I Am Only Slightly Impressed

According to Axios, “Two Ohio men were sentenced to serve 45 days in prison after prosecutors requested incarceration for the first time at sentencing hearings for Capitol rioters who took plea deals for nonviolent misdemeanors. … Federal judges have debated whether the no-prison plea deals offered to low-level Jan. 6 defendants are too lenient to deter potential future attackers. … The two steelworkers from Columbus can be heard laughing at police officers in video footage obtained by the government. Rau later entered one of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) evacuated conference rooms. … Prosecutors requested a four-month prison sentence for each.” I guess AG Garland finally got the hit? It is ridiculous that several judges had to question the sentencing recommendations of the federal government for traitor defendants before federal prosecutors began requesting jail time for said offenders. I seriously don’t give one G.D. f*** how minor the offenses associated with the terrorist attack on the Capitol are. Every misdemeanor for every criminal — first offense or not — should get at least one year of jail time! Full stop! No exceptions! I don’t care if you were one of those idiot “tourist”-types taking pictures who happened to follow the crowd into the Capitol. Any reasonable person — I know, it’s a stretch with these MAGA morons and QAnon f***tards — should have known their entry was illegal. (And I would go so far as to say those on the steps are just as criminal because they clearly breached pedestrian and police barriers.) If anything, people should be jailed for a year purely because of their stupidity! These four month recommendations are a start, but the judges really should be ignoring such recommendations and give stiffer sentences because they are right: What the federal government is doing by being weak and cutting consequence-free plea deals are encouraging future terrorists to commit treasonous acts. It’s all par for the course with dumbass Democrats. Their pusillanimous posture is completely the work of weak, weak AG Garland. Whatever! All these people will be pardoned anyway when traitor trump returns to the White House, so all this frustration is moot. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! Nothing ever changes.

Wake Up, Stupid America!

According to Mediaite, “Historian and documentary filmmaker Ken Burns said that the present day is one of the worst times in American history. … ‘It’s really serious. There are three great crises before this: the Civil War, the Depression, and World War II. This is equal to it,’ he said on Monday’s episode when asked about the direction the United States was headed. The documentarian went on to quote comments made by Abraham Lincoln during a January 1838 speech to a group in Springfield, Illinois: ‘From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we will live forever or die by suicide.’”

Being the absolute foremost expert on American history and storytelling, if Ken Burns speaks, then you should f***ing listen. Sadly, he says nothing I have not already said, if not a bit more understated through the Lincoln quote above. Namely, America is dying by our own devices. There is barely a post where I am not calling out the imminent death of America’s democracy, and I’ve been saying it for a couple of years now — and believed for years longer. It has always been evident to me. Clear as the ringing of a new bronze bell. (An alarm bell, if you will.) From the moment traitor trump won, there was no other conclusion to draw except how stupid can America be? How can a person like that run in plain sight for more than a year to be president and win? How could America look at the incomprehensible stupidity, mendacity, and vileness that is traitor trump and still vote for him? There is only one way. It’s the mirror, stupid. It’s the f***ing mirror. America looked into the traitor trump mirror and fell in love with its own image. I knew then that such a country could not survive, and America will not. Traitor trump is the disease and the symptoms. He is the cancer we openly invited into the country, and Americans will lose their democracy because of it, and people will be perfectly fine with it. When traitor trump gets reelected, it will be four years of pure vengeance across the world, especially here at home. And people will welcome it with open arms because Americans are too stupid to understand otherwise. MAGA morons, QAnon, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals are destroying America, and they will eventually murder the nation in part because weak, weak dumbass Democrats will let them. Welcome to trump stupid America. The countdown is well underway to the next Civil War. Mark my words, morons! I give up! No one cares!

The Purge Continues

According to CNN, “Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump earlier this year, announced Thursday that he will not run for reelection in 2022. ‘While my desire to build a fuller family life is at the heart of my decision, it is also true that the current state of our politics, especially many of the toxic dynamics inside our own party, is a significant factor in my decision,’ Gonzalez said in a statement.” Of course! I said this after the second impeachment failed. The RepubliKKKlan Party will purge those “never” trumpers and trumper “lites.” This latest revelation is confirmation that the RepubliKKKlan Party is dead, that traitor trump is on his way back to the White House, and that America’s democracy is dying by a thousand, unnoticed cuts — and no one cares. Who do you think is going to replace Gonzalez? Who do you think has the best chance of winning in his Ohio district? A MAGA moron? A member of QAnon? A traitor? A trumper? An evil evangelical? News flash! It’s all of the above. (The Venn diagram of all these elements is one complete circle.) RepubliKKKlans are replacing their ranks with traitor trump-loving QAnon-believing insurrectionists who want nothing more than to betray America’s ideals and replace democracy with a theocracy headed by Lord and Savior traitor trump. Indeed, the RepubliKKKlan Party is purifying to a level of turpitude that is going to kill America and Americans. Mark my words, morons. Don’t think for a second that 40 percent of the populous could not give permanent political control of this country to the trumpism movement. Hitler gained and retained his dictatorship by having won with less in a general election. The warning signs have been flashing ever since traitor trump was sworn into office. Biden is not the antidote nor a reversal in the course of American politics; he is merely the intermission. Mark my words, f***tards. Mark them well. Welcome to stupid America. No one cares. Oh well!

