Looking in America’s Mirror: Traitor [T]rump and Loving the Reflection

Traitor trump is the American reflection. He is the essence of America! Not only is he the image of a vile nation, but like the narcissist in chief, Americans love the image reflected back in that uniquely American mirror. They love it, understand it, and worship it! America is not that shining city on the hill. It is not the land of opportunity. It is not a place for equality and justice and freedom. It is not the great country envisioned by the Founding Fathers, Lincoln, MLK, and others. No! It is none of these features, for citizens have given up and care not for anyone but themselves. There is no greater good to which one should aspire anymore. There is no sense of duty, dignity, and democracy. No! America no longer embodies these attributes. America, as evinced through traitor trump, has become the land of “me” and “f*** you!” America is a nation whereby the minority rules over the majority, and the majority are supine in the face of authoritarianism! The majority just takes it, without question.

Moreover, America is not the home of the brave. Quite to the contrary, America is lead by fearful people. Not fear of losing America’s democracy — although MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans love to b*tch that their “democratic” rights are being lost such as the right to kill “the blacks” and discriminate against “the gays,” naturally! No! The minority (in power) fears the majority (without power). America fears the “other.” For a country that prides itself on bravery, independence, and self-determination, it sure is afraid most of the time, especially of the future and change — those two inexorable truths of life! Boo-hoo. We’re not in the 1950s anymore. Their fear is not rational fear; it is irrational fear, which is fully demonstrated by the growing acceptance and invasion of conspiracy theories into the RepubliKKKlan Party. America is lost. Although in the eyes of too many, America is exactly where it wants to be with some distance to go before it gets to the white nationalist promise land. Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s the mirror, stupid!

Words Written 50 Years Ago Sound Familiar

A huge, blind excitement fills the streets.  The Republicans have come to power in a land tortured by unemployment, embittered by loss of control at the southern border, demoralized by political weakness.  Perhaps this will be the new beginning.  Most people think MAGA a little absurd here, too obsessive there.  But perhaps the time for thinking is over.  Trump did not seize power.  He was offered it just as his relevance was declining.  The politicians who made Trump argued, We are hiring him.  Their figurehead was the ancient Mitch McConnell.  Republicans and Democrats tried to take Trump coolly.  This wouldn’t last, they said.  Never-Trump conservatives took comfort from the fact that McConnell, still head of the Senate, was known to despise the vulgar little reality T.V. star.

With mock solemnity, Trump and his lieutenants walked to the Capitol for ceremonial Inauguration Day.  MAGA’s strength had been built up by revolutionary violence.  They had never imagined that they could take office legally.  When protesters took to the streets, Trump seized his chance to suspend all civil liberties.  His followers could hardly believe their luck.  The old GOP, the symbol of apparent continuity, presided as they turned office into power by acts of sham legality.  When Congress voted to allow Trump to govern with impunity, the GOP leadership made no comment.  The legal president marched irresistibly into the role of the legal dictator.  Trump proclaimed the new America, and meant it to last a thousand years. 

The new America began to round up its enemies — Democrats, Independents, impertinent journalists, even disloyal Republican deputies.  They bullied more than they murdered.  From the first moment, Trump unleashed his promised campaign against minorities.  MAGA organized boycotts of minority-owned shops.  The real point was to encourage the American people to think and act bigoted as a matter of course.  The outside world was horrified, but there were those, including many American minorities who thought the anti-minorities campaign the work of MAGA extremists, something Trump would put a stop to when he felt more secure.

There was to be a cultural revolution, too.  American culture would be purged of the progressive taint.  Books flew into the fire.  Many of those who flung them were students and teachers.  And, as the sparks rose, the intellectuals fled — writers and scientists — to give their talents to Western Europe.  A hundred years before the German-Jewish poet Heine, whose books now went into the fire, had warned:  “Where one burns books, there one eventually burns people.”

Does the above sound familiar? (Actually, I doubt it does to idiot Americans because the average moron living in this country doesn’t understand history, not to mention that these words, the original of which I used as a base, were written 50 years ago. And we all know for the benighted youth and the vast majority of adults out there that five decades ago is ancient history and before the time of TikTok; therefore, in essence, history has not begun yet, for if it’s not in people’s timeline, then it — whatever it is — never happened.) Below is the original version from episode one of “The World at War” (BBC, 1973). Narration by Sir Lawrence Olivier.

