If I Have to See One More F***ing Sympathetic News Piece About Anti-Vaxxers Hospitalized for COVID

Let me just say to these people upfront: F*** them! No, actually allow me to restate that: F*** them hard! I just don’t f***ing care about these moronic anti-vaxxers and their near-death experiences with COVID. It is not newsworthy. Although, I will say that I am interested in — and rejoice over — anti-vaxxers and COVID-truthers who die from COVID. Those are truly praise Jesus stories! I have said this before and will keep saying it. I just don’t care anymore — and have never really cared — about anti-vaxxers and COVID-truthers dying from the disease. They deserved it! Full stop! What frustrates me are these “educational moment” news segments that CNN and MSNBC seem the need to make news. Every time I watch (or read) these peoples’ stories, all I can think about is how they should have died, and I wish they would have; that is the greatest “educational moment.” Just tally up the number of daily anti-vaxxer and COVID-truther deaths! In the words of traitor trump: That is a beautiful number! The country would be better off without the stupid and RepubliKKKlans. They made their bed and now they can lie in it without my sympathy. It is seriously time for the Einsatzgruppen to cull America of MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals because they are literally killing the rest of us. Welcome to stupid America! You can’t undo the stupid.

In the Great Words of James Tiberius Kirk: ‘Let Them Die’

Attribution: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, 1991, Paramount Pictures

I have quoted the great admiral (captain) several times before, and I will reiterate my firm concurrence with the sentiment toward RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, red states, and the like: “Let them die!” Preferably with all haste. Of course, I speak of the unvaccinated. In short, these f***tards are f***ing up America’s re-opening efforts and ability to get beyond the pandemic. I’m over it! I’m over the vaccine skeptics and the anti-vaxxers. We are so beyond the argument that these vaccines do not have full FDA approval. Given the wide distribution at this point — hundreds of millions of doses — full approval is merely a formality. And if I have to hear one more f***ing moron f***tard claim that the vaccines are not proven effective or they alter DNA or they cause magnetism or they make people infertile or — my favorites — FREEDOM! and microchips (MICROCHIPS for the love of f***ing God!), then I am going to go f***ing G.D. postal! I can’t anymore. I just can’t deal with the m*****f***ing G.D. stupid in America anymore. So, I say f*** it and f*** them! Let them f***ing die quickly! In fact, I praise Jesus every time I hear another story about an idiot unvaccinated patient who wished in their dying breath that they had gotten vaccinated. Oh, well, morons. You get what you deserve. I have no sympathy. I’m over the sympathy. To put a finer point on my apathy, there was an MSNBC story about how an unvaccinated Missouri family contracted COVID. The parents were hospitalized and the mother was pregnant and had to be put on a ventilator. Well, guess what? She lost the baby. Go figure! I say good and good riddance! She deserved it! Seriously! I don’t give one G.D. f*** how cruel it sounds. I’m over these people. In fact, since Missouri is one of those red-state pro-life, anti-mask, anti-science hellscapes, I want to know why the woman is not being charged with infanticide since her willful neglect to get vaccinated — which has proven safe for pregnant women — directly caused the death of her unborn child. She is a murderer by the logic of the conservatives that rule over the state. So, why does she get off? She is a baby killer as far as I’m concerned. Why is she not in jail awaiting her murder trial? But whatever! Hypocrisy is the middle name of every RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, and evil evangelical.

And I’m over liberals and their excuses that these poor vaccine-hesitant people are merely misinformed, dis-informed, or uninformed. No, no. At this point, it is a willfulness to remain uninformed and stupid — it perfectly conforms to the conservative mentality, which is to be all stupid all the m*****f***ing time. Full! F***ing! Stop! The correct information is out there and accessible, yet morons of America get their news from the likes of Facebook. Seriously?!?! People consume (and believe) news and information that is essentially crowdsourced on Facebook et al! We are literally living in a country where if enough people say it (repeat it), then “it” becomes true. F*** me! I give up! And we wonder why America is the dumbest f***ing country on the planet. Whatever! You can’t undo the stupid; you can only hope it dies out quickly before it kills the rest of us. We are so f***ing screwed because of American idiocracy. Welcome to stupid America where the idiots are not dying fast enough. (Now ask me how I really feel!)

