If I Have to See One More F***ing Sympathetic News Piece About Anti-Vaxxers Hospitalized for COVID

Let me just say to these people upfront: F*** them! No, actually allow me to restate that: F*** them hard! I just don’t f***ing care about these moronic anti-vaxxers and their near-death experiences with COVID. It is not newsworthy. Although, I will say that I am interested in — and rejoice over — anti-vaxxers and COVID-truthers who die from COVID. Those are truly praise Jesus stories! I have said this before and will keep saying it. I just don’t care anymore — and have never really cared — about anti-vaxxers and COVID-truthers dying from the disease. They deserved it! Full stop! What frustrates me are these “educational moment” news segments that CNN and MSNBC seem the need to make news. Every time I watch (or read) these peoples’ stories, all I can think about is how they should have died, and I wish they would have; that is the greatest “educational moment.” Just tally up the number of daily anti-vaxxer and COVID-truther deaths! In the words of traitor trump: That is a beautiful number! The country would be better off without the stupid and RepubliKKKlans. They made their bed and now they can lie in it without my sympathy. It is seriously time for the Einsatzgruppen to cull America of MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals because they are literally killing the rest of us. Welcome to stupid America! You can’t undo the stupid.

In the Great Words of James Tiberius Kirk: ‘Let Them Die’

Attribution: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, 1991, Paramount Pictures

I have quoted the great admiral (captain) several times before, and I will reiterate my firm concurrence with the sentiment toward RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, red states, and the like: “Let them die!” Preferably with all haste. Of course, I speak of the unvaccinated. In short, these f***tards are f***ing up America’s re-opening efforts and ability to get beyond the pandemic. I’m over it! I’m over the vaccine skeptics and the anti-vaxxers. We are so beyond the argument that these vaccines do not have full FDA approval. Given the wide distribution at this point — hundreds of millions of doses — full approval is merely a formality. And if I have to hear one more f***ing moron f***tard claim that the vaccines are not proven effective or they alter DNA or they cause magnetism or they make people infertile or — my favorites — FREEDOM! and microchips (MICROCHIPS for the love of f***ing God!), then I am going to go f***ing G.D. postal! I can’t anymore. I just can’t deal with the m*****f***ing G.D. stupid in America anymore. So, I say f*** it and f*** them! Let them f***ing die quickly! In fact, I praise Jesus every time I hear another story about an idiot unvaccinated patient who wished in their dying breath that they had gotten vaccinated. Oh, well, morons. You get what you deserve. I have no sympathy. I’m over the sympathy. To put a finer point on my apathy, there was an MSNBC story about how an unvaccinated Missouri family contracted COVID. The parents were hospitalized and the mother was pregnant and had to be put on a ventilator. Well, guess what? She lost the baby. Go figure! I say good and good riddance! She deserved it! Seriously! I don’t give one G.D. f*** how cruel it sounds. I’m over these people. In fact, since Missouri is one of those red-state pro-life, anti-mask, anti-science hellscapes, I want to know why the woman is not being charged with infanticide since her willful neglect to get vaccinated — which has proven safe for pregnant women — directly caused the death of her unborn child. She is a murderer by the logic of the conservatives that rule over the state. So, why does she get off? She is a baby killer as far as I’m concerned. Why is she not in jail awaiting her murder trial? But whatever! Hypocrisy is the middle name of every RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, and evil evangelical.

And I’m over liberals and their excuses that these poor vaccine-hesitant people are merely misinformed, dis-informed, or uninformed. No, no. At this point, it is a willfulness to remain uninformed and stupid — it perfectly conforms to the conservative mentality, which is to be all stupid all the m*****f***ing time. Full! F***ing! Stop! The correct information is out there and accessible, yet morons of America get their news from the likes of Facebook. Seriously?!?! People consume (and believe) news and information that is essentially crowdsourced on Facebook et al! We are literally living in a country where if enough people say it (repeat it), then “it” becomes true. F*** me! I give up! And we wonder why America is the dumbest f***ing country on the planet. Whatever! You can’t undo the stupid; you can only hope it dies out quickly before it kills the rest of us. We are so f***ing screwed because of American idiocracy. Welcome to stupid America where the idiots are not dying fast enough. (Now ask me how I really feel!)