A huge, blind excitement fills the streets. The National Socialists have come to power in a land tortured by unemployment, embittered by loss of territory, demoralised by political weakness. Perhaps this will be the new beginning. Most people think the Nazis a little absurd here, too obsessive there. But perhaps the time for thinking is over. Adolf Hitler did not seize power. He was offered it just as his voting strength was declining. The politicians who made Hitler chancellor argued, We are hiring him. Their figurehead was the ancient President von Hindenburg. Communists and Socialists tried to take Hitler coolly. This wouldn’t last, they said. Conservative anti-Nazis took comfort from the fact that their old war leader Hindenburg, still head of state, was known to despise the vulgar little corporal.

With mock solemnity, Hitler and his lieutenants walked to the ceremonial opening of parliament. The party’s strength had been built up by revolutionary violence. They had never imagined that they could take office legally. When the old Reichstag building was mysteriously gutted by fire, Hitler seized his chance to suspend all civil liberties. His followers could hardly believe their luck. The old Hindenburg, the symbol of apparent continuity, presided as they turned office into power by acts of sham legality. ln March, when the Reichstag voted to allow Hitler to govern without parliament, Hindenburg made no comment. The legal chancellor marched irresistibly into the role of the legal dictator. Hitler proclaimed the new Germany, and meant it to last a thousand years.

The new Germany began to round up its enemies — Communists, Socialists, impertinent journalists, even Reichstag deputies. They bullied more than they murdered. From the first moment, Hitler unleashed his promised campaign against the Jews. The SA organised boycotts of Jewish-owned shops. The real point was to encourage the German people to think and act anti-Semitic as a matter of course. The outside world was horrified, but there were those, including many German Jews, who thought the anti-Jewish campaign the work of Nazi extremists-something Herr Hitler would put a stop to when he felt more secure.

There was to be a cultural revolution, too. German culture would be purged of the Jewish-Bolshevist taint. Books flew into the fire. Many of those who flung them were students and teachers. And, as the sparks rose, the intellectuals fled — writers and scientists — to give their talents to Western Europe and America. A hundred years before the German-Jewish poet, Heine, whose books now went into the fire, had warned: “Where one burns books, there one eventually burns people.”

The World at War (BBC, 1973)

All I did was swap out the nouns and other minor wording to make them relevant to today, but the connotations are exactly the same. I originally completed this exercise nearly seven years ago when traitor trump first came into power — before his complete takeover of the RepuliKKKlan Party — and not much in the passages’ meaning has changed. Indeed, if the ease with which this description of a horrific past can be re-applied to the present doesn’t terrify you, then we’re in even worse trouble than I thought. The question remains: Did what I write five years ago better describe the past or what is yet to come? Welcome to stupid (fascist) America! We are so f***ed. And no one cares! Mark my words, morons!

Guns Are the Point, ’MERICA!

Look, morons of America! Progressives and the MSM keep believing that these RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron family Christmas photos of their kids with guns are trolling Democrats. They! Are! Not! These people and everyone who follows them and thinks like them want this to be ’MERICA! They truly want guns everywhere. Guns should be the First Amendment in their minds. There is a sickness that pervades ’MERICA and that sickness is love and glorification of guns above all else! Because FREEDOM! Oh, well. I give up. The only way is through! Welcome to stupid America.

Worst Businessman in the World Was President

This is not a setup for a joke; it’s the essence of a stupid, stupid America. Beyond stupid, actually. In fact, the English language has not yet invented a word to adequately convey the level of stupidity of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans that elected traitor trump.

According to the NYT: “The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade.” Of course, this is no surprise, probably not even to MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans. They love traitor trump because he is a vile human being, and they are vile and stupid on top of it. Only f***tards can look at traitor trump and believe a person so unwilling to release his tax returns has nothing to hide, that a person who has declared bankruptcy several times is somehow a genius businessman, and that a real estate “mogul” who has never managed a large corporation is somehow the least bit qualified to manage the U.S. government.

None of this matters. This country is stuck on permanent stupid. Welcome to stupid America! Just get used to it!