A Stronger Biden, Finally?

From Axios, “His [Biden] aggressive new mandates on vaccinations and testing — announced in a speech ahead of TV networks’ nightly news broadcasts — are far bolder and broader than most health care, business and political leaders expected. (Or than he’d previously suggested he’d have the authority to pursue.) … The majority of U.S. sentiment may be with him. But Biden’s still taking a major political risk, and he and his team know it. He’s testing business leaders’ resolve, putting Democrats’ standing in swing states and districts on the line ahead of 2022’s midterm elections and tempting a tsunami of litigation over new requirements that could touch 100 million Americans.”

Good! About f***ing time! About f***ing time Biden stood up in front of the nation and stood up to the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers, who are destroying America’s recovery, to say enough is enough! Either get vaccinated or f*** off! Of course, the majority of Americans are behind him, and dare I say most Americans wonder what took so long. Perhaps some — myself included — think he may not have gone far enough. I still heard one f***ing “please” too many. F***ing enough with the asking; it is time to simply demand! I’m done with the entreaties! It’s f***ing do it or else. And that else is, “You’re fired!” And, of course, one can gauge how deep his strength struck the nerves of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans by the swiftness with which they called upon people to ignore Biden and continue to drag the country backward. I only hope this is the moment in which it becomes open season on anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. I hope this finally gives permission for the 60 percent of those who want to get the pandemic behind us to go after the 40 percent of morons that really are just too f***ing stupid to be part of society. Hell! Texas’s abortion law laid the groundwork for citizens to go after citizens, and, in this case, I could not agree more. Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers must be shunned (or eliminated) from society. Hopefully, shunned to a point where they go poor and die — move to a red state! The more the better. I think the willingly unvaccinated should be denied hospitalization care. Full stop! Let them die for their poor choices!

Now, the big question remains: Does Biden have enough balls to actually enforce his words with real, consequential action? Therein, I have many, many doubts! Welcome to stupid America. Too stupid to prosper, apparently.

We Are Headed for Civil War, People

From Forbes, “Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) on Sunday made comments promoting conspiracy theories about vaccines and the 2020 election, defending Capitol rioters and appearing to endorse more Jan. 6-style rallies, even warning of ‘bloodshed’ over Republicans’ baseless election fraud claims. … After briefly brandishing a shotgun, Cawthorn said if elections ‘continue to be stolen,’ it will ‘lead to one place, and that’s bloodshed,’ adding that he is ‘willing to defend liberty at all costs’ and would dread taking ‘arms against a fellow American.’”

Hello, dumbass Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, and Independents! You are all f***ing asleep while MAGA morons, QAnon, and RepubliKKKlans prepare for civil war. Do not take Cawthorn’s comments lightly, for they are more in a long, long string of like-minded comments made by conservative politicians, white nationalist activists, right-wing media hosts, and other bigoted authoritarian community leaders (e.g. evil evangelicals, social media influencers, QAnon activists). This is the drumbeat, f***tards! And you idiots are still hoping for cooler heads, the rule of law, and democratic institutions to prevail. Are you f***ing kidding me?!?! The level of blind stupidity, naivete, “hope-y change-y” B.S., and other liberal feel-good beliefs that laugh off the “fringe” (not fringe anymore) and crazy (crazy is the new normal) as irrelevant and innocuous is infuriating. Hello, f***tards! The stars are finally aligning — traitor trump, SCOTUS, COVID, QAnon, the census (redistricting and blue states losing net seats), RepubliKKKlan dominance in the majority of state legislatures, social media doing everything they do, and a weak Democratic Party being themselves. Momentum is gaining. RepubliKKKlans have spent decades perfecting their rally cries, political tactics, and most of all legal and political wrangling to bring us to the point where they can pull the trigger (steal elections and engage in political violence) and the system will not fail their (no longer lost) cause because Democrats are too stupid and incompetent to stop them. Case in point: Garland’s DOJ has been completely inept to hold the January 6th terrorists fully accountable, thereby emboldening American insurrectionists and their enablers while Democrats are lulled into a false sense of security by having won in 2020. Mark my words, f***tards. Democrats are digging their own graves because they are clueless and asleep to the relentless threat that is the RepubliKKKlan Party. The country is dying and the killing hasn’t even started yet!