Reliving the Embarrassment and Stupidity Because USA! USA! USA!

Source: Insider

With attention given to the upcoming meeting between HRH Queen Elizabeth II and President Biden, the news is reliving the embarrassment of traitor trump’s meeting in 2019. The twin problems being he was (questionably) late, but I think it was his intention — he wanted royalty waiting for his grand entrance — and he (unquestionably) walked in front of the Queen because he’s a moronic, selfish a**hole who thinks of no one but himself — aka the quintessential American conservative MAGA moron ethos. Although not pictured, what the orange f***tard above is looking at is the Guard of Honour, and in so doing, he’s ignoring the Queen because he’s self-absorbed by the pomp and circumstance. Oh, my f***ing God! I cannot with his stupidity and the MAGA world’s stupidity that elected him in the first place. But because traitor trump thought he was the star of the show then everything must revolve around him, and he acted as if the visit was all about him, which is why he had no second thoughts about turning his back to the Queen by walking in front and away from her — leaving her behind as if to say “I’m here to see the soldiers here for me, so every one look at me.” I can’t! Welcome to stupid America: An endless embarrassment!

Orange Man’s Blog Bust

I think Techdirt put it best, “And now, following the bans from Twitter and Facebook, it appears that Donald Trump has banned himself from his own blog, shutting it down permanently. … Of course, the fact that they launched the blog with such hype, and talked it up so much less than a month ago, makes all of this seem (again, as per so much that is Trump) to be them just making shit up as they go along. Meanwhile, a Trump advisor admitted to the Washington Post that the reason it was shut down was that Trump was embarrassed by how little traffic it was getting and how everyone was mocking the site.” Yeah! So, traitor trump, like everything else in the MAGA moron world, is just one long string of making sh*t up as they go and, more often than not, failing in the process. Of course, there is another (more abecedarian) explanation for why traitor trump’s blog failed. Namely, traitor trump is a f***ing G.D. moron of the highest f***ing order and so are his MAGA moron supporters. What did he expect, really? His supporters are too stupid to read prose on a website. Oh, no! Their mental capacity can only handle roughly 140 characters of mostly misspelled, incoherent garbage, which in the mind of MAGA morons reads like poetry. Naturally, well crafted and “reasoned” statements from “the desk of” traitor trump carry no value for his f***tard sycophants.

But it is of no matter, for traitor trump is about to ramp up the real moneymaking grievance machinery: rallies! Yup. I can’t wait for tens of thousands of MAGA morons to begin the traitor trump Nuremberg rally tour with chants, audience callbacks, incitements to violence, and collective snowflake complaining. And, right on cue, MSM will cover them just like the old days because reports and news commentators are just as complicit in spreading and sensationalizing traitor trump’s hate speech all in the name of “news.” Eh, whatever! It’s about to be 2015-2016 all over again. Get ready morons! Welcome to trump stupid America. Dumber today than the day before because it’s America where the stupid never ends.

It’s the Purge and Redistricting, Stupid

The issues with Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are precisely what I — and anyone with two brain cells to rub together — expected from the RepubliKKKlan Party. It’s the purge, stupid! Traitor trump is the dictator of the RepubliKKKlan Party and he wants Liz and Romney out, so that is exactly what party leadership and the moronic base will give him. It’s that f***ing simple. Look, morons! How many times have I said it? How many f***ing times? RepubliKKKlans looked in the traitor trump mirror and fell in love with the reflection. MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards love the hatred and white grievance (aka snowflake b*tching) that traitor trump reflects back to them and to the rest of the world. In fact, they not only love to hate others, but they also love that everyone else sees them as hateful, vile, and stupid people. It is all part of their glory. Stick it to the rest of the world by being f***tards. Ugh. And one may wonder why I hate people generally — because too many of these idiots exist in America. And they are everywhere! With more hiding in plain sight. Mark my words!