It’s the Purge and Redistricting, Stupid

The issues with Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are precisely what I — and anyone with two brain cells to rub together — expected from the RepubliKKKlan Party. It’s the purge, stupid! Traitor trump is the dictator of the RepubliKKKlan Party and he wants Liz and Romney out, so that is exactly what party leadership and the moronic base will give him. It’s that f***ing simple. Look, morons! How many times have I said it? How many f***ing times? RepubliKKKlans looked in the traitor trump mirror and fell in love with the reflection. MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards love the hatred and white grievance (aka snowflake b*tching) that traitor trump reflects back to them and to the rest of the world. In fact, they not only love to hate others, but they also love that everyone else sees them as hateful, vile, and stupid people. It is all part of their glory. Stick it to the rest of the world by being f***tards. Ugh. And one may wonder why I hate people generally — because too many of these idiots exist in America. And they are everywhere! With more hiding in plain sight. Mark my words!

Furthermore, CNN reports, “If anything the former President wields even more control of his party now than he did over the last five years , a fact made more remarkable by the social media silence enforced by bans from major social media platforms. And there are very clear signs that Trump’s assault on American democracy is working.” America’s democracy is dying, f***tards. Idiots are gaining more power and will soon be back in the majority. And all these never-trumpers and disaffected RepubliKKKlans vocalizing their “discomfort” with the party and traitor trump is all talk and little action. They sit on the sidelines wishing and hoping something will change with the RepubliKKKlan Party — apparently completely oblivious to what is happening now is exactly what the party has always been. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are free to live their true selves instead of being afraid to show their vileness in public. Now they don’t care; they relish their newfound unencumbered lifestyle. Indeed, these sidelined pundits are powerless and those non-true-believers in office will soon be purged only to be replaced by traitor trump / QAnon purists.

And then there is redistricting which will guarantee RepubliKKKlan dominance in the House for the next few election cycles. Does anyone really think that the two new House seats awarded to Texas will be reapportioned to cement any other party but the RepubliKKKlans? Soon enough, RepubliKKKlans will re-take the House and government will be back to gridlock because that’s what people want — for nothing to change, really. Mark my words, morons. Traitor trump is slowly but surely winning the war. He may have lost the last couple of battles, but the soul of America is diminishing. Traitor trump understands his sustaining power because that’s what people want or at the very least don’t care to resist. I don’t care how much more popular Biden is compared to traitor trump. That does not matter. In fact, Biden’s popularity compared to other presidents at this time is relatively soft. The only thing that matters is how RepubliKKKlans rig congressional districts to dilute Democratic power and boost RepubliKKKlan power. Gerrymandering is popularity opinion polling proof! Welcome to trump stupid America! This level of stupid cannot be undone! America is dying and no one cares. Mark! My! Words!

RepubliKKKlan, Christian Family Values

No one wants to be told how to live their lives. No one! Most will, however, tolerate some must-dos such as buying car insurance, getting vaccinated, paying social security payroll taxes, and so forth. Unless, of course, you are a RepubliKKKlan or Christian or likely both (mixed in with QAnon kookery) because if there is one characteristic — one necessary attribute — that undoubtedly describes these groups of self-selecting morons, it is a deep-seated desire (demand) to tell others how to live by their fanciful, arbitrary, and arcane rules only to break those same rules themselves regularly and automatically, without any sense of irony or moral inconsistency. Hypocrisy is routinely embraced, yet it is utterly unrecognizable among these f***tards. It is all part of the mental defect that afflicts such people who look at the RepubliKKKlan Party, Christianity, and QAnon and determine, “Yeah, I want to be a part of that hot mess!”

Where am I going with this? Matt Gaetz, of course. I don’t need to quote any particular news article even though those stories abound, for the generalities of the allegations are, no doubt, all true! And they portray perfectly every aspect of the RepubliKKKlan Party. Only a RepubliKKKlan and QAnon supporter would, himself, be a sex trafficker of a minor — of course! Only other RepubliKKKlans would either support and condone or remain silent, thereby complicit in his guilt by keeping him in power. This, of course, is all built on the alter (model) of traitor trump. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons who preach white nationalist Christianity (evil evangelicals) values love their lying, thriving, adulterer leader, traitor trump. Because, of course, they do. Whatever! This is the new, dominant strain in America. Mark my words, morons. America is doomed because of its stupidity and inability to purge this disease from society. Welcome to stupid America!