If Afghanistan has taught us anything, then it is that the side with the greatest will wins. How much will do you think RepubliKKKlans have compared to Democrats? Enough said. Welcome to stupid America. We’re f***ed!

Einsatzgruppen and Tiergartenstraße 4 Time for Anti-Vaxxers

It! Is! Time! People! The extermination of anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers (yes, I am being redundant) shall begin. With the perfunctory full FDA approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, there is no quarter left for these morons — although FDA approval was never going to change their minds. But now they have no excuses left, so let the Einsatzgruppen and Tiergartenstraße 4 program begin! Let the round-ups begin. At this point, to rid ourselves of this pandemic, I am all for showing your vaccination papers, and if you don’t have them, then off to a ravine — Babi Yar style! And for those willfully unvaccinated a**holes taking up valuable bed space in hospitals, well, we have a wonderful T-4 remedy for you f***tards! One hefty plunge of potassium chloride or fentanyl, whichever is on hand, will do the trick. (Or just pull the m*****f***ing plug!) I am so over these hateful, selfish people. I am f***ing sick of these people and their “FREEDOM!” to be vectors of a deadly, highly infectious respiratory disease. Their mere breathing can kill, so stop their breathing! I say stop it quickly. The more they breathe, the more we die. We don’t want them living in our states and as our neighbors. If these MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans wish to be part of a death cult, then they can all live and die together, away from us (aka blue states). Otherwise, we will hasten their exit from life for them. Now ask me how I really feel. Welcome to stupid America! Dumber and deadlier than ever!

Another Praise Jesus Moment!

From the Daily Beast, “A conservative radio host in Nashville who derided vaccines and spread misinformation about the coronavirus has died of COVID-19. Phil Valentine was 61. … He had said of the vaccine, ‘I have a very low risk of A) Getting COVID and B) dying of it if I do. Why would I risk getting a heart attack or paralysis by getting the vaccine?’ He also said at the time that he had been taking the anti-parasite medication ivermectin, a drug that comes in different forms for animals and humans. The drug has recently been touted as a sort of COVID miracle cure by conservatives, despite no solid evidence it is effective against the virus and health officials sounding the alarm over people poisoning themselves with the animal version of the drug.” Praise Jesus! Another MAGA moron is dead from COVID. Praise the Lord Almighty. The stupid hath been smote!

Look, f***tards. This is good news! One less COVID truther and anti-vaxxer lying to his listeners and killing the rest of us through his vile, intentional disinformation. We can all live a bit better with this man being dead. I have no sympathy — ever. He deserved what he got, though it seems 61 years too late. Good riddance. I can only hope they all die. I’m over the “trying to be understanding” phase. I’m done. Just die already, people! Seriously. I want to get on with life. Welcome to stupid America. Thank God for social Darwinism; it proves itself daily!

It’s the Culture War, Stupid!

From The Hill, “School board meetings across the country have become ground zero for the country’s culture wars, often resulting in combative and confrontational forums as students prepare to head back to school in the fall. … Mask mandates in schools have become the latest point of contention at meetings.” Now, take a look at a sample of headlines across the country:

  • ‘Angry, Unmasked Parents Crowd Louisiana Education Hearing’ [Louisiana]
  • ‘Name-calling, canceled meetings, pleas from students: A week of school mask mandate chaos’ [New York]
  • ‘Angry parents pack Rankin County School Board meeting over mask mandate’ [Mississippi]
  • ‘Mask Mandate Draws Angry Crowd to Vegas-Area Schools Meeting’ [Nevada]
  • ‘Rage over vaccine, mask mandates boils over during county COVID-19 meeting’ [California]
  • ‘An angry parent allegedly ripped off a teacher’s mask. It’s not the only physical altercation over masks in schools’ [Texas]
  • ‘Angry parents and others rally against Genesee County school mask mandate’ [Michigan]

