Karen Pence Deserves a Bullet in the Head

From RawStory, “The Immanuel Christian private school in Springfield, Virginia bans LGBTQ teachers and students because ‘homosexual acts and lifestyles are clearly perversions and reprehensible in the sight of God’, at least, according to its employment application.” I’m in a “kill all RepubliKKKlans” mode, so kill them all without exception. Hate must meet with hate lest the meek will be killed in their sleep. We must purge RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals from American society!

The Rise of American Domestic Terrorism Keeps on Rising

From The Hill, “The militia group whose members planned to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) was attempting to instigate a civil war through attacks on the state Capitol building and targeting police officers, officials said Thursday. … The six involved with the plans to kidnap Whitmer were charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping. The affidavit named them as Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta. The seven other defendants face charges of providing material support for terrorists [sic] acts and felony firearm possession. They were identified as Paul Bellar, Shawn Fix, William Null, Pete Musico, Eric Molitor and Michael Null, according to the Detroit Free Press.”

OMG! I can’t take the f***ing stupid anymore! As if their rather involved plan (kidnap a governor and put her on trial for treason and take over the state legislature) was ever going to work. I hope each and every one of these individuals get the death penalty for treason, without exception. If they do not then America will be lost forever. I’ve been saying this for well over a year now and it appears that what I’ve been warning is starting to come to fruition. I’ve been saying America is headed toward the next civil war. Mark my words, morons. One may argue that America has always had its fill of extremist morons wanting to essentially destroy the nation. One need only go back in time to Timothy McVeigh and his domestic terrorist attack in the heartland of the nation. That plan was inspired by the exact same ethos as those in Michigan. Back then, however, it was McVeigh and one accomplice. Today, there are thirteen willing f***tards to unleash domestic terrorism on American politicians, law enforcement, and citizens. Law enforcement says this is only the tip of the iceberg. Today, the right-wing nutjob militia f***tards are more radicalized (Thanks Facebook!), more mainstream (Thanks Facebook!), more threatened, more accessible (Thanks Facebook!), more organized (Thanks Facebook!), more armed (Thanks SCOTUS!), more easily recruited (Thanks Facebook!) and more inspired (Thanks traitor trump! RepubliKKKlans! evil evangelicals!). For them, the time is now and long overdue. Mark my word, idiots. There is a reason why the FBI recognizes right-wing militia groups as the number one threat to America! Full stop! And traitor trump is their leader. Full! F***ing! Stop! This is America, morons! Mark my words! This is the new trump stupid America! I’m f***ing tell you, people. I can’t scream it any louder. Post-election is going to be a bloodbath. But whatever! No one cares. The cold civil war has already started. But America is a stupid and complacent nation where people will just let things deteriorate until the sh*t show lands at their front door. In the meantime, Americans just love the traitor trump reality show. It’s the “entertain me!” nation. Traitor trump understands this and he feeds the masses his version of bread and circus. Everyone just eats it up! Not to mention that these mentally challenged militia white supremacist crazies breed — a lot! They make lots of little crazies and infect them with their beliefs. We are trapped in this infected world where crazies literally breed more crazies. The only way to get out of this mess is to completely vanquish the radical right-wing nutjob fringe, which is not so fringe anymore. And that can only happen through a hot war. Full stop! Get ready, people. There is no point of return. We are so beyond that now! Time to amend the Constitution to constrain the Second Amendment. With a now firmly conservative SCOTUS, all weapons will become legal. The only guns any one person needs are one rifle for hunting and one handgun for self-defense. That’s it! Full stop. Civilians do not need weapons of war. But then again this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America where we’re good at killing each other because freedom!

Welcome to stupid America! A well-running democracy does not function on autopilot nor with a citizenry that votes every four years nor whenever there is an exciting candidate on the ballot. Democracy certainly does not function when people elect someone to merely “shake things up” in Washington! You did this! Just remember that! I live in f***ing G.D. stupid hell! Whatever! I gave up hoping for the best a long time ago because I am surrounded by stupid!

