelicals would drop dead, for evangelicals are the least Christ-like! Welcome to stupid America — Christian hypocrisy capital of the world!

So, Terry McAuliffe (and Democrats) Are Screwed

Very recent polls have McAuliffe and Youngkin either deadlocked or too close with less than a week before election day. Earlier this summer McAuliffe had a seven-point lead. Not to mention this was a state Biden won by 10 points and now his job approval is underwater. Clearly, momentum favors RepubliKKKlans — unbelievably. And I put more stock in momentum (the “mighty mo”) than in any other political measure because it energizes the ascending faction and demoralizes the descending faction. But maybe this momentum is less so unbelievable when viewed through the prism of a supremely stupid America. Then everything makes sense. Then, of course, dumbass Democrats are f***ing up what should be an easy win. Then, naturally, voters really do want traitor trump’s return to the White House — or people just don’t care. It is not hyperbolic for me to place such import on this gubernatorial election three years out from the next presidential election, for this real-time assessment of the Biden administration could easily be the mighty mo needed to place RepubliKKKlans and traitor trump on a path to recapture all branches of government in 2024. To be sure, a great deal can happen in three years, but we must consider this election sequentially and at the beginning of a set of cascading (not mutually exclusive) events. A RepubliKKKlan win in Virginia energizes the crazies, and that energy propels the midterm elections, which then energizes RepubliKKKlans in the next presidential election. All the while, Democrats grow more pessimistic and feckless. Like I’ve said countless times before, RepubliKKKlans are always enraged to vote about something; it’s just a matter of what level of rage they’re at — 11 or 100. On the other hand, dumbass Democrats are generally at a rage level of 0 to 3 and maybe up to 10 when traitor trump is on the ticket. Other than that, Democrats seem perfectly content to let RepubliKKKlans kill democracy. How many times must I tell dumbass Democrats? They need two or three issues that permanently — election in, election out; all the time, every day — enrage the Democratic base to match that of RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, QAnon, and evil evangelicals!

All that being said, I think McAuliffe is going to lose, and I was convinced of that, even more so, when I looked up his job approval during the last year on the job; it was 48% approval and 31% disapproval. Ugh. So, his current polling numbers are basically reflecting his ceiling from where he was four years ago. Fan-f***ing-tastic! It is not difficult to imagine that Independents, who will decide the election, could easily give Youngkin a shot at governing. That seems to be a pretty common and mindless “analysis” by many voters — let the other guy try it. Kill me now! Witness traitor trump’s 2016 win! Then there are the topics of the culture wars and inflation (the economy, stupid). As usual, RepubliKKKlans are exploiting outrage over fake issues like CRT in the classroom as evinced by the violence and stupidity at local school board meetings. And that’s all it takes. Remember, Americans are f***ing morons. They believe everything, especially baseless narratives and conspiracy theories. And, of course, snowflakes hate the truth, namely that America is a racist country (and all the other -ists that go with it). God forbid they should have to look in the mirror and remind themselves they love the traitor trump reflection after all! We see them for who they are.

