Liz Cheney tweets: “The Trump/Biden calamity unfolding in Afghanistan began with the Trump administration negotiating with terrorists and pretending they were partners for peace, and is ending with American surrender as Biden abandons the country to our terrorist enemies.” I promise that I am not turning into a conservative, but I am not afraid to call a spade a spade when I see it, and Biden screwed up royally and perhaps irredeemably. Full! F***ing! Stop! No excuses! No sugarcoating! No exceptions! This debacle just cost us the midterm elections, to be sure, and the 2024 presidential election. Of course, I could go on about the irony of a Cheney commenting on the war that Bush II and Dick, the dick, Cheney botched ever since they diverted attention from Afghanistan to Iraq. That’s when the real mess started. I’ll save those thoughts for another post.
Category: International Indigestion
According to The Hill, “Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) called on President Biden to ‘destroy every Taliban fighter’ near Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, until U.S. personnel are safe. ‘The fiasco in Afghanistan wasn’t just predictable, it was predicted. Joe Biden’s ill-planned retreat has now humiliated America and put at risk thousands of Americans left in Kabul,’ Cotton said in a statement Saturday. ‘At a minimum, President Biden must unleash American air power to destroy every Taliban fighter in the vicinity of Kabul until we can save our fellow Americans. Anything less will further confirm Joe Biden’s impotence to the world,’ Cotton added. … Cotton’s criticism of the president’s decision echoes that of his GOP colleagues including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) who warned of a takeover from the Taliban.”
I agree and I nailed it! (Of course, I did.) RepubliKKKlans are already calling Biden incompetent — and he is. Biden is weak — I’ve been saying it for months now — and incompetent. Dumbass Democrats are so f***ing screwed. Mark my words! And now I will go one step further: This Afghanistan disaster just made Biden a one-term president. Mark my words, morons. I don’t give one G.D. f*** what the opinion polls said about Americans wanting out of Afghanistan. What Americans don’t want is to be continuously embarrassed on the world stage, and if that means voting out Biden after the embarrassment of traitor trump then that is what will happen. (God help us if the next election is between Biden and traitor trump because we know what happens when the American people are faced with choosing between strong and wrong versus weak and right, or worse still strong and wrong versus weak and wrong.) Biden cannot recover from this because Afghanistan will spend the rest of his presidency getting worse.
Then we have these pundits and administration officials who keep trying to mitigate the likelihood of an ensuing disaster by arguing that if the Taliban wants to be recognized (or aided) by the international community, then they cannot govern as they did 20 years ago. Are you f***ing kidding me? Do these f***tards really think the Taliban fears not being recognized by the international community? OMG. I can’t with the stupid anymore. Look, f***tards. The Taliban does not care. They are going to pick up right where they left off on 10 September 2001, whether they are recognized or not. Clearly, if any countries are going to recognize the Taliban regime then they will be our enemies. What a f***ing G.D. joke! America spent 20 years restoring and building up the nation, and now the Taliban is walking right in to take over a country with upgrades and better infrastructure (and now U.S. military equipment) than when they were overthrown. Thanks, America — idiots! Welcome to stupid America — weak and stupid as ever. We’ve just created one more enemy state on steroids. Just another disgraceful day of humiliation for America! We stopped caring here.
According to Politico: “As the Taliban blitz across Afghanistan and U.S. officials scramble to assess just how quickly the government in Kabul could fall, President Joe Biden is recalibrating his message to Americans. Where he once insisted that two decades of U.S. backing had left Afghan forces capable of defending themselves, Biden and his aides have shifted to a more cold-blooded mantra: If they can’t, that’s not our problem.” What a m*****f***ing G.D. mess of the highest f***ing order! And our f***ing weak, moronic President Biden gladly owns it, along with dumbass Democrats. Moreover, it will be yet another weapon RepubliKKKlans use to accuse Biden of incompetent leadership. On this matter, I can’t say they are wrong. Of course, Biden f***ed this up from the start because he did not insolate himself by blaming traitor trump for the inevitable disaster to come after U.S. troops start to withdraw. If Biden were a sufficiently ruthless (savvy) politician, then he would have qualified his decision by saying that his hands were tied because traitor trump had already made a commitment for U.S. troops to exit the country. It is the same “gift” Bush II left Obama in Iraq. RepubliKKKlans create U.S. commitments that Democrats must honor, and it leads to disaster. What Biden should have done is commence troop withdrawal, but once the Taliban started their offensive to retake provinces and their capitals he should have used that change in circumstances to stop, regroup, and go right back into Afghanistan while blaming traitor trump for committing America to a disastrous “negotiated” arrangement. But no! Biden doubled down from the beginning because we wanted out, which is a huge m*****f***ing mistake. It is likely to be his worst decision as president and of any modern president. I can see the history books now: After trillions of dollars and thousands of dead American troops, Biden pulls out of Afghanistan, wiping out 20 years of gains and leading to the restoration of the Islamic caliphate that harbored the 9/11 terrorists. In short, wasted treasure and blood only to return to a state of existence worse than 20 years ago. Fan-f***ing-tastic! What a f***ing joke!