QAnon Is for Morons: Happy March 4!

Today is another watershed date on the calendar for the hoards of QAnon morons that define the general level of stupidity pervasive in American society. The belief is that today is the date that traitor trump will officially become president because somehow, the 20th Amendment to the Constitution really does not, nor has ever, applied since its passing. The 20th Amendment, for idiots out there that don’t understand how their own government works, is the change to the Constitution that moved inauguration day from March to January following election day, which occurs on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. In other words, election day cannot be the first day of November if it happens to be a Tuesday. But everyone knows that. Right? Ugh. Why do I bother asking stupid questions? Anyways, QAnon followers are f***tards because they just f***ing are, and I haven’t even started picking apart the contradictions in their moronic inaugural day beliefs.

There are two paradoxes at work. First, here we have a group of f***ing morons of the highest m*****f***ing order who are supposedly uber patriots that love babies, the police, the Constitution, and everything for which it stands! They followed traitor trump and stormed the Capitol and continue to believe because they are the “law and order” party; they are the “true” patriots, unless, of course, when the Constitution doesn’t suit them, namely the 20th Amendment. They love the First and Second Amendments, and the rest of the Amendments they have no idea what they are, except for the 20th. Typical! They like and want to uphold only some of the Constitution. Naturally! It’s all consistent with the same mentality akin to evil evangelicals, where people pick and choose what parts of the Bible they want to believe and enforce. It’s all the same level of stupid; there is no difference! QAnon and evangelicals — the twin American cancers.

Of course, the second contradiction in their beliefs is even more perplexing. So! If only a real president must be inaugurated in March, then what was traitor trump during his entire time in office? A fake president? I heard nothing about him secretly taking the oath of office on this day in 2017. QAnon certainly made no mention of it, nor had they any concerns about traitor trump being sworn in during a supposedly false event when Obama would have still been president — or not, according to their stupid “thinking.” Again, no mention from QAnon about Obama being illegitimate because of being sworn in on the wrong day. Of course, they claim he was illegitimate because he was born in Kenya. (Ugh! Kill me now!) It’s only now morons “think” of this alleged massive flaw in the Constitution that they so fervently claim to love and respect and blah, blah, blah. Whatever! I give up. Look, f***tards. I will say it again and again: America is lost, morons! Mark my words. This level of stupid cannot be undone — ever. The long slide to the bottom began the second traitor trump won, and it’s been downhill ever since. Dumbass Democrats are not — and will never be — strong nor ruthless enough to reverse the damage that is the Great American Stupidity that has been exacerbated, facilitated, and encouraged vis-à-vis traitor trump’s rise and hold onto political power! Welcome to stupid America, forever and always! America as we know it is ending, morons! The stupid is going to overtake this country and run it into the ground. Mark! My! Words!

RepubliKKKlan Party to Get More Radical and Attract More Morons

From The Hill, “The surprise retirement of Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), a high-profile moderate who is close to the Bush family and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), is the latest sign of turmoil in the Republican Party as it wrestles with its identity in the post-Trump era.” What did I say, morons? What did I say?!?! I said don’t be stupid; there is no rift in the RepubliKKKlan Party. There is no identity crisis. There is no impending schism. The RepubliKKKlan Party is not imploding. And there is no civil war within the party. RepubliKKKlans are not scared of traitor trump, nor are they running away from him. No! There is none of this B.S. Instead, the purge has begun! I was right. Portman is the first example of a post-traitor trump RepubliKKKlan purge where a non-MAGA moron Senator gives up his RepubliKKKlan seat, making way for a radical MAGA moron crazy QAnon believing Senator to take his place. Moreover, this is not an opportunity for Democrats to flip an open RepubliKKKlan seat. Mark my words, dumbass Democrats! The RepubliKKKlan Party will consolidate its popularity around conspiracy theories and white supremacists, and they will win by doing so. It is merely the 21st-century version of the Southern Strategy. Georgia’s recent Senate wins were a twin aberration created by hyper-attention on a national level. Expect more traditional races in more traditional cycles to fly under the radar and benefit the incumbent (RepubliKKKlan) party.