If I Have to Hear One More F***tard Say…

If I have to hear one f***ing G.D. moronic commenter, pundit, voter, pedestrian, dumbass Democrat, or anyone else “hope” that traitor trump’s contraction of SARS 2 will cause him to take the pandemic seriously, then I am going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind! I mean I just might go postal because I can’t take the stupid anymore. If traitor trump survives SARS 2, then absolutely nothing will change. In fact, it will only make things worse. Not only will he claim lifetime immunity but he’ll also claim the mantle of Jesus Christ superstar. He rose from near death. (And evil evangelicals will believe him because that’s what a stupid country does!) Mark my words, f***tards. His recovery from this disease will be a license to further divide the country — those who were strong enough to survive and everyone else. I’ve said it before, idiots. This is at the core of MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan beliefs — SARS 2 is killing all the right people, namely minorities. It’s weeding out the weak. I cannot say it any more plainly than that. His MAGA moron and RepubiKKKlan supporters are all in with this line of thinking. Whatever! You’ll never see a mask on him again because he’s cured, setting the ultimate example for every other American moron. Of course, none of his followers will care if his recklessness kills people, and neither will he. Traitor trump is not going to see the light or become a convert on the pandemic. He will only see this as an argument of the weak versus the strong. He’s strong. He survived. Those who don’t make it were not meant to live. And people will love him more for it! Mark my words, f***tards.

WTF! The stupid never ends. Every f***ing day is just another day of Lucy and the f***ing G.D. football with people thinking something is ever going to change with traitor trump and his followers. It! Will! Never! Ever! Change! It only goes to prove the frustrating notion that people do not understand the truly vile nature of trumpism and its malignancy in America. Wake the f*** up, people! Should Biden win, don’t think trumpism will end or “just” disappear. It needs to be thoroughly exterminated. But no one understands, so it will be allowed to persist under some misguided notion of freedom of speech and religion. I can’t take the stupid anymore! Welcome to trump stupid America.

The Presidential Debate: I Nailed It (Of Course)!

I did not watch the debate, as promised, because I knew (everyone should have known) the debate would be nothing but a disaster. Those f***tards who watched believing something could be gained from the exchange really just wanted to see the hot mess cage fight. I can’t wait to see the viewership ratings and opinion polls about who “won” the debate to confirm the magnitude of America’s stupidity. Remember, a tie goes to traitor trump. People just want to see the car crash. It’s the “entertain me!” nation that will destroy us all. On that note, I did pick up on one point being discussed in the MSM, namely, “The Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, pledged allegiance to President Donald Trump on Tuesday night after he told the group to ‘stand back and stand by’ during the first presidential debate.” I’m tired of saying it but indulge me: Traitor trump and every single one of his MAGA moron supporters and every RepubliKKKlan is a white supremacist! Full! F***ing! Stop! Without exception. Moreover, traitor trump has made being a white supremacist mainstream and this domestic terrorist group is on the rise in popularity. Traitor trump has made hate fashionable. So, all of those f***tard black traitor trump supporters please, by all means, vote for the leader of the white supremacist movement. F***! I can’t anymore! The stupid hurts! Naturally, these same black folk are delusional in their belief that such hatred from white supremacist groups doesn’t apply to “them.” No, they hate the “other” black guy. Whatever! I give up. I can’t anymore this the stupid!

Perhaps the conservative publication, The Bulwark, had the most succinct headline: “The President Is a Sociopath. And 60 Million Americans Like It.” Of course, they do and dare I say far more than 60 million Americans like it. I’m telling all you m*****f***ing G.D. f***tards out there: Trumpism is alive and thriving. Traitor trump is the Everyman of America. He is the mirror, stupid. Mark my words, idiots. How many times must I say it? How many times? America was lost the day the f***tards voted for traitor trump, hoping to shake things up because apparently people were bored with the state of the nation. And by extension, those who did not vote (for Hillary) also ushered in the end of America and the rise of trumpism. The secret traitor trump voters will make this election far closer than any poll or pundit predicts, and it will be enough for traitor trump to steal the election. Mark my words. The stupid cannot be undone.