Whenever I read an article about MAGA moron insurrectionists, it always involves the person violating the terms of their pre-trial release or journalists unearthing their prior criminal history. The list of offenses (convictions, mind you) often involves DUI and DUI manslaughter, sex with a minor (un-f***ing-believable considering these people are usually AQnon kooks), fraud, drug possession (usually meth), gun and ammunition possession, public intoxication, assault and battery, using the internet (to continue recruiting insurrectionists), fleeing arrest (because they’ve been caught violating terms of their release), and grand theft. (The list is not exhaustive.) You get the point. These people were degenerates before the insurrection and traitor trump, with his degenerate magnetism, attracted these criminals to attack our government. These people are all the same. Worse still, traitor trump made being an idiot degenerate mainstream and cool. Hillary has always been right! These people are the “basket of deplorables.” She should have never backed down from that comment, and dumbass Democrats should have never condemned her for such trenchant insight into 40 percent of America’s population.

Once again, Democrats are too f***ing weak and stupid to fight the threat to America’s democracy because they can’t even recognize it or call it for what it is! Words matter, morons! It all starts with first defining the problem. Of course, these same degenerates are now in Congress, and surely RepubliKKKlans and the rest of the moronic hoard will elect more deplorables to Congress because they are a perfect reflection of America — and Democrats are powerless to stop them. Get ready for the great moronic and degenerate takeover of Congress come the next election cycle. It’s only going to get worse. (And I won’t even get into the evil evangelical competent of the dumbing down of America.) Mark my words, f***tards! The idiocracy is just beginning! America is going to be toppled by a mob of druggies and criminals! Fan-f***ing-tastic! I expected nothing less. Welcome to stupid (and criminal) America.

All MAGA Morons Are -ists

Pro-Trump demonstrators in Oregon
Attribution: Paula Bronstein/AP Photo

From Politico, “One person was shot and killed late Saturday in Portland, Oregon, as a large caravan of President Donald Trump supporters [the Brownshirts (Braunhemden)] and Black Lives Matter protesters clashed in the streets, police said. It wasn’t clear if the shooting was linked to fights that broke out as a caravan of about 600 vehicles was confronted by counter-demonstrators in the city’s downtown.”

Of course, the shooting was linked, and of course, it was a MAGA moron that pulled the trigger and killed someone. (And make absolutely no mistake about it — MAGA morons will kill their own if it furthers their cause of a race war, which appears to have happened!) I have absolutely no doubt of that because MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals have a long, long history of and predilection for violence. One needs to look no further back than to Kyle Rittenhouse, who is a traitor trump supporting a white supremacist who just decided to kill two people because like all the “brave” white supremacist defenders of white privilege and white power killer Kyle is easily frightened when he gets into a precarious situation of his own making — carrying a military-style gun after curfew in the middle of civil unrest in a city he is not from and really has no business visiting. By the way, Kyle will get off on self-defense. Mark my words. But whatever! These people are equal parts scared and stupid! Because, of course, fearless people need to own weapons of war. Mark my words, f***tards. These traitor trump parades — cars, boats, and otherwise — are the pure essence of America! How many f***ing times must I scream it? When are people going to wake up? Why the f*** can’t people see the obvious? America is slipping away, and everybody seems to be stuck on stupid and sports and Facebook (for f***tards) and Twitter (for more f***tards) and TikTok (for the greatest of f***tards). Oh, well. We get the government we deserve, and a dictatorship is a government for morons who can’t be bothered to understand, participate, or care. And now we have the Brownshirts roaming the streets as right-wing thugs and vigilantes. Congradu-f***ing-lations, America!

Nonetheless, war is coming! Make my words, morons. Call it a civil war; call it a race war; call it the traitor trump war. But war is coming! MAGA morons want it, and they will start it. Sadly, progressives and liberals completely lack the will to win because dumbass Democrats are weak — the weakest. Over the last four years of traitor trump’s presidency, we should have built up our own liberal/freedom militia. But no! Dumbass Democrats are still trying to play by a set of rules that went out the window the second traitor trump was elected. F*** me! So, there is that! Fan-f***ing-tastic. Get ready for dictator traitor trump and get ready for unrest like the country has never seen since the Civil War. Although we have the absolute majority in numbers, Democrats have absolutely no will. I give up! Welcome to trump stupid America. The dumbest we’ve ever been and getting dumber daily! Who could have guessed that Obama’s presidency was the last great years of America? It’s all downhill from here. Let it all burn down at this point because no one cares! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Douchebag Governor Abbott of Sh*thole Texas

I listened to douchebag Abbott’s press conference, and it was all lies and theatre. The theatre was him parading the heads of state departments to convey the services offered to victims’ families as if the state of Texas is now the caring start. Lies and B.S.! Please! This entire state is run by heartless RepubliKKKlan killers who don’t give one G.D. f*** about the welfare and safety of the citizens. This is a state that’s run by a political party that cares more about the Second Amendment than the people. It’s guns above all else as they take money away from mental health services and Medicaid.