And as for the economy, unfortunately, the people most impacted by — and vote based on — the complexities of the economy are those least capable of understanding it. So, the morons of America who are most affected by inflation are those least qualified to make judgments about or understand the causes of such economic vicissitudes. As a consequence, fairly or not, Biden and Democrats get the blame for the current inflationary period. The extent of economic theory comprehended by the average idiot goes no deeper than one spouting out “supply and demand!” While a bedrock concept of economics, people generally have no clue what they mean when they say such things. Morons probably don’t even realize they’re talking about how a supply curve intersects a demand curve, let alone which line generally slopes up and which slopes down and what the intersection of the lines represents — an equilibrium. No, they just say “supply and demand” imagining they are now economists! Moreover, most people can’t even properly explain what is inflation. People might say higher prices. Well, yeah. Congratulations you’ve defined the word with a version of the same word. Classic stupidity! Here is a learning moment for the future: Inflation means too many dollars chasing too few products. How and why there are too few products and too much money is the real key to understanding the economic phenomenon. But I digress. The point is this: There are many factors contributing to inflation — many of which are exogenous to America. Supply chain disruptions are a chief contributor. Yet, American morons seem more than confident in their economic “expertise” to wrongly blame Biden. More often than not, peoples’ experience is not caused by what they believe to be the impetus. In other words, people wrongly connect cause and effect; correlation is not causation! People still think traitor trump was a great businessman and the economy performs better under RepubliKKKlans compared to Democrats — both of which are demonstrably wrong! And don’t get me started on the fact that anti-vaxxers are part of the drag on the economy, which is definitely not Biden’s fault but every RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron — the very same who are about to elect Youngkin as Virginia’s next governor. But whatever! I give up! Nonetheless, Carville has never been wrong when he’s asserted “the economy, stupid” as a primary political driver. I guess I never really understood until now that he may have meant it’s the stupid people who ultimately misjudge the causes and effects of the American economy where somehow RepubliKKKlans get the praise for a booming economy that isn’t and Democrats get blamed for a not booming economy that is. Welcome to stupid America where most people don’t understand the truly important stuff!

I Am One of the Four in Ten! The Hot War Is Coming, F***tards!

From AlterNet, “The highly-respected University of Virginia’s nonpartisan Center for Politics has released a new study that finds a majority of Trump voters believe it’s time to split the country into two, with ‘red states’ and ‘blue states’ seceding from the Union. The organization, headed by Larry Sabato of ‘Sabato’s Crystal Ball,’ reports that four in ten Biden voters agree. ‘The divide between Trump and Biden voters is deep, wide, and dangerous. The scope is unprecedented, and it will not be easily fixed,’ said UVA Center for Politics Director Larry J. Sabato. … Eight in 10 Biden and Trump voters say elected officials from the opposition party present a ‘clear and present danger’ to democracy. Almost eight in 10 Biden and Trump voters say Americans who support the opposite party have also become a ‘clear and present danger’ to the American way of life.”

I’ve been saying for well over a year now that America is headed toward another civil war, but I suppose I must amend that notion. We’re already at war as of 6 January 2021. Traitor trump, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon stormed the Bastille, and in so doing set the civil war smoldering. Things are about to get hotter! I totally agree that America should split into red and blue states. In the current arrangement, I am sick of my tax dollars flowing out of blue states (givers) and into red states (takers) because, by definition, conservatives are dumber and poorer, requiring handouts and entitlements from the smart, rich states. So by all means, buh-bye! Let the blue states with the largest, richest economies of the Union form our own country — California, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, etc. Let the states with the best universities in the world come together — MIT, Standford, Harvard, University of Chicago, Yale, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, Cal Tech, Northwestern. All the top universities in the world — and I mean all — are in blue states, and that is not a coincidence. So, by all means, let’s get the f*** out of the Union. The stupid states are dragging us down! Not to mention that the Capitol is already surrounded by blue states and the Capitol itself is vastly Democratic. I guess the red states can put their capital somewhere in Flori-duh! So, let the red states unionize and eventually wither on the vine; I mean given their predilection for unregulated gun ownership, “personal responsibility,” and being anti-science, they’ll end up killing themselves off soon enough. Then we can just invade and take over in a decade or so. Honestly, the blue states should still be occupying forces in the red states since 1865. Bring it! I will miss Orlando, though.

Wake Up, Stupid America!

According to Mediaite, “Historian and documentary filmmaker Ken Burns said that the present day is one of the worst times in American history. … ‘It’s really serious. There are three great crises before this: the Civil War, the Depression, and World War II. This is equal to it,’ he said on Monday’s episode when asked about the direction the United States was headed. The documentarian went on to quote comments made by Abraham Lincoln during a January 1838 speech to a group in Springfield, Illinois: ‘From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we will live forever or die by suicide.’”