And then there is the rest of the morons of America who either completely agree with traitor trump’s racism / white supremacist leanings or claim they don’t care or they “don’t see it.” Un-f***ing-believable. Of course, I am sure traitor trump’s performance at the debate will still leave “undecided” voters confused about the person for whom they will vote. Stupid is as stupid is. Undecided voters after last night are just f***ing traitor trump voters. I typically would split the undecided portion of a given presidential poll to gain a better understanding of who leads in the poll — or more accurately if any one person is above the 50 percent threshold since by definition splitting the vote advances both candidates equally, just as a finer point to distinguish. But now, it is clear that the undecided portion in a presidential poll is going 100 percent to traitor trump. There is no way one will witness that debate or, more importantly, witnessed (lived through) the last four years of traitor trump at “work” and not come away thinking four more years of the traitor trump sh*t show is something people want unless they are full-on “-ists” (racist, misogynist, xenophobes, jingoist, homophobes, white supremacist, and every other hater -ist that I did not mention). Without a doubt, MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, every other traitor trump supporter, and those “undecided” voters are all these things! I’m sure people on the fence looked at traitor trump’s debate performance and will conclude in their thinking: At least he’s strong and they like it. Nevermind the substance. It’s all about the show! Without fail, it’s the mirror, stupid! I am confident traitor trump will steal the election and Americans will simply let him! Get ready for four more years. Welcome to trump stupid America! Dumber today than yesterday.

Traitor [T]rump’s Taxes

Let me begin by saying, I will not concede (yet) that my prediction of never seeing traitor trump’s taxes has been busted. Not even The New York Times has seen his tax returns; they’ve only obtained “tax-return data.” They are not the same thing, though the outcome or impact may be the same. The Times has promised more to come, so who knows what else they have to divulge. But I am far less interested in the dollar amounts he paid in taxes (or did not pay) as I am about the investigative article further exposing traitor trump as a fraud; his entire life — a life in which he’s portrayed himself as a successful billionaire businessman — is all a lie and fake. It’s all an illusion, or perhaps hoax is a better term. The article summed it up perfectly: “Ultimately, Mr. Trum p has been more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life.” That’s it in a nutshell! In one pithy statement, The Times evinces not only the fraud that is traitor trump but also the utter stupidity of America, and by utter stupidity, I mean the dumbest f***ing country in the world. Full stop! On average, there is absolutely no nation populated by a dumber citizenry. None! I just really, really hate this m*****f***ing G.D. stupid, stupid country. I just f***ing can’t stand it anymore. The stupid just f***ing hurts, and I’m surrounded by it — it’s everywhere. For well over a year, I’ve been calling out traitor trump as a fraud and calling out his f***ing G.D. moron followers of the highest f***ing order for believing that he’s some sort of “very stable genius” “businessman!” (See here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here.) In short, a supremely stupid country fell for (is still falling for) the traitor trump moronic fraud sh*t show. And people love it! I! Can’t! With! The! Stupid! Anymore! F*** me! I just can’t!

Of course, these latest revelations will do nothing to dissuade RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and any other f***tards because I live in stupid hell where anything that disparages, contradicts, or exposes Dear Leader is “fake news.” So, none of this matters. In fact, traitor trump has it entirely correct when he claims that he’s “smart” for not paying taxes; he’s absolutely right because idiots of America don’t care. They’d do the same because it has never been about “America First” or MAGA. Being a traitor trump supporter has always been about hypocrisy, selfishness, greed, hatred, and stupidity. These people are a disease in American society. It is that simple. Traitor trump’s supporters just don’t care. They want to be lied to; they want an excuse to hate openly again; they welcome ignorance and stupidity, and conspiracy theories. And they hate America, at least the version of America that departs from their own worldview. Consequently, they hate government, so they cheer traitor trump for “sticking it” to the IRS even though his followers (who he readily calls “losers” and “suckers”) are the ones who end up subsidizing his business losses and, by extension, his lifestyle because they must pay for the government’s revenue shortfall with paying more in taxes. This is the same mindset I called out four years ago (before the website) regarding the Access Hollywood tape and the Stormy Daniels hush money scandal. I knew that recording and his actions would do absolutely nothing to discourage his voters because deep, deep down inside, the MAGA morons could not possibly care any less about his misogyny, and they actually respected him (more) for f***ing a porn star — and getting away with it! His followers could only wish they were ever in a position to f*** a porn star! How many f***ing times have I said it? How many times? It’s the mirror, stupid! These tax revelations are precisely the same thing. Whatever! Nothing matters anymore!

Dare I say The Times story will do little to move those on the fence to a determination? Undecided voters, at this point, are clearly still just too f***ing stupid, and I doubt new information will do anything other than distress them more and engender more “confusion.” How there can be any confusion or questions remaining about traitor trump is incomprehensible, but then I wake up to reality and realize, oh yeah! That’s right: I live in m*****f***ing G.D. stupid hell! If anything, these “undecided” voters are just secret traitor trump voter-wannabes who are looking for that last excuse not to vote for Biden; of course, they’re not looking for a reason not to vote for traitor trump, which is why all these tax stories will do nothing in the end. No minds will be changed. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: A tie (indecision) goes to traitor trump. One final note: Traitor trump is not and has never been a billionaire, f***tards. Full stop!