The lies were everything else that came out of Abbott’s mouth. He says he’s open to new laws and that the status quo cannot continue. But he won’t call a special session of the state legislature to change one G.D. thing. Remember, this state legislature, otherwise, meets every two years. Trust me! They are in no hurry to convene to discuss or change anything. His most egregious statement was refusing to blame sales of AR-15s, which he cleverly and euphemistically calls a “long gun.” Yes, a long gun is a general classification term, which basically means everything other than a handgun. He says long gun so that people think of a rifle or a shotgun for hunting game. The subterfuge is intentional. Then he suggests that long guns are not the problem because 18-year-olds have been able to buy such guns for over 150 years. He casually wants you to think that 18-year-olds have been buying AR-15s since before Texas statehood without any issues until recently, so the gun is not the problem. Un-f***ing-believable! For those morons that missed his bait-and-switch logic, AR-15s have only been around since the mid-20th century.

Douchbag Abbott also wants you to believe that all this gun violence is a phenomenon of the 21st-century. Perhaps he needs a reminder of the 1966 University of Texas tower shooting where 14 people were killed, and the gunman used — wait for it … wait for it — a long gun! Actually, several long guns. So, Texas has been a sh*thole state for a long while, and it’s only gotten worse the redder the state becomes because RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks want all non-WASPs dead. It’s really not that complicated.

But whatever. Douchebag Abbott is a moron who governs a state full of like-minded morons. Of course, Uvalde is just the latest in a long list of gun tragedies that started in 1966. And with each gun massacre, nothing changes for the better! Looser gun laws have definitely changed! More guns everywhere and for anyone. Yet, Texas f***tards keep re-electing the same lawmakers who do nothing or make things worse. I have no doubt Abbott will get re-elected because deep, deep down in the recesses of the evil hearts that inhabit the voters of Texas, they will vote for no change, and RepubliKKKlans will continue to rule in the sh*thole state because no one cares. Do not be fooled by the protests you see at the NRA convention. No matter how large the crowds, they will never be large enough because the pro-death gun cult will always be greater, for the cult thrives on being in a perpetual state of fear, and it is fear that motivates them to the polls. Mark my words, idiots! Nothing ever changes because people don’t vote except those who desire the gun cult. We get the government we deserve and desire! Welcome to stupid America! A sh*thole country.

Uvalde S.W.A.T. Team of Cowards

These people should immediately be fired! They are an embarrassment to first responders. If anything, they were the last responders who waited for an hour to move in on an active shooter in an elementary school. Oh, wait. Actually, it was the Border Patrol Tactical Unit who breached the classroom door and killed the gunman. So, those guys above were completely missing in action. Apparently, they just want to “play” cops and robbers (killers). They just want to look good in their duds, brandish their guns, and brag about being on the “S.W.A.T.” team. Nine “trained” adult cops were scared off by one kid! Pathetic. Maybe the team should be put on suicide watch. I mean, if I had the weight of 19 murdered children on my head, I don’t think I could continue.

Don’t take my word for it. Axios reports, “Steven McCraw, director of Texas Department of Public Safety, said Friday that the commander on scene during the Uvalde, Texas, elementary school mass shooting made ‘the wrong decision’ by not breaching the classrooms where the gunman was with students and teachers sooner.” The head of sh*thole Texas’s “Department of Public Safety” said as much. And by “public safety,” that means all Texans should arm up and conceal carry everywhere because what could possibly go wrong in that sh*thole state? McCraw should be fired, too. But Texans love their macho gunslinging cowboy police because FREEDOM! Freedom to die they mean!

Wake up, people! Wake the f*** up! Cops are not going to save you! They’re too busy standing around waiting for all the victims to die first! RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks want more guns on the streets, and they want citizens to have better equipment than the cops. RepubliKKKlans et al. want you dead. Are you guys going to just sit there and take it, or will you rise up? Welcome to stupid America, where American exceptionalism means exceptionally stupid and exceptionally high death rate of children by guns. Fan-f***ing-tastic!