And I will remind readers: How many times have I said it? How many f***ing times? Traitor trump is the messiah for which the RepubliKKKlan Party has been long waiting. Traitor trump is the vileness that embodies the core ethos of the RepubliKKKlan Party, MAGA morons, QAnon, evil evangelicals, and so forth — basically 42 percent of the population. Traitor trump has shown white nationalists, racists, misogynists, jingoist, anti-Semites, homophobes, bigots, and the whole gambit how to be popular, mainstream, and wield power in ruthless, moronic, and surprisingly still effectively incompetent ways. Before traitor trump took over the party, RepubliKKKlans only dared to dream about the disaster he inflicted upon this nation. RepubliKKKlans have realized their future in traitor trump and they love it! Eh, but none of this matters because Democrats, Progressives, Independents, and even so-called moderate RepubliKKKlans far outnumber QAnon f***tards, MAGA morons, and radical RepubliKKKlans, yet the crazies are taking over the country. We’re doomed because I live in hell where people love the crazy just because their own lives must not be exciting enough, so they relish front row seats with a bucket of popcorn to witness the end of America and democracy. Because, hey, why not? No one cares, so whatever. Ugh! I give up. It’s going to get much, much worse, morons. Mark my words, f***tards! Mark! My! Words! I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!

Keep Giving to Traitor [T]rump, F***tards!

From The Hill, “Trump can use Save America money to pay family members and fund travel, hotel stays and expensive events in glamorous venues. Fund donations channeled to the RNC can be used in any GOP candidate’s race — including the Georgia run-off election that will determine control of the Senate and probably the future of Biden initiatives and cabinet appointments. The fund is the latest of Trump swindles and cheats. … [T]hey are complicit in misleading Trump loyalists into spending money they can’t afford, in the middle of a pandemic, to overturn an election that’s already decided, when they know nearly all of it will go into their pockets. It’s the perfect parting shot from an administration built on fraud, hubris, and contempt for America’s laws and people.”

Please! By all means! MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals keep giving your money to traitor trump. You f***tards should keep giving until you literally can’t give any more! Sell your possessions! Max out your credit cards! Drain your savings and checking accounts! Donate your 401K! Please, do it! Do it all. Stupid is as stupid does. Go poor and die as far as I’m concerned. If these morons have not yet realized the con man that is traitor trump, then f*** them. They deserve everything they get and they get no assistance from the government — after all, they are the party of personal responsibility! So be it! I’m f***ing over the stupid. Welcome to trump stupid America where a dead MAGA moron is a good MAGA moron. Improving America one dead MAGA moron at a time!

America Under Cyberattack: Traitor [T]rump Does Nothing, Nobody Cares

Reporting from CNN, “The massive data breach, revealed in the final weeks of Trump’s administration, amounts to a dramatic coda for a presidency clouded by questions of deference to Russia and unsuccessful attempts to warm relations with its President, Vladimir Putin. Just as he has largely ignored the latest surge in coronavirus cases, Trump appears to have all but abdicated responsibility in his final weeks in office. … Trump said nothing about the attack, which went undetected by his administration’s intelligence agencies for months. As those agencies now mobilize to assess the damage — which the government said Thursday could be more widespread than initially thought, posing a ‘grave risk to the federal government’ — the President himself remains silent on the matter, preoccupied instead with his election loss and his invented claims of widespread voter fraud.”

Eh! So what? Who cares? Seriously?!?! Who really f***ing cares anymore? I am so apoplectic by this and traitor trump’s complete indifference and all the MAGA morons loving the traitor even more as he continues to do nothing that I just can’t care anymore. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times before: America is just too f***ing G.D. stupid to survive and this latest Russian attack is more proof that I live in a country of m*****f***ing G.D. f***tards that cannot (should not) survive as a nation! The MSM is still more fascinated by that elderly person getting the first vaccination or that reporter asking if the vaccine is being injected at -70 degrees (Celsius). Make no mistake morons of American: this cyberattack by Russia is the 21 century equivalent of a military attack and nobody cares. This is an act of war you m*****f***ing G.D. f***tards of the highest f***ing order, but whatever. Nobody cares!