Being the absolute foremost expert on American history and storytelling, if Ken Burns speaks, then you should f***ing listen. Sadly, he says nothing I have not already said, if not a bit more understated through the Lincoln quote above. Namely, America is dying by our own devices. There is barely a post where I am not calling out the imminent death of America’s democracy, and I’ve been saying it for a couple of years now — and believed for years longer. It has always been evident to me. Clear as the ringing of a new bronze bell. (An alarm bell, if you will.) From the moment traitor trump won, there was no other conclusion to draw except how stupid can America be? How can a person like that run in plain sight for more than a year to be president and win? How could America look at the incomprehensible stupidity, mendacity, and vileness that is traitor trump and still vote for him? There is only one way. It’s the mirror, stupid. It’s the f***ing mirror. America looked into the traitor trump mirror and fell in love with its own image. I knew then that such a country could not survive, and America will not. Traitor trump is the disease and the symptoms. He is the cancer we openly invited into the country, and Americans will lose their democracy because of it, and people will be perfectly fine with it. When traitor trump gets reelected, it will be four years of pure vengeance across the world, especially here at home. And people will welcome it with open arms because Americans are too stupid to understand otherwise. MAGA morons, QAnon, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals are destroying America, and they will eventually murder the nation in part because weak, weak dumbass Democrats will let them. Welcome to trump stupid America. The countdown is well underway to the next Civil War. Mark my words, morons! I give up! No one cares!

The Purge Continues

According to CNN, “Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump earlier this year, announced Thursday that he will not run for reelection in 2022. ‘While my desire to build a fuller family life is at the heart of my decision, it is also true that the current state of our politics, especially many of the toxic dynamics inside our own party, is a significant factor in my decision,’ Gonzalez said in a statement.” Of course! I said this after the second impeachment failed. The RepubliKKKlan Party will purge those “never” trumpers and trumper “lites.” This latest revelation is confirmation that the RepubliKKKlan Party is dead, that traitor trump is on his way back to the White House, and that America’s democracy is dying by a thousand, unnoticed cuts — and no one cares. Who do you think is going to replace Gonzalez? Who do you think has the best chance of winning in his Ohio district? A MAGA moron? A member of QAnon? A traitor? A trumper? An evil evangelical? News flash! It’s all of the above. (The Venn diagram of all these elements is one complete circle.) RepubliKKKlans are replacing their ranks with traitor trump-loving QAnon-believing insurrectionists who want nothing more than to betray America’s ideals and replace democracy with a theocracy headed by Lord and Savior traitor trump. Indeed, the RepubliKKKlan Party is purifying to a level of turpitude that is going to kill America and Americans. Mark my words, morons. Don’t think for a second that 40 percent of the populous could not give permanent political control of this country to the trumpism movement. Hitler gained and retained his dictatorship by having won with less in a general election. The warning signs have been flashing ever since traitor trump was sworn into office. Biden is not the antidote nor a reversal in the course of American politics; he is merely the intermission. Mark my words, f***tards. Mark them well. Welcome to stupid America. No one cares. Oh well!

Another Praise Jesus Death!

From the Los Angeles Blade, “The vehemently anti-LGBTQ preacher who made national headlines over his gleefully reading out the obituaries of AIDS victims on his cable television show, while cranking out the song ‘Another One Bites the Dust’ by Queen- whose lead singer, Freddie Mercury, died from that disease, has himself died from complications after contracting COVID-19. Bob Enyart, 62, who had proudly referred to himself as ‘America’s most popular self-proclaimed right-wing, religious fanatic, homophobic, anti-choice talk show host’ and pastor of the Denver Bible Church, died Monday after a short battle with the coronavirus.”