Welcome to stupid America! Home of “suckers” and “losers.” (Traitor trump’s words, not mine.) A country this trump stupid cannot survive. In fact, it is a daily miracle that MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals survive, for traitor trump supporters are so f***ing stupid that it’s a good thing breathing, for these f***tards is an autonomic bodily function lest they would suffocate otherwise!


And with the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Americans will finally get the dictatorship they deserve because I live in m*****f***ing G.D. trump stupid America! Of course, I predicted this last year because it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to understand that RBG was not going to last and that Mitch McConnell, the human turtle, would do anything to cement a conservative SCOTUS for at least two generations — For! At! Least! Two! Generations! And, of course, the gravity of this moment is completely lost on progressives, liberals, and dumbass Democrats, for they are a big part of the reason why we’re in this situation in the first place; their weakness brought us to this point.

For decades RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals have been running election campaigns on the issue of the courts, biding their time until the right moment. So! Here we are: At that moment. RepubliKKKlans hold all the cards and all the power, and dumbass Democrats have absolutely no way to stop this process. I’ve already heard dumbass Democrats calling RepubliKKKlans hypocrites if they push through a vote. Oh, my f***ing God! Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! Charges of hypocrisy!?!? Yeah! I see RepubliKKKlans stopping in their tracks to avoid being called hypocrites. Kill me now! It never fails that dumbass Democrats completely underestimate and fail to understand RepubliKKKlans. Traitor trump, a president of which the majority of the population has never liked, will be allowed to change the face of SCOTUS for decades to come. Think about that! Yup! Sounds like democracy to me. How many times must I say it? The minority is tyranny over the majority. I f***ing give up with this country. Seriously! I just f***ing give up!

And right on cue, I already hear idiot pundits — Chuck Todd — suggest that RepubliKKKlans may not have the numbers to get a traitor trump nomination confirmed as if to mitigate the severity of the circumstances. And right on cue, stupid people still seem to give RepubliKKKlans some benefit of the doubt that they will do the “honorable” thing — withhold confirmation until after the next president is sworn into office! Ugh! F*** me! Are they f***ing kidding me? RepubliKKKlans will crame this nomination through, and enough RepubliKKKlan Senators will fall in line as they always do. Mark my words, morons. This is a done deal whether or not Biden — by an even greater miracle now — manages to win the election. I just can’t f***ing believe how dumbass Democrats really f***ed the SCOTUS issue going back, well, forever.

There is no one to blame but dumbass Democrats for this disaster. This is what happens when they refuse to play hardball. Salon summed it up well, “It will take a new level of hardball from Democrats, far beyond anything they have mustered thus far, to prevent a historic Supreme Court power grab that will reshape the national agenda for a generation or more, long after today’s political leaders have faded from the scene.” Yeah, never going to happen! Liberals and progressives never took SCOTUS seriously, and now there will be a branch of the government, having the final say on all future legislation, who will gladly strike down legislation whenever it advances minorities and individuals. Does anyone really think that any progressive legislation Democrats pass into law will survive review by six conservative Justices? Anyone? Seriously? Anyone? I don’t care how well crafted the legislation is or how firmly within the prerogative of the legislative branch such laws are formed, debated, and passed; conservative Justices will legislate in their own activist manner. It will no longer be three co-branches of government; it will be conservative judges saying no to all legislation that doesn’t live up to their conservative worldview all disguised in the name of the Constitution. We are entering the full-on Roland Freisler period of federal jurisprudence. I can’t! I just can’t anymore!

People have no f***ing clue — no idea, no comprehension, as usual — just how catastrophic this is for America! Roe v. Wade? Gone! Obamacare? Gone! Corporations are people? Hell, yes! And get ready for them to be able to vote, too! Gun control? Never! You get an AR-15! And you get an AR-15! And you get an AR-15! Marriage equality? Gone! Climate change issues? What climate change? Corporation versus individual? The corporation always wins. All those other unenumerated constitutional rights? All those other rights only inferred by the Constitution which a liberal Court found? Gone! Gone! Gone! With a solid majority of constitutional originalists on the Court, people will become quickly familiar with the notion that all those rights — rights they have enjoyed and taken for granted — are not actually written into the Constitution. Civil rights? Gone! Gender equality? Gone! Education equality? Gone! Discrimination? Fully constitutional now! A conservative Court will enshrine the First Amendment as reasoning for open season on discrimination of every kind, especially against the LGBTQ community. I cannot repeat the disaster this will be for America for the next thirty years! Mark my words, morons! People have been asleep at the wheel.