Just remember that you did this! Yes, you! This is what Americans elected four years ago and we are still in that aftermath. This is what Americans wanted. This is what happens when the dumbest country on the planet elected the dumbest person in the world to be the leader of what used to be the Free World. It is also stupid America that thinks the course correction of electing Biden will somehow suddenly reverse the damage. We’re doomed and I don’t think Biden will be strong enough. Certainly stronger than traitor trump but just not strong enough — strong a la Obama who was rather weak in the face of Russia, especially in the final months of his presidency. America is too busy being fascinated by QAnon and conspiracy theories and anti-vaxxers and making sure bars stay open during the pandemic and posting pictures of funny-looking cats on Facebook. Yeah, America is f***ing screwed.

It’s all part of the American idiocracy that keeps thinking zig-zagging between political parties’ control of the White House is the most productive and beneficial course of action to advance the nation. Look in the mirror, f***tards! What do you see? Who is reflected back? Traitor trump! Yes! Traitor trump is the Everyman of America. America looks into the mirror and sees the incompetence, treachery, stupidity, and weakness that defines traitor trump and they love it! America needs the Einsatzgruppen to eliminate the stupidity and cancer that is MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals! Whatever! If you want to know what a dying country looks like then look in the mirror, moron! And if you are a MAGA moron or RepubliKKKlan then please use your Second Amendment right to expedite your trip to hell! Welcome to trump stupid America! The stupid hurts and never ends. It’s the mirror, stupid!

I Agree with Limbaugh

According to The Hill, “Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday suggested that America was headed towards the conditions that resulted in the first American Civil War on his radio show after a caller asked whether conservativism would ever dominate U.S. culture again. … ‘There cannot be a peaceful coexistence of two completely different theories of life, theories of government, theories of how we manage our affairs. We can’t be in this dire a conflict without something giving somewhere along the way.’”

For once, I am in complete agreement with Limbaugh! He is saying nothing I have not already opined. Civil war is coming and to some extent the cold war within has been raging for most of my life, ever since the evil evangelicals made the culture war front and center in American society. And it is no surprise when I say bring it! The next civil war will only start when there is a Democratic president because all these MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals certainly never have an issue when a dictator RepubliKKKlan is their president. Oh, no! They have no problems with that and Democrats would never consider secession. Democrats, being the true patriots, still try to work within the system to cope and improve the state of the union, although dumbass Democrats try just a bit too hard to be fair and just — f*** that! Be ruthless. They need to learn to dominate!

My only fear with a Democratic president presiding over the next civil war is his or her weakness. No doubt it will be a weak dumbass Democrat that will seek to overcome and heal when in fact he or she should only be considering using the full force of the military to smite and obliterate traitor (RepubliKKKlan) states. No m*****f***ing G.D reconciliation and reconstruction! When we win it will be to vanquish, dominate, and occupy! In fact, I would have no problems with death camps for rebel traitors. They can help rebuild something until they drop dead. I don’t f***ing care. Once the enemy always the enemy! All these f***tard RepubliKKKlans always seem to forget that the political power they hold is outsized; there are far more Democrats, liberals, and progressives than conservatives. Although, I will concede what the right lacks in numbers they compensate with their strength and determination. On the other hand, all the wealth resides in Democratic states, so bring it, morons! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Let the war begin and let’s f***ing cleanse this nation of the scum and disease that is MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals. It will be brother against brother, but the need for an American renewal is long overdue. Bravo, Rush! Indeed, let’s roll already. Welcome to stupid America!

Second Amendment Rights

Salon reports, “The Arizona Republican Party urged supporters in a pair of late-night tweets on Monday to potentially sacrifice their lives on behalf of outgoing President Donald Trump’s muddled crusade to rewrite his election loss. … In a since-deleted post, the official state party account shared a clip from the Sylvester Stallone action movie ‘Rambo,’ captioned with the quote: ‘This is what we do, who we are. Live for nothing, or die for something.’ … Alexander, formerly known as Ali Akbar, has a shady political history even by the loose standards of MAGA-world. He tweeted that he was ‘willing to give my life for this fight,’ and Arizona Republicans upped the ante, asking: ‘He is. Are you?’”

Yes! Please, by all means! To all the RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals out there: For the love of God, take your Second Amendment right, stick it in your mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger! No one is going to miss you guys!