Yeah, I get it. It’s been 20 years. It’s a “forever” war. Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires. Blah, blah, blah. Honestly, it is more like a forgotten war that has successfully kept a lid on the tinderbox that is Afghanistan, which is why it has been forgotten — because America’s presence had been successful by not allowing the country to harbor terrorist organizations who want to attack the homeland. At this point, what is the relatively minor cost to America for maintaining the status quo to help Afghanistan maintain its democracy and prosperity? A few thousand troops? Certainly far, far less than we’ve kept in Europe and Asia since WW II and the Korean War — about 150 thousand. I’m not a liberal hawk, but I am a liberal realist, and the reality is a small commitment of U.S. troops (with or without NATO) in Afghanistan to prevent it from degrading into exactly what we are seeing now would be worth it — for 20 years or 200 years. I promise you what we leave behind will be much worse for us, even from a distance. Happy 20th 9/11 anniversary, Taliban! You get your country back plus all of our military equipment as a special gift. Of course, the overall issue that all administrations failed to do is beat the medieval mindset out of the Afghanistan citizenry. Look, f***tards. The global civilization cannot exist with hostile nations refusing to acknowledge the 21st century.
I hope Biden is prepared for the consequences of his insouciance, for he is about to get his Saigon moment as the Taliban advances on and overtakes the capital Kabul. And as Afghanistan reverts to a pre-9/11 existence, I hope Biden is prepared to live with having made every American death a sacrifice given in vain because, in the end, we achieved nothing. Indeed, our investment in Afghanistan has been expensive in blood and treasure, and now we are about to throw it all away. You know RepubliKKKlans will make that argument all the way to mid-term election victories. Trust me when I say RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons had no use for the political football of Afghanistan, but now that it is a f***ing disaster they will suddenly be all for doing exactly what Biden is failing to do. When traitor trump was for pulling out the MAGA morons wanted out too, but now that Biden is showing weakness by doing what traitor trump wanted, MAGA morons will be screaming at Biden for not protecting America. Another trap that dumbass Democrats walked right into, exactly on cue. We’re f***ed because RepubliKKKlans will crucify Democrats over this while the once ambivalent and ignorant American voter will all of a sudden be very interested and very angry over something they barely comprehend and stopped caring about 19 years ago! Thanks, Biden, for being exactly as politically feckless and ignorant — if not more — than I expected you to be. Welcome to stupid America where we destroy a country and then leave with our tail between our legs because we’re bored. Just another example of America telling the world: You can’t count on us because eventually we will abandon you, or we elect morons like traitor trump. It is a wonder we have any allies at all. What a f***ing disgrace! Welcome to stupid America, again.
According to The Hill, “President Biden spoke by phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday and urged him to take action to disrupt criminal groups operating in Russia that are behind recent ransomware attacks in the United States. … ‘His intent was to make clear and reiterate again that … ransomware attacks by criminal groups on entities in the United States is not acceptable and that we reserve the right to take action,’ Psaki said.” Um, what? Seriously! What the m*****f***ing G.D. hell? I’m sorry, but I thought Biden warned Putin when they met in Geneva. I thought Biden put Putin on notice then. I guess it must be another fake “red line” ala Obama. Naturally, Putin turned around to do nothing. In fact, it’s pretty clear this latest cyber-attack is a test of Biden’s resolve, and we all know how that ends — more cyberattacks. Apparently, Putin keeps doing what he likes, which is to attack America, and our American presidents (Bush II through Biden) do nothing. I’m sure Putin is very, very worried about a phone call from Biden “to make clear and reiterate again [emphasis added]” he needs to stop ransomware attacks against our country — pretty please. Ugh! (And make no mistake, f***tards. Putin is well aware of the cyber groups within Russia that wage war against America.) Whatever. I give. I expected nothing less from a weak and pathetic dumbass Democratic president. So, we go from traitor trump who sold out America to please Putin to another weak president who will spend his time calling Putin to give him yet another stern warning “not to do that!” Welcome to stupid America where we elect one loser president after another, and Democrats wonder why they can’t hold onto power. (Oh, and one more thing. Should Biden actually respond to Russia then it better be in kind and done publicly. None of this secretive “we did something” B.S. but no one knows, not even the Russians — aka we did nothing.)