Furthermore, CNN reports, “If anything the former President wields even more control of his party now than he did over the last five years , a fact made more remarkable by the social media silence enforced by bans from major social media platforms. And there are very clear signs that Trump’s assault on American democracy is working.” America’s democracy is dying, f***tards. Idiots are gaining more power and will soon be back in the majority. And all these never-trumpers and disaffected RepubliKKKlans vocalizing their “discomfort” with the party and traitor trump is all talk and little action. They sit on the sidelines wishing and hoping something will change with the RepubliKKKlan Party — apparently completely oblivious to what is happening now is exactly what the party has always been. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are free to live their true selves instead of being afraid to show their vileness in public. Now they don’t care; they relish their newfound unencumbered lifestyle. Indeed, these sidelined pundits are powerless and those non-true-believers in office will soon be purged only to be replaced by traitor trump / QAnon purists.

And then there is redistricting which will guarantee RepubliKKKlan dominance in the House for the next few election cycles. Does anyone really think that the two new House seats awarded to Texas will be reapportioned to cement any other party but the RepubliKKKlans? Soon enough, RepubliKKKlans will re-take the House and government will be back to gridlock because that’s what people want — for nothing to change, really. Mark my words, morons. Traitor trump is slowly but surely winning the war. He may have lost the last couple of battles, but the soul of America is diminishing. Traitor trump understands his sustaining power because that’s what people want or at the very least don’t care to resist. I don’t care how much more popular Biden is compared to traitor trump. That does not matter. In fact, Biden’s popularity compared to other presidents at this time is relatively soft. The only thing that matters is how RepubliKKKlans rig congressional districts to dilute Democratic power and boost RepubliKKKlan power. Gerrymandering is popularity opinion polling proof! Welcome to trump stupid America! This level of stupid cannot be undone! America is dying and no one cares. Mark! My! Words!

Eh, So What? It’s More Stupid America!

On CNN: “A gunman opened fire outside and inside a FedEx facility near Indianapolis’ main airport Thursday night, killing eight people, wounding several others and sending witnesses running before taking his own life, police said.” So, what? Who cares? I certainly don’t! I mean this is exactly what a stupid country wants and deserves. Oh, sure “people” lament and “do” “thoughts and prayers” and say words — many, many words — over these daily mass shootings, but they don’t mean it. None of them do, except perhaps the families of victims and even some of those remain staunch gun advocates — so America can’t win, no matter what. America’s “citizens” tell pollsters that Congress, at the very least, should institute national background checks for gun purchases with as much support as 90 percent even though universal background checks will do nothing to solve America’s love affair with daily gun violence. So, Americans can’t even understand and identify the best solution to the American addiction to guns, which is not universal background checks. Again, it is a reflection of a supremely stupid, stupid nation that at its core does not care. We only pretend to care and pretend to be outraged and pretend to want change, but we don’t because this gun violence epidemic has been going on for decades in America and nothing has changed; it’s only gotten worse. Biden was right when he recently said America’s gun violence problem is an embarrassment before the world. Apparently, Americans don’t care that we are the laughing stock of the world that just can’t seem to get its act together when it comes to killing each other. What a pathetic nation. And, of course, no one cares!

Sure, “people” look aghast at Sandy Hook, Stoneman Douglas, Las Vegas (the biggest mass death shooting — 61 killed), and the like and simply move on — next shiny object! Move on! Guns are America’s daily, decades-long epidemic, and trust me when I say no one cares. Eh, whatever! America is simply too m*****f***ing G.D. stupid to change anything. We deserve the stupid. We deserve the deaths. We deserve the destruction, and at this point — post traitor trump — America deserves extinction! It’s that simple. Sorry, but Biden’s win is not redemption! And given the obstruction of Congress — among fellow Democrats nonetheless — it is neither a change in course, especially when in this post traitor trump era the orange idiot, RepubliKKKlans, QAnon, MAGA morons, et al still retain so much popular support and adherents to crazy beliefs. Among those crazy beliefs? America needs more guns! We need more “good guys with guns” to out-Rambo “bad guys with guns” because that has never worked. No, it is just more of the same, but now dumbass Democrats are useless to do anything. Whatever! I give up. I can’t wait for all these “people” who want more gun control to vote for RepubliKKKlans who want less gun control. Eh, I don’t care. Americans are too stupid to change anything. America is too stupid to improve. If this country wants to kill itself one mass shooting at a time and if this country doesn’t mind the ever-increasing daily drip, drip of American blood and gun carnage, then so be it! Who am I to question America’s feign concern over gun violence while demonstrating actual complacency through their inaction to do anything about it? Who am I? Who am I to keep believing that one day America will wake up? Not! And never! How many f***ing times have I said it: America is a dying democracy and no one cares! Welcome to stupid America. I can’t wait for nothing to change!