I have been keeping my eye out for this news ever since he was hospitalized with COVID, hoping and praying he dies. And voilà! Now I can celebrate! Praise Jesus! Praise him for the death of another evil evangelical who deserved nothing less than to die horribly! I hope he suffered, and I hope his wife dies, too. All these people comingle, and they’re all the same, so her views are, no doubt, identical to her dead husband’s, and that probably goes for any demon offspring. It is especially glorious that such a vile man is dead of the same disease he marginalized and ridiculed! No doubt, he thought Jesus would save him because he’s washed in the blood of Christ or some G.D. ridiculous nonsense. And another thing, he died 62 years too late. Talk about a mother who should have aborted her child! Yeah, this is a no-brainer Hitler scenario. Asphyxiate baby Enyart in its crib along with every other would-be homophobe. They have no place in America — ever!

Now, if only the healthcare system would stop hospitalizing those willingly unvaccinated f***tards. They are taking up valuable bed space and resources, and they’re crowding out others who have legitimate medical issues. So, pull the m*****f***ing plug or withhold treatment on all of the MAGA morons and anti-vaxxers. It’s time for these people to die like a**hole Enyart. Oh, and guess who will end up bailing out all these hospitals for the excessive expense of caring for the unvaccinated? You! As CNN reports, “A new analysis published Tuesday estimates that preventable costs for treating hospitalized, unvaccinated Covid-19 patients reached $5.7 billion over the last three months.” Pull! The! Mother! F***ing! Plug! Now! Welcome to stupid America! Dumber than ever!

Evil Evangelicals Are the Problem!

Are you an evil evangelical? If you’re a Christian, then you probably are. According to Right Wing Watch, “California’s religious-right leaders have rallied around an effort to recall the state’s Gov. Gavin Newsom, and many are backing the campaign of right-wing radio host Larry Elder. A group of Christian nationalist and dominionist pastors in California have declared their intention in recent years to transform the state by turning out enough conservative evangelical voters. … Asked about his faith and how it would help him govern, Elder said, ‘I don’t understand people who are not people of faith.’ Elder told the NHCLC crowd that his pastor is Calvary Chapel Chino Hills pastor Jack Hibbs, an intensely political pro-Trump pastor and ally of Christian nationalist political operative David Lane. Hibbs recently prayed that God would forgive Californians for electing ‘people with antichrist’ worldviews, ‘like Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris.’ Hibbs used a recent Sunday worship service to promote Elder’s candidacy.”

Of course, my tax dollars subsidize these evil and vile people because churches are tax-exempt even though they clearly preach politics and hate. Indeed, they should lose their tax status for doing so, but they won’t because nothing ever changes. Whatever! America is a puritanical country of religiosity, ala the Taliban. There really is not much difference in some states. Just ask Texas. Welcome to stupid America where religious freedom is killing democracy — all religions are anti-democratic by definition!

We Are Headed for Civil War, People

From Forbes, “Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) on Sunday made comments promoting conspiracy theories about vaccines and the 2020 election, defending Capitol rioters and appearing to endorse more Jan. 6-style rallies, even warning of ‘bloodshed’ over Republicans’ baseless election fraud claims. … After briefly brandishing a shotgun, Cawthorn said if elections ‘continue to be stolen,’ it will ‘lead to one place, and that’s bloodshed,’ adding that he is ‘willing to defend liberty at all costs’ and would dread taking ‘arms against a fellow American.’”