Forget, RIP RBG. This is the year America died, and no one cares — as usual! I’ve said it before, and I’ll repeat it: Liberals, progressives, and dumbass Democrats deserve this. I think the only way these f***tards will wake up is if they spend time — years — in the wilderness to contemplate and truly come to grips with the enemy that is conservatism. Conservatives, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals have always viewed progressives as the enemy to be vanquished, whereas dumbass Democrats have constantly worried about not offending “our” conservative “brethren.” Vomit! Moreover, progressives and liberals have always been complacent, believing the hard-fought rights of generations past were immutable! Not so much! Unfortunately, by the time dumbass Democrats gain enlightenment, there will be nothing left of our democracy. I give up! I live in stupid hell! A place that is always dumber today than the day before. This is very literally the worst thing to happen to America in my lifetime, and sadly no one cares enough to get mad as hell and do something about it — most of all, vote! Whatever! None of this matters! People! Go back to your TikTok and Facebook and Twitter because Lord knows this is the “entertain me!” nation as the world crumbles around them! Welcome to trump stupid America! Just when I thought I could not hate America more!

Reason Can’t Compete with Faith, Yup!

From Salon, “People with lower cognitive abilities find it difficult to follow directions about when to wear a mask and when it is appropriate and safe not to do so. Moreover, when the rules about wearing a mask are inconsistent, it becomes even more difficult for people with lower cognitive abilities to wear masks consistently and correctly. … Beginning in the 1980s, American conservatism has morphed into a type of religious politics in which fact and reason have been subsumed by faith. This manifests in many ways: anti-intellectualism and anti-rationality, racism and white supremacy, hostile sexism and misogyny, a worship of ignorance and greed, right-wing Christian fundamentalism, a disregard for truth and empirical reality, and contempt for expert knowledge. … Trump’s neofascist movement will not disappear even if the Great Leader is voted out of office on Election Day and decides to step down. Such people will just latch onto another American fascist and demagogue, in whatever form he or she may take. Decent Americans may see the Trumpists and others of their ilk as tainted, but they themselves feel touched and empowered. In living the faith of their right-wing political religion, Trump’s followers have found ‘salvation’ through a leader who is simultaneously ‘like them’ but is also a type of semi-divine prophet whose example they aspire to imitate or emulate.”

This was an excellent article and I encourage people to read the entire piece. I quoted parts that I thought were most representative. Needless to say, these quotes echo what I have been saying for years now: the majority of Americans are trapped in a country lead by a minority of f***tards who will gladly kill themselves — and us with them — because they don’t care and, apparently, the majority doesn’t care all that much either. This is what has become of America. Traitor trump is the Everyman of America. It is the mirror, stupid! Mark my words, morons. Unless and until the majority rises up to exterminate the MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil evangelical f***tards of the highest f***ing order then nothing is going to change. America will continue to be a country whereby the minority rules over the majority. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before. These people are a disease in American society and, like any disease, the majority should wish to cure it. Sadly, liberals, progressives, and dumbass Democrats have yet to realize that these people cannot be reasoned with or converted; they must be eliminated! We need to start striking back more forcefully than calling these people “deplorable.” F*** me! They wear that pejorative as a badge of honor. They know only one thing: violence. So, I say let our violence reign! Let loose the Einsatzgruppen as the cure! Welcome to trump stupid America. We’re all trapped! America cannot survive when at least 40 percent of the citizenry is abjectly retarded. Kill me now! The stupid hurts! Mark! My! Words!

Let! Them! Die!