RepubliKKKlan, Christian Family Values

No one wants to be told how to live their lives. No one! Most will, however, tolerate some must-dos such as buying car insurance, getting vaccinated, paying social security payroll taxes, and so forth. Unless, of course, you are a RepubliKKKlan or Christian or likely both (mixed in with QAnon kookery) because if there is one characteristic — one necessary attribute — that undoubtedly describes these groups of self-selecting morons, it is a deep-seated desire (demand) to tell others how to live by their fanciful, arbitrary, and arcane rules only to break those same rules themselves regularly and automatically, without any sense of irony or moral inconsistency. Hypocrisy is routinely embraced, yet it is utterly unrecognizable among these f***tards. It is all part of the mental defect that afflicts such people who look at the RepubliKKKlan Party, Christianity, and QAnon and determine, “Yeah, I want to be a part of that hot mess!”

Where am I going with this? Matt Gaetz, of course. I don’t need to quote any particular news article even though those stories abound, for the generalities of the allegations are, no doubt, all true! And they portray perfectly every aspect of the RepubliKKKlan Party. Only a RepubliKKKlan and QAnon supporter would, himself, be a sex trafficker of a minor — of course! Only other RepubliKKKlans would either support and condone or remain silent, thereby complicit in his guilt by keeping him in power. This, of course, is all built on the alter (model) of traitor trump. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons who preach white nationalist Christianity (evil evangelicals) values love their lying, thriving, adulterer leader, traitor trump. Because, of course, they do. Whatever! This is the new, dominant strain in America. Mark my words, morons. America is doomed because of its stupidity and inability to purge this disease from society. Welcome to stupid America!

F*** These M*****f***ing G.D. MAGA Moron Snowflakes! I’m Sick of Them All!

According to the AP, “Confronted with compelling video and photographic evidence in court, dozens of rioters have apologized and expressed regret as the consequences of their actions have started to sink in. The ramifications include potential job losses, financial ruin and possible time behind bars. … Another possible consequence for Colt and others captured in photographs that went viral before they even left the Capitol building: ignominy beyond their lifetimes as those images make their way into history books. … A lawyer for Dominic Pezzola, who authorities say is a member of the extremist group Proud Boys and broke a Capitol window with a police shield, said in a filing that his client’s incarceration has placed his wife and two children in desperate financial straits. … As a procession of rioters ended up before federal judges, some issuing apologies before they got to court, it was impossible to discern who was sincerely sorry and who was expressing contrition in a preemptive bid for leniency from the court. … Among the rude awakenings: No plea deals yet, though they may be in the works. Given it was an attack on what many regard as the citadel of American democracy, the sentiment among prosecutors, judges and the public at large, at least for now, isn’t exactly lenient.”

All these MAGA moron f***tards deserve to be ruined along with their families! I hope the family breadwinners go to jail for decades and force their families into poverty! I just don’t give one G.D. f*** about these morons or their loved ones. And of all the criminals in all the country getting prosecuted for any crime, these traitors deserve absolutely no leniency, no plea deals, and not a single G.D. consideration of mitigating circumstances. These MAGA morons should be found guilty of all and every charge against them and they should be given the maximum sentences to run consecutively. As far as I am concerned, these MAGA morons are no longer a part of this society; they revoked their participation the second they breached the Capitol whether they intended to or not, whether they simply wandered through breached doors, or whether they engaged in violence or not. It’s all the same to me. There is no difference between the people assaulting cops or the wanderer taking selfies; the only difference is the charges against them, but their guilty is all the same.