With attention given to the upcoming meeting between HRH Queen Elizabeth II and President Biden, the news is reliving the embarrassment of traitor trump’s meeting in 2019. The twin problems being he was (questionably) late, but I think it was his intention — he wanted royalty waiting for his grand entrance — and he (unquestionably) walked in front of the Queen because he’s a moronic, selfish a**hole who thinks of no one but himself — aka the quintessential American conservative MAGA moron ethos. Although not pictured, what the orange f***tard above is looking at is the Guard of Honour, and in so doing, he’s ignoring the Queen because he’s self-absorbed by the pomp and circumstance. Oh, my f***ing God! I cannot with his stupidity and the MAGA world’s stupidity that elected him in the first place. But because traitor trump thought he was the star of the show then everything must revolve around him, and he acted as if the visit was all about him, which is why he had no second thoughts about turning his back to the Queen by walking in front and away from her — leaving her behind as if to say “I’m here to see the soldiers here for me, so every one look at me.” I can’t! Welcome to stupid America: An endless embarrassment!
According to NPR, “The head of a small hard-line party on Sunday said he would try to form a unity government with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s opponents, taking a major step toward ending the 12-year rule of the Israeli leader. … Netanyahu is desperate to stay in power while he is on trial. He has used his office as a stage to rally support and lash out against police, prosecutors and the media. If his opponents fail to form a government and new elections are triggered, it would give him another chance at seeing the election of a parliament that is in favor of granting him immunity from prosecution. But if they succeed, he would find himself in the much weaker position of opposition leader and potentially find himself facing unrest in his Likud party.” I’ve seen this movie before. Let’s just be clear about something: Netanyahu was traitor trump before traitor trump was traitor trump! And like traitor trump, Netanyahu will never be out of the picture unless he is in jail and again like traitor trump, neither one of them is ever going to jail. At best, Israel gets a break from a disastrous leader, perhaps long enough to fix the Palestine issue in earnest because the one person most against a two-state solution has been Netanyahu. He never wanted peace; he just wanted time to eventually “breed out” Palestinians from the region (i.e., annex land from the West Bank and/or kill Palestinians). Eventually, those in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank would become a diminishing minority with no political power or presence.
From the Independent, “Boris Johnson will plead with Scots to turn away from independence on a visit on Thursday, sparking a claim that he is in ‘full-blown panic mode’ about the rising threat.” What did Britons expect would happen after Brexit and electing Boris? While I have no dog in this fight, it is a shame that the shortsightedness and gullibility of Britons will eventually lead to the dissolution of the United Kingdom because if Scotland goes then it’s not hard to see Northern Ireland going as well. But this is what people elected! Like it or not! They fell for the Russian propaganda that stoked the flames of Brexit as the margin of victory was achieved by people who voted in favor of exiting the E.U., not realizing what that actually meant. Eh, this is stupid humanity where it’s do something first and then think about it after it’s too late. Welcome to stupid humanity!

What do all these countries have in common? They are lead by either dictator virus deniers (Brazil and Russia) or an idiot virus denier (U.K.) or an idiot dictator virus denier (U.S.). So, welcome to stupid humanity. Only within the humanity of abject stupidity do citizens knowingly and willingly elect moronic strongmen, populists who care about nothing more than to destroy the system in which they function and kill the lesser people over whom they rule. Full stop! These dictators come to power and remain in power by demanding the minority that elected into office be allowed to eradicate the majority, and when a pandemic comes along that facilitates such beliefs then people wonder what went wrong? Un-f***ing-believable. None of this matters because I live in m*****f***ing G.D. stupid humanity hell. People just don’t care! Mark my words, morons! If anything, just enough of human vileness exists that truly believes all the right people are dying with this virus and citizens will re-elect them because if the morons of these countries couldn’t figure out the type of hateful, incompetent leaders they elected to office in the first place then they will never see it now. F***! How many times has Putin been re-elected? Humanity gets the government they deserve, and apparently people love stupid!
Only in Hong Kong
From the AP, “Pro-democracy supporters in Hong Kong have sharply criticized the proposal last week to enact a national security law that would ban secessionist and subversive activity, as well as foreign interference, in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory. Critics say it goes against the ‘one country, two systems’ framework that promises the city freedoms not found in mainland China.” Hong Kong is the only nation-state that cares about democracy while other democracies willingly give up their freedoms.
Axios reports, “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party is projected to win the most seats in Israel’s election, according to exit polls. All three updated polls show his right-wing bloc with 59 seats, two short of a majority.” Of course, they are going to re-elect a criminally indicted P.M. That’s just what I predicted and that’s just how conservatives around the world behave — always picking the worst people to lead them and everyone else. This is the traitor trump effect, morons. In Israel and in the U.K. It’s what got them elected abroad and it’s going to get him re-elected here. Mark my words, f***tards. More stupidity than ever — everywhere!