Sh*thole Texas Police Are Cowards

According to NPR, “Frustrated onlookers urged police officers to charge into the Texas elementary school where a gunman’s rampage killed 19 children and two teachers, witnesses said Wednesday, as investigators worked to track the massacre that lasted upwards of 40 minutes and ended when the 18-year-old shooter was killed by a Border Patrol team. ‘Go in there! Go in there!’ nearby women shouted at the officers soon after the attack began, said Juan Carranza, 24, who saw the scene from outside his house, across the street from Robb Elementary School in the close-knit town of Uvalde. Carranza said the officers did not go in.”

Did I expect anything else from such a sh*thole state? Nope! These law and order types are always the first ones to flinch. I’m sorry, but if there is an active shooter situation occurring inside an elementary school, then it is imperative that the police rush the shooter. If the cops have to be bullet catchers in place of children, then so be it. That’s their f***ing G.D. job — to sacrifice their lives for the children! Oh, “for the children!” — that catchphrase RepubliKKKlans and other a**hole conservatives use to inflict their morality (e.g., anti-gay and pro-racism agendas) on everyone else, but when push comes to shove, then “for the children” becomes “let’s wait” or “not me.” And so much for the “good guy with a gun” B.S. justification. It’s all B.S. It’s all lies. It’s always been this way, but fear not! Nothing matters, f***tards. RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks will find some excuse to do nothing, as they always do. The new excuse will be to blame the schools. It’s the school’s fault children died.

Not only are the cops to blame for their fecklessness and cowardness, but so is every Texas RepubliKKKlan lawmaker and the people who voted for them. They are the ones who write the laws that guarantee an active shooter completely outguns the cops. RepubliKKKlans not only make sure criminals are more dangerous, but they also make sure cops hesitate to act. Texas is a sh*thole state with a new motto: It’s the “Come Kill Me!” state. Welcome to stupid America! No one cares. Trust me! No one cares, for this, too, shall pass.

Embrace the Political Fight on Guns, Idiots

Beto O’Rourke challenged the Texas governor, lieutenant governor, Uvalde mayor, senator, et al. at a press conference yesterday, and the Texas Tribune reports, “‘You are doing nothing,’ O’Rourke said. ‘You are offering up nothing. You said this was not predictable. This was totally predictable when you choose not to do anything.’… Some of the Republican officials onstage quickly denounced O’Rourke. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz told him, ‘Sit down and don’t play this stunt.’ Patrick told O’Rourke he was ‘out of line and an embarrassment.’ And Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin gave the most colorful response. ‘I can’t believe that you’re a sick son of a bitch that would come to a deal like this to make a political issue,’ [Uvalde Mayor] McLaughlin said.”

I am going to lose my m*****f***ing G.D. mind with these RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks. And I am similarly disgusted by most dumbass Democrats — except for O’Rourke — for falling into the same old RepubliKKKlan trap after every gun massacre. After every gun massacre RepubliKKlans immediately, without fail, claim that any discussion, commentary, reflection, and thinking on the means (i.e., guns) of the tragedy is politicizing the issue. And right on cue, dumbass Democrats go right into defensive mode, which invariably leaves RepubliKKKlans with the upper hand in controlling the narrative as to what will not be done to fix America’s death cult love affair with guns, for RepubliKKKlans always blame everyone and everything else on these routine massacres, except themselves and guns. Of course, becoming defense is the wrong political move — imagine that dumbass Democrats choosing the wrong political tactic. It never fails. F***ing weak, stupid Democrats.

The correct political tactic is to embrace the politics of every gun massacre! The only way to fix this problem — short of civil war — is through the political process, so you’re f***ing G.D. right we should be politicizing these events! Every time! Immediately! How or why is this so f***ing G.D. difficult to understand for Democrats? Why the f*** can’t dumbass Democrats just for f***ing once go against conventional wisdom and embrace the politics of guns after mass-death-by-gun events instead of getting stuck on lovey-feely B.S.? The problem with Democrats and people more generally is that they don’t get angry enough and stay angry long enough. For the love of f***ing God in all of f***ing heaven, why can’t democrats take the fight to these RepubliKKKlan killers? This! This is why people are so f***ing frustrated with Democrats. We know who the enemy of the state is. We know who the enemy of the people is. It is the RepubliKKKlan Party, yet dumbass Democrats are too afraid to fight back, especially when it comes to gun control. America is so f***ed. Just wait until RepubliKKKlans take back control of the House next year and traitor trump returns to the White House. America will be unrecognizable all because Democrats failed to be courageous at every opportunity. I expected nothing less. Welcome to stupid America!