Then there is the snowflake issue, which galls me more than anything! I say this: If they can’t do the time, then they shouldn’t do the crime! It’s that f***ing G.D. simple, f***tards! Amazing how those screaming snowflake are always the biggest m*****f***ing G.D. snowflakes of them all. As usual, it’s always these conservative and MAGA moron snowflakes that go around screaming how they want their freedoms, usually at the expense of others’ freedoms. Not only that, but conservatives want their freedoms to include being able to tell other people what they can or cannot do (e.g., abortion, gay marriage), especially those actions that only offend their sensitivities (snowflakes!), but don’t actually impact them directly — no one is forcing straight men to marry each other. These MAGA moron traitors are the ones running around screaming my way or the highway, while those who can’t stand it are snowflakes. But now they are facing the full force of the law and all of a sudden they are the victims. They are the snowflakes melting under the pressure. They are the weak morons who want help and leniency. So much for pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, as they so often expect others to do. But never them. They want others to help them or others to take the fall or others to pay the price. It’s never their fault. No, I’m f***ing over it! These people are traitors and truly deserve a traitor’s punishment. Full! F***ing! Stop! No mercy!

The Georgia Voter Suppression Model: Death of America’s Democracy and People Don’t Care

From CNN, “Former President Donald Trump’s campaign of lies about a stolen election just delivered a huge victory with a new Georgia law that could suppress the votes of many of the citizens who helped eject him from the White House.” This opening line of the CNN article says it all, and make no mistake: The RepubliKKKlan Party is still firmly in the grip of traitor trump. Arizona will follow suit as will other red states in an effort to maintain their grip on minority power, and, of course, no one cares. Mark my words, morons. These new efforts to further suppress a free and fair democracy are falling on deaf ears. While the MSM may be highlighting red states’ efforts to eliminate democracy, most people are too stupid to understand or care that America’s democracy is dying. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times. Traitor trump’s win was the beginning of the end because a truly, truly stupid citizenry looked at that f***tard and said I want him to be leader of America and the free world. Then in 2020, 10 million more people voted yes for traitor trump, the failed dictator wannabe, after living through the previous four years of disaster. I mean how can a country with this level of stupidity survive? It can’t! So, why should any of us be surprised by and expect anything less from the RepubliKKKlan Party, which feels emboldened to limit voting rights? Not only emboldened but also successful. If traitor trump’s presidency has proved anything, it is that people really don’t want a well-functioning democracy. Voting for Democrats only to fix the country after RepubliKKKlans have f***ed everything up (e.g., the recession caused by Bush I followed by Clinton, the Great Recession caused by Bush II followed by Obama, and America’s completely botched pandemic response thanks to idiot traitor trump and MAGA morons followed by Biden) is not a well-functioning Democracy! It’s already too late, f***tards. Not sure why I even bother with these posts.

Normally, I would say despite whatever obstacles RepubliKKKlans devise to suppress minority votes dumbass Democrats need to work doubly hard to overcome them, however unfair they may seem. Voter ID requirements? Fine. Then Democrats mobilize statewide efforts to get every Democratic voter the right IDs. Closed polling places in minority neighborhoods? Fine. Motivate and prepare Democratic voters to wait for hours, if need be. Bring food and water because apparently with the new law if it’s not your own then someone is breaking the law. (OMG. I can’t anymore with the stupid! I just can’t! It hurts!) Restricted voting hours, early voting, and voting access? Fine. Get the Democratic Party to go out into the affected neighborhoods and get voters to develop a plan to vote. If that requires voting on a day off work or requesting time off or calling in sick, then so be it! All these things can be worked around or through. But! But the true death null of democracy in Georgia’s voter suppression law is the prerogative of the RepubliKKKlan-led legislature to “allow the State Election Board to take over county election boards that it deems need intervention. Skeptics say that will allow Republican officials to decide which ballots count in majority Democratic areas, such as Fulton County,” according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. In short, this new law allows the state to determine (overturn) local election results. The end! It’s the end of democracy as RepibliKKKlans will surely impose their will in Democratic districts. Too many Democrats won in that county? No, no! Something must be wrong in that county. There must be fraud. So, the RepubliKKKlan-controlled legislature will be able to step in by installing their own minions to “fix” things ala traitor trump’s original request to find more votes. Georgia will never be blue-ish again. This is how dictatorships slowly acquire and secure power. And no one cares! All the other provisions of the law are a pain in the a** or just a demonstration of RepubliKKKlan cruelty, but the alibility of the legislature to step into local elections and overrule voters’ choices is the real threat.