From CNN, “President Donald Trump offered a glaring new example of his refusal to put medical science before politics with a large indoor rally Sunday night that made a mockery of social distancing, while the pandemic he mismanaged has now claimed more than 194,000 American lives. The event in Nevada — his second rally in the state in as many days — did not only risk the health of those present, thousands of whom were packed together inside a manufacturing facility in defiance of the state’s ban on local gatherings of 50 people or more. It also has the potential to turn into a super spreader event that could seed Covid-19 outbreaks in the wider community. Trump hadn’t held an indoor rally in nearly three months, since his last one, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, after which the city saw a surge in cases and multiple campaign staffers along with Secret Service agents tested positive for the virus.” I hope these people die! The more MAGA morons that die the better! The more RepubliKKKlans that die the better! The more evil evangelicals that die the better! Let them all die! Full stop! Cheer their deaths! Pray for their deaths! Never moron their deaths! Stupid does not deserve to survive! Yet, I am surrounded by stupid!

The Only Way to Fix the Pandemic and America: More MAGA Morons, RepubliKKKlans, and Evil Evangelicals Must Die!

I am over it! Seriously! These people must die! It is the only way to save America and humanity from the stupidity of MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, especially. These people are beyond saving! They are beyond negotiating! They are beyond rational! They are f***tards and a cancer on society. The only way to cure cancer is to cut it out, radiate it, and poison it! Or perhaps my preferred method: A bullet in their head. I don’t want to live in the same country as these people. I don’t want to “get along” with them. I don’t want to coexist. I don’t want to share, empathize, or even try to understand these people, for they are simply beyond understanding. Liberals, progressives, and dumbass Democrats need to get their f***ing acts together and realize that MAGA morons et al want all the “others” dead.

Oh, yes! This is truly an existential battle! They don’t want to coexist either; of course, the difference between them and us is that they are gun-toting, bat-shi*t-crazy f***tards that mean to kill us and enjoy their version of American white supremacy authoritarianism more than Democrats want to preserve America’s democracy. Never underestimate the ability of progressives to be weak! That is a huge part of why America has traitor trump in the first place. Democrats never play hardball; they still don’t understand the true, vile nature of the opposition; Democrats and progressives still (naively) believe that the right-wing f***tards will come to their “senses” and put the country above factionalism. (News flash: No, they won’t! Ever!) Wake the f*** up! Killing is the only way we are going to survive this! Rise up! The true majority must rise up! Eh, who am I kidding? It’s all weakness, all the f***ing time. Welcome to trump stupid America! The minority (RepubliKKKlans) will continue to run all over the majority (Democrats), and the majority does nothing but take it!

Traitor [T]rump, MAGA Morons, and RepubliKKKlans Are Murderers and Traitors, Without Exception!

From NPR, “President Trump is defending himself after interviews from a new book by legendary reporter Bob Woodward reveal that Trump acknowledged the deadliness of the coronavirus in early February and admitted in March to playing down its severity. ‘This is deadly stuff,’ the president told Woodward in a Feb. 7 conversation, according to the book, which is called Rage. ‘You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed. And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.’ But at the time, Trump was publicly saying that the virus was less of a concern.”

MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals are all traitors and murderers. Morons of America elected the idiot-in-chief to “lead” the nation and now they watch Americans die completely unfazed. And no one cares! Mark my words, morons. Despite the books, despite the actual tapes, despite anonymous accounts of traitor trump’s incompetence, and despite on the record accounts of traitor trump’s incompetence and treasonous behavior — despite all these things and more — none of it matters because I live in stupid America hell. Traitor trump supporters will dismiss any accusations just as they dismissed the Access Hollywood tape. Those opposed to traitor trump are not surprised. And those on the fence — which is inconceivable, but apparently real — are still just as stupid today as they were yesterday before the Woodward tapes broke, and I have no doubt they are too stupid to make up their minds (still) because, of course, Biden is no better than traitor trump. It’s just all so confusing for these f***tards (most people, dare I say). I can’t anymore! I give up! I can’t wait for traitor trump’s job approval rating not to change at all — that is an improvement from what I would normally expect: his job approval rating to improve because this is a supremely stupid America, and f***tards of America simply don’t care about being lied to even when it leads to their deaths. How traitor trump still maintains a job approval in the 40s is incomprehensible. How Biden leads traitor trump in the national polls by only 5-8 percentage points is incomprehensible. How Biden does not lead in more battleground states by bigger margins is incomprehensible. The state of America is incomprehensible! But America becomes more comprehensible when I look at the nation and realize people are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order! Then everything makes sense. I live in stupid hell! Welcome to trump stupid America. Dumber today than it was yesterday, and nothing matters anymore. Get ready for four more years because traitor trump will bounce back from this like he always does.