Hello, dumbass Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and Independents! You are all f***ing asleep while MAGA morons, QAnon, and RepubliKKKlans prepare for civil war. Do not take Cawthorn’s comments lightly, for they are more in a long, long string of like-minded comments made by conservative politicians, white nationalist activists, right-wing media hosts, and other bigoted authoritarian community leaders (e.g. evil evangelicals, social media influencers, QAnon activists). This is the drumbeat, f***tards! And you idiots are still hoping for cooler heads, the rule of law, and democratic institutions to prevail. Are you f***ing kidding me?!?! The level of blind stupidity, naivete, “hope-y change-y” B.S., and other liberal feel-good beliefs that laugh off the “fringe” (not fringe anymore) and crazy (crazy is the new normal) as irrelevant and innocuous is infuriating. Hello, f***tards! The stars are finally aligning — traitor trump, SCOTUS, COVID, QAnon, the census (redistricting and blue states losing net seats), RepubliKKKlan dominance in the majority of state legislatures, social media doing everything they do, and a weak Democratic Party being themselves. Momentum is gaining. RepubliKKKlans have spent decades perfecting their rally cries, political tactics, and most of all legal and political wrangling to bring us to the point where they can pull the trigger (steal elections and engage in political violence) and the system will not fail their (no longer lost) cause because Democrats are too stupid and incompetent to stop them. Case in point: Garland’s DOJ has been completely inept to hold the January 6th terrorists fully accountable, thereby emboldening American insurrectionists and their enablers while Democrats are lulled into a false sense of security by having won in 2020. Mark my words, f***tards. Democrats are digging their own graves because they are clueless and asleep to the relentless threat that is the RepubliKKKlan Party. The country is dying and the killing hasn’t even started yet!

If Afghanistan has taught us anything, then it is that the side with the greatest will wins. How much will do you think RepubliKKKlans have compared to Democrats? Enough said. Welcome to stupid America. We’re f***ed!

It’s the Culture War, Stupid!

From The Hill, “School board meetings across the country have become ground zero for the country’s culture wars, often resulting in combative and confrontational forums as students prepare to head back to school in the fall. … Mask mandates in schools have become the latest point of contention at meetings.” Now, take a look at a sample of headlines across the country:

  • ‘Angry, Unmasked Parents Crowd Louisiana Education Hearing’ [Louisiana]
  • ‘Name-calling, canceled meetings, pleas from students: A week of school mask mandate chaos’ [New York]
  • ‘Angry parents pack Rankin County School Board meeting over mask mandate’ [Mississippi]
  • ‘Mask Mandate Draws Angry Crowd to Vegas-Area Schools Meeting’ [Nevada]
  • ‘Rage over vaccine, mask mandates boils over during county COVID-19 meeting’ [California]
  • ‘An angry parent allegedly ripped off a teacher’s mask. It’s not the only physical altercation over masks in schools’ [Texas]
  • ‘Angry parents and others rally against Genesee County school mask mandate’ [Michigan]

I used to believe it was only “the economy, stupid,” but clearly, it has also always been about the culture war going back to the 1960s. But today, it is only the culture war more than ever. Above all, the reason these school board meetings are drawing such ire, and the reason RepubliKKKlan minorities can hold on to their power over the majority is that they are loud, persistent morons. Indeed, the squeaky wheel does get the oil. I’ve written countless times that America cannot withstand this deepening divide. A deeply stupid country cannot survive. And to reiterate — 40 percent stupid is still too stupid! Sadly, the actual majority is not strong enough (and is unwilling) to dominate the minority. Expect to see more of the minority, with their Taliban-like rule, terrorizing the majority. Obama was right when he said all the opposition cares about is God, guns, and gays. He was years ahead of the rest, and he was wrongfully crucified for lumping all conservatives together. Hmmm, how trenchant is that comment now? And “FREEDOM!” is absolutely not an excuse for the minority to go around in life doing whatever they want, especially if they jeopardize the rest of us with their dangerous and deranged notions of racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, white nationalism, Christian terrorism, science, etc. Stupidity does kill, morons. Witness COVID. Of course, it’s not killing the right people fast enough, but I digress. To be sure, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons and evil evangelicals are all part of a death cult that would rather die and kill everyone else with them than live in a heterogeneous democracy where the “other” has the same rights as they do. There is no difference between the Taliban and American conservatives. None whatsoever. Welcome to stupid America. Another civil war is the only way out, unfortunately. Get ready, people!