And make no mistake about it. These Georgia provisions are likely SCOTUS proof, especially given the current composition of Supreme Court Justices. The conservative supermajority — I blame dumbass Democrats completely for this! — has already signaled that states are allowed to conduct elections as they see fit. The Court ended preclearance required by the Voting Rights Act of 1965, with Chief Justice Roberts claiming the South has “changed dramatically” — apparently for the worse, but he’s OK with that — so federal oversight of states that have a history of suppressing voter rights was no longer needed. Again, another reason why traitor trump’s SCOTUS picks were catastrophic for America, but, of course, no one cares, let alone understands what SCOTUS actually is or why it’s so important! Yup! America’s democracy is f***ed and no one cares because U.S. Senators would rather kill federal voter protection legislation to preserve the filibuster. Mark my words, f***tards. I have said that I support killing the filibuster only if Democrats had the drive and ruthlessness to hold power, which would mean passing H.R. 1 legislation, but they can’t (won’t) because they are feckless and keep expecting RepubliKKKlans to want to cooperate and do the right thing, but that is never going to happen. Whatever! I give up! Red states are in overdrive to suppress voters. And dumbass Democrats and voters, alike, will allow them to do so without very much of a fuss; it will be a lot of sound and fury. How can I be so sure? Dumbass Democrats failed to step up at every point to protect voters’ rights as America’s democracy slides further and further into authoritarian rule. For years, RepubliKKKlans have been rolling back voters’ rights and accessibility by means of “a thousand cuts” and Democrats do nothing but be “concerned” and feign outrage, while actually doing nothing substantive or at the very least failing to meet RepubliKKKlan cut-throat tactics with equal Democratic cut-throat measures. They just can’t seem to get motivated, organized, and agitated enough to win at state and local levels where the ability to protect voters’ rights really matters. Guess what dumbass Democrats? Voting every four years does not cut it. Democracy does not survive on mercurial participation. Welcome to stupid America. We get the government we deserve and apparently we like a government where the minority political party holds more power than the majority — always!

Eh, whatever! No one cares. America is too stupid to care! No worries, morons. Go back to your inconsequential social media fixations, and don’t be surprised when traitor trump wins in 2024. (Traitor trump is never going to jail nor will he ever be convicted of anything that prohibits his re-election prospects.) Mark my words, f***tards. RepubliKKKlans are fixing all the mistakes that lead to traitor trump losing the last election, and just to be clear: The margin of votes Biden won in three key swing states (WI, GA, and AZ) that determined Biden’s win in the Electoral College was less than the margin of votes that traitor trump won in three key swing states (PA, WI, MI) to defeat Hillary in the Electoral College — 43 thousand versus 70 thousand. Moreover, the popular vote margin for Biden was greater than the margin for Hillary against traitor trump. So, the popular vote was a greater blowout for Biden, but the votes in those key swing states were closer. Think about that for a second! That! My friends is the real sickness and disfunction of American democracy! As I said, it was a f***ing G.D. miracle that Biden won, because if Biden had lost PA, WI, AZ, then the Electoral College count would have been tied and the U.S. House would have re-elected traitor trump because they vote by state delegation (not by headcount), and once again I have to keep saying it until I’m blue in the face: There are more red states than blue states by tortured RepubliKKKlan design, but no one cares because no one is paying attention until it’s too late. See, RepubliKKKlans think about all these political minutiae because they are ruthless and calculating, and trust me when I say that RepubliKKKlans won’t make the same mistakes twice. Dumbass Democrats, on the other hand, just go with the flow. Right down the political tubes. Bidens prevaricating on killing the filibuster is example A of a weak Democratic Party! Whatever! It’s only American democracy on the line. Welcome to stupid America!