I used to believe it was only “the economy, stupid,” but clearly, it has also always been about the culture war going back to the 1960s. But today, it is only the culture war more than ever. Above all, the reason these school board meetings are drawing such ire, and the reason RepubliKKKlan minorities can hold on to their power over the majority is that they are loud, persistent morons. Indeed, the squeaky wheel does get the oil. I’ve written countless times that America cannot withstand this deepening divide. A deeply stupid country cannot survive. And to reiterate — 40 percent stupid is still too stupid! Sadly, the actual majority is not strong enough (and is unwilling) to dominate the minority. Expect to see more of the minority, with their Taliban-like rule, terrorizing the majority. Obama was right when he said all the opposition cares about is God, guns, and gays. He was years ahead of the rest, and he was wrongfully crucified for lumping all conservatives together. Hmmm, how trenchant is that comment now? And “FREEDOM!” is absolutely not an excuse for the minority to go around in life doing whatever they want, especially if they jeopardize the rest of us with their dangerous and deranged notions of racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, white nationalism, Christian terrorism, science, etc. Stupidity does kill, morons. Witness COVID. Of course, it’s not killing the right people fast enough, but I digress. To be sure, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons and evil evangelicals are all part of a death cult that would rather die and kill everyone else with them than live in a heterogeneous democracy where the “other” has the same rights as they do. There is no difference between the Taliban and American conservatives. None whatsoever. Welcome to stupid America. Another civil war is the only way out, unfortunately. Get ready, people!

MAGA Moron Snowflake Whines About His Sh*tty Life on Facebook While Terrorizing the Capitol

Attribution: Social Media via Reuters

This is a face I’ll never be able to unsee! According to NBC News, “[Floyd Ray] Roseberry repeatedly complained about how health insurance didn’t cover his or his wife’s illness, quickly followed by complaints about immigrants. He claimed his wife had cancer and her insurance wouldn’t cover her surgery, and that he’s still paying for the procedure. In the next sentence, he falsely complained that immigrants received health care.” Blah, blah, blah. Oh, then apparently, he has some mental health issues (aka meth head), and his mother died. Boo-f***ing-hoo. Join the club! Get over it, a**hole! Parents die! So, weak! Listening to this guy’s Southern drawl just amplifies his stupidity and ridiculousness. And, of course, he is a middle-aged white trash MAGA moron raging about how his life is unfair. It is the same ole, same ole “Woe is me!” self-pity grievance party with all these guys. They are all the same — the same MAGA moron snowflakes that cannot handle life. Their sh*tty lives are always someone else’s fault. For a cohort of society’s “conservatives” who constantly bemoan how people refuse to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they sure are the first ones to complain and demonstrate how lazy they are not to do what they preach. It is all hypocrisy all the time. But it’s not enough to just b*tch; they have to terrorize everyone else around them.

Moreover, he’s a loser who eventually surrendered, so he failed to even follow through with his own threats and ultimatums. In the words of traitor trump, what a loser! Of course, with janky teeth and a mug that Medusa would envy, I’m surprised he didn’t take his Second Amendment right, stick it in his mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger! He said he was ready to die for his cause. I’m waiting…! Just another day in trump stupid America. Yee-haw, y’all!

Yeah, So What?

From Rolling Stone, “Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is doing everything within his power to prevent school children from wearing masks in the fall. Even though one in every five new Covid-19 cases is in Florida, DeSantis continues to push his pro-Covid agenda as the state’s Department of Health issued an emergency rule allowing children the option to ‘opt out’ of school masking mandates on Friday. Florida is experiencing the worst of the pandemic as the Delta variant spreads, and the state has reported more cases this past week than any other. Florida also broke another record this week as 12,000 more people were hospitalized with the virus. Compared to the original Covid-19 strain, the Delta variant is more harmful to children, and Florida has reported more young people admitted to the hospital in the last week with the virus — 4,615 — than any other state.”

So? Oh, what? Am I supposed to be outraged? Concerned? Frustrated? Sympathetic? Ha! I am certainly none of these things; in fact, I say good. I am glad! If parents don’t care about their children and their children die for the political cause of “FREEDOM!” then so be it. Freedom to die is fine by me. At a certain point, one just has to stop caring about others’ welfare more than they care about themselves. And that’s where I’m at with these people — and have been almost from the start of the pandemic. I just simply do not give one more G.D. f*** about stupid people anymore. (Actually, I never have.) But what changed is that I actively pray MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans drop dead from COVID (or by any means really). Seriously, at this point, the only way America is going to get through the pandemic is for anti-vaxxers and COVID deniers to die — quickly. Dead people cannot spread the disease! As for Floridians, this is what they voted for, so good luck with their state disaster. And I have no doubt DeSantis will get re-elected because people love the stupid; they love the freedom to die and kill others; they love the cruelty. It is a love fest in the “f*** you” state led by the “f*** you” political party voted in by “f*** you” people! It should be the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated everywhere; I’m all for it. It is time for the vaccinated to stop caring about the unvaccinated. We should be wishing the worst on them because I’m done caring and tolerating and waiting. Welcome to stupid America. Yup!